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Chapter 547 Reinforcement of Hulao Pass, Wang Mang’s ambition!

Standing on the wall of Hulao Pass, Han Shui and Wu Wenhua were so shocked by Yuan Shu's words that they trembled. Looking at Yuan Shu's leaving figure, they couldn't help but regret a little. Why were they so mean-spirited and said those mocking words?

, I felt happy for a while, but in the end I had to pay a huge price to repay it!

For example, the three brothers Zhang Jiao, Fang La, Hong Xiuquan, Guo Wei and others mentioned by Yuan Shu just now are all famous traitors of the Han Dynasty. They dared to fight against the Han Dynasty court and regarded all the heroes in the world as pigs and dogs. However, in front of Yuan Shu's power, they were


As powerful as Zhang Jiao, the great sage and mentor, he was sick in bed and passed away with regret; Fang La from the southern country regretted his mistake and committed suicide by the Poyang Lake; the emperors of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan and Guo Wei, died tragically in the palace, with no bones left, and the other drew his sword and committed suicide, with blood splattering three feet.

, none of these rebels who dare to oppose Yuan Shu will end well!

This made Han Shui and Wu Wenhua feel a little timid, but just when they were in confusion, Nangong Changwan of Mengjin Port and Wang Feng, Shi Siming, Liang Lin, Liang Fang and other generals of Taigu Pass were...

Led the reinforcements and successfully arrived at Hulao Pass.

"Our reinforcements are coming. Go quickly to greet them. Don't lose face!"

After learning the news that the reinforcements had arrived at Hulao Pass, Han Shui and Wu Wenhua instantly put away their inner worries. They quickly set off and led their soldiers to greet the arrival of Nangong Changwan, Wang Feng, and Shi Siming.


This time Hulao Pass was assisted by two powerful generals, Wang Feng and Nangong Changwan, as well as the commander-in-chief Shi Siming. In addition, Liang Lin and Liang Fang, who were half-level high-level martial artists, and the mainstay Lin Chong, etc.

Good generals, such a battle makes Han Shu and Wu Wenhua, who have been guarding Hulao Pass for a long time, feel very safe!

You must know that Wang Mang's skills have not been fully activated yet. He is a man of great opportunity and perseverance. He is also blessed by the power of the plane and has the qualities of a time traveler. His skills must be extraordinary. If in the crisis of Hulao Pass,

, its skill effect is activated, which may save the lives of the generals present.

Wang Mang, Han Shu and Wu Wenhua, who were responsible for guarding Hulao Pass, successfully brought Nangong Changwan, Wang Feng, Liang Lin, Liang Fang and Shi Siming into the mansion and held a large banquet to cleanse them. During the banquet, Wang Mang led

Purposefully made friends with Wang Feng, Liang Lin, Liang Fang and other generals. After establishing a good relationship, everyone in the audience began to discuss the million-strong coalition to attack Hulao Pass!

In response to the coalition's attack on Hulao Pass, reinforcement commander Shi Siming was the first to start the conversation. He stated directly that Hulao Pass had high walls and strong walls and was the most powerful pass in the world. It was defended by relying on the powerful pass. There were countless grains, defense materials and hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers in the pass.

No matter how fierce the coalition offensive is and how many powerful generals there are, they can't even get half a step into Hulao Pass.

"Now that two powerful generals, Nangong Changwan and Wang Feng, have joined Hulao Pass, no matter how powerful the generals in the coalition, Tian Yunpeng, Pei Yuanqing, and Zhang Kui, are unable to defeat ten thousand people with one person, plus offensive and defensive battles,

The battle situation is changing rapidly, and these fierce generals cannot fully display their strength, so they must not dare to risk their lives. What is there to fear with a mere million troops?"

Everyone present listened to Shi Siming's words and relaxed their vigilance. In their thoughts, Hulao Pass was impregnable. It would undoubtedly be difficult for the coalition forces to conquer Hulao Pass. Han Shui and Wu Wenhua were injured in the battle a few days ago, and they still remained

It can repel the invading Han army several times.

Now that reinforcements from all walks of life have gathered in Hulao Pass, if the coalition forces dare to invade again, they must consider whether they have the strength!

"Everyone, the top priority is that we should repair the damaged city wall of Hulao Pass, reinforce the wall, dispatch more patrol troops, and be prepared for a protracted war! Dong Gong has the idea of ​​​​moving the capital to Chang'an, and he may take action in the near future. He has issued an order to us

He ordered us to hold Hulao Pass and not allow the coalition forces to disrupt the plan to move the capital."

As Dong Zhuo's adopted son, Shi Siming received better information than anyone else. The reason why Dong Zhuo had the idea to move the capital this time was because of the suggestion of his son-in-law and adviser Li Ru. The current coalition forces are attacking Mengjin Port and Hulao

Pass, Taigu Pass, if we blindly defend the city of Luoyang, if an unexpected situation occurs and the coalition forces enter the pass, then Luoyang will be attacked by the coalition forces, and Dong Zhuo's dream of holding the emperor hostage and destroying the princes will be shattered in an instant.

Instead of living in fear every day, it is better to move the capital with the little emperor directly to the ancient capital Chang'an. Firstly, it is close to the Xiliang base camp, which makes it much more convenient to dispatch troops and generals. Secondly, there are many strong passes near Chang'an City.

Guarding, as long as these passes are guarded, Chang's security can be preserved. In this way, Dong Zhuo's period of coercing the emperor to control the princes will be extended indefinitely.

"My lord wants to move the capital, how can the ministers in the court agree to it? Some time ago, Yuan Shu secretly sent people to pick up all the Yuan family members under the Prime Minister's nose. This incident made the Prime Minister furious, and he killed Yuan family in public.

There are more than ten civil servants. If those officials dare to speak out against Duke Dong’s plan to move the capital, they may make Duke Dong angry and cause more killings..."

As a time traveler, Wang Mang served under Dong Zhuo. He was very aware of Dong Zhuo's character. This guy would kill people whenever he disagreed, which made people and gods angry. Even if he chose to move the capital to Chang'an with the little emperor, it would not help. He would still have a different head during the period.

The only ending is that if Dong Zhuo dies, his power will be destroyed.

At that time, Wang Mang will have to think carefully about how to legitimately take over the power of Xiliang!

He has the help of old officials of the Yellow Turban Army, as well as Wu Wenhua, a powerful general. In addition, he has close relations with Wang Feng, Liang Lin, and Liang Fang, and is very famous among the Xiliang army. He only needs to take An Lushan.

, Shi Siming, Nangong Changwan, Li Jue, Guo Si and these guys will be dealt with, and then we can successfully take over the Xiliang army, enter Liangzhou, and achieve hegemony.

"We have no control over matters in the court, nor are we qualified to do so. The top priority is to guard Hulao Pass and do our best to repel the millions-strong coalition army!"

After listening to Shi Siming's words, Wang Mang nodded his head, and an unhappy glow appeared in his deep eyes. This luster was fleeting and was not noticed by anyone.

"Everyone, have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow you should go up to the city wall and join in the battle to defend the city. It is estimated that the coalition forces of the princes will continue to attack Hulao Pass in the next two days!"

Seeing that the wine glasses and jugs were all finished, everyone in the room excused themselves from the table and returned to their respective rooms one after another with the support of generals such as Han Chun and Wu Wenhua. During this period, Wang Mang pretended to be drunk.

With Wu Wenhua's support, his eyes flickered, and his mind was thinking about countermeasures. How should the coalition forces successfully enter Hulao Pass?

Only the allied forces attacking Hulao Pass can destroy Dong Zhuo's plan to move the capital. If this happens, there will be chaos in Luoyang, and the rebel army will have the opportunity to assassinate Dong Zhuo, and then use it as an excuse to gather his soldiers, march into Xiliang as soon as possible, and achieve hegemony!

This chapter has been completed!
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