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Chapter 620 Chang Yuchun attacks Fancheng, and Xue Rengui attacks Changsha!

After receiving the summons from the lord, all the generals gathered in the Chinese army's tent!

Seeing that all the generals had arrived, Yuan Shu didn't waste any time. He went straight to the point and told them the recent situation in Yizhou and Jingzhou, and said bluntly: "Now that Liu Bang has colluded with the rebel Dou Jiande and defeated Yang Jian in Jingzhou, I want to

Two armies are sent to support Yang Jian and destroy the rebel forces in Jingzhou. Are there any generals who are unwilling to fight?"

After listening to what Yuan Shu said, all the generals present were overjoyed. Since they were generals, they were naturally looking forward to fighting. Now that the opportunity was in front of them, how could they not go?

"Your Majesty, we are all willing to join the battle!"

Seeing that no one chose to withdraw, Yuan Shu nodded with satisfaction and immediately began to announce his plan.

"In this expedition, our army will be divided into two groups. One group will be led by General Xue Rengui and attack Jingzhou from the land route; the other group will be led by General Chang Yuchun and proceed by boat along the waterway. The two generals must work together to defeat the enemy as soon as possible.

Army, assist Yang Jian to regain the lost land in Jingzhou!"

After listening to Yuan Shu's arrangement, Xue Rengui and Chang Yuchun's eyes shone, and they all stood out and accepted the order.

"The general will definitely live up to my lord's high expectations!"

Yuan Shu nodded slightly, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

"This expedition is extremely dangerous, and the enemy is cunning and should not be underestimated. Especially Dou Tongyuan (Three-armed Monkey) and King Yurong under Dou Jiande are both fierce generals in the world, with the level of General Jiang Song. If all the generals are in

If you encounter them on the battlefield, you must be careful and don't underestimate the enemy and rush in."

"Yes!" All the generals responded in unison.

Yuan Shu waved his hand and motioned for everyone to retreat.

"Generals, you can raise your troops for a thousand days and use them for a while! This expedition is related to the future of Jingzhou and the safety of the people in the world. I hope you generals will fight bravely to kill the enemy and return in triumph!"

"Triumph! Triumph! Triumph!" The generals shouted three times, and their voices echoed through the sky.

Yuan Shu looked at the generals leaving and prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that everything would go smoothly during this expedition!

This time, Yuan Shu chose to divide his troops into two groups. The first group led Xue Rengui to bring Niu Demon King, Tu Xingsun, Fire Spirit Madonna, Zhang Fei and other generals, as well as 10,000 Yuzhou warriors. They set out from Runan and took the land route all the way to

Entering the border of Jingzhou in the south, he assisted Yang Jian's main army in attacking Changsha County.

The other army, led by Chang Yuchun, led Jiang Song, Chang Mao, Yu Yuan, Zhao Yun and other generals, as well as 8,000 warriors who were proficient in water skills. They also set out from Runan, entered Feishui all the way west, and then followed the water.

Then go down, pass through Yang Jian's new field, assist the Jingzhou army in attacking Fancheng and Xiangyang, and cut off the southward path of Dou Tongyuan's troops stationed in Shangyong!


Chang Yuchun and Xue Rengui got together. They exchanged glasses and drank wine. After drinking for three rounds, Chang Yuchun, who was a little tipsy, raised his glass to Xue Rengui and said, "Brother Rengui, on this expedition, we will go on an expedition."

You and I are divided into two groups, each with important responsibilities. I hope you can advance with great success and create a good situation for our army to destroy Dou Jiande's army!"

Listening to what Chang Yuchun said, Xue Rengui clinked glasses with him generously, and then laughed loudly and said: "Brother Yuchun, don't worry! I will lead the army to Changsha this time, and I will definitely live up to expectations and bring victory to you and my lord.


Chang Yuchun nodded, drank the wine in the cup, and then continued: "Although we are divided into two groups during this expedition, our ultimate goal is the same, to assist Yang Jian in regaining the lost land in Jingzhou and defeating the enemy.


I will attack Fancheng and Xiangyang from the waterway, clear out all the enemy forces in Nanjun, and cut off the path of Shangyong's Dou Tongyuan's army going south, buying time for you and Yang Jian's main force to regain the four counties in Jingnan.

And you have to join Yang Jian's main force by land, be responsible for attacking Dou Jiande's main force in Jiangxia County, and then recover the four counties in Jingnan, which is an arduous task!"

Xue Rengui looked serious, he thought for a moment, and then said seriously: "Brother Yuchun, your task is equally arduous!

Nanjun is extremely important to Dou Jiande, and Fancheng and Xiangyang are the gateways to Jingzhou, so the enemy will definitely defend it with all their strength. You must be careful of enemy ambushes and sneak attacks to ensure the safety of the waterway."

Chang Yuchun patted Xue Rengui on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Rengui, don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion."

"That's good!" Xue Rengui nodded and said, "Brother Yuchun, during this expedition, we must work together to defeat the enemy and regain the lost land in Jingzhou!"

"That's right!" Chang Yuchun said loudly, "We will definitely work together to create glory!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, raised their glasses at the same time, and drank the wine in one gulp.

Afterwards, the two began to discuss specific marching routes and tactical arrangements to fully prepare for the upcoming battle!

Early the next morning, Chang Yuchun and Xue Rengui each led their own armies and embarked on the journey.

Chang Yuchun led eight thousand warriors who were proficient in water skills and sailed along the Feishui River. They successfully arrived at Xinye and joined forces with Yang Jian's army. Afterwards, Chang Yuchun and others discussed the battle strategy and decided to attack Fancheng first.

Then they took Xiangyang, completely cut off the communication between Dou Jiande and Dou Tongyuan, and finally defeated them one by one.

Xue Rengui, on the other hand, led 10,000 Yuzhou elite troops, starting from Runan, taking the land route, and heading south into Jingzhou territory. He first arrived at Champion County in Nanyang County and joined Yang Jian's main force. Then everyone discussed combat strategies and planned two routes.

Attack, while restraining Dou Jiande's main force in Jiangxia County, send elite troops to recover the four counties in Jingnan!

Almost at the same time, Xue Rengui and Chang Yuchun led their armies and launched offensives against Fancheng and Changsha respectively.


Chang Yuchun led his army to join forces with the 20,000 Jingzhou Army led by Yu Wentai, and jointly launched a fierce attack on Fancheng guarded by Dou Yihu.

At this time, Dou Yihu, who was responsible for guarding Fancheng, learned that the enemy was leading troops to attack the city. He was not afraid of danger and organized the soldiers in the city to defend in an orderly manner. He asked the soldiers to move all the defensive materials onto the city wall, and then

Give the enemy a head-on blow.

As the siege party set up ladders, the siege quickly began!

Under the command of Yu Wentai, the Jingzhou soldiers rushed towards Fancheng as if they had been beaten to death. The soldiers in Fancheng kept throwing down boulders and logs, repelling the Jingzhou army again and again.


The battle was extremely fierce. Since the number of defenders in Fan City was as high as 30,000 and the defensive materials were abundant, the Jingzhou Army led by Yu Wentai suffered heavy casualties during the siege. The ratio of casualties to the defenders reached

An astonishing 5 to 1. If this continues, the Jingzhou army will be exhausted during the siege before the Jingzhou army can capture Fancheng!

This chapter has been completed!
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