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Chapter 906 Guan Zeyuan, apologize!

 Chaowei was caught in the middle, and the score on the court looked slightly stalemate at 3:3.

Of course, due to the suppression on the bottom lane and Lin Cheng also blasting two layers of towers on the top lane, the red side still has a small economic lead.

The first pioneer peanut is placed on the top road.

Although the economic significance of eating meat and wine barrels does not seem to be particularly significant, the user of this wine barrel is Lin Cheng.

Do you dare to say that Brother Cheng is not worthy of being a pioneer?

Moreover, the Urhammer combination below has great laning advantages and does not require a vanguard. Putting it in the middle will only cost 320 yuan at most because of the presence of the Tsar, so in the end it is the most valuable to put it on the top lane.

Lin Cheng used his explosion to eat another layer of the tower. Peanut took advantage of the last moment of the vanguard to come over and drive away Qinggangying, releasing the vanguard and wine barrel to divide the first-blood tower.

Just when the time was approaching 14 minutes and the tapi was about to disappear, Aphelios, the bottom laner, wanted to eat the last tapi under the cover of Thresh.

Junri: "Hey! If the senior colonel is here, he will probably teach professional players how to control the knife again. How can Mr. Dai, Aphelios, control the knife like this?"

Rita: "Uh~ Zeyuan is really keen on the issue of knife control recently."

Junri: "According to the colonel's guidelines, Aphelios should not have the blue and white gun team again after the first wave, but it doesn't matter. It shouldn't be a big problem if we kill the white sword as soon as possible."

Just as the commentary was joking, before Aphelios could get the last plating, the blue team's duo suddenly pressed forward.

The back alcove lights up with a blue square wraparound TP, which comes from the Tsar.

Junri: "TP is revealed! The white sword of Aphelios has not been destroyed yet, so this situation is not easy to operate without the light falling!"

Although they did not see the TP behind them at first, the opponent's abnormal behavior immediately alerted the KT duo, and Aphelios and Thresh retreated decisively.

"Here comes Bread, please help me!"

The male gunman and Syndra who were leaning against the river channel were rushing down.

Lin Cheng's reaction was actually the fastest. When the opponent's duo pressed forward, the wine barrel had already revealed its TP.

Mr. Dai developed very well in this game and could not let Aphelios' rhythm be interrupted.

However, Lin Cheng's TP position is not a good one. There is no red square eye at close range, and the troop line is under the opponent's tower.

When his teammates were retreating, Lin Cheng chose T to move down the lane to his own tower.


Bery's five-speed shoes had been occupying the position until he was interrupted.

Afraid of being blocked by Thresh's E skill, Niutou didn't attack first.

Effort, who was lagging behind, saw Niutou immediately pass him, and quickly attacked Niutou's five-speed shoes to accelerate.

Udyr rushed out from behind with a turbo alchemy tank.

This version of Turbo Alchemy Pot's 60% speedup combined with Udyr's own mechanism is like a ghost.

Effort was also decisive, blocking the road with his ultimate move to block Udyr and Kai'Sa's position. At the same time, Effort would brush the bull's head that passed over him back, and immediately connected with the hook.

"I'll take the back seat! If you sell me, don't look back! There's a T next to you!"

The male gun had already emerged from the river. Beryl was blocked by Thresh for a moment and did not think about moving Aphelios in front. He turned around and pushed Thresh towards Udyr behind him.

Thresh was attacked by Kai'Sa and Udyr from behind. In the alcove, the Tsar, whose TP fell to the ground, summoned sand soldiers. The quicksand moved out and poked Aphelios twice, who had already run into the grass on the road below.

The male gun's E skill adds the power of the wind and comes closer to shoot the Tsar.

Not knowing Syndra's position, Xu Xiu didn't dare to stand in front of him, so the Tsar turned around and hid in the grass in the middle.

Beryl's bullhead drags back to cover.

Thresh quickly lost health later, and Xu Xiu had no intention of giving the Ghost King a head. The Tsar counterattacked with a Q, Crazy Sand Attack, and took away Thresh's head.

Syndra finally showed up at the mouth of the river. At this time, the male gunman had already blasted the bull's head behind him to half of its health with two QA shots, forcing him to use the bull's head ultimate move.

The key skills were all handed over, and the four DK people originally communicated and wanted to retreat.

However, Qinggangying had already landed from the TP in the alcove. Seeing that the three people on the opposite side turned around and wanted to pursue them, Brother Han felt that he could fight back.

"You can fight! Stop Graves first!"

Qinggang Ying was kicked out of the alcove, and the male gunman Xiaohuatuan was stationed in front of was knocked unconscious on the spot.

Later, Kai'Sa's ultimate move took off and rained down Icathia.

The five DK men turned back and focused their fire.

The male gunman died suddenly.

The super powerful Syndra had already grabbed the dark orb in his hand. Although WEQ did not save the male gunner, Syndra directly pushed four of them unconscious because of the dense position of the opponent.

"I'm coming! Don't be afraid!"

The wine barrel appeared on the red square with a swaying belly.


Mr. Dai is also brave. When Lin Cheng said not to be afraid, half-blood Aphelios directly flashed into the faces of the five people on the opposite side.

Yingyan uses her Q skill, switches to her off-hand weapon, and the folding mirror shines clear light into the night.

Seeing Aphelios's face, the Tsar stood up and was about to take action.

But Lin Cheng's wine barrel had already launched E-Bomb Impact from behind.


Lin Cheng had been observing the battlefield just now and knew who still had the key control. He directly connected with Syndra's stun with E, making the Czar unable to move.

Explode the barrel and throw it.

The Green Steel Shadow's ultimate move covered Aphelios, dodging the exploding wine barrel.

But the rest of DK were all caught by Lin Cheng's ultimate move and were blasted towards the wall next to them.

Although the formation was not broken up due to the obstruction of the wall, Lin Cheng's original intention was not to save lives and send the opponent away.

At this time, Aphelios Yingyan Q combined with his ultimate move to directly stack nine flywheels and took away the Tsar whose health was suppressed by a set of wine barrels.

Qinggangying's big move came down, and Mr. Dai started to masturbate face to face.

Chaowei also knows it very well and directly teaches Niutou his ultimate move.

Since Beryl was only at half health, she was hit by the male gun's ultimate explosive bomb and wine barrel ultimate before she died. She was already close to remaining health, and Syndra killed her directly with her ultimate.

In this way, only one of the three DK players, Udyr, is still holding the control.

However, Aphelios with nine flywheels in his face was too powerful. At this time, the Qinggang Shadow, whose equipment was not formed, did not have the grace to kick an AD in the later stage. The Qinggang Shadow, which was mostly full of blood, was killed by Mr. Dai in a few hits.

His teammates have created a perfect output environment, and Mr. Dai only needs to close his eyes and go there.

Canyon had just switched to bear form and stepped forward, and the Ghost Emperor's Kai'Sa was also penetrated by the flywheel around Aphelios.

Lin Cheng lost his Q and slowed down to get stuck, and Mr. Dai easily got four kills.

Junri: "Wow~ DK was the first to kill Thresh and the male gun with a backhand. This wave of KT played so beautifully! They won the three-on-five victory!"

Rita: "The TP of the wine barrel is very important. Although it was a wave of attacks organized by DK, the TP of the wine barrel landed a little earlier than Qinggangying. Although the T was a defense tower, it came at the right time."

"Yes! This wave of Orange Brother's key control is really good when he enters the field. When I saw the half-health Aphelios flash up, my first reaction was that he was going to give it away."

"Aphelios will die if he hits the ground after being unleashed by Tsar's ultimate move. No matter how many flywheels he stacks, Aphelios's health will be useless, but the cover of the wine barrel and Syndra will make it impossible for the opponent to give up control."

Junri said in an enlightened tone: "The case has been solved! This wave of blue and white swords of Aphelios has done a great job! It is true that it takes time to stack the red and white swords and the green and white swords, but the blue and white swords can kill multiple targets at once.

At this time, the speed of stacking the flywheel is actually faster.”

Rita: "Hurry up and apologize. Just now someone was teaching professional players how to control a knife."

"What does it have to do with me? I'm just a messenger."

Junri suddenly raised his voice: "Guan Zeyuan, apologize!"

This chapter has been completed!
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