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Chapter 792

 Miller: "Well~ After losing two games in a row, the next step is the battle of honor."

Wawa: "It can be seen that lk played very seriously today, so we can also be serious about recruiting for the last competition, right?"

"We played very seriously before, but we lost after being serious."

After Miller finished speaking, he couldn't help but clapped his hands and laughed, "It's okay! I'll be more serious next time, I can only say that I'm not serious enough."

It can be seen that the All-Stars are really relaxed, and everyone only finds it funny when Miller makes jokes about the LPL United unscrupulously.

The All-Star Game was entertaining. Although some viewers would be angry watching it, they can only blame the players.

The commentary is innocent.

The third game is the competitive recruitment mode, which is exactly the same as the usual game mode.

But the thing is, now it's an All-Star.

Do you want to have fun or play seriously?

At this time, blue side lk's first move bp is a signal.

As soon as lk comes up, ban Galen on the blue side.

The player on the red side lpl looked at it and immediately received the signal.

No! The other side is preparing for entertainment, and we can’t come for real.

After all, people are obviously happy, but if you choose a very divided game lineup, it will seem a bit unplayable.

If you can't afford it, forget it. It would be even more embarrassing if you lose.

You can lose in entertainment games, but you must not let the whole world see that you are extremely serious and still lose.

Therefore, the red side backhandedly banned Teemo not to be outdone.

Come on! Be happy.

The last two bans of the blue team were given to Yorick and the Kobold, which really made you not take it seriously at first glance.

Not to be outdone, LPL gave the last two bans to Juggernaut + Dragon King.

Start selecting people, the blue side grabs the sword girl.


369 crashed.

You're numb! Where's the entertainment we promised?

Chinese-language barrages angrily accused Lin Cheng of not practicing martial ethics.

It turns out that they were pretending to be entertaining to deceive the ban?

Miller: "Hey! Sword Girl? This is too much! We are all ready to entertain you and you actually show Sword Girl?"

Wawa: "Wow~ Brother Chengzi is such a thief! If lk hadn't banned Galen, we would have definitely banned Dao Girl."

The red side backhand locks the male gun + the stone man.

Obviously, lpl is getting serious about this.

The male gun can be regarded as the signature wild core hero of the previous generation ban and anyon, while the stone man can let 369 go up and mix.

Don't think that the Stone Man is rubbish, because the mythical equipment of Riyan is too powerful now, and the Stone Man is the T0 top laner in this version.

The blue square locked the Sword Demon + Crow on the second and third floors.

Now everyone is confused.

Who is the top orderer? Is lk serious?

I really don’t know what the opponent is thinking, so the red side gives Baolan the third move to take Luo first.

The year s8ig won the championship, Sapphire's Luo was definitely at the top level in the world. Let's choose this hand first to see which direction the wind is blowing.

Regardless of whether the opponent is real or fake, the red side's last move will never go against the wind.

In the second round, lk, who was banned, was still messing around, looking like he wanted to entertain.

lpl did not take it lightly, and it was not until the last two heroes of the blue side were selected that everyone was sure that they were really ready to be happy.

The last two hands played by the blue side were Pike and Morgana. Isn't this just entertainment?

So, lpl finally gave rookie a disaster.

Everyone knows about rookie robbery.

We are also here for entertainment, so you can’t blame us if you lose.

In fact, lk is really happy here, and the sword girl is not used by Lin Cheng at all.

In the end, Lin Cheng used Pike in the top lane, Brother Li and Sword Girl went in the middle, Sword Demon went to the bottom lane to assist Crow, and Morgana played jungle.

Chinese-language barrages have begun to apologize to Lin Cheng.

It turns out that Brother Chengzi is not just a sneak attack without moral ethics, he is really messing around.

Lin Cheng didn't know that because of this small misunderstanding about his nationality, he had been expelled from the Chinese streaming audience and returned after three minutes.

The hero Pike is now very weak in the single line, and it is even more difficult to deal with the current version of T0 Stone Man.

Moreover, this version of Parker does not have the ability to push the line, and is always pushed by the stone man. Even if he wants to control Lin Cheng, he can't hold back.

As a top laner, one thing is very important: don’t fight when pushing back the lane.

It's okay if you win, but if you lose, you'll collapse in one wave. This is not a matter of giving away a life.

So Pike looked very conservative in this game.

After facing off against Lin Cheng so many times, 369 finally gained strength.

He actually beat Lin Cheng nearly ten times in six minutes!

Don’t underestimate this statistic. In the past, 369 had to be killed by Lin Cheng at least once every six minutes when they met him. In this game, he was not killed, and even managed to get a last hit.

He has grown!

Moreover, because Pike was too fragile, he was really afraid of heroes like the Stone Man. Lin Cheng gave up his life when the male gun came up to gank him.

"I'm old! nie! He's dead!"

369 was so proud that he even dared to speak loudly in his voice.

However, Brother Li was very strong in the middle of the game. With the help of anyon, he first got first blood and then completed a solo kill. Dao Mei had a great advantage.

The teammates on the bottom lane also played well, and only Lin Cheng continued to be tortured on the top lane after being caught to death.

The main reason is that Morgana can't help Pike much when she comes up. The stone man's ultimate move D is short. Although 369 can't use the second ultimate move very stiffly, the burst of the Indian Flying Pancake Man's gun is enough to kill Pike.

There was no help from his teammates on the road. Seeing the Stone Man trying to control the lane, Lin Cheng simply prepared to start roaming early.

Just when he moved to the middle in the first wave, three people from Nakano Suke on the opposite side wanted to catch the sword girl.

Brother Li was lifted up by Luo W and then used his big move to counterattack.

Pike activates stealth and rushes to help.

As a result, it happened that the male gun's e escaped Pike's hook, and Luo's Qingwu in pairs also avoided Pike's e skill.

With both skills empty, Lin Cheng prepared to sell Brother Li and run away after a moment of calamity.

As a result, I didn't expect Dao Mei to be so powerful in this wave. Even with their remaining health, the three of them in E showed off and instantly defeated the enemy.

Lin Cheng quickly attacked with a big move.

Zed used his shadow to avoid Pike's Fountain of Hate, but he was still attacked and killed by Sword Girl.

After a triumphant reply, Dao Mei turned around and fought again.

Lin Cheng followed beside to supplement the output.

In the end, Dao Mei scored three kills with her remaining health.

"Haha! Three kills!"

Lin Cheng transformed into an atmosphere team: "Brother Li, we two are so fierce!"

faker: "·····"

Don't think I didn't see it, except for using basic attacks to get assists, you didn't hit a single skill.

Although the Chinese streamers ridiculed Lin Cheng for playing like a clown this time, Pike finally found an opportunity to kill after wandering around frequently and started giving out red envelopes to his teammates.

Of course, Lin Cheng was caught and killed indiscriminately by the opponent because of his fragile body. His death count was ahead of his four teammates.

But they couldn't stand up to the fierceness of their teammates. Brother Li's Dao Mei and the two brothers in the bottom lane were too fierce in the team fight, and the situation began to tilt towards lk.

This game was Tu private's retirement battle, and there was no rush to push it forward. The teammates were just prepared to kill for fun first.

Lin Cheng, who was as brittle as a piece of paper, became the target of his opponent's anger.

No matter how his equipment is produced, Pike is fragile.

Aim at the stone man with his ultimate move.

Lin Cheng's teammates kill the opponent, and the opponent kills Lin Cheng.

It is true that Brother Cheng shouldered all the trouble caused by his teammates.

Lin Cheng's suffering was not over until his teammates had killed enough.

In the end, lk won the all-star game against lpl 3:0.

Lin Cheng also had a solo match with deft later.

Just now Pike was killed, Lin Cheng once again faced his teammates with a heavy blow, and won the solo match 2:0 neatly, and was crowned the solo king of the lk division.

At this point, Lin Cheng’s All-Star schedule for this year has come to an end.

In the next two days, I can go home and sleep with Sister Shuyan in my arms.

This chapter has been completed!
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