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Chapter 733 2:0! Championship point! (League leader adds 4/5)

 After a short intermission, the second game BP begins.

In this game, DWG obviously adjusted their tactics. In the first round of the blue side, they chose BAN and dropped Dao Mei, Qinggang Shadow and Galio.

Compared with the previous game, DWG released Syndra BAN to remove Galio, whose BP rate was not high in this version, and seemed to be preparing to grab cards.

After all, KT likes to pick Galio against cards.

As for KT, in addition to banning Lucian and Leopard Girl in the first two hands, they quickly made up for the ban and dropped cards in the third hand.

The blue side DWG chose to grab Syndra.

On KT's side, Seti + Zoe were selected in a row.

It is still the first choice to play Seti as the swing position, Zoe can ensure the strength of the early laning.

As long as her face is fair enough, Zoe is the real single girl.

Who is Syndra? I picked up two redemption fragments in a row, how can you compete with me in pushing the line?

On the second floor, DWG still chose the male jungler, and they have great trust in Canyon's carry ability in the jungle.

The blue side's third hand thought for a long time, and finally did not grab Pan Sen first, but helped Ghost win Jhin first.

KT first locked EZ on the third floor of the red side, and directly formed a double Poker system of Zoe + EZ in the first round.

In the second round, the BAN players on both sides were very clear.

KT continuously banned Pan Sen and Japanese women, and used powerful supports to target the first mover.

DWG first bans Jess to prevent KT from getting a poke, and finally bans the auxiliary Karma.

Karma's support combined with the Poke lineup will have a strong pulling power. DWG itself has been using the Poke system for a long time in the season, and they naturally know which heroes are the most valuable in the BAN.

Ai fang: "Oh! Jess has been banned, let's choose Kenan for Lin Cheng!"

In KT's system, there is actually not much difference in strength between double poke and ** poke.

However, when planting double poke in the team, KT likes to give Lin Cheng heroes like Kennen.

If the head-on Poke has a health advantage, Kennen can enter the field and directly determine the victory.

And if the opponent's Poke doesn't have an advantage and is forced by the opponent, Kennen is still the perfect backhand hero.

The difficulty for the hero Kennen is how to enter the field, but when the opponent rushes over and forces a strong attack, Kennen doesn't need to go around to find opportunities to enter the field. Anyway, the opponent will close in.

However, Lin Cheng didn't want to use Kenan in this round.

Lin Cheng: "Can you give me Kuchi? I can still form a **oke lineup."

Pantro: "Is Couch too weak in the early stage? Can he beat the crocodile?"

Lin Cheng: "Don't worry about my laning ability! Kuchi is a long-handed laner. I'm invincible with long-handed players."

Pantro: "But the top lane is different from the middle lane..."

Lin Cheng: "Believe me! If I lose the next hand, I will play the game on my knees."

Everyone: "·······"

Damn! I really want to see Lin Cheng kneeling and playing games.

If it weren't for the World Championships, even if it was acting, this guy would have to kneel down to play a game.

Kang Dongxun: "Just give him Kutcher! As long as he develops normally, Kutcher can perfectly replace Jess."

In fact, as long as the top laner can develop, his sustained damage in the later stage will definitely be much more stable than Jayce's, but his early laning ability and instant burst are far inferior to Jayce's.

But considering Lin Cheng's incredible laning, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

So, after KT's fourth player Lulu, he finally made up for the top laner after seeing the opponent's lineup.

KT formed a rare **oke lineup of Aircraft + Zoe + EZ, with Sett as the jungler and Lulu as the assistant.

As for DWG, they have a strong midfielder with Syndra + Male Spear, Jhin + Bullhead in the bottom lane, and Crocodile in the top lane.

KT’s lineup made Chinese streaming viewers unable to hold their nerves.

The combination of EZ + Lulu? This is to learn from RNG and be sent away by joy, right?

There were many doubts about KT's lineup, but as the game progressed, the audience soon discovered that something was wrong.

Although Lulu + EZ sounds very strange, what cannot be ignored is that Lulu’s online ability is very strong.

Ai Ming and Tu private chose the first level to seize the grass and occupy the line under the conscious protection of Bono. The KT duo completely suppressed DWG's bottom lane by crossing the line at the first level and gaining a health advantage.

Although Jhin pushed the lane very quickly, he was too weak to hold off Niutou in the lane. Lulu and EZ's two long-handers pushed the lane crazily and targeted people. The pressure on DWG's bottom lane never eased from the start.

Canyon's jungler is only a male gun, which is not easy to alleviate the online disadvantage in the early stage when teammates are obviously suppressed.

Lin Cheng's plane perfectly demonstrated his distance control ability on the road, and pushed Niu Bao's crocodile out of the experience zone as soon as he got up.

Although after the third level of Crocodile, a set of explosions can make a crispy aircraft like the aircraft shut down, but Nuguri did not dare to come up for blood when Lin Cheng kept suppressing it.

Because Lin Cheng maintained his position so well, even when he was consuming, he did not give the crocodile enough distance to get close.

The crocodile can't touch the aircraft at all if it turns on the first level of E. If it is forced to use the second level of E to get close to the aircraft with a large health advantage, it is tantamount to committing suicide.

As a result, he was constantly being beaten crazily on the road.

Although the male gunman came over to help deal with several waves of troops, Niu Bao's predicament still could not be changed.

Nugu Day can only choose to wait patiently and wait for the opportunity to fly.

After all, the crocodile can make countless mistakes, but after level 6, once Lin Cheng makes a series of mistakes, he will probably be killed by the crocodile alone.

However, Niu Bao failed to wait for Lin Cheng's mistake. Instead, he waited for Seti and Zoe to jump over the tower.

Both lanes were under pressure in this game. Canyon's male gun was extremely difficult to play, while Bono's Seti wandered around looking for opportunities. After discovering the position of the male gun, he decisively called Zoe up to overtake the crocodile.

Niu Bao himself was hit with TP by Lin Cheng. This wave was directly exploded by being jumped under the tower, resulting in the loss of countless minions.

DWG's original plan was to use Syndra's point to create a strong invasion effect in the middle and jungle, but they really didn't expect that in this game, both sides were pushed under the tower and violently beaten.

Because of the advantage of pushing the line, both the upper and lower lanes have their early vision in the blue jungle area. This means that the male gunner spends most of his time in the open jungle, allowing KT to cross the tower and press the line without any pressure.

DWG's strategy to win this year's game is to strongly link up the jungle online. In this situation where the online and jungle are almost at a disadvantage at the same time, they completely mess up the rhythm of the game.

Pioneer and Xiaolong fell into the hands of KT one after another.

When the team-up began in the mid-term, due to the huge vision suppression established by KT in the early stage, the power of the poke lineup was maximized.

In particular, Lin Cheng's plane's strong period came very early after taking out a single HP tower. After the three-phase and magic cut, the plane took the explosive pack and directly stuffed the barrel of the gun into the opponent's mouth.

In the key team battle, DWG had poor vision and the crocodile couldn't find a chance to get around. The bullhead flashed and forced his way open, but Seti backhanded him into the DWG formation.

The crocodile could only venture into Longtan alone. Lulu transformed him into a sheep and turned him into a toy crocodile. He lay down instantly under the gunfire from the plane...

After several waves of team battles, DWG's inherently disadvantageous situation collapsed.

KT easily won the second game in just 20 minutes.

In the end, Lin Cheng's plane even rushed into the opponent's blood pool with a pack of explosives to take a bath, showing off his twin-tail bobby expression as his sinful life was ended by the blood pool.

This chapter has been completed!
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