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Chapter 838: Do you think I can’t shake people up? (Additional update 2)

 When Lin Cheng asked Chovy to lock Camille, his teammates were actually very worried. After all, it was too arrogant for you to have Qinggang Ying on the opposite team of Rock Bird + Crocodile.

But Lin Cheng also has his own ideas.

"Other than the laning being a little weaker, our systems are actually very compatible. There are heroes like Taliyah and Jhin who can pull us with long hands, so we simply choose the rush system to directly defeat them."

"What's the point of being afraid of a weaker opponent? Our strength is already stronger than our opponent's."

Infected by Lin Cheng's self-confidence, his teammates also felt that his words made sense.

Other teams would most likely pick two bad lineups in the first round, but they are KT!

"We are world champions."

Little Peanut shouted.

Lin Cheng turned to look at him strangely.

Turtle! I didn’t expect this guy to be so shameless. What does KT’s championship last year have to do with you?

But it is true as Lin Cheng said, his laning ability makes his teammates very directional. Even if Lin Cheng has a snake-skinned hero, he will rarely be beaten in the top lane.

Seeing that his teammates and coaches recognized his idea, Lin Cheng couldn't help but add:

"Of course, if it doesn't work out, we can still move Camille to the middle. Zhixun Camille is also good at it."

Chaowei's hand shook, and the operation of locking Qinggang Ying was extremely difficult.

In the second round of BP, KT on the red side clarified the BAN player's thinking: to target the support with strong backhand ability to ensure that one's own team can kill the opponent when they rush up.

KT BAN the Japanese girl first on the red side.

The blue side is targeting the jungle and bans Leopard Girl.

After all, the Leopard Girl combined with Qinggangying’s GANK ability is also very strong, and GEN·G doesn’t want any surprises to happen to their strong jungler.

KT finally sent Seti to the dark room, also targeting Laifu's auxiliary Seti.

GEN·G finally banned the male gun. In the two rounds of BP, the blue side banned three junglers in total.

Inexplicably, classmate Han Wanghao was a little bit happy.

When he was in GEN·G the year before last, he was disliked by the team's fans in various ways. When he came back this year and became his opponent, he immediately enjoyed the emperor-level targeting.

Don’t you look down on me? And you say I only know how to brush?

Yesterday you ignored me, but today I want you to be too high for me.

The second round of selection begins, and the red side locks Galio in seconds on the fourth floor.

KT has made it clear that they want to rush into the formation and provide support.

The blue side reacted quickly, first locking the card and fighting Galio to support the rhythm, and finally used Braum as a backhand to deal with the strong opening.

The red side chooses Nightmare in the last move.

Remember: "Nocturne? This is very surprising. The main reason is that once Nightmare is selected, it is basically unable to help teammates until level 6. It is still too slow for the current game rhythm, and Nightmare's jungle clearing speed

There is no advantage over the mainstream rock bird leopard girl."

Tong Xi: "Yes! This requires a lot of KT's upper and lower lines. You have to be very careful in the early stage, because the opponent knows that your jungler can only brush."

"KT's lineup idea is very good. When everyone has the ultimate move, they can enter the field and fight very hard, but it may not go so smoothly in the early stage."

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square GEN·G.

Top lane: Rascal (Desert Butcher, Renekton)

Jungler: Clid (Rockbird, Taliyah)

Middle: BDD (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Ruler (player, Jhin)

Auxiliary: Life (Freljord execution, Braum)

Red square KT:

On the road: Cheng (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Peanut (Eternal Nightmare, Nocturne)

Mid laner: Chovy (Colossus of Justice, Galio)

Bottom lane: Deft (Daughter of the Void, Kai'Sa)

Support: Effort (Tauren Chieftain, Alistar)

The selling points of the lineups of both sides are very clear. KT's midfielder and jungler have strong support capabilities after level 6. They can cover Qinggangying's distribution in the later stage, and all five players in the team can rush forward.

Either beat the opponent to death or hit him to death. There is no LCK classic situation where no one dies after two minutes of fighting.

GEN·G focuses on laning and rhythm. Both the upper and lower lanes have certain advantages, and the midfielder of Yanja + Card has a support ability that is not inferior to that of KT's midfielder.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, and Perseverance, and the secondary series of Resolute: Shield Slam, and Bone Plating.

The commentators and the audience were a little surprised when this set of runes was revealed against the crocodile and rock bird.

Shouldn't this person wear the Grasp of Immortality on it to resist pressure?

Don't ask, ask to be confident.

Lin Cheng chose Duolan Sword and Red Medicine when he went out. He really didn't regard himself as a weak opponent.

Before the army line set off, GEN·G chose a group of five people to invade the upper half of KT.

Because of Braum's strength at level 1 and the lack of personnel on the red side, KT chose to abandon the defensive duo in the upper half of the jungle and go deep into the opponent's lower half of the jungle to gain vision.

And GEN·G did not plan to retreat as soon as possible, and directly prepared to change to the jungle.

Remember: "Ouch! Brother Chengzi feels so uncomfortable! If the Qinggang Shadow changes in this wild area, he will only go to jail. You have to be wary of a rock bird popping up next to you at any time."

Hitomi: "GEN·G has great ideas. They know that it will be difficult to catch their bottom lane by exchanging jungle nightmares like this. However, the crocodile and rock bird pose a great threat to Qinggangying."

KT did not intend to forcefully defend the red zone. After Lin Cheng communicated with Peanut, Nightmare directly scanned the middle route and touched the upper river.

Since the army line has not yet arrived, the blue side has no idea of ​​the nightmare's movements.

Little Peanut can be said to be quite bold this time, but only the GEN·G duo kept an eye on the jungle area below when they returned to the bottom lane. They did not expect that the nightmare would go around their blue zone.

The first-level Qinggang Shadow is naturally not afraid of the crocodile. Lin Cheng's Q and the crocodile just stunned Rascal.

Doesn’t this person know that my jungler is up there?

Of course, Qinggang Ying is naturally happy to hear that he is changing his brother.

Although the Crocodile loses money in the first-level blood exchange, the Rock Bird will have a chance to GANK as long as the blood volume is exchanged.

However, what I didn't expect was that Little Peanut's nightmare would go straight to the road after stealing the blue.

The opponent didn't expect that the Nightmare was in the upper half, so the crocodile's trinket eye was not placed in the river to prevent GANK.

At this time, Clid's rock bird is still playing F6 on the red side.

"Wait a minute, I have the rights to the line. Wait for me to grab the second one first."

Lin Cheng told Little Peanut not to worry. Although he didn't know the location of Yanque, as long as Yanque didn't hit the red and hit the road directly, he would definitely have time to advance to the second level.

In fact, even though they are changing blood as soon as they hit the road, it is impossible for the rock bird to come and catch it at the crocodile level.

Clid didn't even think about forcing a dodge or anything. He wanted to wait for Qinggangying to push the line first, then go around and get first blood directly.

However, something happened because GEN·G misjudged the location of the nightmare.

At the moment when Qinggangying was competing for second place, Little Peanut fumbled out from the grass in the river.

At this time, the crocodile was blocked and could not escape.

Little Peanut uses his E skill on his face.

Rascal is also very experienced and knows that flashing will cause constant fear, so he did not choose to cross flash.

Lin Cheng held his E and walked up to deal damage, and easily gained first blood with the concession of Little Peanut.

He showed off his naughty Poro expression.

Humph, you still want to change to the jungle to bully me.

Do you think I can’t shake people up?

This chapter has been completed!
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