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Chapter 671 Cheng is still holding on!

  Lin Cheng’s ability to kill Ornn under a wave of towers is really impressive.

Every detail is perfect, and he has not given the opponent a chance to flash his Q.

Even after killing Ornn, his position under the tower allowed Sylas to flash for free, single-handedly bringing the number of flashes on both sides back to the same starting line.

 It's a pity that Lin Cheng didn't expect the male gun to arrive so quickly.

 Kaa immediately returned to the city after ganking below to brush the upper half of the jungle, just when Lin Cheng attacked Ornn.

 After killing Ornn, the Sword Lady chose an unconventional escape route. Although Silas saw that he could no longer pursue her, she bumped into a male gunner coming from the direction of the base.

At this time, the Poro expression on Sword Girl's head has not disappeared, and Kaa is not polite anymore, showing Jinx's grimace with his backhand, E comes up and directly stuffs the barrel of the gun into Sword Girl's mouth.

  The remaining health of Sword Girl was impossible to operate at all, and Lin Cheng sent KT the third kill in the game.

 The male gunman didn't care about killing too many wild monsters in this game, but he was able to pick up heads.

Remember: "After seeing the bad news spreading frequently, Brother Chengzi finally couldn't bear it! In front of the tower, he forcibly asked 369 for a blood exchange, and 369 was crushed by the details again... Wow!!! Can this be killed by force from the tower? It seems to be returned.

Did he run away?"

Cat: "Can you run? Kaa is here! Hey! Brother Chengzi flashed his face and thought that his show was successful. Unexpectedly, he hit the muzzle of the man's gun. Then this wave of fighting is still acceptable. The head is gone

Got a male gun.”

 Remember: "Haha! Brother Chengzi's expression turned on a little too early. Is this what happens when you open the champagne at halftime?"

957: "To be honest, it would be better if Sword Lady doesn't give kills to Ornn or Sylas. The male gun is the main output point of Taobo's lineup. If the male gun is too fat, it will be very troublesome for KT, and Sword

Ji Biandai will also be under pressure from male guns."

 “Fuck! I thought I was going to be shown off by Brother Chengzi again.”

“He almost got away with me this time, it was really a show.”

  “Brother Ka took off! How can a male gun lose with 3 kills in 4 minutes?”

 “Brother Cheng’s bright expression is really hilarious! You just finished playing the zither and you gave it to me for free.”

“369 is really good. In the early stage, I was killed by the Sword Lady by charging into the tower. If my teammates didn’t come to the road, they would have exploded.”

“It’s like it won’t explode when teammates come and hit the road.”


 At four minutes, a 3-0 male gun appeared on the opposite side, which the KT players did not expect. In this version, the jungler is the easiest position for Star City to crush, and now everyone feels the pressure.

However, there is currently no good way to reverse the situation. The bear is basically unable to do anything without dodge. The only one who can set the pace now is the Titan.

But now the bottom lane has no lane rights, and Tupriv can't leave Kai'Sa alone in jail in the lane, so KT can only develop peacefully on the third lane.

  369 probably also knows that being killed by jumping over the tower in the first wave is a bit unjustifiable, and it is just a turtle growing obscenely under the tower.

Lin Cheng had a good vision of the river, and he didn't dare to be too arrogant except for occasionally using explosives to rub the tapi. He had to be ready to run away at any time when the male gun was not exposed.

More than 5 minutes later, with the blue square pushing the lane, the male gun easily captured the first dragon.

At 8 minutes, the blue side starts the vanguard on time.

Although Ornn is unlikely to be single-killed when wearing his father's vest, he still does not dare to let Sword Girl frequently consume her to break open, so Lin Cheng's Sword Girl still has a clear lane advantage in the top lane.

KT, the vanguard, didn't want to let go, so he called the duo over to prepare for a strong defense.

   The KT duo came over early, and they wanted to create a time difference to make up for the equipment disadvantage.

However, when the level 5 Titan came over, Silas stole the ultimate move. Silas directly charged into the deep sea and forced out Sword Queen's W.

Ornn, who was approaching, called the sheep from a distance. After releasing W, the swordswoman was knocked into the air by the second stage sheep.

 The damage of the male gun combined with Ornn and Silas killed the Sword Queen in an instant.

Lin Cheng gave Silas his ultimate move before he died. Syndra saved the ball RE and cooperated with Kai'Sa who flew over to kill Silas in seconds, creating a blood recovery formation.

  It's a pity that KT's frontal four-on-two time was too short. Tahm and Senna arrived in time, and KT chose to let go of the vanguard.

 Because of this pioneer, Taobo won the first health tower in 12 minutes when he had lane rights in the bottom lane.

 The economic gap has reached 2,000, and the situation on KT’s field does not look optimistic.

The main reason is that the economic advantage is basically concentrated on the male gunner, and Lin Cheng's Sword Lady is not enough to penetrate Ornn from the side.

 Bono used his flash in the middle to forcefully find an opportunity to complete a one-for-one trade. After that, he didn’t dare to move because the kill was given to the male gun again.

  If you keep raising the male gun, you really won’t be able to fight him.

  The male gun is 5-0, and the head-to-head ratio on the field is 5:3. You can imagine how destructive this male gun is from the front.

But Bono didn't do nothing. When the bottom lane was pushed, he suddenly found an opportunity to steal the second dragon.

Moreover, even if Bono sacrifices the development of the jungle area, he will not forget to provide Lin Cheng with vision, allowing Lin Cheng Sword Princess to create pressure on the opponent.

Even though 369 is so wretched now, it would be difficult for Sword Lady to kill Ornn alone, but Lin Cheng still pulled out the blue outer tower early through excellent suppression.

 Due to the vision care of his teammates, Lin Cheng led the line very deep when he flashed.

Lin Cheng will run away when there are many people coming from the opposite side, and fight when there are few people coming across.

Kaa tried to cooperate with Ornn and caught a wave of Sword Queens pressing the line from the side.

  Although in a 5V5 battle, Sword Princess is likely to rush into the street without being able to touch anyone, she is very powerful in 1V1 and 1V2 battles.

Lin Cheng counterattacked and almost had a double kill when his equipment was lagging behind the men's guns. In the end, all three of them were left with residual health.

This time Taobo decided not to care about Sword Girl.

As long as Orn can clear the lane with the tower down, Sword Queen will not be able to carry her through the side lane.

 And they are very easy to fight from the front.

Just like this, Lin Cheng created crazy pressure on the wing, while his front-facing teammates tried their best to give Jian Ji a single lane.

  At 23 minutes, the fire dragon refreshes.

This is Taobo's draw card, Xiaolong, but after KT discussed it, they still let Lin Cheng split the lane on the top lane.

Silas has already stolen Setan's ultimate move in advance. As long as Lin Cheng joins the battle in Taobo, he will definitely target Sword Girl.

Just like before, as long as Lin Cheng goes to the front, he will be immediately targeted by the Deep Sea Blast stolen by Silas, and then Ornn's sheep will come.

Lin Cheng has no way to operate in this situation.

 In fact, Sword Girl can only enter the field from behind in a 5V5 team battle, but her teammates are at a huge disadvantage in this round.

With 4,000 gold behind at 23 minutes, KT’s biggest player is Lin Cheng’s Sword Girl. If he waits for his backhand to enter the teamfight, OB’s teammates may have been defeated in a few seconds.

 So his teammates tried to see if there was a chance to grab the dragon, and Lin Cheng continued to lead the way.

The top troop line has been pushed under the high ground. Lin Cheng hid behind and waited for a while, then found Ornn emerging to clear the line.

From the front, Bono used his ultimate move to jump into the dragon pit and try to grab the little dragon, but it was still too difficult for the level 11 bear to grab the dragon with the level 14 male gun, so Bono failed to fight.

 Everyone in Taobo except Ornn was there. Gou Xiong went in and used a stopwatch to delay for a while, but he was still killed in the dragon pit.

 At this time, a reminder came from the road.

 Swordswoman climbed up the tower and killed Ornn.

  369 carelessly ran out to clear the line, but Lin Cheng chased him to the high ground and completed the kill.

However, there is no chance to demolish the tower. Silas has already handed over TP to return to defense, so Lin Cheng can only withdraw.

 Although Ornn was killed, this wave did not threaten the defense tower and was not very profitable.

  On the contrary, it is Taobo Dragon Soul drawing card, and it will be difficult to play the next wave of Dragon Soul Group KT.

Liu’s explanations became more relaxed.

Remember: "369 was a bit careless in running out to clear the line in this wave, but fortunately Taobo took down the Fire Dragon. In the next wave, KT will probably be forced to take on 5V5 team battles again, but we have also seen them fight in 5V5 before.

However, although 369 was suppressed miserably, Ornn only needs one ultimate move in a team battle, and he has this fat gun to deal damage."

Cat: "To be honest, I don't know how Taobo lost this game. Their lineup has an advantage in teamfighting. The male gun in the front is too good. Even if Ornn doesn't come, the others will be 4V4, and KT can't fight in the front."

Even if the next wave of Sword Lady continues to steal the tower, it is enough for 369 to huddle under the tower and clear the lane. Regardless of the top laners of both sides, the advantage of head-on fighting is actually greater than the 4,000 gold."

  The Korean commentary box became a bit solemn.

CT: "It's rare! It's very rare for KT to fall into a huge disadvantage in the early and mid-term. This year they have played only a handful of disadvantaged games. This group of players who have been going smoothly for a year can withstand it on the World Championship stage.


 Lee Jung-hyun thought for a while: "KT has not lost a game even since the beginning of the summer. It is hard to say whether losing a game suddenly in the World Championship will affect the players' mentality. This game is really important."

CT: "Ms. Kim Ji-hyun, what do you think? Do you think KT has a good chance in this round?"

 “I still support KT!”

 Kim Ji Hyun did not hesitate: "Cheng is still insisting, he will lead KT to victory, just like he did before."

This chapter has been completed!
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