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Chapter 351 The Ling Emperor died and Jian Shuo was killed.

Sili, Luoyang!

Emperor Ling was seriously ill, so he often served Jian Shuo and said: "If you want to establish an alliance, you must first kill the general He Jin to avoid future troubles." The emperor then said.

On Bingchen, Emperor Ling passed away in the Jiade Palace. Jian Shuo was grieved.

In compliance with the emperor's will, he first killed He Jin and then established Prince Xie as the new emperor. Therefore, he temporarily concealed the news of the death of Emperor Ling. He pretended to convey Emperor Ling's will and announced that General He had entered the palace to discuss the funeral affairs. Jian Shuo took advantage of the order to make arrangements.

Three hundred axemen lurked behind the scenes of the palace, waiting for He Jin to arrive.

General He Jin was still living in the palace, playing and playing with his beautiful concubine, and he had no doubts about Emperor Ling's will.

Follow the eunuch Wang Zhen and head towards the palace!

When he arrived at the palace gate, he saw Pan Yin, who was the Sima, secretly telling him in a low voice: "You are not allowed to enter the palace, Jian Shuo wants to murder the Duke."

He Jin was shocked when he heard the news.

Immediately he hurried back to the palace and summoned all the scholar-bureaucrats under his command to discuss the plan to kill the eunuchs in the palace.

All the scholar-bureaucrats gathered in the general's residence. Among them, Lu Junyi, one of the eight captains of Xiyuan, stepped forward and said bluntly: "The eunuchs in the palace have been in power since the time when they challenged the emperor and challenged the emperor. They have become deeply rooted in the imperial court and spread widely.

Now you plan to kill them all, will you kill them all? If the news leaks out and the eunuchs counterattack, you will be in danger of killing your entire family and annihilating all nine tribes.

General, please make your decision carefully!"

General He Jin was shocked by the sudden words. He turned to look at Lu Junyi who spoke. Then there was a hint of contempt in his eyes and he continued.

"Does this junior know about the important affairs of the imperial court?"

Just when He Jin was hesitating, Pan Yin, who held the position of Sima, arrived at the general's residence and informed He Jin: "Emperor Ling has passed away. Now the Zhongchang Shi Jian Shuo is discussing with the Shichang Shi Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and others.

The secret is not mourning,

A false edict was issued to announce that Uncle He Guo had entered the palace.

Desperate for future troubles,

Then, Prince Xie will be enthroned as emperor."

Just as Pan Yin finished speaking, a sharp drake voice came from outside the general's residence, saying: "The imperial edict has arrived, and the general will receive it."

He Jin was so shocked that he quickly dressed up and went out to receive the order. He knelt on the ground and listened to the messenger who passed the order: "By the emperor's order, General Xuan He Jin hastily entered the palace to discuss the funeral arrangements."

After he respectfully sent the messenger away, He Jin looked ashen and turned to all his confidants in the hall for help, seeking ways to deal with the eunuchs!

At this time, Xun Yu, Chen Lin, Chun Yuqiong and others in the hall looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment. At the critical moment, Lu Junyi, one of the eight captains of Xiyuan, stood up on his own initiative and raised his hands to say something to He Jin.

: "Today's plan is to rectify your throne first.

Then try to be a thief."

When He Jin saw it, he put away the contempt in his eyes,

He bowed his hands and bowed in return, thanking Lu Junyi for his advice, and then asked all the confidants in the hall.

"Who dares to challenge my lord as a thief?"

The two men stepped forward and said: "I would like to borrow five thousand elite soldiers to cut through the pass and enter, install a new king, kill all the eunuchs, clear the court, and bring peace to the world!"

He Jin heard about the reputation and found out that these two people were Lu Junyi and Chun Yuqiong, both of whom were one of the eight captains of Xiyuan. He Jin was overjoyed and ordered five thousand soldiers to guard the forest.

Give orders and wait for the opportunity.

With Lu Junyi and Chun Yuqiong leading the army to help, the general He Jin did not feel panic at all. He immediately led more than 30 ministers such as He Yong, Xun Yu, Zheng Tai and so on to rush towards the palace, ignoring the eunuchs' obstruction and following one after another. Entering the place where Emperor Ling was, he saw the death of Emperor Ling, and all the ministers were crying and howling, heartbroken!

General He Jin had already known about the death of Emperor Ling, and seeing him pretending to be sad, he wiped his tears and stood in front of Emperor Ling's coffin, supporting Prince Bian to ascend the throne of emperor.

When the new emperor succeeded to the throne, all the officials in the court shouted long live. Zhang Rang and others looked at each other in shock. They had no choice but to swallow their anger and find other ways to overthrow He Jin's hegemony.

At the same time, Lu Junyi and Chunyu Qiong led five thousand Yulin troops to attack the army led by Chang Shi Jian Shuo in the inner city!

Lu Junyi was highly skilled in martial arts. He wielded a gold-equipped two-foot-long steel spear in his hand, and fiercely killed more than fifty warriors under Jian Shuo's command. Then he led his army to defeat the opponent's army and abandoned their armor. Zhongchang Shi Jian Shuo was killed. He forced the remaining troops to escape into the imperial garden.

"General, are we going to continue to hunt Jian Shuo?"

Lu Junyi's servant Yan Qing was holding an iron sword and wanted to lead the army to continue chasing Jian Shuo who had escaped into the imperial garden. Just as he was reining in his horse and preparing to charge, he saw Lu Junyi raising his arms and waving his hands, indicating that Yan Qing did not need to continue the pursuit. Don't chase him, Jian Shuo will naturally have someone to deal with him!

The fact is just as Lu Junyi said. After escaping into the Imperial Garden, Jian Shuo relaxed his vigilance when he saw that there were no imperial guards chasing him. However, he did not expect that his colleague Guo Sheng, the regular servant next to him, had already rebelled and held the The broadsword was filled with evil intent, and the cold light suddenly appeared. The tall man's head fell to the ground, and he died with his eyes open.

"Jian Shuo is not a minister and wants to harm the general. Now I will behead him. If anyone wants to make me an enemy, just let him go!"

Guo Sheng's eyes widened with anger. His strong right arm held the sword tightly, and his left hand held the newly cut off Jian Shuo's head that was still dripping with blood. His tall and straight body was like a tower, standing on the spot to watch the other remnants around him. The soldiers suddenly took action.

"The general is brave and brave. We dare not make mistakes. We are willing to obey the general's orders and use our fingers like an arm!"

All the imperial troops led by Jian Shuo surrendered to Guo Sheng, but Guo Sheng, covered in blood, with red eyes, carrying Jian Shuo's bleeding head, led the army to join Lu Junyi and Chun Yuqiong, and joined the faction of General He Jin. .

The imperial garden was covered with blood. Lu Junyi, Chunyu Qiong, and Guo Sheng led the army to where the general He Jin was and presented Jian Shuo's head.

Later, Chunyu Qiong and Lu Junyi jointly remonstrated with He Jin and said: "The middle officials have formed a clique, and today we can take advantage of the situation and punish them."

Just when the general He Jin was wavering, Sima Pan Yin heard the news and quietly sent a message to He Jin and others in the palace. Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and others knew that the matter was urgent, so they hurried into the palace and told Queen He: "In the beginning. Those who set up a plot to frame the general, only Jian Shuo, did not interfere with the ministers and others. Now the general listened to Yuan Shao's words and wants to kill the ministers and others, begging for mercy from the empress!"

Seeing Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and other eunuchs kneeling down in front of her and begging with tears in their eyes, Queen Mother He frowned slightly, opened her red lips and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

The ten permanent attendants Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and others kowtowed repeatedly to express their gratitude, then bowed down and exited the palace.

Watching the eunuchs retreat, Queen He's phoenix eyes suddenly flashed with light, and she immediately announced that General He had entered the palace. After He entered the palace, Queen Mother He secretly said: "You and I come from humble backgrounds. We are not Zhang Rang and others."

, how can you enjoy such wealth and honor? Now that Jian Shuo is unkind and has been executed, why do you listen to others and want to execute the eunuch?"


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