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Chapter 324 Wagang is destroyed, Li Zitong is doomed!

The Pei family finally got together, and Yuan Shu did not stay to disturb him. He took the initiative to say goodbye to Pei Renji and others, and then rushed towards the military camp!

Now that the crisis in Nanton City has been lifted, the generals who came to support Gao Jineng, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Hai Donglai, Yang Youji, etc. have also led their troops to settle in Nanton County.

In Nanton County, military advisor Xun You summoned Wen Tianxiang, Xin Qiji, and Yuan Fang to work together on the infrastructure construction in the city, repairing civilian houses and subsidizing the people who contributed in the war.

This move made Yuan Jun and the people want to win!

The time, place, and people were favorable, and Yuan Shu immediately decided to take advantage of the fact that the soldiers had just won the battle and still maintained high morale, and went directly out of the city to launch a counterattack against Wagang Village, eradicating this cancer in Yuzhou in one fell swoop.

"What do you think, generals?"

"We will obey your lord's orders. Wherever the sword goes and the soldiers go, the cavalry will sweep across the evil party and show off the prestige of our Yuzhou army!"

Seeing that his morale was good, Yuan Shu's eyes flashed with light. He immediately took out a military talisman from his arms and handed it to Pei Yuanqing, Jia Fu, Tian Yunpeng and Lian Po who had just arrived in Nandun City.

"The purpose of destroying Wagang Village this time is to retreat the enemy and annihilate the enemy's effective forces! Set up four troops in the southeast, northwest and northwest to surround the enemy. Then I will contact General Yuwen Chengdu here and ask him to send troops to support in case there is any loss.


All the generals in the tent were waiting attentively for Yuan Shu to issue orders, hoping that they could become the leading generals and surround and kill the Wagang rebels!

The First Route Army, with Pei Yuanqing as the vanguard general and Pei Xingyan, Pei Xingjian, Pei Yuanfu, Pei Yuanshao, Pei Yuanlong, Pei Yuanhu, and Tie Lei Babao as deputy generals, led 3,000 soldiers to attack Wagangzhai from the south.

The Second Route Army was led by Tian Yunpeng.

Gao Jineng, Bishu, Bihan, and Bichen, a total of 4 lieutenants, commanded 5,000 heavily armored infantry to cut off the route west of Wagang Village to escape into Jingzhou!

Third Route Army,

Jia Fu was the chief general, Yang Youji, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Yuan Ji, Zhang Tao, Su Jing, and Changsheng, a total of 7 deputy generals. They commanded 800 light cavalry and 2,000 infantry to cut off the eastward escape route of Wagang Village and prevent the thieves.

Join Li Zitong's army.

As for the final Fourth Route Army, Yuan Shu attached great importance to it, so it was led by General Lian Po, with Dong Zhao as the military advisor, Shi Dakai as the army supervisor and grain transport officer, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Xiong Kuohai, Liang Shitai, and Li Dian.

, Zhou Cang, Liao Hua, Guan Hai, Zhang Qing, Qin Ming, as well as Chen Yucheng, Li Xiucheng, Du Wei, and Liu Yun who surrendered to our army, a total of 14 deputy generals, led all the remaining soldiers and siege equipment, and attacked from the north

Attack Wagang Village by force! (Generals mobilized from counties and counties in Yuzhou before the counterattack against Wagang Village)

This battle lineup is no less than a large-scale battle to destroy the country. Even when he attacked the southern rebel Fang La last time, Yuan Shu did not send out so many capable generals!

The main reason for mobilizing so many fierce generals to participate in the war is that Nawa Gangzhai was built in Yuzhou and dared to run rampant under the noses of Yuan Shu and others.

Is that okay? At this point, if we don’t use thunderbolt means to teach the Wagang thieves a lesson,

Then where should Yuan Shu put his face?

"This battle is a face-to-face battle for our Yuzhou army. I also ask all generals to do your best to kill the enemy bravely!"

After saying this, Yuan Shu was seen with gloomy eyes, looking towards the direction of Wagang Village, raising his arms and shouting to signal the four generals under his command to lead the army to attack, and the counterattack against Wagang Village has officially begun!

At the same time, the remnant army led by General Sheng Yan and others who were frustrated and defeated in Nanton City managed to escape Yuwen Chengduduo's pursuit and successfully returned to Wagang Village.

As the leader of Wagang Village, Cheng Yaojin knew the outcome of this battle instantly when he saw his generals returning in such a mess.

Looking at the generals in the army, Pei Renji, Pei Yuanqing and others were not present, and I couldn't help but feel a little confused!

"Where are the two beloved ministers Pei Renji and Pei Yuanqing? Did they die in battle?"

"My lord, the two of them rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, causing our army to mutiny. They were also captured by Yuan's army at night, so they suffered such a huge defeat. Please forgive me."

Hearing the intrusion from Sheng Yanshi, Wang Junke and others to explain, Cheng Yaojin was a little unbelievable for a moment. Pei Renji and Pei Yuanqing were recognized capable and loyal ministers in Wagang Village, how could they rebel and surrender to the enemy?

Cheng Yaojin was in a daze, but he heard that some soldiers came to report that the Pei family members were gone, and the gold, silver, treasures and weapons in their residence were also gone!

"This... I know people but not their hearts. Pei Renji's rebellion and defection to the enemy caused the defeat of our army. We really cannot blame General Sheng Yan and other generals. Please give me a lighter sentence, my lord."

All the generals present interceded for Master Sheng Yan and others, which made Cheng Yaojin reluctant to punish him too harshly. After a few simple lessons, he asked Master Sheng Yan and others to make meritorious deeds next time.

"Thank you, lord"

Just as Master Sheng Yan handed over his hand to thank him, a soldier broke into the military tent, knelt and crawled in front of Cheng Yaojin, and reported the news that Yuan Jun organized a four-pronged army outside Wagang Village to approach here.

After hearing the news reported by the scouts, the Wagang generals were shocked and didn't know what to do for a while! The generals of the main combat faction threatened to lead their troops to fight Yuan Shu to the death, while some of the surrender faction felt that they could not defeat Yuan Shu's Yuzhou army, so they gave up the battle as soon as possible.

Okay. But the neutral faction of the Wagang Army feels that sticking to the stronghold and looking for opportunities to escape is the most important thing!

"The morale of our army is low in this battle. It is not suitable to take the initiative to engage in field battles with Yuan Shu's army. Surrender is also not an option. The only way is to stay in the stronghold and wait for Li Zitong's army to come to support. In addition, we can continue to dig secret passages.

In order to escape."

Cheng Yaojin officially issued the strategy, and the Wagang generals left the tent one after another and returned to the military camp to perform their duties. They led the troops to support the four gates of the camp, the southeast and northwest, and were ready to fight Yuan Shu's army in a bloody battle at any time.

While the two forces were preparing for war, about an hour passed before Yuan Shu's army successfully arrived five miles away from Wagang Village.

Pei Yuanqing, the vanguard of the Yuan Army, is wearing bright silver armor, holding a pair of Bagua bright silver plum blossom hammers, riding a Ningyuan lion colt on his crotch, and looking meaningfully at the gate of Wagang Village in front of him!

Unexpectedly, I would return to Wagang this time as an enemy...

"There is a loose wall three feet to the right of the south gate of Wagang Village. Let's start from here. We must capture the south gate within two hours, move into Wagang Village, and capture the general alive!"

Pei Yuanqing held a pair of silver hammers weighing 100 kilograms, and with the help of the foot power of the treasure horse under his crotch, he rode first with Luo Zidu, Fuzongketan, Wueryidi, and Wueryiqi, the guards at the south gate of Nawagang Village.

Xie Yingdeng and others fought against each other.

The battle at the south gate of Wagang Village is in full swing!

The same is true for the other three gates in the east, west and north. Silver Halberd Tai Sui Snow King Jia Fu and Jia Junwen led 5,000 heavily armored soldiers under his command and directly sealed the east gate of Wagang Village completely. Jia Fu himself cooperated with his lieutenants to force the entrance.

Yunti, fought against Lu Gongdan, Jia Runfu, Ding Tianqing, Huang Tianhu and Li Chenglong, the guards at the east gate of Wagang.

At the west gate of Wagang Village, Tian Yunpeng directly led the army to attack the village. He ordered his soldiers to set up ladders, push down the well railings, and break down the gate with siege hammers. The fierce offensive made the west gate guards Jin Jia, Tong Huan, Li Ruhui, Zhang Zhuan, Yang He, and Li Ji

The others were unable to resist, so they had no choice but to arrange for soldiers to completely block the west gate with sandbags and heavy objects.

At the north gate of Wagang Village, Cheng Yaojin, the virtuous emperor and the demon king, went to the battlefield in person. He was seen wearing a tiger and leopard helmet, a green-faced fang wolf and golden armor, holding a Bagua Xuanhua ax weighing more than eighty kilograms, and a white jade belt tied around his waist.

With a dragon-patterned belt and an iron horse-horse tied behind his back, he looks mighty and domineering!

In addition to Cheng Yaojin himself going to the North Gate battlefield, he also brought military advisor Zhang Gongjin, as well as He Hui, Fan Hu, Lian Ming, You Junda, Shi Danai, Sheng Yanshi, Qu Tutong, Qu Tugai,

Cheng Lingxi, Cheng Youde, Wang Junke and other capable ministers and generals wanted to compete with Yuan Shu for superiority.

"You rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs are responsible for defending the city. What use are you doing?"

A trace of contempt flashed in Lian Po's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he waved his hand to signal his lieutenants to attack the city quickly!

The war was about to break out, and the fighting at the four gates of Wagang Village was in full swing. Yuan Shu's soldiers followed the general's footsteps and marched forward bravely without fear of life or death.

After an hour of continuous attack on the fortress, the east gate of Wagang Village fell. Jia Fu led his army to successfully break through the city. The bandits fled and retreated to the north gate to join Cheng Yaojin.

Within a quarter of an hour after the East Gate fell, the South Gate and the West Gate fell one after another. Pei Yuanqing and Tian Yunpeng successfully led their troops to settle in, while the bandit generals fled in embarrassment to Cheng Yaojin's place at the North Gate, hoping to lead the remaining troops to resist.

When the three gates in the east, west and south fell, Pei Yuanqing, Jia Fu and Tian Yunpeng, three powerful generals, joined forces and marched toward the north gate, Cheng Yaojin.

At the north gate of Wagang Village, the several-foot-high iron gate collapsed. Cheng Yaojin and others were shocked. They quickly led the army to retreat and fled towards the inner camp in the center of the village. At the same time, Lian Po, the chief general in charge of the siege,

He quickly assembled his troops, not wanting to give the thieves a chance to escape, and led his soldiers into Wagang Village in a hurry, chasing the retreating thieves fiercely.

"The higher-ups will take the lead and withdraw from the secret passage. I will lead the troops and intercept the rear. I will come later!"

As the lord, Cheng Yaojin ignored the dissuasion of his soldiers and insisted on leading the army to cut off the rear and create opportunities for the generals to escape.

I saw the virtuous emperor Cheng Yaojin, the demon king incarnate, commanding the remaining 5,000-watt soldiers, Cheng Lingxi, and Cheng Youde, two close generals, who were responsible for cutting off the rear.

Seeing the Yuzhou Army getting closer and closer, Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth and forcibly emboldened himself, then waved the Bagua Xuanhua ax in his hand, which weighed more than 80 kilograms, and killed the invading Yuan Army on the opposite side!

As you can imagine, Cheng Yaojin took the initiative to confront Jia Fu, but he was no match at all. He was shot down from his horse in less than three rounds, captured alive, and tied up.

The same was true for Cheng Youde and Cheng Lingxi. After facing Pei Yuanqing and Tian Yunpeng respectively, they were captured alive in less than three rounds.

The soldiers under their command lost all courage and had no choice but to put down their weapons and surrender...

With the capture of Cheng Yaojin, the leader of Wagang Village, the Battle of Wagang came to an end, ending with a complete victory of the Yuzhou Army.

The only regrettable thing about this battle is that most of the generals in Wagang Village escaped. Yuan Shu, Xun You and others really did not expect that there was a secret passage leading to the outside of Wagang Village. Things are unpredictable and cannot be planned.

What a mistake!

This chapter has been completed!
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