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Chapter 145 Sun Jians army and Su Lies army join together (Part 2)

Huang Gai kept approaching Sun Ce, which made Yang Xiuqing and the other rebels on the opposite side very angry!

I saw Sun Ce, Sun Bofu and his generals such as Jiang Qin, Pan Zhang, Dong Xi, etc., with weapons flying in their hands, taking away the bandits who rushed up one after another. Such actions made the bandits afraid and did not dare to step forward for a while.

"General, come here quickly."

Sun Ce shouted, signaling Huang Gai and others to come closer to him quickly. After speaking, Sun Ce and other generals fought and retreated, encouraging his soldiers to hold on for a while longer. They were already ready to retreat with the army!

On the other side, Yang Xiuqing, the leader of the bandit army, couldn't help but snorted coldly when he saw Huang Gai and others trying to escape. Then he picked up the treasure bow on his horse, bent the bow, took aim, and fired three arrows in unison.

It has to be said that Yang Xiuqing is still capable, he is skilled in bow and horse, and has the air of a commander! He shot three arrows, the first arrow was blocked by Huang Gai's soldiers, the second arrow was blocked by Huang Gai, and only the third arrow was blocked.

The second arrow immediately hit Huang Gai's left arm.


Huang Gai screamed in pain, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his left hand lost strength. In desperation, he could only bend down on the horse's back, then clamp the horse's belly with his legs, wave the riding crop with his right hand, and speed up to get closer to Sun Ce and others.

"How dare you escape despite your defeated general?"

Yang Xiuqing snorted coldly, bent his bow and arrow again, and fired three consecutive arrows. He wanted to shoot Huang Gai who was escaping!


When Sun Ce saw that Huang Gai was injured, he was extremely worried and clapped his horse to help him. When he saw Yang Xiuqing shooting three arrows, he couldn't help but snorted coldly. The weapon in his hand flew up and knocked down the three arrows.

The three arrows were shot down, and Huang Gai and others successfully joined Sun Ce!

Yang Xiuqing and other rebel commanders were furious, and directly ordered the army to cover up and kill them, hoping to prevent Sun Ce and others from escaping.

But Sun Ce and others already had a way to retreat...

This successfully grasped the mentality of Yang Xiuqing, Xiao Chaogui and others, but the duck flew away? Who can endure this?

Naturally, Yang Xiuqing and other generals could not watch Sun Cejun escape, so they led the army to continue the pursuit and march towards Lujiang River.

At this time, Sun Jian had successfully arrived in Lujiang City, but he heard the defenders in the city coming to report. Sun Ce and others led an army out of the city...

"What! Bo Fu led his army out of the city? What a joke!"

Sun Jian was shocked and his face turned pale. He turned back, took the three generals Cheng Pu, Zu Mao, and Han Dang, as well as nearly ten thousand soldiers, and rushed out of the city!

It was very interesting at this time. Sun Ce's army led Yang Xiuqing and others to Lujiang, and Su Lie's army was on the way to Lujiang City, and Sun Jian and others brought the soldiers in the city to rescue them.

Without contact, the three armies were forming a triangular encirclement, forming a pocket, waiting for the rebels to get in.

Even more coincidentally, Su Lie's army had finished resting here and was preparing to march to the Lujiang River. Before the army had traveled ten miles, scouts came to report! There were several armies nearby that seemed to be fighting, and the banners had the character Sun written on them.

Su Lie pondered for a moment, then raised his arms and shouted loudly, leading the entire army to march towards the fighting armies. The capital letters of Sun on the flags, without even thinking about it, were Sun Jian and others from Lujiang!

I'm afraid I'm in trouble...

"Where are the three generals Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei and Yang Youji?"

"The end is here!"

"I order you to lead three thousand elite troops on the road ahead to support General Sun. Remember to act according to the situation. If the rebel army is too strong, don't kill people for no reason."

Su Lie sent three generals to support, while he himself led the remaining generals and soldiers and marched at a constant speed.

The enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, so we should be fully prepared for war! As the saying goes, if you gain strength in one go, it will weaken again, and in three cases you will be exhausted.

The rebel army was constantly chasing Sun Ce's army, pressing forward step by step, and from time to time they rushed up to kill some Sun Ce's stragglers.

"Bo Fu, this bandit army is chasing too closely. What should we do?"

Pan Zhang rode up to Sun Ce and raised his question with a frown on his face. If this continues, even if he reaches Lujiang City, his army will probably suffer heavy losses. Whether they can enter the city is another question!

Sun Ce said nothing, only nodded, and then tilted his head forward, signaling Pan Zhang to look forward. He saw an army in front of him rushing towards him, with yellow characters written on the flag.

"Reinforcements are coming."

The officers and soldiers of Sun Ce's army were overjoyed, and they rushed much faster! On the other hand, the rebel army in the rear saw reinforcements coming from the front, and couldn't help but slow down a little, wanting to see the strength of the opponent before considering whether to fight.

"Huang Zhong is here! Why don't the bandits retreat quickly?"

"Zhang Fei is here too!"

"If Yang Youji is here, the thieves will be rampant."

The three generals of Yuan's army came out and came to Sun Ce's army. After a few brief words, they prepared for battle to face Yang Xiuqing's army of ten thousand people!

"To shoot a man first, shoot a horse; to capture a thief first, capture the king. My lord often says this. The thief will take one of my arrows!"

Huang Zhong snorted coldly, looked at Yang Youji beside him, exchanged glances, then drew out the arrow, bent the bow and aimed, and the arrow flew out.


The sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and the feather arrow was about to hit Yang Xiuqing. However, one of his soldiers came close to block it...

Yang Youji shot an arrow at Xiao Chaogui, but unfortunately it was blocked!

"How dare the Han generals be so bold? Men, charge!"

Without further ado, Yang Xiuqing directly led his troops to cover up the enemy, hoping to use their numerical superiority to kill Huang Zhong and Sun Ce's army in one fell swoop.

The bandit army suddenly charged, which made Huang Zhong and others a little stunned. Logically speaking, wouldn't it be reasonable to fight generals first and then fight? This...

Just when everyone was stunned and ready to escape, another voice came from behind!

"Bo Fu! My father is here. Please don't hurt my son by the bandits."

Sun Jian brought out all the elite soldiers in Lujiang City, which greatly increased the morale of his own side and seemed to be stronger than the rebel army.

In less than three breaths, another sound came from behind!

"Su Lie led the Yuzhou Army to come to support..."

Good guy, several armies arrived, and their numbers directly exceeded Yang Xiuqing's troops. This made Yang Xiuqing panic, and raised his arms and shouted to stop the army!

At this time, the dominance of the battlefield is no longer in the hands of Yang Xiuqing and other rebels...

"Damn it!"

Yang Xiuqing cursed, looked at his soldiers, shook his head helplessly, and ordered the entire army to retreat.

But how could Su Lie, Sun Jian and others allow the rebels to retreat smoothly? They directly ordered the army to charge and kill, and then Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Yang Youji, Han Dang, Zu Mao, Cheng Pu, Sun Ce, Sun Jian... a group of generals rode their horses.

Go out to catch up!

More than 3,000 fleeing bandits were killed and countless baggage items were seized.

At this point, Su Lie's army and Sun Jian's army successfully merged, and the two armies joined forces, and the Yangzhou counterattack was about to begin!

Everyone returned to Lujiang City, rested the army temporarily, then built walls, recruited new soldiers, drilled the army, rectified military discipline, prepared war supplies, sent scouts to pay close attention to the battle situation in Yangzhou, constantly accumulated strength, and prepared to send troops to attack Liu Xin's army.

"Those who kill the common people will be killed no matter how far away they are!"

This chapter has been completed!
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