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Chapter 585 Zhang Ren’s decision to attack the Jia Cute level again!

Jiameng Pass is notoriously easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is normal for the Shu army to fail in this siege. Although they did not conquer Jiameng Pass, Wei Yan, the six-eared macaque, Fan Kuai, the three brothers Huluyang and others did.

Showing off his power, he unleashed the momentum of the Shu army and wiped out a large number of Daxi soldiers. This reduced the number of defenders in Jiameng Pass by more than 5,000 people, and more than 4,000 people were severely injured and disabled, unable to fight anymore!

After returning to the station, the Shu army commander Zhang Ren frowned. This Jiameng Pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Guards Zhang Xianzhong, Zhang Shicheng, Zhang Churang and Zhang Shan are not ordinary people. If you want to take advantage of them,

It is really difficult to seize this impregnable pass. I don’t know what to do...

"I wonder if Ji Xiaolan and Chen Ping have any plans to help me capture this impregnable pass."

When he was unsure, he asked Chen Ping and Ji Xiaolan. Zhang Ren, who was helpless, decisively gave up and continued to think. He immediately left the tent where he was staying and hurried towards the direction of Chen Ping and the others.

Pushing open the curtain where Chen Ping and the others were staying, Zhang Ren hurriedly came to Ji Xiaolan and asked if he had a plan to take Jiameng Pass. Ji Xiaolan looked embarrassed when he heard this. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

He shook his head.

Seeing that the resourceful military advisor Ji Xiaolan could do nothing, Zhang Ren felt a chill in his heart. He turned around and asked Chen Ping again!

"Does Military Advisor Chen Ping have a plan to help our army capture Jiameng Pass?"

Listening to coach Zhang Ren's inquiry, Chen Ping frowned. Jiameng Pass was impregnable and guarded by many powerful generals and famous generals. It would be extremely difficult to capture this pass in a short period of time.

"From what Ping sees, our army might as well change its strategic focus, delay Daxi's troops at Jiameng Pass as much as possible, and gain opportunities for the Lord to open up the Langzhong-Hanzhong channel."

Zhang Ren fell into deep thought after hearing this. What military counselor Chen Ping said was right. Liu Bang on the southern front has already captured Langzhong. The Shu army can lead its troops to Hanzhong City. In this case, it will continue to attack it regardless of the cost.

Jiameng Pass consumes a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, so it is better to hold back the troops at Jiameng Pass and create opportunities for the lord to successfully capture Hanzhong.

"What Master Military Advisor said is not unreasonable. Now Zhang Lu has sent heavy troops to guard Jiameng Pass, and Hanzhong is empty. If the lord can defeat Sun Kewang's troops, it is not impossible for his troops to attack Hanzhong City.

When the lord leads his troops to Hanzhong City, Zhang Luding will quickly dispatch Zhang Shan, Zhang Churang and others to help Hanzhong. Then it will be the best time for us to conquer Jiameng Pass!"

Zhang Ren's bright eyes shone with surprise, and he murmured excitedly: "I have a way, I have a way to conquer Jiameng Pass!"

"Tell me to go down, regroup, and attack Jiameng Pass at noon tomorrow, with the main purpose of destroying the enemy's strength!"

After Zhang Ren thanked Chen Ping who was beside him, he strode away. He returned to the military tent and sent his trusted soldiers, the three generals Tiger, Deer and Sheep, and the six-eared macaque, Fan Kuai to call him over.

After receiving the order, the generals rushed to the big tent in a hurry. As soon as they entered the big tent, they saw the commander Zhang Ren rehearsing the tactics of attacking the army formation!

"General Zhang Ren, why did you call us here?"

The six-eared macaque took the initiative to start chatting and asked Zhang Ren why he called them here.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ren raised his hand to signal everyone to take their seats, and then said slowly: "You generals should all know that on the southern battlefield, my lord has successfully captured Langzhong City, right? To be honest with you, Sun Kewang, currently under Zhang Lu, is leading the army.

They are attacking Langzhong and want to recapture Langzhong City. The Lord is in a bitter battle.

Therefore, I want to send a group of troops to help Langzhong. I wonder who among you generals would be willing to volunteer?"

After the generals present digested all the information Zhang Ren said, they came out one after another and took the initiative to ask Ying to lead the army to help Langzhong.

Seeing that all the generals were willing to lead their troops to support Langzhong, Zhang Ren repeatedly exclaimed, "Wonderful", and then ordered the three generals Hu, Lu and Sheep to take five thousand soldiers and horses to Jiange first, and asked Huang Quan and others to send thousands more soldiers to complete the task.

Thousands of people came to support Langzhong!

"As for the remaining people, at noon tomorrow, we will send troops to Jianjia Meng Pass. General Fan Kuai will be responsible for containing Zhang Churang, General Liu-eared Macaque will hold Zhang Shan, and the rest will lead their troops to pretend to attack and consume as much of the enemy as possible.

Defense supplies and manpower.”

Listening to the order issued by Zhang Ren, Fan Kuai, the six-eared macaque and others were puzzled, but they did not question it. At the same time, Wei Yan guessed Zhang Ren's intention!

"We obey!"

The next day, noon!

The Shu army led by Zhang Ren once again launched an attack on Jiameng Pass. This time, Zhang Shan learned the lesson and did not act rashly. The other Daxi generals also performed their duties without making any noise because of Zhang Shan's experience.

Take the initiative to deal with the Shu army.

The war is about to break out!

As for the Shu army, Fan Kuai and the six-eared macaques withstood huge pressure and quickly scaled the wall of Jiameng Pass. The two of them were extremely powerful, and they massacred the defenders of the pass as soon as they scaled the wall.

"How brave, wait and see me, Zhang Churang, come and kill you, the dog-slaughterer!"

While Fan Kuai was in the midst of the slaughter, a dark figure suddenly appeared from the crowd and rushed toward him. When Fan Kuai took a closer look, he saw that the person coming was none other than Zhang Churang, one of the pillars of Daxi Kingdom.

Seeing Zhang Churang actively looking for him, Fan Kuai picked up the magic weapon in his hand without showing any signs of weakness and ran towards Zhang Churang like a hurricane. In an instant, he was fighting with him!

In another part of the battlefield, just as the six-eared macaques were killing the soldiers on the city wall, Zhang Shan, who was furious and furious, holding a golden-backed machete, charged towards the six-eared macaques in an aggressive manner.

"Six-eared macaque, I will definitely kill you here to satisfy the hatred in my heart."

Facing Zhang Shan's murderous slashing attack, the six-eared macaque quickly retreated, and then looked up to the sky and roared: "How dare you make such a big statement here when you are a defeated general. If you hadn't escaped quickly last time, I would have been killed by my stick."

Got off."

The eyes of the six-eared macaque became sharp. He clenched his teeth, the masseter muscles on his cheeks bulged slightly, the muscles all over his body were tense, and clearly visible veins popped out. The iron soldier tightly clenched in his hand danced under his control.

It is airtight and covers the direction of Zhangshan like a barrier.

The battle between Zhang Shan and the six-eared macaque is about to break out!

"Ding! The 'Sword God' effect of Zhang Shan's skill is activated. When using sword weapons, the force value is increased by 4 points. Zhang Shan's basic force value is detected to be 106, and the golden-backed machete is 1. The skill effect is activated, and the force value is increased to 110.


"Ding! The six-eared macaque's skill - 'Stick God' effect is activated. When using stick weapons, the force value is increased by 4 points. The basic force value of the six-eared macaque is detected to be 106. If you follow the iron soldier 1, the skill effect is activated, and the force value is increased to


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