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Chapter 520

 Yin Subin: "Cheng's mid laner Camille really played perfectly and carried the game with a perfect performance. Will you consider continuing to serve as the mid laner in the future?"

Lin Cheng shook his head: "There are many traditional mages that I am not good at. I will still focus more on the top lane."

Yin Subin: "Concentrate more on the top lane... If I understand correctly, Cheng Cheng is not opposed to continuing on the middle lane?"

Lin Cheng: "Of course! Although I am not very good at some mage heroes, if the lane change is more conducive to the progress of the game, I can also appear in the middle. After all, not only traditional mages can play the mid lane."

In the lounge.

The KT fools who were gathering to watch Lin Cheng's interview made some strange noises.

Aiming poked Kuro's arm: "Brother Shiheng! This guy Lin Cheng wants to usurp the throne. Just let him play mid lane once. He actually wants to occupy your throne in the future."

Bono was also angry: "I must teach this guy a lesson. I'll treat him to a sandwich for supper tonight. How about you add some hot sauce to him? The hot sauce my aunt puts in the refrigerator is super spicy."

Tusin: "No! Lin Cheng eats chili too much. It would be better to add mustard. I will provide the mustard, Li Shiheng, you will take revenge?"

Kuro pouted.

According to Lin Cheng's stingy character, if he really wanted to do this, the guy would have to steal the toilet paper from him while he was going to the toilet.

These guys obviously wanted to harm Lin Cheng, but they didn't dare to do it themselves and wanted to use themselves as their spearmen.

So Kuro nodded and said carefully: "I have long seen that this guy is rebellious and wants to take my throne. Later, you will help me teach Lin Cheng a lesson, and I will make you the crown prince."

"...Fuck him! He wants to take advantage of us!"

Everyone was stunned at first, and then they all ran into a rage, pressing Kuro on the sofa and rubbing him.


I didn’t know that Kuro was brutally beaten in the lounge and Lin Cheng’s interview continued.

Yin Subin: "Regardless of whether Cheng will continue to play mid lane in the future, in our opinion, today's Camille perfectly played the role of a mid lane hero, with support everywhere and a non-stop rhythm.

It seems that your Qinggang Shadow can provide stronger support in the early stage when walking in the middle lane than in the top lane. How do you evaluate this yourself? Compared to the top lane, some people feel that Camille will perform better in the mid lane position.


"Better? That's not true! I don't think that going mid or up will make my performance better or worse. It's just that I pay more attention to the lane or support."

Lin Cheng paused: "When I appear on the top lane, I am the best top laner. When I walk in the middle lane, I am the nightmare of all mid laners."


"Fuck! As expected of you, Kuang Xiaocheng!"

"Is this something a human being can say?"

"Brother Chengzi will milk himself to death sooner or later. He will poison his milk every chance he gets, for fear that his resistance will be high enough."

"New Bible: If I appear in the top lane, I am the best top laner. If I walk in the middle lane, I will be the nightmare of all mid laners."

"Make the key points! Memorize them."

"It's indeed a nightmare! Brother Li's dreams at night are all about Qinggang Ying's flying jio!"

"To be honest, Brother Cheng has excellent laning ability, and his support awareness is also excellent. He is indeed top-notch in both hitting and hitting."


"Wow~~~~You are indeed a player from Cheng. This confidence is unparalleled."

CT and Huang Dongjun laughed cheerfully beside them, and Yin Subin quickly took the opportunity to look down at the card.

He almost couldn't stand it.

Yin Subin: "In the second game, your Qinggang Shadow got the luxurious data of 13 kills. Which one is the most impressive to you? It was the moment when you realized that 'you are great'."

Lin Cheng thought for two seconds: "It should be the time when I single-killed Zoe at level 6. I seized that opportunity accurately, and in order to develop better, the single-kill before going home for the first time is the most important."

CT: "That solo kill was really exciting. Did you deliberately go up to give Zoe a chance to take action? Your reaction to avoid the flying stars was really amazing."

Lin Cheng: "Yes, I guessed Zoe's position and went up to give it a try."

"This deliberate plan is too bold. You must know that Qinggangying's health at the time will be instantly killed by Zoe's Q skill. Will it be a lot of pressure to make such a decision with the ID of Faker?"

Mr. Huang Dongjun is worthy of being a Tie Keza, but he still asked many questions that talented mid laners will face.

In the past few years, almost every talented mid laner who has high hopes has been asked the question "Will there be pressure facing Faker?"

Lin Cheng: "Pressure? There is no pressure at all. I often do this on the top lane. The one who should be under pressure is the opponent."

"Fuck! You don't give me any face, do you?"

"Haha! I'm no longer a human being, I don't even say anything in the scene."

"Brother Chengzi: Pressure? Bullshit! I always hit the opponent. Are you asking him if he feels pressure?"

"To be honest, although Brother Li is a god, Brother Chengzi is the strongest player in the opponent's lane. Is it normal for the opponent to be under pressure?"

"Indeed! Who can't stand up against Brother Chengzi now? Want to use ID to bully someone?"

"369 was beaten to the point where he went back to see a psychiatrist for the second time. This shows how much pressure Brother Cheng has from his enemies."


Yin Subin: "If the second game showed unparalleled rhythm driving ability, then in the third game Cheng showed his strong team fighting ability.

However, in the third game, many heroes commonly used by Cheng players were sent to the BAN position, did it have any impact on you?"

"It's not a big problem."

Lin Cheng is very confident: "I know a lot of heroes, and it's useless to target me."

Yin Subin: "So you are very satisfied with your performance today? Is there anything that you feel is a pity?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "I'm fine myself, but it's a pity for my teammates' performance. If Park Rong Hyuk doesn't order that fruit, I will die one less time."

The incident happened during an encounter in the jungle. Originally, Lin Cheng's Kennen could escape after killing everyone, but Tusin secretly ordered some fruit from behind and blew him back.

At that time, he clearly turned his head and saw the coquettish curve at the corner of Tusin's mouth.

Lin Cheng felt it was necessary to come down and have a good discussion with his teammates to see if they had any opinions on him.

After the interview, Lin Cheng returned to the lounge and saw his teammates gathered around sharing snacks.

Kuro was sitting alone in the corner of the sofa, looking depressed.

Lin Cheng approached curiously, "Li Shiheng, what's wrong with you? Are you being sharpened by them?"

Kuro ignored the topic and instead pointed to the cell phone he had left on the table: "Your phone rang just now."

Lin Cheng then put aside his curiosity and took the phone to look at it.

It's Zheng Shiyan's call.

Lin Cheng quickly dialed back.

"Sister Shiyan..."

After a while, Lin Cheng hung up the phone and asked for leave from his coach.

"It's still raining outside, won't you go back with us?"

Kang Dongxun was a little surprised and didn't say much after receiving Lin Cheng's confirmation.

"Okay, please pay attention to your own safety. Tomorrow happens to be Friday. You can go back to the club next week."

KT only has one game this week, and the next game is six days later. Kang Dongxun readily agreed to Lin Cheng's request for leave.

This chapter has been completed!
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