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Chapter 0113 Conspiracy or conspiracy?

Li Zhongwen looked on, feeling a little itchy. He really wanted to know what Li Yuanji said to Xie Shufang, which caused Xie Shufang to have such a big reaction.

However, he didn't ask because he knew in his heart that what Li Yuanji didn't want to say openly was definitely a secret that couldn't be made public.


Li Yuanji stared at Xie Shufang and asked.

Xie Shufang hesitated for a moment and said, "Is it feasible?"

Li Yuanji was silent for a moment and said frankly: "I'm not sure whether it's feasible or not. But when it comes to a critical moment and there is no other way, you might as well give it a try."

Xie Shufang nodded thoughtfully, "I understand."

Li Yuanji gave Xie Shufang a few more words and asked Xie Shufang to go down and make some preparations.

After Xie Shufang left, Li Zhongwen also bowed to say goodbye.

Li Yuanji stayed outside the side room, accompanying the imperial physician to take care of the injured soldiers.

Until it's daylight.

Li Yuanji fell asleep lying on the long table in the side room in a daze.

Su Dingfang didn't sleep all day and night, and Li Yuanji didn't sleep all day and night either.

It's just that Li Yuanji didn't lead his army to fight, so he wasn't as tired as Su Dingfang.

Li Yuanji slept for less than two hours when he vaguely heard the sound of horns and drums outside the pass. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Xie Shufang had changed into regular clothes and crossed the threshold of the side room.

Walk towards him quickly.

"Your Highness, the Turks are about to attack the city again."

After Xie Shufang walked up to Li Yuanji, he bowed and said.

Li Yuanji rubbed his face to wake himself up a little, then nodded and said, "I'll take you out of the city."

The timing for Xie Shufang to go out of the city to negotiate with the Turks was very important. Leaving the city when the Turks were about to launch a second round of offensive on Weze Pass would very likely cause the Turks to temporarily stop their second round of offensive.

Although doing this may not necessarily buy Weizeguan a lot of time, it can buy an extra moment.

Every extra moment we strive for will create more hope for Wei Zeguan.

Li Yuanji stood up and checked the injuries of Su Dingfang and several seriously injured soldiers, and then led Xie Shufang up the city wall.

The Turks are approaching the city. If Uncle Xie wants to go out of the city to negotiate with the Turks, he must not go through the city gate. He can only go down the city wall through the hanging basket.

When Li Yuanji took Xie Shufang to the city wall, Li Zhongwen had already ordered people to prepare the hanging basket and scepter.

The scepter is a must.

He who has a staff is an envoy; he who does not have a staff is nothing.

The Turks encountered them and killed them in vain.

The Tang Dynasty sent people to reason with the Turks, but it didn't make sense.

"Be careful!"

Li Yuanji gave instructions after Xie Shufang held the staff and sat on the hanging basket.

Xie Shufang saluted Li Yuanji solemnly and said, "I will definitely live up to His Highness's expectations."

Li Yuanji nodded.

Li Zhongwen ordered people to lower the hanging basket bit by bit.

After the Turkic army was assembled, they were just about to approach Weize Pass when they saw a hanging basket lowered on top of the city of Weize Pass.

Jie Li, Tu Li, Liang Shi and others were all sitting on the observation deck, looking at each other.

Jie Li sneered and said, "Do the Tang people want peace talks?"

Although he couldn't see what the person in the hanging basket looked like, nor could he see clearly whether the person in the hanging basket had a scepter in his hand, but at this time Wei Zeguan put down the hanging basket, and there was another figure in the hanging basket.

Someone must have been sent to negotiate with him.

Tuli gritted his teeth and said: "Li Tang has never lowered his head to our Turks since he occupied Guanzhong. I guess he definitely didn't come to us for peace talks."

When Li Yuan raised his troops, he was quite polite to the Turks.

Not only did he send Liu Wenjing to negotiate peace with the Turks, but he also secretly established relations with Shibi Khan who was still alive at the time.

After Li Yuan secured his position in Guanzhong, his attitude towards the Turks became tougher.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that after Jie Li came to power, under the joint persuasion of Yang Shanjing, the younger brother of the former Princess Yicheng of the Sui Dynasty, and Wang Wensu, Wang Shichong's envoy, he relied on the huge family fortune and huge strength left by his father and brother to repeatedly oppose the Tang Dynasty.


Anyway, with the current attitude of the Tang Dynasty towards the Turks, it is absolutely impossible for the Tang Dynasty to negotiate peace with the Turks.

Otherwise, the Turkic envoys sent to Chang'an would not have been detained.

Although Tuli doesn't have much city or scheming, it can be seen clearly.

Master Liang nodded and said: "The little Khan is right. Li Tang will definitely not negotiate peace with us. If my guess is correct, Li Tang should be sending envoys to delay time."

Although Jie Li had beaten Liang Shidu before, Liang Shidu could only achieve his goal by relying on the power in Jie Li's hands, so he continued to make suggestions for Jie Li regardless of his past grudges.

Jie Li heard Liang Shidu's words and nodded in agreement, "You are right, the Tang army in Weize Pass is not enough to resist our Turkic attack.

The Tang people must have suffered considerable losses in previous wars.

Now they are not sure that they can stop us, so they made this strategy to delay time and wait for reinforcements to arrive."

Master Liang has pointed out the key to the problem, and Jieli can naturally see the plan behind it.

Tu Li snorted coldly: "Since we have seen their thoughts, how can we let them get what they want?"

Jieli nodded and said, "What Shi Bo Bi said is good, but it won't affect the overall situation for a moment."

Although Jie Li didn't know very clearly about the deployment of some troops in the Tang Dynasty, as well as the distribution of some troops and horses, he had a general idea.

Among the troops currently deployed by the Tang Dynasty on the front line of the northern border, the ones closest to Weize Pass should be those from Shizhou.

The only people who can rush to the aid of Weize Pass are Shizhou's soldiers and horses.

It is nearly 600 miles from Shizhou to Weizeguan.

After Shizhou's soldiers and horses received the news that Weize Pass was attacked, they led their troops to rush to Weize Pass. Even if they traveled day and night, it would take at least eight or nine days, or even more.

Only one day has passed, and there is still plenty of time.

There is no need to fight for Jie Li for even a moment.

"Let our people stop temporarily, and then send someone to invite the Tang envoy to come over. I really want to see what methods he will use to buy time for Weize Pass."

Jie Li ordered the guards on one side.

The guard agreed and sent someone to deliver the order.

Not long after, the Turks stopped their attack.

A Turkic leader rode up to Weize Pass and met Xie Shufang, who had just left Weize Pass and had not gone far.

"I am Beke Fulijuli of the Fuliju Department. I am here to welcome you to the Yazhang on the orders of the Khan."

The Turks on horseback shouted loudly after seeing Xie Shufang.

The Fuligu tribe is the Tiele people, and they were not subordinate to the Eastern Turks at first, but to the Western Turks.

When Jieli's father, Qimin Khan, was in power, Awu Sili of the Western Turks once led his army south to cross the Yellow River and plundered 6,000 men and women under Qimin Khan and more than 200,000 livestock.

At that time, Qimin Khan had a good relationship with the former Sui Dynasty and was the son-in-law of the former Sui Dynasty.

Yang Su, the Yunzhou Road marching marshal of the former Sui Dynasty, led his troops to defeat the army of Awusi Liqijin, recaptured all the captured people and plundered livestock, and returned them to Qimin Khan.

Many Western Turkic tribes were also beaten by Yang Su and knelt down to ask for surrender.

At that time, Sun Sheng, the former Duke of Qi in the Sui Dynasty, happened to be on a mission to the Eastern Turks, so he suggested that Qimin Khan go to the north to recruit the Tiele tribes.

The Fuligu tribe betrayed Datou Khan of the Western Turks at that time and took refuge with Qimin Khan.

It is worth mentioning that Sun Sheng, the Duke of Qi in the former Sui Dynasty, was the father of Li Shimin's uncle Changsun Wuji and Li Shimin's princess Changsun Shi.

Uncle Xie shouted to Fuli Juli, held up his staff, and said loudly: "I am the Marquis of Pingyao in the Tang Dynasty. I am Xie Shufang, the commander of the army on the left side of Prince Qi's palace. I am sent as an envoy to the Turks by the order of my king."

Identity must be reported.

If the identity is not enough, Jieli will not see him.

If his status is too low, Jieli will feel that Datang is humiliating him.

After all, Jieli was the Great Khan of the Eastern Turks and the monarch of the Eastern Turks.

If the Tang Dynasty sent a cat or a dog to see him, it would be despising him and humiliating him.


Fuli Juli still knew a little about the etiquette of the Han family. After confirming that Xie Shufang's status was not low and he was qualified to meet Jieli, he made an invitation gesture and rode in front of him to guide Xie Shufang and clear the way.

Although the Tang Dynasty is currently fighting to the death with the Turks, and their diplomatic relations are somewhat unhappy, the proper etiquette must still be observed.

The Turks had already seen how tough the Tang Dynasty was in terms of diplomatic relations. In order to prevent their own people from suffering when they went to the Tang Dynasty as envoys in the future, they did not dare to cause trouble again.

Under the guidance of Fuli Juli, Xie Shufang passed through the Turkic army and appeared in the Turkic camp.

The news about Xie Shufang's identity was also passed to Jieli by Fuli Juli early, and Jieli also sent a person with a similar identity to Xie Shufang in Turks to greet Xie Shufang at the gate of the camp.

Jie Li no longer stayed at the lookout, but returned to his tent.

Tu Li and Master Liang also returned to their respective tents, waiting quietly for Jie Li's summons.

The Tang Dynasty only sent a marquis, not a king.

If the three Turkic Khans met together, wouldn't the Turkic Khans seem too cheap?

Xie Shufang, led by the people sent by Jieli, arrived in front of Jieli's tent.

A very bright flag is tied to the tent.

A wolf's head is supported on a thick wooden pole. Behind the wolf's head is a flag with a broken tail, which has been fluttering in the wind.

"This is my Turkic wolf-headed seal. Just like the jade seal of your southerners, it symbolizes supreme authority."

Ye Hu, the Turk who was responsible for welcoming Xie Shufang, saw Xie Shufang staring at the wolf-touhan, and introduced Xie Shufang with a proud look on his face.

Xie Shufang said ‘hmm’.

I thought to myself, 'If I can chop down three of these things, Su Dingfang will not be as good as me even if he has Liu Heitai's head next to him.'

As for paying homage...

Who would look up to something that looks outrageous but actually has no beauty at all?

Among the ceremonial guards of the Tang Dynasty, which one is not more beautiful or more majestic than this one?!

This chapter has been completed!
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