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Chapter 567 Not Ban Lu Xian? Shaobing

   Not only Lin Cheng and Niu Bao were embarrassed, but also the players from both sides who appeared later were also embarrassed.

 Canyon and Bono started laughing non-stop as soon as they came on. Canyon's chubby look with squinted eyes made the audience in front of the screen couldn't help but express their happiness.

 Finally, Canyon mustered up the courage to say: "Brother! We will definitely defeat you. Only in this way we don't have to go to the bubble match."

  Bono: “Ah~~~What nonsense are you talking about? Your most trustworthy top lane when facing others does not seem to pose any threat to us.”

“But we not only have a carry in the top lane, we also have a Showmaker in the middle lane, and your middle lane can only mix.”

 Canyon plucked up the courage to finish speaking, and couldn't help but add: "I'm sorry, can you apologize to Kuro for me?"

Bono, who was about to retaliate, didn't hold back and laughed.

 It was the turn of the two mid laners to have a video connection. Showmaker came up and said: "Wow~~~ I have never seen you so close. It's really amazing."

Kuro blushed, turned around and laughed, "What the hell, why are these words so weird?"

Xu Xiu then expressed her admiration for the old-timers, and Kuro said that the future is yours.

The chat mode of brothers, friends and brothers does not have the atmosphere of trash talk at all.

 Tusin was a little stunned in the end.

  Tusin said at the beginning that he cannot sit for long periods of time due to weight issues, and he waited ten minutes for Beryl to connect to the video, so their video connection could not last for a long time.

Beryl immediately apologized, but Tusin did not forgive him and said that he would send DWG away at 3:0 in the final so that he would not have to sit for a long time.

 What’s weird is that Beryl actually subconsciously replied with a thank you.

Even Tusin couldn't hold himself any longer now.

You said you were going to beat the opponent 3:0, and the opponent even thanked you.

How can you say such rubbish?

 “Outrageous! The most boring trash talk in history. It’s obviously a business blowback.”

“These guys are too polite, 23333.”

“Is it okay to apologize to the other person in the middle of your harsh words?”

“Who can say trash talk in person?”

 “G2 requests to go to war.”

“Originally, Brother Cheng was going to complete the killing blow! Unfortunately, Niu Bao licked him when he came up, so Brother Cheng couldn’t do it either.”


 After the trash talk, the director gave a comparison of the statistics of the two teams.

 In terms of team data, except for the degree of bloodshed and game end time, KT ranked first in the league in all eight other key data.

Probably because the top laners of both sides have been compared too many times, the data comparison of the key players in this game has been given to the jungle position.

 Canyon’s data is much more luxurious than Bono’s.

  First in KDA data, first in damage conversion rate, first in average damage, first in jungle invasion rate, first in 15-minute matchup wild knife difference.

 This is the result delivered by the strongest wild core player in the LCK.

Ze Yuan: "Comparing the jungle data of the two sides, you can see how good Canyon's carry ability is this season. His Leopard Girl even scored the only jungle five-kill in the LCK league this season."

  Remember: “Relatively speaking, Bono’s data is not that eye-catching due to KT’s playing style, but Bono’s resource control 15 minutes ago was still better.

For KT, it is enough for Bono to do this, because they are not a jungle core team that relies on jungler carry, and Bono took on the task of starting the rhythm 15 minutes ago."

Since DWG played one more playoff game against GEN·G, the director later added another board to make up for Canyon’s playoff data.

“Canyon’s statistics in the semifinals were much more luxurious than those in the regular season, with a KDA of 13, an average point output of 596, and a CS difference of 36 in 15 minutes…”

Halfway through, Zeyuan couldn't help but raise his voice: "Clid, what are you doing? You're more than thirty dollars behind in the jungle position in 15 minutes? No, how can you be so far behind just by farming? I remember half

Didn't Clid do anything before the final?"

 “He is in a hurry. He is in a hurry.”

“The senior colonel has broken the defense! 23333.”

 “It’s hard work for a senior college student, too. Even after watching the finals, we still have to be defeated.”

“Clid’s semi-finals were really outrageous, and Canyon’s data went crazy.”

“The director is deliberately disgusting, right? Why do you want to release the data of DWG’s fight against GEN·G?”


Just as the commentators from all sides were analyzing the pre-match situation, the players from both sides had already checked the equipment at their respective bases, and the on-site referee communicated and confirmed and signaled the start of the match.

 Both parties enter the BP stage.

 Because KT had a higher ranking in the regular season and could choose sides first, KT chose the blue side in the first game.

 As soon as KT came up, the first BAN position was given to Pan Sen.

In this version where tool men are prevalent in the bottom lane, the routine of Kasha and Pantheon, a cluster-blade in the Korean server's bottom lane, has suddenly emerged recently.

These two heroes are so powerful in the early stage that they can't stand the bot lane of fighting with the other side.

 And it just so happens that Beryl is the best auxiliary Pantheon user in the LCK. Even if it is not paired with Kai'Sa, most teams are not willing to give it to DWG Pantheon at the end of the league.

High damage, stable point control, the shield can easily resist tower jumps, and the ultimate move can provide quick support. These characteristics make Panson suitable for both mid and support positions.

If Pan Sen walking in the middle is a bit useless in the late stage, but the support position can maximize Pan Sen's ability to cooperate with his teammates in the early stage. Anyway, the damage of this hero in the early stage is actually different between playing in the support position and walking in the solo lane.

Not too much.

 Red DWG backhandedly disabled Sword Girl.

 From spring to summer, all LCK teams have reached a consensus: Lin Cheng’s Sword Girl cannot be released.

Even if Lin Cheng later showed no obvious tendency to choose Sword Girl, most teams were still unwilling to let go of this hero when facing KT.

 Zefa himself is a relatively conservative coach. Unless he communicates with Mike before the game, there is no reason to mess around at critical moments.

  KT was given a card in the second BAN slot.

 Xu Xiu can be said to be the best mid laner in the LCK this season. Although Kuro's card is also good, it is obviously not to the point where the blue side can grab it.

The red side banned Sett in the second move. This hero has played in all four lanes of KT. The red side’s opponents are really not easy to play.

 It was KT's third-hand BAN turn, and Kuro, who was supposed to make a choice, seemed a little hesitant.

Lin Cheng: "Lucian! BAN Lucian!"

Kuro teased: "Hey! Lin Cheng, are you afraid of facing Lucian? Didn't you say you're not afraid of playing against long-handed heroes?"

 Lin Cheng: "Who said I'm afraid of Lucian on the road? I'm afraid that you'll be beaten by Lucian. Yesterday I met Xu Xiu in RANK and he has been playing Lucian."

 Kuro said stiffly: "I'm not afraid of Lucian. I haven't lost against Lucian this season."

“Showmaker is in good condition, you have lost points for three days, don’t be stubborn.”

Yesterday, Xiumei defeated Chaowei in the middle. If Kuro still feels good today, he may not be able to withstand it. Lin Cheng feels uncertain.

“No time! Why don’t you BAN Lu Xian? Shaobing!”

In desperation, Lin Cheng broke out in Chinese.

This chapter has been completed!
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