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Chapter 686 The gap between the details of the country and the world

  The coaches of both sides left the field, and the director meaningfully showed Lin Cheng the camera.

Lin Cheng turned his head and glanced at the camera, raising his eyebrows confidently.

 Just wait to see my knife girl perform.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, Perseverance, and the secondary series of enlightenment: magical shoes, cookie delivery.

 Weapon Master is a hero Lin Cheng RANK has encountered a lot, but he has never encountered him once in the league, because most of the top laners in the LCK don’t use this hero. The only time Jax appeared in the LCK this year was in the jungle position.

On the contrary, there are many good Jax players in the LPL, including 369, who was beaten to a black and blue face in front of Lin Cheng before, and they also know how to play Jax.

Suning would choose to use Jax to deal with Lin Cheng's Sword Girl today. It's actually easy to understand. Jax's single lane is not afraid of the strong Sword Girl in the early stage, and after level 6, as long as the weapon is not underdeveloped, it will become better and better to beat the Sword Girl.

As long as the weapon can hold Dao Mei down in a single line, KT's four-guaranteed and one-guaranteed lineup will be self-defeating.

 Entering the game, Lin Cheng bought the Dolan Sword and the red potion and went straight to the triangle grass on the top road.

 In the first game of the semi-finals, everyone was very cautious. Both sides stood parallel to the river and started peacefully.

 The minions came online, and Abin fought hard. After knocking the minions twice, he went straight towards Lin Cheng.

 This is a routine used by many weapons. The existence of Counter Storm makes the weapon very powerful at level one.

Because the attack of minions will increase the damage of Jax's E Counter Storm, it is a habit of many old weapons to make it more aggressive at the first level.

If a hero like Jax can suppress the opponent in the early stage, then the opponent will easily start to support him. This thing's advantage will make it so fierce that many melee top laners will not be able to play the game at all.

 Unless you brush five soldiers with residual health on Dao Mei’s face now, Dao Mei can only retreat.

Seeing the weapon rushing towards him like this, Lin Cheng immediately learned the E skill and deliberately waited for a moment before turning around and retreating.

Lin Cheng's pause kept him within the range of Jax's E counterattack storm, but he didn't have enough weapons to launch a basic attack.

 Since he did not attract the hatred of the soldiers, Abin did not rush to give E to chase him.

Jax turned around and prepared to replenish his troops.

 But the moment Jax turned around, the knife girl suddenly turned around and swung out the blades around her.

Lin Cheng took advantage of his long hands to steal basic attack damage.

Abin reacted very quickly and blocked Dao Mei's basic attack by firing his E skill in seconds.

 Lin Cheng had already thrown out an E skill when he made a forward movement of normal attack, and immediately turned around and took a step back. Jax used Counterattack Storm to chase after a step and found that he still couldn't reach the opponent with A.

Abin chose to activate the second stage of E directly, and after stunning the sword girl, he was ready to step forward and perform a basic attack.

But just as Jax stepped forward, the second blade Lin Cheng was holding fell to his feet.

Jax’s basic attack was stunned by the Twin Blades before he could take action.

 Due to the special mechanism of Daomei's second stage E, it can be released under any circumstances. Lin Cheng deliberately waited for the opponent to activate Counter Storm before throwing out the second blade.

In this way, the damage of the Winged Blades will not be reduced by the counterattack storm. Jax's level 1 E only has 55 points of basic damage. Even if it only absorbs one basic attack of the Blade Girl, the damage increased by 20% is not as good as the Winged Blades Gundam.

80 points of basic skill damage.

 Lin Cheng made a slight profit in the first skill damage exchange.

Furthermore, Jax took a step forward after stunning the sword girl. Jax's E stun is 1 second, while Wing Blade's stun is 0.75 seconds. In fact, both parties woke up almost at the same time.

When Jax hit him with a hammer, Lin Cheng's backhand was a knife.

But don’t forget, Jax chased into the red side’s minions to show off, and the surrounding red side’s minions had already begun to focus on Abin.

 Abin saw that the situation was not right and chose to retreat.

But the attack distance of the knife girl has reached 200 yards, while Jax only has 125 yards. The 75-yard gap may be useless in the hands of a rookie, but in the hands of Lin Cheng, the knife can be used to its fullest.

Lin Cheng immediately moved to the pressing position, and Jax took two more blows before pulling away.

 Jax lost more than one-third of his health, and Lin Cheng's blood exchange finally became very profitable.

 The director also knew it very well and locked the camera on the top lane at the beginning.

I remember: "Hey! Abin came up and took the initiative to exchange blood and suffered a slight loss. Brother Chengzi is really good at laning details. This pull is very beautiful."

Wang Duoduo: "But it's not a big problem. The weapon's health is a little ahead, so we can still grab the second place."

 Da Sima: "Hey~ This is the gap between experience and details! Jax is right to have the advantage of grabbing the counterattack storm at the first level, but Dao Mei handles the details very well and perfectly copes with the replacement of weapons."

 There is actually nothing wrong with Abin’s operation.

It is very common for Jax to use E at level 1 to attack the enemy. It is also common for Jax to find that when using E, he cannot touch the opponent and activate Counterstorm in advance and run away with a touch.

In fact, it was Lin Cheng's positioning that was too arrogant. The two sides were too close and did not have enough weapons to launch a basic attack. Otherwise, if the two sides were a little further away, Abin would stun the opponent and directly choose to pull away.

 It is this kind of distance between wanting to resist and welcoming that makes people unable to control themselves.

Furthermore, the timing of Lin Cheng's E skill is too tricky.

Many fast swordsmen players at level 1 like to pull Bi-Wing Double Blade instantly when Jax comes up with E and then move away to avoid the stun of counterattack storm. As a swordsman player himself, Abin also has this habit.

But Lin Cheng is not like this. When his opponent dares to press forward, he directly chooses to use the characteristics of the second stage E to pull the double-winged blades to offset the stun time of the counterattack storm, and then counterattack with the advantage of small soldiers.

In fact, Abin's only operational flaw in this wave is that he shouldn't have used A Sword Girl after waking up, causing the surrounding soldiers to turn around and focus their weapons.

But the advantage of Dao Mei's hand is there. Even if he doesn't touch this, he will still be pulled by Lin Cheng to attack in vain, which is a loss no matter what.

It can only be said that Lin Cheng has mastered the mechanics of Dao Mei so well that no one can take advantage of him in normal laning.

After the second E was ready, Jax wanted to take the opportunity to come up and exchange blood, but Lin Cheng maintained his position very well and it was impossible for the first-level weapon to come directly to his face.

The weapon turned around continuously without a chance to get closer, so he turned around and prepared to replenish the remaining blood of the last melee soldier on the red side.

 But Lin Cheng saw the opportunity when his opponent wanted to replenish his troops, and cast the first blade in advance. When Jax was replenishing his troops, the sword girl stepped forward and stepped out with A.

 Seeing that his opponent did not use counterattack storm to avoid basic attacks, Lin Cheng immediately handed over the second stage of the blade.

Biyi Double Blade stuns the weapon.

Originally, when Lin Cheng engaged in the second E, he predicted that his opponent would launch a counterattack storm, so after drawing Biyi Double-Edged Sword Girl, he immediately turned around and prepared to retreat.

 Finding that his opponent did not use Counterattack Storm, Lin Cheng quickly turned around and touched his weapon before running.

This is just a waste of time by turning around continuously. The weapon stood up and activated E to counterattack the storm, but the sword girl was unable to pull away.

But this time, Sword Girl maintained her position better, fearing that her opponent would pull her again with her long hands. After activating the second stage of E, Abin did not go up to A Sword Girl, but chose to attack the stunned minion next to her.

In this way, even though Lin Cheng had an advantage in blood volume at level one, the advantages of counterattack storm and passive allowed Jax to grab the level two after the second wave of troops arrived.

This chapter has been completed!
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