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Chapter 707 Rhythm Takes Off! The Despair of Char Siu

 "Yo ho! How's it going? Is my ganK cool this time? I get half of the credit for Li Shiheng's first blood."

Seeing Pantro flashing and winning first blood, Lin Cheng began to take credit.

Pantro: "It's okay! I'll treat you to coffee later."

Lin Cheng: "How can you repay kindness with hatred?"

Pantro: "???"

Lin Cheng: "You deliberately invited me to drink coffee at night to make me sleepless, right? I have a very regular schedule, don't you know? I will feel very uncomfortable once my schedule is disrupted."

Pantro ignored him, "Orianna didn't dodge on the opposite side. Jin Kifan can do it again later."

Lin Cheng: "Oh yo yo! What did some people just say? Why do you want all of them from me? It's so annoying! Why are you so unambiguous when it comes to taking heads?"

"Then the head will be given to you later? Will you come?"

Lin Cheng's face was so real and he no longer looked weird. He immediately shouted: "Come on, come on! I still have a chance to dodge! I'll make sure to kill Oriana to death later."

Back on the road, Jax was already at level three, and he jumped up and wanted to give Lin Cheng a set of military punches.

However, Lin Cheng maintained his position very well. He stuck to the wall and knocked out his opponent with an e-kick in seconds, then turned around and swept out his w. He did not suffer any loss in exchange of blood.

The two sides were still fighting each other on the road, and after a few waves, Lin Cheng still had the clear upper hand.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow's pulling ability is too good. If he makes good use of the two corners on the road, as long as the Qinggang Shadow sticks to the wall, Lin Cheng will not suffer any loss whether it is the first move or the second move.

As long as the opponent jumps up to Qinggang Ying, he will directly knock him out with e in seconds, and then decide how to counterattack based on whether the opponent has activated e.

After a tug-of-war on the road, Lin Cheng began to actively suppress after winning the details, and Jax slowly lost lane control.

Lin Cheng had the opportunity to let the opponent push the lane and then block the lane in front of his own tower, which would greatly suppress the opponent's position.

If the line of soldiers is stuck in front of the Qinggang Shadow Tower, it will be very uncomfortable for Jax, because in this case, Jax has almost no way to consume Qinggang Shadow's blood. On the contrary, Qinggang Shadow can use various methods in front of the tower.

Postural blood loss.

But Lin Cheng finally gave up on this gameplay and chose to push the line as much as possible to control the river view.

At six minutes, Lin Cheng once again pushed the lane into the tower and disappeared into the top lane.

"Li Shiheng, I'm here again!"

"The river may have eyes, please pay attention."

Just now, when the blind monk leaned toward the middle of the river, the clockwork quickly retreated. Obviously, he had eyes on the river.

Lin Cheng moved from the red jungle area to the middle this time, avoiding the opponent's river ward and finding Shen's position at the same time.

Not finding the opponent's jungler in the upper half, Lin Cheng squatted in the red side's F6 pit.

Abin had already sent out a signal immediately, reminding his teammates that Qinggang Shadow had disappeared.

But it is not clear whether Qinggangying returned to the city or wandered away from Suning.

Although Snake swam to the middle lane early, but now that the auxiliary equipment is not stacked up, it is impossible to form a good eye protection for the middle lane.

Suning didn't know Qinggangying's location.

Angel, who didn't dodge, looked very cautious and huddled under the tower to wait for Syndra to push the line.

"I have a dodge, so I can get past him."

"Wait a minute! Shen may be nearby."

The troops entered the tower, but Lin Cheng squatted in the F6 pit and did not take action.

The other party seemed to have anticipated the approaching danger, seeing Syndra pressing forward and shrinking back.

The lines of this wave of artillery trains are getting smaller and smaller, and Qinggang Ying still hasn't taken action.

If you are cautious and squat down, jumping over the tower recklessly will be a pure loss.

Lin Cheng had been paying attention to the direction of the lower river. The second river crab had been spawned. If he could no longer see Shen, he might have to return to the city.

A new wave of troops in the middle was stuck in front of the red square tower. At this time, Shen's figure finally appeared in the blue square's field of vision in the lower river.

And it seems that when there were many soldiers in the line, Angel was not overtaken, which gave Angel the illusion that he was safe. He pressed forward to prepare to clear out the soldiers in front of the tower.

"Li Shiheng, look at me! I'm on!"

As if it was a signal, Lin Cheng decisively jumped over the wall with his E skill when he saw Shen's position.


Angel, who was very focused, moved W and tried to twist, but Lin Cheng e-dodged and kicked Clockwork unconscious under the tower.

aQ took action to create an adaptive shield, and Lin Cheng moved forward.

Syndra took over the control with a Qe from behind, walked up directly and unleashed the ultimate move.

Clockwork stood up and was out of health, so he quickly used a big move to pull the Qinggang Shadow down the tower.

However, Lin Cheng's Green Steel Shadow is already at level six, and Hex Ultimatum perfectly avoided the shock wave, and also reset the hatred of the defense tower.

Just as Syndra entered the tower, the burning effect of the poison potion attracted the hatred of the defense tower.

His teammates carried the tower, and Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow ultimate hit the ground and kicked him to death, successfully pulling away from the grassy intersection next to F6.

Remember: "Oops! Something happened again in the middle! It was still the ganK from the top laner Qinggangying! Can you believe that the most active gank in this round was the top laner Qinggangying? He got kills in two shots, but this round

The one who suffered badly was not Abin but Angel in the middle."

Wang Duoduo: "No one expected it... The biggest impression Brother Chengzi has given us since the entire S10 is his extremely strong suppression and operation in the lane, but in this game he just didn't play in the lane."

Remember: "I have to say something! In fact, Orange Brother's Qinggang Shadow plays this way. During LK, his Qinggang Shadow liked to roam in the early stage. Of course, it didn't hit the second level like this game.

Such an exaggeration is mainly due to the fact that the opponent's inability to put pressure on him in the lane caused him to keep roaming and put pressure on the jungle and mid lane."

Wang Duoduo: "Yes! Being able to roam so unscrupulously in the early stage also shows that Brother Chengzi has strong laning ability. This is actually a reflection of his laning ability."

Da Sima: "Someone from Suning must step up now, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to have to follow the opponent's rhythm again."

"Sent! Another disadvantage."

"The handle was cracked at least all the way in the early stage, and it's time to hammer it."

"Abin barely managed to hold on in this game, but the middle lane was ruined."

"Is this called barely holding on? Qinggangying is just shy of buying a house in the middle of the road. I just typed my greetings and got on the road."

"Damn! This Qinggangying is the jungler, right?"

"Bono is the boss brusher, and Cheng Zi is responsible for ganK. Who dares to say that KT doesn't know the jungle strategy?"

"That's reasonable! Who doesn't know how to farm in the jungle? In the future, KT will also be able to farm in the jungle."


Another successful attack in the middle, Lin Cheng also got his wish and won the first kill of the game.

The first small item when he returned home was to pick out Tiamat. Lin Cheng obviously wanted to carry out the line-running style to the end.

In addition to cooperating with his teammates, Qinggangying will indeed become more and more difficult to defeat Jax in a single lane, and Lin Cheng has no intention of constantly fighting against Jax in a single lane.

Because Clockwork died in the middle, Bono took advantage of the situation and ran to control the wind dragon.

Although Syndra only had half health and went to cover, after all, Suning only had three people in the lower half, so the red side chose to let go of the first dragon.

Although the economic difference is not big, the early game rhythm once again fell into KT's hands.

The barbecued pork off the court looked a bit autistic.

When he studied it from a God's perspective, he thought KT could be targeted, but when he actually faced them, he realized that this team was hopelessly powerful.

Are the LPL bosses free of charge? If they had hired people earlier, they wouldn’t have been beaten so badly.

This chapter has been completed!
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