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Chapter 1031 Cang on Cang

Mrs. Xiao smiled bitterly and gave a reasonable explanation, "Erlang was here just now..."

Li Yuanji nodded, reluctantly agreeing with Xiao's explanation, but raised a new question, "Then why don't you make my second brother angry first, and then negotiate terms with me?

Leave my second brother and beg me again?"

Mrs. Xiao lowered her head slightly and said with shame: "I admit that I am a little thoughtful, but I believe that my little thoughtfulness is not a big deal to you, right?"

Li Yuanji was neither modest nor hypocritical. He nodded honestly and said: "Yes, it is not a big deal, but you have already negotiated the conditions with me before. If you ask me again later, it depends on my mind whether you agree or not.


Mrs. Xiao quickly raised her head, eager to talk, and Li Yuanji said again: "You have already negotiated terms with me once using Astez's favor and Zhili's loss of thinking. If you negotiate terms again, you will have to pay a new price.

But there seems to be nothing worthy of my plot in you and Mrs. Xiao."

Ms. Xiao bit her red lips lightly, and after hesitating for a while, she slowly said: "I can tell you a secret, a secret related to the former Sui Dynasty."

Li Yuanji was stunned and looked at Mr. Xiao with interest.

With Xiao's identity, she said that if the former Sui Dynasty had a secret, there was a high chance that he would have a secret, which made him a little interested.

"Oh, what secret?"

Li Yuanji questions.

Madam Xiao raised her head, stared straight at Li Yuanji, and said seriously: "You first promise to let me go, Madam Xiao, and then I will tell you this secret."

Li Yuanji smiled and said: "As long as your secret is important enough, it won't be difficult to let Mr. Xiao go."

Mrs. Xiao hesitated for a moment, then revealed the secret that only she knew, "There is another granary three feet deep below the Luoyang granary, which not only stores a large amount of grain collected by your cousin from all over the world, but

, and also stores a large number of rare treasures.”

Li Yuanji stood up slowly and said with some surprise: "You mean, the Luoyang granary is a granary above the granary, and there is another granary below the granary?"

Mrs. Xiao nodded with a bitter look.

This was the only secret she had left, and it was also the only wealth she kept on behalf of the Yang family. Originally, she planned to tell Yang Zhengdao this secret after Yang Zhengdao became famous.

But since Yang Zhengdao arrived in Turks, he has never made a name for himself, and now he was even killed.

But now the Xiao family is in a life-and-death situation again. In order to protect the Xiao family, she can only trade this secret that the Yang family's descendants no longer need.

"No wonder, no wonder that after my second brother defeated Wang Shichong, he didn't seize much money from Luoyang Palace, but instead seized a lot of books. My eldest brother also impeached my second brother several times because of this, saying that my second brother had secretly divided it.

My father also believed that the money in Luoyang Palace was real, and he neglected my second brother for more than half a year.

It turns out that my second brother was wrongly accused, and indeed no money was seized from him, and all the money was hidden by Yang Guang."

Li Yuanji was pacing behind the desk, talking while pacing. When he stopped, he looked at Mr. Xiao doubtfully and said: "That's not right. If the Luoyang granary is a granary on top of a granary, then what's the problem?"

At that time, the amount of the project must have been very large, requiring the recruitment of nearly 100,000 civilians.

With so many people involved, how could Yang Guang keep this secret?"

I have never heard of any massacre that Yang Guang committed when he was building Luoyang City, and I have never heard of any massacre that Yang Guang committed after he built Luoyang City. Hundreds of thousands of people were involved in this matter. How could it be possible?

No leaks?

When the former Sui Dynasty was still around, due to Yang Guang's majesty, perhaps those who participated in the construction of Luoyang City and the civilians who were recruited did not dare to say anything.

But after the fall of the former Sui Dynasty, the people and common people who participated in the construction of Luoyang City had little regard for it, right?

Why didn't they say anything?

When Mrs. Xiao heard this question, she did not rush to answer, but asked instead: "Do you know who supervised the construction of Luoyang Palace?"

Li Yuanji said without hesitation: "Yu Wenkai, the great craftsman of the former Sui Dynasty!"

When Yu Wenkai was in the former Sui Dynasty, although he served as the Minister of Industry, he actually did not exercise the powers of the Minister very much. Instead, he had a strong interest in construction. Therefore, during his tenure as Minister of the Ministry of Industry, he was either engaged in construction or construction.

On the road to construction.

Luoyang Palace, as well as many buildings in the former Sui Dynasty, were built based on his drawings and designs.

But what does this have to do with Cang Shang Cang?

Yu Wenkai was only a mapmaker and a builder, not a military leader. It would be fine if he was asked to build a palace, but he might not be able to silence hundreds of thousands of people.

Especially if he is asked not to kill people, he can't do it.

"Then do you know what happened to the Yuwen clan of Yu Wenkai's branch?"

Mrs. Xiao then asked.

Li Yuanji said again without hesitation: "When they served under Wang Shichong, they wanted to murder Wang Shichong and restore the Yue King of the former Sui Dynasty, so Wang Shichong annihilated the three tribes."

Mrs. Xiao nodded sadly and said: "Yes, they wanted to reestablish the Dong'er, but after the incident was revealed, Wang Shichong gave it to the Yi tribe. Then why do you think they rushed to reestablish the Dong'er under Wang Shichong's nose? They

Where is the confidence?"

Li Yuanji was too lazy to listen to Xiao's excuses and said directly: "Their confidence is the rare treasures under the granary in Luoyang, but they were exterminated, so you are the only one left who knows about this.

But you still didn’t tell me how Yang Guang hid this secret?"

Mrs. Xiao sighed and said: "Before deciding to move the capital to Luoyang, just send people to find a mausoleum for yourself, build a mausoleum, and then execute all the people who built the mausoleum in the name of cutting corners during the construction of the mausoleum.

After the decision is made to move the capital to Luoyang, and Yu Wenkai is asked to raze everything to the ground, who will be able to find where the mausoleum built earlier is?"

The female rabbit's legs are twitching, the male rabbit's eyes are blurry, and the two rabbits are walking side by side, how can they tell whether I am a male or a female?!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although it has nothing to do with it, it has the same purpose but the same purpose.

After the first wave of work teams finished their work, they were all executed. The next wave of work teams went and directly bulldozed all the buildings, then reorganized them on the white ground and built a huge city.

In this case, unless it is a 'worker' who participated in the two constructions, or someone who arranged the matter from beginning to end, it is difficult to know the full picture of the matter.

Yu Wenkai, who presided over the construction of Luoyang Palace, might know some information, but because he deliberately concealed it, even if the people in the latter wave of construction teams were involved in the matter, they might not know the details.

After all, no one would have thought that Yang Guang would go to Luoyang to build a granary under the pretext of building a mausoleum for himself.

No one would have thought that when Yang Guang was building Luoyang Palace, he also built Luoyang's granary on top of the previous granary.

After all, no one has done this since ancient times. When the later wave of 'workers' built Luoyang City, they were faced with a piece of white land and had no idea that there was a granary underneath the granary they built.

It's like if you demolished a place and leveled all the ravines and hills, and then asked a person to find where his original home was, he might not be able to find it.

If this person is killed, no one will be able to find his original home.

If a bunch of outsiders are moved here, all traces of this place will be completely wiped out.

When Yang Guang moved the capital to Luoyang, he seemed to have done the same thing. Not only did he bring a large number of nobles from Chang'an City with him, he also moved all the wealthy households in Luoyang and nearby Luoyang to Luoyang City, completely muddying the waters.


The name is to enrich the population of Luoyang.

But now it seems that there is some intention to muddy the water in Luoyang.

"It's a good method, but it's a bit wasteful of people and money."

Li Yuanji couldn't help but comment.

Yang Guang was able to accomplish this in full public view without anyone noticing, which was indeed a good move.

You know, those dynasties in later generations, even if they did nothing or hid nothing, would still be exposed to the news of many hidden treasures.

Yang Guang not only did it, but also hid it, but no news of the treasure was revealed.

On the one hand, this is due to Yang Guang's deliberate concealment, and on the other hand, it is probably related to what Yang Guang did.

After all, during Yang Guang's reign, he continued to carry out large-scale construction projects and spent money like water. Under this situation, he also mobilized troops to conquer Goguryeo several times.

In this way, almost no one would doubt that he could save money, and no one would doubt that he could hide money.

Wouldn't the money he hid be safer?

It's like a person who earns one thousand yuan a month and spends nine hundred yuan, but everyone thinks that he can't save money. He secretly saves the remaining one hundred yuan, and no one knows about it.

But as an emperor, Yang Guang's methods in this matter, no matter how high they are, are not worthy of praise, because what he did was really a bit disrespectful to his status, and he also had a petty attitude.

As an emperor, if you don't manage your own country and your people well, you waste your money and waste your money, and you spend a lot of money to build a piggy bank and imitate the people to hide their money, it's simply a shame.

The world is so big and there is so much wealth in the world.

As the emperor of an empire, he should run the country well, manage the people well, and then lead his own country's army to collect the wealth of other countries.

This is what an emperor should do.

Some people may say, isn't that aggression? Isn't that injustice?

Isn’t it true that between countries there is aggression and being invaded?

If you open your arms, welcome others with a smile, and treat them with courtesy, people will be polite to you?

No, after people have eaten and drank enough, and see that your fists are not as big as theirs, they will attack decisively, invade everything they want to invade, and take away everything they want to take away.

Therefore, there is never any justice between countries, only fists. Whoever has a bigger fist can represent justice.

This chapter has been completed!
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