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Chapter 914 Don't try to catch three people easily

 The little god of death personally sent Udyr down to snatch his own vanguard. Although the brothers in front of KT also concentrated fire and kept Udyr, Canyon still picked up the Eye of the Vanguard before he died.

The first vanguard can start the pushing rhythm very well. Not getting the vanguard still has some impact on KT's on-court offense.

But it's not a big problem, because Canyon never found the chance to release the vanguard he tried so hard to grab.

The middle road was constantly pressed, and the troops could not cross the river.

The red duo in the bottom lane were also pinned down under the tower, and the jungler had no chance to release the vanguard.

Moreover, the second dragon is about to be brushed. Leopard Girl clears the field of vision in the lower half in advance, and Canyon has no idea of ​​​​going to the bottom lane to force the vanguard.

Looking back on the road, the situation is still not optimistic.

Lin Cheng had already taken out the Holy Separator because he had taken too many heads, and the situation in the line was completely reversed...

Although Brother Han made up for the Goddess Tears in the early stage, it made Lin Cheng extremely disgusted, but it also slowed down his own outfit speed.

With Bambi's slag on the barrel, CD shoes and Dolan ring, how can he fight against the distracted Qinggang shadow in a loose outfit?

This version of Qinggang Shadow's Holy Separator is very powerful against warriors and tanks after it comes out. Qinggang Shadow's exchange skill set can easily trigger the divine passive multiple times, with excellent recovery ability and good damage.

In the last game, Lin Cheng's Wine Barrel played Qinggang Shadow because he had the leading equipment throughout the game, but this game's wine barrel, whose equipment was obviously lagging behind, was a bit out of use.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng is now looking for an opportunity to kick the barrel to death with one set. Brother Han can only use the line to crush the E skill and use the ultimate backhand to prevent the opponent from murdering.

In other words, because he was worried about holding the wine barrel with his ultimate move, Lin Cheng didn't dare to attack with E first outside the tower, otherwise he would have been beaten home if he had been more aggressive.

In any case, wine barrels on the road are also being squeezed.

Canyon saw that the duration of the Vanguard in his hand was gradually passing away, but there was no other way. He made up his mind and chose to look for an opportunity.

In fact, it is difficult to catch the God who separates and grabs the hook lock and flashes the green steel shadow, but the Leopard Girl is in the lower half, and Udyr's risk of using the other two paths is greater.

Because now, no matter whether it is 2V2 in the middle or jungle or 3V3 in the bottom jungle, they will definitely not be able to beat them.

It is better to encircle and suppress the enemy on the road, which has a better chance of winning.

Although I always suffered from Lin Cheng in the past, I don't care so much now.

Can a Qinggang Shadow still fight 1 against 3?

The Qinggang Shadow itself has a bounty. If the Qinggang Shadow bounty can be removed, and the vanguard is used in conjunction with the explosion of the wine barrel to eat the plating, even if KT does not return to defense in time, he may be able to directly take the first blood tower.

That way, all the disadvantages on the field will be restored.

Plan passes!

Canyon: "I'm here to catch Camille! Find a way to trick the hook lock."

Khan: "It's not easy to lie! He won't exchange hooks and blood first."

Showmaker: "It doesn't matter! I can TP! Zoe doesn't have a TP!"

After the DK team members communicated, a sneak attack was launched on the top lane.

Because Lin Cheng had good vision in the river grass and the red square triangle, the pressure during this period was very fierce. After spotting Udyr in the river vision, he immediately walked down the side road grass.

Gragas and Udyr give chase.

In the alcove next to it, Xu Xiu's clockwork has already lit up TP in advance.

Junri: "Hey! Xiaolong immediately refreshes the DK and chooses to catch it! You are starting to think of ideas, right? You know it's hard to fight down there."

Rita: "But Qinggangying has E and flash! Isn't this wave difficult to catch?"

Junri: "It's not a question of whether it's easy to catch or not. The wine barrel's health can be easily changed...and I think I've seen this scene before. DK has already suffered enough losses from Brother Chengzi, so don't take it easy."

Try to catch three people!"

Just when Xu Xiu TP landed and signaled his teammates to take action, the wine barrel behind launched a meat bomb attack.


Without giving Lin Cheng a chance to react, Brother Khan directly dodged E and knocked Qinggang Ying unconscious, then drank a sip of old wine and hit W for a dunk.


Udyr flashed into bear form and took control with a slap.

The mainspring came out of the side alcove and QWR took action.

With no room for maneuver, Lin Cheng got the ultimate move before he got out of dizziness.

The Qinggang Shadow instantly lost blood.

Brother Han stopped, and when his finger touched the R key, he did not forget to remind his teammates to kill him.

"Orianna! Give it to Orianna!"

In Brother Khan's opinion, Qinggang Ying is already dead at this time.

No matter how hard you think about struggling, there are only two operations.

Either do a cross-dodge first, and then try to escape with a hook lock.

Or cross the hook lock first.

However, Qinggangying's E skill has a very obvious animation when the hook lock flies out. This time is enough to blast the wine barrel to press Qinggangying's position.

Anyway, the opponent can't escape with this little HP!

Brother Khan has a clear mind and is even ready to give in.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was also very quick.

At this time, the Qinggang Shadow had only one bar of health left. The moment he stood up, Lin Cheng controlled the Qinggang Shadow and kicked Udyr.

While launching the physical shield, Qinggangying activated the W tactical sweep on the spot.

The basic attack damage of Udyr and Clockwork's backhand just hit the adaptive shield.

Udyr does not have a Phoenix form, so he still deals physical damage.

And although Clockwork's basic attack will bring some magic damage, it is completely within the range of Qinggang Shadow's remaining health.


Lin Cheng dodged with W, stepped back, and at the same time used the outer edge of his tactical sweep to hit the wine barrel and Udyr, recovering a mouthful of blood for himself.

Moreover, this flash adjusted his position and entered the grass. Lin Cheng decisively stuck to the wall and kicked him out in seconds.

The Qinggang Shadow pressed against the wall for a second, his movements were too fast, and he directly kicked Chongwen and knocked him unconscious on the spot.

Lin Cheng deliberately targeted Clockwork instead of Wine Barrel, which was in a worse online blood exchange condition, because Clockwork was two positions away from the other two.

Udyr and Barrel couldn't touch the green steel shadow at the first time.

Moreover, the middle lane of Clockwork has been suppressed by Zoe, and his blood volume is actually not enough.

The AQ's passive performance when landing, coupled with the recovery from the outer circle of W, Qinggang Ying, who just had less than one health bar, suddenly had three health bars.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Brother Khan had already launched his ultimate move, trying to blast the Qinggang Shadow towards the wall.

The green steel shadow leaped high into the air and entered a state of no choice.

Blast the wine barrel to empty it.

The golden Hexstone Ultimatum area appeared, and the wine barrel and Udyr were bounced away.

Qinggangying landed, and the second stage of AQ took action.

The combination of superb passive and real damage caused nearly one-third of Clockwork's health to die instantly.

Lin Cheng showed a bright expression, turned around and ran up.

The two brothers DK started to chase.

Neither the wine barrel nor Udyr dodged, but because they were stuck below, Qinggangying could only run upwards.

Junri: "Let's see what we say when the clockwork comes. Brother Khan E flashes! Oh! The damage to the three DK people is completely enough. I take back what I just said... Hey! He's not dead! W came back and was caught by the clockwork

It’s seconds! Sorry! What I just took back doesn’t count! I really can’t catch Brother Chengzi.”

Rita: "Clockwork came up with half of its health and was immediately knocked out! The damage done by the Qinggang Shadow was too exaggerated!"

Junri: "But Brother Chengzi can't run anymore. Udyr is running very fast. Qinggangying hasn't given up yet, but that's not the direction of home!"

This chapter has been completed!
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