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Chapter 576 Don't give a chance! Suffocating operation

 "Hey! Akali ran to chase Senna, who was at low health. The bear was guarded by the endless guards under the tower. No one cares about Aiming! The crocodile can still dodge! Only a low-health Karma can't protect Ashe at all.

,Ai Xi is going to be killed...?"

Just as Qiyana entered the field, Zeyuan's tone suddenly changed: "No! Ai Xi was not killed! Brother Chengzi! It's him again! Qiyana pushed three times with her ultimate move, and the DWG exploded!"

Remember: "It's so dangerous! Orange Brother came too soon. If he were any slower, Ashe and Karma, who were still alive, would die. This is the key to the TP difference in the top lane. KT's seemingly reckless Five-Four-Four turned out to be a

We killed everyone on the other side without anyone dying."

Zeyuan: "Niu Bao! I just watched Qiyana's position for a long time. I didn't notice it before Brother Chengzi ran up to the front and severely injured his teammates. Brother Chengzi is really excellent at grasping the opportunities of the situation.


Remember: "Indeed! We always focus on Brother Cheng's laning and operation, but as a top laner, Brother Cheng also grasps the timing of TP and entry time very well.

Just now, Ornn and Qiyana were pushing each other in the bottom lane. Even if the Leopard Girl's Q hit the front of Karma DWG, she didn't dare to start a team battle. She was guarding against Qiyana's TP, but she happened to have no troops in the top lane.

Qiyana is TP, no one would have thought of this."

"This Qiyana looks like a ghost! It's so scary."

"Brother Orange is so good at assassination! His Akali is also very good."

"Compared to Kuro's Akali, she's just here to show off her cuteness. She flashes to pick up the sheep, chases a low-health Senna and loses her teammates."

"Kuro, don't play Akali next time, let Brother Chengzi do it, you can't control it."

"This five-for-four is too reckless! You can't even do it with silver, right? They really succeeded."

"Are you talking about you? We can do it with four or five pieces of silver."

"Fart! Only four packs of five? I am silver, and I am always looking for a one-to-five opportunity."

"Silver: Brother! I'll play Yasuo and give me a chance to play one against five."

After killing four enemies, the army line arrived. The five men from the blue side easily demolished the second tower on the upper road with their army line, and then pushed up to the high ground on the upper road.

At this time, the resurrection time was more than half a minute. The five KT players pushed together very quickly. They even removed the crystals on the top road high ground before retreating collectively.

The upper half of the field of view had been scanned by KT before. The resurrected crocodile did not move around the back, and DWG had no chance to keep the opponent.

Because they were guarding a second tower, not only did four of DWG's people die, but they also lost the high ground. This wave really hurt my grandma's family.

Now the economic gap between the two sides has exceeded 7,000.

You know, when KT lost the second vanguard team battle, the economic gap between the two sides was actually not that big.

Inexplicably, DWG took a small dragon and knocked down three towers in the middle lane. Then, the four players on the top lane were killed by five of their opponents over the towers, and the three towers on the top lane were also dropped.

KT is not a team that gives its opponents a chance to develop due to its advantages. After returning to the city to replenish supplies, they wait until the key ultimate move is good and then directly group up with five people and press them in the middle.

They didn't take the initiative to start a team, but sent their troops to the opponent's high ground in the middle lane. When the top lane troops came over, KT's entire team covered Han Bing to remove the crystals in the middle lane.

There was pressure from super soldiers on the top lane, and the red side did not dare to mess around when they had to defend separately. They watched helplessly as the crystal in the middle lane was pulled out.

The middle lane was also broken, and the pressure on the red side's troops was too great.

Kuro handed over TP to lead the bottom lane, and all KT players immediately turned down and easily destroyed the second tower in the bottom lane.

Then everyone presses into the high ground in the bottom lane.

On the high ground, Qiyana doesn't have much room to play, and KT doesn't rely on its advantage to do anything random, just waiting for the pressure from the two super soldiers in the middle and top lane.

The current KT is too stable, and it is not strong even when the equipment is crushing it, so the game must be played in the most stable way.

After all, neither Han Bing nor Qiyana has flashed, and the opponent's counterattack ability is indeed strong. It is still risky to insist on rushing to the high ground.

The Japanese girl used her ultimate move to immobilize Ai Xi from a distance, and Aiming Mercury solved it instantly.

Niu Bao's Ornn forced the sheep to start a team fight, but Karma used a group shield to speed up everyone's retreat.

The sheep's head only hit the most meaty bear, and DWG didn't dare to rush in and save the bear.

This wave of group launches failed, and the upper middle line of troops came again.

DWG has a deep understanding of what it means to be tired of defending, and they feel a little busy defending on their own high ground.

But no matter what, the red side had to divide its personnel to defend the super soldiers, so KT took advantage of the opponent's small number of players and slowly grinded out a few waves, and then defeated the opponent's bottom lane high ground and crystal without any bloodshed.

Even though they didn't even fight the Baron, KT continued to change lanes and used the forces involved to defeat the opponent in all three directions.

This is something that many teams cannot do to win the Baron.

KT's operation in this situation is too clear.

Ten minutes ago, DWG clearly won the Vanguard team battle and felt that they could still win.

Ten minutes later, KT only got four more heads, but all members of DWG were in jail at home.

DWG was very brave when playing against other teams, and the level of blood was high, but when facing KT, they were beaten without any energy. In this case, seeing that three lanes were broken, they could only wait for the opponent to turn around and take the baron to take a breather.

Even if Leopard Girl hits Ashe and Akali with two targets, Ornn and Sun Girl have no ultimate moves, and they have no means to start the team fight stably.

But KT didn't retreat at all and still crazily squeezed the opponent's defensive space.

All three lines of soldiers rushed to the red square incisor tower.

The DWG team is planning a desperate move.

Nuguri: "They want to make a move! My ultimate move will be ready soon. When my ultimate move is ready, they will fight."

Ghost: "Ice's HP is not high, so Renekton and Nidalee will find opportunities to kill Ice first."

Beryl: "I think Akali will definitely come to Chesena."

Showmaker: "We still have a chance! Don't give up."

However, just when DWG was determined to put it to death and survive, Lin Cheng took action first.

The essence of operations is to win the game. If you operate to the point where you can kill your opponent in one wave, you will never hesitate to recruit KT when you get the opportunity.

There was no need to play any fancy tricks with the opponent. The flash had already improved. After the red minion was refreshed, Lin Cheng's Qiyana directly adjusted the position of the minion with E and flashed with R.

The opponent really didn't expect that KT, who had been slutty for a long time and had been pushing the lane and letting the minions act as thugs, would suddenly attack.

Leopard Girl, Senna, and Crocodile were pushed directly to the main base.

The explosion began to spread.

You must know that all the members of the red side were leaning near the front tooth tower and preparing to fight. Now the explosion effect spread and stunned the Japanese girl next to them.

If Niu Bao hadn't activated W in time, Lin Cheng's ultimate move would have stunned five people.

Ashe takes action with her magic crystal arrow.

The bear jumps into the large shielded defense tower.

Akali waved her hands.

The red square explodes instantly.

DWG discussed a desperate wave for a long time, but it ended up being aborted. When Ornn's ultimate move was ready in three seconds, KT defeated the team and wiped out the team.

The blue side flattened the opponent's base and took a 1:0 lead.

This chapter has been completed!
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