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Chapter 668 Sharp Sword, Sharp Eyes

  Remember: "As Taobao's base was cleared, we would like to congratulate KT for temporarily leading 1:0 in today's game."

  957: “I really didn’t expect that KT would come up with a carefully planned system in the first game and perform so well. It seems that this system was specially prepared by KT in the training matches.”

Cat: “I feel like Taobo dealt with too many problems. After the first wave of vanguards lost, Wuyue was killed by two more, and the entire Taobo rhythm was messed up. This kind of poke lineup relies heavily on vision, but

They are basically completely dark at key resource points.”

  "Taobo is so shameful! How can he still be the number one seed?"

“I was holding back at first, but suddenly I was hit with a wave of zero for four to kill the baron, and then I sent it.”

“Time seems to go backwards for Taoba. The first round of the group stage is the strongest, and then the games get better and better.”

 “The left hand started messing again! It has been messing hard since the World Championships.”

 “369 is also against the adoptive father, can Shen be a super god?”

“369 is the real deal from Brother Chengzi’s own son, and the gap between him and me is widened.”

 “Isn’t it Jack’s problem? He randomly loses dodge and then gets cut off from the baron. Once sent, it’s a big rhythm.”

 “Classic 0-7, monster 0-2.”

 “Cat King explained that Taobo basically never won.”

 “This is so funny! The players have finished blaming the commentators and now they start blaming the commentators?”

  The barrage in the Chinese live broadcast room is very real, and people started to share the blame and ridicule immediately after losing the game.

 Korean online streaming comment box.

   Lee Jung Hyun: "KT is still the invincible team! Although opponents rarely choose to use BP to target the jungle position crazily, KT clearly has PlanB! They have more ways to win the game."

CT: "Yes! Our inherent impression is that KT is good at playing around the top lane, or relying on double C to win the game, but this wave of no has become the fulcrum of the teamfight carry, and KT has become more difficult to target.


“Now is the best time to make up for the regrets of two years ago. We are extremely powerful and..."

Jin Zhixian’s words stopped for a moment.

Just in time, KT’s player seat appeared on the screen in the studio.

Lin Cheng took off his headphones, stood up with a calm expression and followed his teammates to leave the game.

 Pang Bono was talking slightly excitedly, seeming to be very satisfied with his performance.

Lin Cheng just smiled and turned to look at the camera behind him that was still facing him before leaving the stage.

This shot happened to appear on the broadcast screen.

 He is wearing a white KT uniform, tall and straight, and the ID on his back occupies the center of the screen.

Lin Cheng looked half sideways at the camera. His profile was tough and delicate, his eyes were confident but soft, and not aggressive. It seemed that the crazy Xiao Cheng who was full of talk had nothing to do with him.

 This picture has a very wonderful sense of beauty.

Realizing that his silence was a bit long, Jin Zhixian continued: "And... as everyone knows, we have the best top laner! It should be said that he is the best professional player this year. He

And KT will of course continue to move forward, as I have no doubt that KT will continue to win the next games."

 “Keep up the good work! Let’s make it to the finals in one go.”

 “We KT are invincible!”

“T1 has mocked us for so long, it’s time to win the trophy that belongs to KT.”

“KKKKK Chinese forums are saying that Cheng and Bono are Lu Bu + Red Rabbit.”

  “Wow~ the sister in the commentary box really likes Cheng.”

“Who doesn’t love Cheng like this? Signing him is simply the best decision KT’s cerebral palsy management has ever made.”

  The atmosphere of the Korean stream's barrage is much more relaxed than that of the Chinese stream. Except for the troubling atmosphere of some fans of teams who have not gone to the World Championships, generally speaking, the Korean Open barrage has become the home ground of KT fans.

 After a short break, both players soon took their seats again.

 The second round of BP begins.

 The loser chooses a side, and Taobo still chooses the blue side.

This round of Taobo once again changed the BP thinking. In addition to dropping Dao Mei in the BAN round, the other two BAN slots in the first round were given to Ice and Jhin.

On the red side, KT still assumed the BAN position of Lucian and the card, and in the third hand, Zoe was banned.

 This time Taobo chose to grab Senna.

Ah Shui was really brave in Senna in the group stage. This thing has long hands and can steal damage but can't jump in the face like EZ. If paired with another Tamu, it can perfectly avoid Shuizi's shortcoming of sudden death.

KT on the red side locked Syndra first, which was regarded as replacing BAN.

This hero is Knight’s signature hero, but he can also play well as a hero.

  KT chose Titan for the second Pik.

 Titan supports Xena and is also very effective against Tahm Kench.

 Knowing that your support wants to take Tahm Kench, I will choose Titan to counter you first.

Tao Bo was not intimidated, and still followed the established BP idea to win Tahm Kench on the second floor of the blue side, and then offered the male gun on the third floor, and continued to give Kaa the wild core.

  KT locked up the bear on the third floor.

 In the second round of BP, Taobo even BAN Seti and EZ.

KT’s BAN lost Clockwork and Ekko.

 Starting to select players, the red square directly locked Kai'Sa on the fourth floor.

Now that Ice, Jhin, and EZ have all been banned, Ai Ming simply took out Kai'Sa and paired it with Titan.

Although Kai'Sa's laning ability is not strong, it is enough for Kai'Sa, the Cluster Blade, to cooperate with her teammates to gank, and as long as Tu private hooks are accurate, the two of them will not necessarily go to jail during the laning period.

 Taobo locked Onga Seras with two hands in the end.

 Obviously, White Crescent has changed its mind and wants to force 369 to mix.

  Red side KT struggled with the last move for a long time.

Lin Cheng originally wanted to choose Kennen to fight in a team fight with the opponent, but with Tahm Kenn on the opposite side, it would be difficult for Kennen to kill the key C position even if he goes around the back. Moreover, he chose Kennen on the fifth floor to give Sylas a big move.

It's also a bit excessive.

 So after thinking for a while, Lin Cheng communicated with his teammates and asked Tupriven to finally lock Fiona, the Peerless Swordsman.

Sharp sword, sharp eyes, let’s fencing!

  Remember: "Sword Girl!!! This KT is for solo play! This is a sword show! I don't think about playing in a group anymore."

Cat: "To be honest, the current single version is not a good choice, and in my impression, Brother Chengzi has never used a Sword Princess."

  957: “However, the single belt is indeed something that the LCK team is good at. This game is a test for 369! Sword Lady’s single belt is difficult to control, so Ornn and his teammates must start the team from the front.”

 The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square TES:

 Top Road: 369 (Flame Hidden in the Mountain, Ornn)

Jungle: Kaa (Outlaw, Graves)

 Mid lane:Knight(liberator,Silas)

 Bottom lane: Jakeylove (Soul Purifier Holy Spear, Senna)

 Support: Yuyan (River King, Tahm)

 Red square KT:

 Top road: Cheng (Wushuang Swordswoman, Fiona)

Jungle: Bono (Immortal Crazy Thunder, Volibear)

 Middle: Pantsro (Dark Head of State, Syndra)

 Bottom lane: Ai Ming (Daughter of the Void, Kai'Sa)

 Auxiliary: Tu private (Abyssal Titan, Nautilus)

This chapter has been completed!
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