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Chapter 549 KT is always a good brother of T1

 Yin Subin: "Now let's talk about the second game. There are really too many wonderful shots in this game. Player Cheng's Riven completed a wave of extremely extreme single kills at level one. Can you please help?

Shall we explain this shot?”

As Yin Subin finished speaking, the director reduced the screen of the connection between the two parties, and the screen began to play back Lin Cheng Ruiwen's first-level solo kill.

As a result, Lin Cheng was stunned for several seconds without speaking. After completing the solo kill, he said briefly and concisely: "This wave~~~This wave is a solo kill."

Yin Subin smiled: "Don't say such natural things."

Lin Cheng explained: "Because I am used to memorizing the opponent's skill CD when online, I probably guessed that Camille's passive was already good, so I deliberately took a step back and then suddenly flashed the flat A to ensure the kill, but he couldn't react.

It’s normal to come.”

Yin Subin: "So what about the wave of solo kills at 5 minutes? What is the key to level 3 Riven's solo kill of level 5 Camille?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "The key to this wave is not me. Maybe it's because the Nuguri player seemed more confident after seeing me being caught to death twice, so he suddenly started to give it away."

Yin Subin: "Well~~~ It was indeed player Nuguri who played too aggressively, so I was given the opportunity. Of course, player Cheng's operation was also great."

Lin Cheng nodded quickly.

Look! People who are hosts are different.

Low emotional intelligence: The other side is giving me a gift.

High emotional intelligence: Nuguri plays aggressively.

Yin Subin: "You are also a very good Camille player. What do you think of Nuguri player's Camille?"

Lin Cheng felt a little regretful: "His Camille still has some details that need to be improved, but there is one thing he does better than me?"


Lin Cheng is very true: "He is better at swinging than me! Within a minute, the jungler came to help him catch the mid laner and came again. To be honest, I am not as good as him in playing Camille."

"You're laughing so hard! I'm starting to get weird."

"Disgusting, right?"

“Brother Chengzi is so ‘not as good’ as he seems to be very spiritual (funny)”

"Brother Cheng: The opponent tried to capture me twice and I killed him alone, which further proves that I am powerful."

"Brother Cheng Qinggangying seems to be using his own advantage. Even if he shakes people, he doesn't shake them twice a minute."


Yoon Subin: "Now that KT has secured a ticket to the finals, the remaining two games will actually have an impact on the situation of other teams in the playoffs. Will KT make more tactical adjustments in the subsequent games?"

Yin Subin asked very tactfully. In fact, he just asked whether KT would play tricks on others in the following games.

KT's substitute players have not come up to play in the summer split. Not to mention the two substitute top laners, the substitute jungler Marlang came up to practice and it seems that he can be more prepared for the World Championship.

After all, Marlang's jungle style is extreme, and it might be really effective at critical moments in the World Championship. It makes sense to come up and practice in insignificant games.

The next two games don't matter to KT, but they really have a big impact on the playoff situation.

Especially for T1.

KT's opponents in the next two games are DRX and GEN·G. These two teams are ranked third and fourth in the standings respectively.

After replacing the new mid laner, T1 has achieved five consecutive victories and ranks fifth in the standings, only one win behind DWG and GEN·G.

Once KT defeats these two teams, T1 only needs to win two games to reach third place in the standings.

You know, the third place in the regular season entering the playoffs will start from the second round, and there will also be a guarantee of 40 World Championship points.

As the runner-up in the spring split, T1 will have 70 points. If it ranks third in the regular season, it will have a guaranteed 110 points.

In this way, if KT wins the Summer Split again, T1 will have a great chance to directly become the second seed in the LCK to participate in the World Championship with a points advantage.

Because currently it seems that besides KT, the other LCK team entering the summer finals is likely to be DWG.

However, DWG ranked fifth in the spring split and only had 10 points. As long as they did not win the summer split, they would only have a total of 100 points.

Once this happens, T1 will only need to compare points with GEN·G, which is ranked third in the spring split.

In response to Yin Subin's question, Lin Cheng thought for a while: "The tactical aspect is an issue that the coaching staff needs to consider, but no matter what the tactical arrangement is, we will go all out to win the game."

Next to him, Guangshi drawled his voice: "Oh~~~ I think if the current T1 players were watching the interview, they would definitely give player Cheng a thumbs up."

Lin Cheng raised his lips slightly: "Before this year, KT always helped T1 at critical moments. Although T1 has never helped KT once, but this time we don't mind continuing to help T1... Well~~~ That's it


If he hadn't braked in time, Lin Cheng would have almost added: Only trash needs help from others.

The three hosts couldn't help but clapped and laughed.

T1 fans at the Korean Open were no longer upset and praised Lin Cheng’s spirit of fair competition.

"Nice! Just by saying this, I will support KT in the next two games."

"Although this person is very annoying, his strength is incredible."

"Great! KT will always be T1's good brother."

"It's so true! T1 fans were so sarcastic just now, but they immediately started cheering for KT?"

"If KT really defeats GEN·G and DRX, our news agency will be good brothers for a while."

"Damn it! Back then T1 almost tricked us into sneaking into the secondary league. I wanted to kill those bastards."


After applauding, CT couldn't help but joke: "Although player Cheng doesn't mind helping T1, aren't you worried at all? T1 in the playoffs can burst out with incredible energy. Last summer

They won the championship four times in one match and made history.”

"No matter how mysterious T1 is, they can't win with me here."

Lin Cheng is very serious: "In fact, I also hope that they can continue to fight back. Every time we win the telecommunications war, the club staff will be very happy, and the aunt in the cafeteria will prepare delicious food for us. If there is a chance, I want to continue

Beat them in the final."

Lin Cheng's words are not false. The cafeteria aunt has worked in the club for several years. In the past, the old captain Score often complained to the cafeteria aunt about how hateful the guys in SKT were, and she always stumbled KT at critical moments.

After hearing more, the aunt in the cafeteria also felt the same way as the players. The aunt who defeated T1 in the last round even prepared a very sumptuous dinner.

Hearing what Lin Cheng said, Yin Subin suddenly asked: "Does your mobile phone use KT?"


Lin Cheng was caught off guard and hesitated for two seconds, "Actually... I use SKT's."

Yin Subin held back her laughter: "Me too."

This chapter has been completed!
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