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Chapter 0022 Repeated horizontal jump?

Li Yuan gave Li Ji's memorial to Li Shimin to read, not really to show Li Shimin how much Li Ji "loved" him, but to beat Li Shimin.

Li Yuan was asking Li Shimin what he thought and what his attitude was.

If Li Shimin replies that Li Ji is talking nonsense, I have no idea about the position of prince.

Li Yuan will jump up with excitement. This is what you said. I will show your memorandum to the ministers and let them know that you have no idea about the position of prince. If you make any repeated moves in the future, then you are capricious.


If Li Shimin replied, well, Li Ji is right, the position of prince belongs to me.

Li Yuan would not hesitate to scold Li Shimin and teach him what it meant to be orderly.

Changsun Wuji saw Li Yuan's intention, so he frowned and asked Li Shimin.

Li Yuan was blocked at both ends, and if his words were not answered well, it would be easy for him to leave behind his words.

Li Shimin pondered for a moment and then told Xu Jingzong, "Get the pen and ink..."

Xu Jingzong respectfully agreed and quickly prepared pen, ink, paper and inkstone for Li Shimin.

Li Shimin picked up his pen and wrote a long memorial to Li Yuan.

The memorial roughly means, "I, Li Shimin, Jiancheng, and Yuanji are close brothers. I have no intention of harming my brothers. If my brothers harm me, I will tolerate them a little."

Li Shimin did not hide his coveting for the position of prince. He knew what Li Yuan was most afraid of and worried about, so he made a guarantee to Li Yuan.

After Li Yuan saw his memorial, he would not be too happy, but he would not be too angry either.

Li Shimin knew the right proportions very well.

Changsun Wuji was helping Li Shimin grind it. After reading Li Shimin's memorial, he was happy.

Li Shimin resolved Li Yuan's difficulties very well.

Li Shimin waited for the ink on the memorial to dry, closed the memorial and handed it to Liu Jun.

Liu Jun took the memorials from Li Shimin and Li Ji, bowed to Li Shimin, and left Tiance Mansion.

After Liu Jun left, Li Shimin looked at Cao Dan, who was already drunk, and sighed: "My fourth brother is really a tyrant. I just took a piece of food from his mouth and he bit me hard.

One bite."

Li Shimin felt that the reason why Li Ji acted like this was to retaliate against him for taking away Cao Dan.

Changsun Wuji said thoughtfully: "I'm afraid that our Highness, King Qi, not only wants to bite you, but also wants to compete with you."

Li Shimin was extremely confident and said without mercy: "He is not qualified yet."

Li Shimin was previously worried that Li Ji would comply with Li Yuan's support and become Li Yuan's pawn to check and balance him.

After seeing Li Ji's memorial to Li Yuan, he no longer worried.

Because Li Ji is obviously not willing to be manipulated by Li Yuan, otherwise he would not be angry with Li Yuan to death.

Li Ji went to great lengths to offend Li Jiancheng again in his memorial. He would definitely not be able to get together with Li Jiancheng again.

Without Li Jiancheng's support, he really didn't take Li Ji and the people in Prince Qi's house seriously.

Chongren Hall.

Li Jiancheng was immersed in handling government affairs when Zheng Guanyin appeared in front of Li Jiancheng with a frown on his face.

Smelling the familiar fragrance, Li Jiancheng put down his pen and raised his head with a question on his face.

Zheng Guanyin said solemnly: "Yin Ashu went to Wude Hall not long ago."

Li Jiancheng was stunned for a moment, his face darkened, and his right hand clenched into a fist involuntarily, "If you fail to succeed, you will fail!"

Li Jiancheng could guess what Yin Ashu did when he went to Wude Hall without asking.

He must have gone to the Wude Hall to report the news.

"It should be that Silang gave Yin Asu a painful beating in Liangyi Palace before. Yin Asu not only did not dare to complain about Si Lang, but also became afraid of him.

So after you sent someone to pass the message to him, instead of going to his father to fan the flames, he went to the Butokuden Hall to report the news, hoping to please Shiro."

When Zheng Guanyin received the news, she had already done a series of analyses, and this is the conclusion she came to.

Li Jiancheng agreed with Zheng Guanyin's statement and cursed through gritted teeth: "Bitch..."

Yin Ah Shu is not only a typical villain, but also a bitch.

Li Ji beat him, but instead of baring his teeth at Li Ji, he waggled his tail at Li Ji.

Li Jiancheng also hoped to use Yin Ashu to weigh Li Ji.

Unexpectedly, half of the fist was broken before it was punched out.

Li Jiancheng ordered in a cold voice, "Don't have any contact with the Yin Mansion from now on."

Li Jiancheng decided to give up Yin Ashu.

Be unfaithful once, never be faithful again.

This is Li Jiancheng's attitude towards villains and bitches.

Zheng Guanyin hesitated and said: "I'm afraid it's difficult to explain to Concubine De..."

The reason why Li Jiancheng had contact with Yin Asu was to make good friends with Concubine Yin De, so that he could use her status as Concubine Yin De to blow a whistle on Li Yuan and find out Li Yuan's attitude towards certain issues.

Then he acted according to Li Yuan's wishes, thereby winning Li Yuan's favor and consolidating his position as prince.

Sudden severing of contact with the Yin Mansion is equivalent to severing relations with Concubine Yin De.

Is Concubine Yin De willing?

Li Jiancheng snorted coldly and said: "An explanation? What explanation do I need to give her? She should first think about how to keep her position as a concubine under the hands of the three of us brothers."

Zheng Guanyin was stunned for a moment and immediately understood the key.

Before Yin Ashu went to Wude Hall to report the news, he had already offended Li Shimin and Li Ji, and now he offended Li Jiancheng again.

Li Yuan's three legitimate sons, Yin Asu has offended them all, can Yin Ashu be cured?

Not to mention Yin Ah Shu, Concubine Yin De will probably be in panic all day long when she finds out about this.

Even though Concubine Yin De was favored in the palace, it didn't matter that she had a prince by her side.

But a concubine is a concubine, and a concubine is a concubine.

Always keep your head low in front of your descendants and descendants.

"I understand, I understand..."

Zheng Guanyin bowed and agreed.

Li Jiancheng cursed again unwillingly, "Trash!"

Yin Ah Shu is really a waste. Not only is he useless, he also has no brains.

It's okay to hang out among the three brothers without finding a stable team to stand in, and they dare to jump sideways repeatedly.

"Should we send someone to weigh Shiro again?"

Zheng Guanyin questions.

If Li Ji becomes ambitious and covets that position, she will be her husband's rival.

It is better to weigh it in advance than to wait until Li Ji grows up.

It would also be a good thing if Li Ji's ambitions could be thwarted in advance and Li Ji, a potential rival, could be turned into a helper.

Li Jiancheng frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head slightly, "Since that trash has already gone to inform Yuan Ji, we can't take action anymore.

With Yuanji's temperament, after learning about this, he will definitely find a way to fight back.

At this time, if we take action again, it will easily lead to a head-on conflict with Yuanji.

This is what my father doesn't want to see.

It’s also something the people of the world would like to see.”

Zheng Guanyin nodded thoughtfully and prepared to leave.

The guard guarding in front of Chongren Hall suddenly entered the hall, bowed and said, "Your Highness, Mr. Liu, please see me."

Li Jiancheng and Zheng Guanyin were both stunned.

Li Jiancheng thought for a moment and roughly guessed the purpose of Liu Jun's trip.



The guard agreed and left Chongren Hall. Within a few breaths, the guard appeared in the hall with Liu Jun.

When Liu Jun saw Li Jiancheng, he bowed and said, "Your Majesty, Liu Jun, see His Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Jiancheng put on a smiling face and said, "No need to be polite. What advice does Mr. Liu have?"

Liu Jun rushed over and bent down a little more, saying with a smile: "Your Highness is joking, how dare I give you advice. I followed everyone's instructions and passed on the memorial of the Fourth Highness to your Highness for reading."

Li Jiancheng pretended to be surprised and said: "Oh? Yuanji actually wrote a letter to his father. It's really strange."

Li Jiancheng waved to Liu Jun enthusiastically, "Bring it over quickly and show it to me. I really want to know what kind of thing is worthy of Yuanji's war."

Liu Jun held Li Ji's memorial in both hands and respectfully presented it to Li Jiancheng.

Li Jiancheng opened the memorial and looked at it, his expression was wonderful.

There was shock, anger, and some helplessness.

Finally, a smile reappeared on his face, "Yuan Ji is really a master of writing. He boasts all the people in the sky and the earth. In comparison, I, the eldest brother, pales in comparison."

Liu Jun bent over and said nothing, as if he had not heard what Li Jiancheng said.

Li Jiancheng put down Li Ji's memorial, picked up his pen, and said with a smile, "Have Shimin read it?"

Liu Jun hurriedly said: "Your Highness has already seen it."

Li Jiancheng nodded and said jokingly: "Why did you give the memorial to Shimin first instead of me? Is it because you don't like me? Or maybe you feel that I am not as good as Shimin?"

Liu Jun looked frightened and hurriedly knelt on the ground and said: "I don't dare! The reason why I showed the memorial to His Highness the Second Highness first is because His Highness is in Tiance Mansion. Liangyi Palace is closer to Tiance Mansion.


If Your Highness feels that I have neglected Your Highness, please forgive me."

Li Jiancheng waved his hand and said with a smile: "I just made a joke casually, why should Liu Shaojian take it seriously? Please get up quickly. Guanyin, if you give Liu Shaojian a piece of beautiful jade, it will be considered as my apology to Liu Shaojian."

Zheng Guanyin followed the good example and immediately ordered someone to get a piece of fine jade.

Liu Jun did not dare to refuse, so he took the beautiful jade respectfully, put it in his arms, and then stood up slowly.

Just when he stood up straight, he heard Li Jiancheng ask again with a smile, "Young Master Liu, I heard that my father made trouble for the people of the world in Liangyi Hall a few days ago. Thanks to you and Yuanji, you showed up in time and helped the people of the world get out of the siege. Is there any way?"

This matter?"

Liu Jun had just breathed a sigh of relief, but when he heard Li Jiancheng's words, his heart started to lift again.

Liu Jun quickly bowed and said: "This matter is what everyone has explained."

Li Jiancheng was obviously stunned for a moment, then thought about it and immediately understood what Li Yuan was thinking.

Li Yuan was afraid that when Li Shimin was beating Li Shimin, Li Shimin would not give in and he would not be able to get off the stage, so he asked Liu Jun to bring Li Ji into the palace at the critical moment to give him a step up.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about getting too serious with Li Shimin and affecting the relationship between father and son.

Li Yuan is also quite conflicted. On the one hand, he wants to beat his son, but on the other hand, he is afraid that the beating will be too harsh and it will affect the relationship between father and son.

This chapter has been completed!
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