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Chapter 811 I’m sorry, I’ve seen through your underwear

 Zeyuan: "Ouch! DWG is really targeting Brother Chengzi. It is completely unreasonable and forced to go on the road. This wave is not profitable."

"Although Lucian got first blood, Canyon stayed on the top lane for too long and fell behind three groups of wild monsters. Plus Akali and TP, DWG really didn't make any money."

When I saw the footage from the player's camera below, I remember laughing: "Brother Chengzi is very depressed. His expression shows that he has suffered a lot of grievances."

Zeyuan: "Haha! In the past, it was Brother Chengzi who moved the jungler to the mid lane. In the past minute or so, the opposing jungler and mid laner GNAKed him four times in total. Who wouldn't be aggrieved by this?"

"The opponent did this to me. My jungler counterattacked from below, and the mid laner took the lane in the middle. Those who didn't know better thought the top lane was just a stone man."

Remember: "Looking back, although my previous teammates also used tactics to sell Brother Chengzi, it seems that Brother Chengzi was sold out a lot this time in the K Cup? This kind of scene has happened several times in my mind."

"Indeed! Xu Xiu's crazy drug taking to push the line as soon as he came up was obviously premeditated, and his teammates were obviously not prepared enough for what happened to Brother Chengzi."

"Now everyone seems to know that KT is targeting the top lane, but KT themselves don't always understand and seem to be slow."

Zeyuan thought about it carefully: "The key point is that when Orange Brother was targeted in the past, other KT teammates could quickly make up for it from the other side, but the current KT team obviously does not have that kind of execution ability."

It's so heart-wrenching that after the replay, the director also specially showed the panoramic view of the contestant's camera.

The scene of Lin Cheng holding his head in his hands and leaning back on the chair made the audience unable to hold their nerves.

"It's so funny! Brother Cheng has this day too."

"Seeing Brother Chengzi slumped on the chair is a scene I will never forget."

"Outrageous! Is KT now selling orange tactics? Syndra doesn't do this?"

"Will your oranges stay ripe? Give me one."

"Ro immediately went to protect his father after changing his pants. Chaowei wanted to interrupt the TP but couldn't find anyone."

"Don't look at the effect of Crocodile Red Fury and Little Soldier's show, but there are so many dads out there."

"Khan: I'm sorry! You only have one chance to make a mistake, but I have countless chances."


After the little peanut on the bottom lane turned against the stone man, he saw that he was suffering a lot on the top lane and wanted to do things below but didn't dare to mess around.

Aphelios + Thresh, who have full double summons and healthy health, are really hard to move under the tower, and the Ghost King controls the gun of the Falling Name. Combined with Thresh's control, it can almost be said who can carry KT here.

Towers are always in a certain death situation, and they may not be able to kill the person on the opposite side.

If you are not careful, you may put the mask of pain on the duo. After hesitating for a while, Little Peanut decided to go back to the city to replenish the equipment first.

This wave is equivalent to Lin Cheng's life being exchanged for Olaf's development, which is a little ahead of Leopard Girl. It depends on whether Little Peanut can use this advantage in the jungle to achieve things in the future.

Kang Dongxun in the lounge was helplessly discussing the situation with Aorn.

If it had been two months ago, the opponent would have dared to do this to Lin Cheng, who would have paid the price for his comeback.

Generally, when they know that the opponent's jungler is going up, KT's front duo will take the initiative to put a lot of pressure on the opponent. Tu private will often choose to use his flash in advance to exchange the opponent's health and summoner when he gets a hard support.


This actually protects Lin Cheng. If the opponent's jungler dares to show up from behind and target the top lane, KT's bottom lane will definitely launch an attack.

Moreover, even if Panro cannot grab the lane right in the middle, he will not stick to the middle in this situation. He will either force the TP to stay on top, or the TP bottom lane and directly go past the opposite duo.

That's why there is a classic saying from English stream commentators: Cheng cannot be targeted, not only because he may give his opponent highlights, but also because the opponent will have to pay a higher price for targeting him.

This is one of the important reasons why the previous KT team was invincible.

For Lin Cheng's teammates, Lin Cheng will penetrate the opponent's top lane.

Against Lin Cheng, not only is the difficulty itself very high, Lin Cheng's teammates will often open up the situation quickly.

But now KT's detail processing is obviously not as good as before.

It's not a matter of the players' personal abilities, but rather that these teammates have rarely seen the opponent start the game like this at the start of the game, and they haven't formed enough tacit understanding to respond to the opponent's possible offensive in advance.

The handling of the middle and lower lanes resulted in the middle lane not being able to follow TP immediately, and the three players in the bottom lane couldn't get past DWG's duo, so they couldn't get anything more from the bottom half.

DWG was fully prepared for this wave of obvious rhythm in advance, but the rest of KT was passively defensive, unlike the previous KT team that had laid the groundwork before the opponent took action.

In the view of KT's coaching staff, these players still have a lot to adjust to, and they may need to abandon some long-established habits in order to become stronger.

Lin Cheng didn't lose much this time. He didn't have enough gold coins to buy the Explosive Wand, so Akali bought the Amplification Book + the Killing Ring.

The killing ring at this time was naturally not to enhance the effect of the potion. Lin Cheng had a dream.

It took a while for TP to go online and push the troops forward. Lin Cheng found an opportunity to do vision first.

Opposite Canyon was a bit unusual today. Although according to common sense, this wave of Leopard Girls should go to the lower half, Lin Cheng still did not relax his vigilance.

When Brother Khan saved TP and ran back to the lane, he had an 875 pickaxe. In fact, his economy was not much better than Lin Cheng's.

Since Akali went to the opponent's blue zone to gain vision, the Crocodile came online and took the opportunity to stack up his anger. When Lin Cheng returned to the lane, he saw an almost half-angry Crocodile.

Seizing the opportunity of Lin Cheng's Q to kill two minions, Brother Khan's Q hit Akali and a large wave of minions, filling up most of his anger.

Lin Cheng took a step back and replenished his troops with his backhand while using the cold shadow end of his Q skill to accurately slow down the crocodile.

Brother Khan pushed forward.

Lin Cheng cast down the rosy cloud array on the spot, and when he hit the Hidden Dragon Seal to deal damage to his face, he cast down the cold shadow again.

The reason why he didn't cast his Q from a distance in the card position of the Xia Formation was because Lin Cheng wanted to eat Brother Khan's Red Fury W.

Crocodile doesn't have Q skill now, so it doesn't matter even if Red Fury hits Akali.

The level five crocodile is the main Q. Lin Cheng judged that he could exchange blood. As long as the opponent handed over W, he would chase the crocodile.

But Brother Khan insisted on tying A instead of directly activating W, allowing Akali to pull back after Q and hide in the Xia Formation.

Seeing that the opponent still refused to release W, Lin Cheng knew what Brother Khan was thinking.

The other side wants to operate!

This angry crocodile is holding back its skills and clearly wants to eat people.

But the crocodile withstood a large wave of soldiers and was already half-healthy. Lin Cheng also wanted to fight for a solo kill.

The opponent is seducing, but Lin Cheng also wants to operate.

Prepare to freeze your hands.

Pulling out her passive, Akali stepped forward and played AE, placing the Mark of Falcon Dance on the crocodile's head.

Directly activate the second stage of Falcon Dance.

Akali transformed into a green shadow, which suddenly hit the crocodile's face and made a hidden dragon mark.


The golden ax lights up, the full layer of Conqueror is triggered, and the crocodile has almost no health remaining.

Brother Khan also has great pulling skills. When Akali E used A to passively attack, Crocodile counterattacked with a basic attack.

Knowing that the opponent had the Red Fury skill, Lin Cheng immediately took a step back after finishing A.

At this time, the Xia Formation has disappeared, and the crocodile suddenly turns around and puts an E close to Akali's side, and then takes action with the cooled down Red Fury Q.


Lin Cheng reacted very quickly and flashed when he saw the crocodile raising its giant blade.

At the same time, a naughty Poro's expression lights up.

I'm sorry, I've already seen through your panties.

This chapter has been completed!
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