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Chapter 661 The idea of ????protecting a father-type jungler (seeking a monthly ticket)

After driving the crocodile into the grass, Lin Cheng stood outside with a naughty Poro expression before turning around and leaving the wild area.

The middle line of troops was approaching, and Zoe, who was preparing to support, walked to the jungle and found that her opponent had fled, and then had no choice but to return to the line.

At this time, there was no way to return to the city, so 369 could only follow the minions online with about half of his health above his head.

He was almost at half health when he came up, and Lin Cheng felt that the opponent had collapsed.

He didn't know how he could lose in this kind of matchup.

"Kim Ki-bum! Look at me, look at me! Come up later and do something about it."

Since Lin Cheng took a detour from the wild area, the crocodile following the minion stopped in advance and QQed the minion to restore a small amount of health.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to show his face. He first hid in the grass in the river and waited for Crocodile Soldier A to gather some anger.

If you don’t give your opponent some capital, won’t your opponent become cowardly?

You can push the line of troops and build up your anger. How about having a battle like a real man?

After waiting for the opponent to push the line of soldiers for a few seconds, Lin Cheng fired a Q skill at the edge of the grass, then showed his head and circled the crocodile back to his own soldiers.

Seeing that Lin Cheng was not aggressive, 369 turned red with anger and did not show any cowardice.

Lin Cheng did not rush to grab the line with his A soldiers. He moved left and right and just used a knife to kill the remaining soldiers.

The duration of Shen's soul blade's enhanced attack reached 8 seconds. After Lin Cheng slashed this sword, the duration of the enhanced effect was almost over.

Just as the crocodile was about to recruit the last melee soldier, Lin Cheng took the opportunity to go up and slash at the crocodile at the last moment of the enhanced normal attack duration.

Although the blood volume is still only about 60% due to the lack of drugs, the crocodile's anger has turned red, and at this time, the blue side has five minions, and the red side has only three ranged soldiers.

Therefore, 369 is not afraid. The first reaction is to press forward and prepare for AQ.

But 369 found that it was too short.

Lin Cheng leveled his A and moved diagonally upward at the same time. The crocodile chased him from below for two steps but was unable to make a basic attack.

Shen's Q skill will increase the attack range by 75 points, allowing Shen's basic attack to reach 200 yards.

There is no one in the world who understands the concept of 200-yard attack distance better than Lin Cheng.

Because the sword girl's hand length is only 200 yards, the top laner who was driven crazy by Lin Cheng's sword girl can already form a very large-scale victim alliance.

Shen's Q skill level 1 CD is 8 seconds. Lin Cheng has already activated Q skill while retreating after A.

The soul blade flew back quickly.

As for 369, when he took two steps forward and found that he was out of reach, he chose to directly shoot the Red Fury Q, and then turned around and retreated.

However, just when Crocodile Red Fury Q was swung out, the soul blade flying back put a shield on Shen.

Most of the damage from Red Fury Q was blocked by the shield!

The strengthened soul blade increased Shen's attack range to 200. The crocodile just turned around and received a backhand blow from Shen before he could pull away.

Moreover, Lin Cheng's diagonal move towards the grass just now was very bad. 369's first attempt was to level A and pursue, just in time for the soul blade flying back from the grass in the river to rub against the crocodile's clothes.

The turning crocodile was slowed down. Shen, with the acceleration of his travel speed and the 50% attack speed bonus of his Q skill, easily slashed out the last two swords to strengthen the attack, and also triggered the Grasp of Immortality.

The crocodile's health is already less than one-third.

Shen was still chasing, 369 swallowed the blood bottle on his body and ran away with his head in his arms.

Lin Cheng then gave up the pursuit.

If he didn't chase him just now, Crocodile might have saved a bottle of medicine and retreated back to the city to hand TP online.

But his pursuit also forced away the opponent's blood bottle.

You must know that 369 only replenishes 3 knives, and the three melee minions add up to 63 yuan. After drinking a bottle of red medicine, these 3 knives are basically in vain.

After taking the drug, 369 thought about going back to the city, but halfway through he felt unwilling to do so.

I’ve already drank the red potion, and it’s too embarrassing to just go home like this.

Why don't we wait for the opponent to push the line?

Anyway, the male guns are about to come up, so I will gain some experience and wait for the troops to come over, which will be very safe.

So the crocodile canceled his return to the city and looked back again and again.

It turned out that Shen suddenly stood forward when the second wave of troops arrived and promoted 2, and 369 felt that he might be in danger, so he continued to huddle back and read back to the city.

Halfway through reading, grievances welled up in my heart, and the 369 Crocodile Return to the City was cancelled.

No! The more I think about it, the worse I get.

The director caught 369 jumping sideways repeatedly.

Remember: "Ouch! 369 seems to be very hesitant about whether to go back to the city. This is so uncomfortable."

957: "Hmm~ Maybe top laners have this experience. The first TP is really too important, and they don't want to hand it over easily. Moreover, the crocodile does have the ability to recover. If Shen pushes the troops over, there is still a chance to use Q to restore health.


Cat: "I'm telling the truth! Hurry up! If you don't, the troops are coming! This is KT 369. The opponent's jungler wishes he had been on the top lane since the second level."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the people and horses in the grass in the middle of the river starting to sprint.

As soon as the sprint started, the whole audience stood up.

Remember: "Is this a sprint? Bono seems to have made a mistake this time. The crocodile is outside the tower, and there is a flash. How can I catch it?"

957: "The troops are circling, but this is your route to get over the tower. How can you get over the tower if you haven't advanced the troops?"

Cat: "It is true that this line of troops is not easy to capture no matter how you look at it. You will be more confident when you play against an LPL team at the second level, right?"

Everyone is questioning Bono's sprinting operation.

The biggest reason why Lilia, the hunger striker in the group stage, was able to successfully capture the Duke at Level 2 was that Zo was on Lin Cheng's line.

However, in this game, the crocodile laid out a wave of troops and huddled in front of the tower, and Lin Cheng's Shen was unable to push the troops in quickly, so there was no situation where KT could gather a wave of troops to cross the tower.

In fact, although 369's operation of repeatedly jumping horizontally to cancel the return to the city seems silly, he has already communicated with Kaa, and the male gun who happened to be brushing in the upper half of the area can just come and squat when waiting for the troop line to enter the tower.

Kaa is experienced and knows when his opponent has the opportunity to jump over the tower.

But he could not have guessed how extreme Bono, a daddy-type jungler, was.

Knowing that your jungler will come in advance and counter-crouch, I will be one step faster than your jungler's counter-crouch!

You are on the fifth layer this time. You may think I am on the first layer, but in fact I am on the atmosphere!

When the men and horses circled towards the triangle grass, Lin Cheng's Shen began to press forward.

369 subconsciously retreated under the tower.

Shen suddenly turned around and prepared to repair the remaining health soldiers above.

The crocodile also turned back because a soldier on the red side was about to die, and he wanted to gain experience.

As a result, at this moment, Lin Cheng's Shen turned around and activated his E skill Shadow Binding.


Lin Cheng decisively flashed E, taunting the crocodile on the edge of the defense tower from a distance, and activated his Q skill at the same time.

369 found something was wrong.

A happy little pony has rushed into the defense tower from the blue square grass.

Bono turned into a wild horse, carrying the damage from the defense tower and rushing forward.

Before Shen's taunting time expired, the Centaur kicked the crocodile away from the direction of the defense tower and waved the weapon in his hand.

The crocodile is directly left with blood.


369 cross flash and want to enter the tower.

However, after being kicked away from the defense tower by the troops, the crocodile flashed and could not directly enter the tower.

Shen next to him has already triggered his travel speed, and if he approaches in two steps, he will be struck with a sword.


This chapter has been completed!
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