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Chapter 490 Shouchun battlefield, a fierce battle between the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the rebels!

Yangzhou, Jiujiang County, Shouchun City!

In the early morning, heavy fog filled the air, and the red sun began to shine. On the impregnable Shouchun City, countless war flags were flying, among which a large banner with the word "Yang" written on it swayed in the wind.

At this time, under Shouchun City, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom troops who had been fighting for dozens of days were dispatched!

The soldiers of the Central Army pushed and moved slowly towards the city wall, and the light cavalry on both sides held bent bows and fired volleys at Yang Xiuqing's rebels above the city wall. The battle was about to break out, the war spread quickly, and an offensive and defensive battle broke out in Shouchun City.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

The loud war horn sounded, and these were two armies that were comparable in strength but with very different styles: Yang Xiuqing's forces defending the city and the rebels were all wearing red armor, holding broad swords and spears, and long spears. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom army was completely different.

, the soldiers were all wearing black armor. The soldiers climbing up the ladder held a rattan round shield in their left hand to protect their heads, with a long narrow sword on their waist, holding the ladder with their right hand and climbing up step by step; the light riders under the city held a full-moon bow.

, carrying a quiver on his back, filled with sharp arrows, always ready to fire a volley; in addition, the soldiers on the siege weapon wells, holding sharp long guns, kept pointing towards the top of the city wall.

The rebels stabbed past.

Suddenly, the first well of the Taiping Rebellion came into contact with the city wall of Shouchun City. The soldiers' eyes were red, and they looked up to the sky and roared with anger in their hearts. They grabbed the sharp Changge in their hands and were about to charge!

The flags on the city are still fluttering, as if they are fighting unyieldingly against the strong wind.

"Jinglan advances, cavalry prepares for volley!"

Huang Wenjin, the king of Du, who is known as the Yellow Tiger, handed over the command to the deputy general next to him. He held a shield and a tiger-headed golden ring knife, and carried a dragon and iron spear on his back. He took the lead and climbed up the ladder in twos and twos.

, climbing all the way up. The generals in Shouchun City were very anxious when they saw this, and quickly dispatched their troops to surround and suppress Huang Wenjin at the crenellations of the city wall!

"The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's blocking king Huang Wenjin is here, why don't the rebels surrender immediately?"

Huang Wenjin, who successfully climbed onto the city wall, immediately threw aside the shield he was holding in his left hand. He held the tiger-headed golden ring knife tightly in both hands and rushed towards the enemy crowd like a madman. As he raised the knife and dropped it, he rushed to kill them wantonly.

, dozens and nearly hundreds of rebel soldiers were killed.

Just as he was about to attack other crenellations on the city wall, a rebel general suddenly emerged from the rebel army. Huang Wenjin also knew this rebel general. He was Cai Yuanlong, the former subordinate of the loyal king Li Xiucheng of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Li Xiucheng was surrendered by Yuan Shu, and Cai Yuanlong's army was incorporated by the Eastern King Yang Xiuqing because he had no general to lead him. He himself became Yang Xiuqing's confidant general after repeatedly making military exploits. In order to win over his loyalty, Yang Xiuqing even

Married his favorite adopted daughter to him.

After marrying Yang Xiuqing's adopted daughter, Cai Yuanlong became the son-in-law of the Eastern King Yang Xiuqing. Now that Yang Xiuqing has led his army to rebel against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, he, as a son-in-law, will naturally follow his father-in-law Yang Xiuqing!

[Popular science: Li Xiucheng, the loyal king of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, was the son-in-law of Li Xiucheng (another theory is that he was the son-in-law of the Eastern King Yang Xiuqing).

Cai Yuanlong joined the Taiping Army in 1854. In 1860, he went to Rentian'an and followed Li Xiucheng eastward to Danyang, Changzhou, and Suzhou. When he advanced to Shanghai and encountered obstacles, he transferred to Jiaxing, Zhejiang, and returned to Suzhou. Soon he joined the army in the westward expedition and entered southern Anhui from Tianjing.

Afterwards, he passed through Jiangxi and Zhejiang and then entered Ganxi. The following year, he entered Zhejiang from Jiangxi, captured Yuhang, and was promoted to general. In 1862, he participated in the occupation of Jiading, Jiangsu and other places, attacked Shanghai, and went to Suzhou to negotiate to relieve the siege of Tianjing. In 1863,

He was granted the title of King of Hui. In February, he defeated the Ever Victorious Army and the Hunan and Huai army in Taicang. In April, he pretended to surrender in the city and wounded Li Hezhang, the leader of the Huai army. In February of the following year, he surrendered to Zhejiang Chief Envoy Jiang Yili and changed his name to Yuan Ji.

He counterattacked and attacked Tongxiang, but was repulsed. He was promoted to Tongju. In June, he attacked Huzhou, was defeated, and was besieged in Sixi. In August, he escaped by swimming, and all his troops died.

After the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was pacified, Cai returned to Huarong, Hunan and became a wealthy local squire...]

Looking at Cai Yuanlong who was rushing towards him, Huang Wenjin glared at him with a serious face. Then Huang Wenjin dropped the tiger-headed golden ring knife in his hand at his feet. The veins in his arms popped out and he directly hit the Panlong Bin tied behind his back.

The iron gun was drawn out!

One inch longer and one inch stronger, Huang Wenjin held a spear and immediately distanced himself from Cai Yuanlong. Even though Cai Yuanlong tried his best, he could not advance even half a step forward.

"General Huang Wenjin, that guy Hong Xiuquan is cruel and unkind, why do you still want to help him? Why not come under the command of the Eastern King and become a minister of Conglong in the future? Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Regarding the persuasion of the traitor general Cai Yuanlong in front of him, Huang Wenjin sneered disdainfully: "If a loyal minister does not serve the two masters, how can I, Huang Wenjin, be that treacherous villain? Cai Yuanlong, don't talk nonsense, risk your life!"

Just as the battle between the blocking king Huang Wenjin and the rebel general Cai Yuanlong was in full swing, more and more Taiping soldiers climbed up the Shouchun city wall. The rebel soldiers were beaten back and forth and suffered terribly.

"Cai Yuanlong, if you can't defend Shouchun City, instead of losing your life in vain, you might as well surrender and make up for your fault!"

Soldiers are unpredictable, and water is unpredictable. At first, Cai Yuanlong persuaded Huang Wenjin to surrender to him. Now that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom army is in a good situation, Huang Wenjin, the chief general, saw Cai Yuanlong's martial arts skills, and he couldn't help but love his talents, so he wanted to surrender without a fight.

Soldiers of men.

Cai Yuanlong didn't say anything, but he proved his inner firmness with his actions. He held the weapon tightly and tried his best to attack Huang Wenjin, even risking his life and exchanging injuries for injuries!

The battle situation was stalemate at first, but then it became clearer. The city gates under Shouchun City were forcefully blasted open by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom army, and densely packed Taiping Heavenly Kingdom soldiers surged on the city walls. Then the cavalry entered the city. The rebels had no way to escape and were forced to fight.

Street battles began with the Taiping Rebellion, and eventually all the rebels in the streets of Shouchun City were wiped out.

In the entire Shouchun City, only the city guard general has not died in the battle. He is still fighting fiercely with the Du King Huang Wenjin!

"Report! General Huang, our army has successfully captured Shouchun City."

For Cai Yuanlong, these words were undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. He opened his tiger eyes, which were stained red due to congestion, and looked around and found that the people surrounding him were all soldiers of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and even the battle flags of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom were planted all over the city wall.


Cai Yuanlong felt extremely bitter in his heart. A trace of confusion and regret flashed in his eyes. Did the city he worked so hard to defend fall so easily? He has no face to face Lord Dongwang!

"Cai Yuanlong! There is no point in continuing to resist. Surrender."

In response to Huang Wenjin's persuasion to surrender, Cai Yuanlong grinned. He quickly retreated from the battle circle, then respectfully saluted Huang Wenjin in front, and then said calmly: "General Huang, I still say the same thing. I will not surrender until I die!"

Immediately after Cai Yuanlong finished speaking these words, he jumped from the wall of Shouchun City to die and prove his ambition.

Huang Wenjin looked down at the city with a complicated expression. He sighed regretfully, and then told the soldiers beside him: "General Cai is a good man, he should be buried well."

This chapter has been completed!
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