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Chapter 179 Sow discord and fall apart!

After turning over all the money collected by Bai Yusuo, Liang Shitai and Tian Yunpeng looked at each other, then raised their arms and shouted, asking Bai Yusuo, Zuo Xiaoyou, and Chai Baochang to lead half of the soldiers to swim across the river.

As for his two generals, Guo Zihe and Peng Hu, they followed Tian Yunpeng and Liang Shitai and were responsible for guarding the rear of the swimming army to prevent the army from being attacked by the Han army.

"I will obey your orders!"

Bai Yusuo, Zuo Xiaoyou, and Chai Baochang took the order and started swimming with their soldiers. First, they warmed up by the river bank. After stretching their muscles, they jumped into the water one after another and headed to the other side of the river.

Travel everywhere.

At this time, Tian Yunpeng's eyes flashed, looking at the soldiers slowly swimming to the middle of the river, and the scene that was about to happen later emerged in his mind involuntarily!

In the middle of the river, the bandits and soldiers were vying for the first place, swimming in various postures, for fear that Han troops would come out later and attack them and others.

"Zhang San, swim quickly! I have a bad feeling, let's go ashore quickly..."

In the river, the thief Li Si was swimming, and he accidentally cast a golden light on the river bank. The golden light seemed to be formed by the reflection of sunlight on the metal.

Li Si's heart skipped a beat, and he was filled with panic. He reminded Zhang San next to him and asked him to speed ashore with him!

The bandits swam across the river and were about to reach the other side of the river. Unbeknownst to them, a large number of Han troops were lurking in the shallow bushes on the river bank, waiting for the opportunity to wait for the bandits to enter the shooting range...


The bandit soldier Li Si was the first to reach the shore. He stuck his head out of the water and breathed in the air on the other side, feeling comfortable. He looked around and found no trace of the Han army, so he relaxed his vigilance and turned to look at the people in the river.

Zhang San and others laughed at them for not being able to swim as fast as themselves!

Just when Li Si was laughing at Zhang San and others for not being able to swim as fast as him, Mi Fang, the general of the Xuzhou Army, was already lurking in the bushes. He raised his hand to signal his archers to bend their bows and set arrows, and stretched the bowstring to the full moon, waiting for his order.

At this time, thousands of arrows were fired.

"It's coming soon, more and more pirates are coming ashore!"

Seeing more and more thieves coming ashore on the river bank, Mi Fang was so excited that her raised hands were trembling. As long as he waved his hand, the thieves on the bank would fall into a pool of blood and die.

"General, it's almost done. If you go any further, you'll be out of control!"

As soon as the captain approached Mi Fang and looked at the bandits coming up one after another on the river bank, he couldn't help but whisper to Mi Fang that this was the perfect time to shoot arrows. If he missed this moment, he might not be able to wipe out all the bandits in one fell swoop.

Mi Fang nodded, looking like a torch as she looked at the bandit soldiers who were getting dressed ashore. Before they were ready, she gave an order, followed by thousands of arrows.

Arrows are raining like rain, and dark clouds are pressing down on the city. Where did the thieves on the river bank arrive? They all died in the river, and their souls returned to the river.

As for the rebel generals Bai Yusuo, Zuo Xiaoyou, and Chai Baochang, the three of them were extremely smart. When the arrows were about to fall, they reacted quickly and pulled several soldiers around them in front of them to protect themselves from the arrows.

Thus escaping a disaster.

The rain of arrows fell, and less than fifty people survived. As for the soldiers who continued to swim in the river, there were not many who could escape the arrow attacks. Many of the soldiers who survived, due to emotional stress, exhausted themselves.

He was violent and died in the river!

"Damn it, this Han army actually has an ambush. What should we do?"

The three generals Bai Yusuo, Zuo Xiaoyou, and Chai Baochang were at a loss. They looked at each other and communicated, not knowing what to do next!

Looking at the less than a hundred soldiers behind them, the three generals were dejected and unwilling to die early, so they communicated with each other and came up with a bold idea.

Lead the surviving soldiers to surrender to the Han army...

"I have heard for a long time that the Han army treated prisoners favorably. If we surrender, there will be no serious problems."

Zuo Xiaoyou said what he wanted to say, and as soon as he said it, he was approved by Chai Baochang and Bai Yusuo. He then gathered the surviving soldiers, put down their weapons, raised his hands, indicating that he was willing to surrender to the Han army, and also invited

The soldiers of the Han army were able to let themselves and others escape.

Mi Fang's Xuzhou army hid in the bushes. Looking at the surrendering soldiers, they couldn't help but be shocked. Aren't these guys made of iron and steel? They also have soft bones?

Since the rebel soldiers were willing to surrender, Mi Fang saved a lot of time and directly led the army out of the bushes to receive the surrendered generals.

The appearance of a large number of Han troops on the other side of the river, coupled with the death of a large number of our own soldiers just now, made the rebel soldiers who had not yet crossed the river feel deeply panicked. They did not know what to do for a while, and they all turned their attention to Tian Yunpeng and others.

Tian Yunpeng was not a fool. The Han army on the other side had appeared. It was obvious that swimming would mean death, so he did not blatantly let the soldiers continue swimming. Instead, he recruited his generals Peng Hu and Guo Zihe and let them be the vanguard to lead the remaining troops.

, go back and forth to evacuate. Try to avoid this river...

"I will obey your orders!"

Peng Hu cupped his hands and clasped his fists, and then cooperated with Guo Zihe to lead his army to change direction and head towards the upper reaches of the river, preparing to find a narrow place to pass through.

At this time, Liang Shitai and Tian Yunpeng shouted loudly that they and some of their soldiers would lead the rear for them, so that Peng Hu and others could leave with peace of mind.

This made Guo Zihe and Peng Huhu burst into tears. When they retreated, they did not forget to hold their hands and fists to express gratitude to their two generals.

After Tian Yunpeng and others watched Peng Hu and others leave, they took the soldiers who had surrendered with them and made a fire to cook on the spot. The next thing should be left to the two generals Zang Ba and Gao Jue.

I saw that when Peng Hu and Guo Zihe led their troops north to the upper reaches of the river, an army rushed out on the way. When they looked closely, it was the Han general Gao Jue who had fought against them before!

This made Peng Hu's heart skip a beat, and he looked at Guo Zihe beside him with an expression of embarrassment, saying bluntly that he couldn't defeat Gao Jue, and he still needed Guo Zihe to cooperate with him.

Without further ado, Gao Jue looked at the two thieves and had already guessed their inner thoughts, so he took the initiative and rushed out, rushing towards Peng Hu, shouting that those who surrendered would not be killed!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Ding! The high-jue skill "King of Swords" is activated, and the force value is increased by 3 points, currently rising to 100

The second skill "Clever Ear" is activated, and the force value is increased by 6 points, and the force value of Peng Hu and Guo Zi is suppressed by 2 points. The current force value of Gao Jue has increased to 106, and with the blessing of BMW's magic weapon, it has increased to 108."

Gao Jue's skills exploded and he directly pressed down on Peng Hu. If it weren't for Guo Zihe's desperate assistance, Peng Hu would have become a corpse at this time!

They were little thieves, but Gao Jue didn't pay attention to them at all. The sword flew in his hand and cut one wound after another on their bodies.

"Damn it, why is this general so strong? He is not on the same level as the previous generals."

Unfortunately, Peng Hu was hit by the sword in Gao Jue's hand. His energy and blood instantly surged, and a sweet smell spurted out from his throat. The armor in front of him was dyed bright red.

Looking at the rebel general who was stubbornly resisting, Gao Jue snorted coldly, and the magic weapon in his hand flew like flowers. In three rounds, he knocked Peng Hu off his horse, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

As for Guo Zihe, without Peng Hu's help, he could not escape the disaster. Gao Jue slashed his good horse to death, fell to the ground, and fainted.

"Come here, tie up these two thieves and take them back to the army to await their punishment."

With Gao Jue successfully capturing the traitor general here, Liang Shitai and Tian Yunpeng sent by Wang Bo went out to fight the Han army, and the entire army was wiped out!

At this time, Tian Yunpeng and Liang Shitai came on horseback, joined Gao Jue and others, exchanged greetings with each other, and put arms around each other to show their excitement.

"General Tian Yunpeng, you have made a great contribution in this battle. Congratulations!"

Regarding Tian Yunpeng in front of him, all the generals present admired him endlessly, and secretly worshiped him in their hearts. After all, on the battlefield, the strong are respected!

Tian Yunpeng was so happy that he immediately boarded the boat brought by Mi Fang's army and went to see Qi Jiguang.

Liang Shitai returned to the army safe and sound, and cooperated with Tian Yunpeng to defeat the bandit army and also made great achievements. This made Qi Jiguang look happy, patting Liang Shitai on the shoulder and asking for help.

"General, the news of the defeat of the bandit army is probably about to reach the ears of Taishan bandit Wang Bo, Chen Youliang and Wu Guang. Do you think we need to retreat?"

Tian Yunpeng was relatively familiar with the Taishan bandit king Bo. This battle resulted in heavy casualties for him, and the army was bound to be in an uproar. His lack of knowledge about people led to the destruction of the army, and he was bound to be annoyed by his generals.

At that time, he provided an opportunity for the thief Chen Youliang. If he and others could help Chen Youliang disrupt the Taishan Army, then Wang Bo and Chen Youliang would fight in a melee. If the two tigers fought, one of them would be injured!

"General Qi, do you think so?"

Hearing this, Qi Jiguang nodded and understood the meaning of Tian Yunpeng's words. There must be a battle between Wang Bo and Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang was very ambitious and was not willing to be subordinate to others. According to Tian Yunpeng, Chen Youliang had a strange man under his command, known as Li Chui, the poisonous scholar. This man was very resourceful and would definitely help Chen Youliang defeat Wang Bo.

Poor Tomoyo and Wang Bo, he lured the wolf into the house, set himself on fire, and finally got entangled and even died at the hands of his own generals...

Qi Jiguang thought about the relationship between Wang Bo and Chen Youliang, and couldn't help but think of a way. He shouted to his soldiers and asked his general Dong Zhao to come and prepare to discuss countermeasures with him, how to deal with Wang Bo and Chen Youliang, so that both of them would lose.

, reap the benefits of being a fisherman by yourself.

"General Qi, what's going on with Xun Zhao?"

Since Dong Zhao followed Qi Jiguang and joined the Xuzhou Army, he took the initiative to take charge of logistics and internal affairs. He followed the example of Xiao He in ancient times, provided military supplies for the fighting soldiers, and appeased the people in the newly recovered areas.

Qi Jiguang did not have to worry about logistics and appeasing the people, so he could fight wholeheartedly and defeat the bandits!

"The main reason I called you here is to find a way to make Chen Youliang and Wang Bo both lose and fall apart!"

Hearing this, Dong Zhao looked troubled, stroking his beard with his right hand, secretly thinking about the strength of Chen Youliang and Wang Bo.

"According to the reports from Santuhe commanders Yuan Fang and Haidong, the traitor Chen Youliang is far more talented than Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, and will be a big enemy in the future! He doesn't have enough generals under his command. I guess the next goal is to poach Wang Bo's generals.

, or take advantage of the power of King Bo of Mount Tai to recruit talents secretly to develop their own strength."

Dong Zhao explained the current situation of Wang Bo and Chen Youliang one by one, and then said

"Whether Chen Youliang is developing his own strength or poaching Wang Bo, it is all done secretly and he does not dare to do it openly. I think this can be used as an entry point to let Santuhe find out the information about Chen Youliang's personal relationship with General Wang Bo, and then

Let Wang Bo know without knowing it!"

Dong Zhao hesitated to speak and raised his eyes to look at Qi Jiguang. There is not much left to say. Even a smart man knows what it means!

"Sir, what you mean is that if Zhi Shilang and Wang Bo knew that Chen Youliang was secretly poaching him, he would definitely be furious, and then find ways to drive away or get rid of Chen Youliang, annex his troops, and strengthen himself."

Qi Jiguang expressed his understanding, every sentence was reasonable, and he pointed out the shortcomings of the current situation. Dong Zhao's eyes lit up and he praised Qi Jiguang endlessly. He is a child who can be taught!

As for how to stir up the situation in Mount Tai, Dong Zhao had his own plan. He first asked his soldiers to pretend to be civilians, fishermen, restaurants, farmers... at the foot of Mount Tai to spread the news that Tian Yunpeng and Liang Shitai were just fake surrenders, and Wang Bo was deceived.

, this shows that Chishiro Wangbo’s talents are vulgar!

Then indirectly praise Chen Youliang as the hero, and through public opinion, the relationship between Wang Bo and Chen Youliang broke down.

After that, the intelligence organization was dispatched to pay close attention to the whereabouts of Chen Youliang from the Bandit Army Division, and then added more details and anonymously sent it to Wang Bo in the form of a letter to make him worry.

If these two methods are successfully completed, there is an 80% possibility that Chen Youliang and Wang Bo will have a fight, and Qi Jiguang will pretend to retreat and let the two thieves fight each other. When both sides are hurt, Qi Jiguang will lead the army again

Return with the power of thunder and lead all the soldiers to defeat the Taishan bandits!

How can you allow others to sleep soundly under the couch?

If Wang Bo knew about Chen Youliang's behavior, he would definitely be furious and mobilize an army to kill him! And with the help of Wu Guang, Li Chui and others, Chen Youliang would never be easily killed by Wang Bo.

"General Qi Jiguang Zhao believes that our army can secretly assist Chen Youliang to defeat Wang Bo. At that time, Wang Bo was destroyed, and his generals surrendered or died. Chen Youliang's strength has greatly increased, and he will not be isolated in a corner.

We have General Tian Yunpeng, a peerless general here. Coupled with several battles, Chen Youliang's army has a shadow. It will definitely not continue to go south to plunder Xuzhou. There is a high probability that it will go west and encounter Cao Mengde's army..."

The meaning of Dong Zhao's words is obvious: to divert trouble to the west, allowing Chen Youliang to enter Yanzhou and weaken the Yanzhou army after merging with Wang Bo's forces.

After all, this Cao Cao will become a powerful enemy in the future!

The main reason why Dong Zhao thinks this way is that after joining Yuan Shu's army, he saw many admirable advantages in Yuan Shu's army. For example, there are clear prohibitions, there are laws to abide by, laws must be followed, violations must be punished, and violations must be punished.

Punishment. Zhi punishes Zang or not. It is not appropriate to have similarities and differences...

The military discipline is strict, the formations are harmonious, the armaments are excellent, the troops are strong, the morale is high, the generals are resourceful and capable of fighting well!

Many points point to one point. Yuan Shu will definitely not be willing to be subordinated to others. At this time, the Han Dynasty is in danger, and thieves are rising. The officers and soldiers in various places have evil intentions. If nothing happens, in a few years there will be a situation where all the heroes are vying for the throne.

In this situation, your lord will inevitably become one of the heroes, compete in the world, and ascend to the throne!

This chapter has been completed!
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