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Chapter 0407 Does Wu have a hidden disease?

The next day.

early morning.

Li Yuanji got up early, washed briefly, had some breakfast, and went to the small martial arts field to exercise.

When passing by the side room of the jingshe where Ren Gui lived, he saw Ren Gui sleeping soundly on the low table in the side room.

The low table is covered with densely packed documents of different sizes and lengths.

After asking the guard guarding the door, he found out that Ren Gui didn't sleep all night, and had been reading various documents, and occasionally made some notes in a booklet. He stayed up until dawn, and couldn't stand it anymore.

Then I went to sleep.

Immediately, Li Yuanji ordered people to recruit two maids, asking them to take care of Ren Gui's daily life, and told them to keep an eye on Ren Gui and never let Ren Gui collapse from exhaustion.

Ren Gui was born when Nanchen was still alive. Her father was Ren Qibao, the prefect of Dingyuan in Nanchen. He died young and lived in the home of his uncle Ren Mannu, the general of Zhendong in Nanchen.

At the age of nineteen, he served as the magistrate of Lingxi County in Nanchen, and later moved to Hengzhou, Sima, and became the governor of the state.

When the former Sui Dynasty defeated Chen Dynasty, he was already twenty-five years old.

Now there are two in sixty.

In this era when the average age per capita is extremely low, one is already living a long life.

I have also entered an age where various diseases are common.

So don't overwork yourself.

Li Yuanji was still counting on Ren Gui to help him with big things. Naturally, he didn't want Ren Gui to collapse from exhaustion just after arriving at his house because he had toiled day and night reading official documents.

In that case, there would be no place for him to cry.

After instructing the maids to take good care of Ren Gui, Li Yuanji continued to rush to the small martial arts field to exercise.

as usual.

I practiced a set of health-preserving Kungfu taught by Sun Simiao, practiced archery, practiced sword-fighting, and swung the stone lock randomly for a while, sweating all over, and then 'finished'.

When I returned to the courtyard of the monastery, I saw that Ren Gui was still sleeping, so she didn't disturb her too much.

He entered the main room of the monastery alone, and after simply washing away the smell of sweat on his body, he started to deal with business.

The water transportation rights of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from Luoyang to Yuhang have been taken over from Li Shimin. This cannot be wasted and preparations must be made quickly.

While sending people to the Xiuwen Museum to get the corresponding documents, they also sent people to summon Samurai Yi.

Now that Shishi Yi is the only person in charge of water transportation in Chang'an City, he must handle water transportation matters, as well as contact with Ma Zhou, Du Yan, Wang Gui and others.

The people sent out to summon Samurai Yi came back an hour later, but Samurai Yi was nowhere to be seen.

"Your Highness, what's wrong, there's a fight between Wucangbu and Dr. Gao from Xinglu in Chang'an!"

The guard responsible for summoning the warrior Yi hurried into the main room of the monastery. After a hasty salute, he shouted urgently.

Li Yuanji was stunned for a moment, put down the "Jiaozhou Maritime Book" he was flipping through, raised his head, and said in astonishment: "How could there be a fight?"

I have never heard of any social interactions between Samurai Yi and the masters of the apricot forest in Chang'an Xinglu, nor have I heard of any grudges between them?

The guard hurriedly said: "Back to Your Highness, when I was ordered to summon the Wucang tribe, I passed by Xinglu in Chang'an and happened to meet Doctor Gao who was returning from collecting medicine.

As soon as Dr. Gao Si saw Wucangbe, he said that Wucangbe had a hidden disease and was already terminally ill. If he didn't get diagnosed and treated, his life would be short-lived.

Install the latest version.]

Takekurabe thought Doctor Gao was cursing him, so he fell out with Doctor Gao on the spot and even beat him.

The other doctors and medicine boys suddenly stopped working and surrounded Wucangbe, insisting on an explanation from Wucangbe.

Several princes who were studying medicine in Xinglu in Chang'an also joined in to fight against the injustice of Dr. Gao.

There is no way for me to calm down this matter, so I can only rush back to report to His Highness."

After hearing this, Li Yuanji didn't speak in a hurry.

If he guessed correctly, this was probably a misunderstanding.

It is very possible that Samurai Yi really has a hidden illness.

It is very possible that several of his brothers also have hidden diseases.

Historically, he and several of his brothers died collectively in the early years of Zhenguan without suffering any annihilation of their family. This is obviously inconsistent with common sense.

It would make sense if they all have hidden illnesses.

The Xinglin master named Gao Siyi should have very high medical attainments and should be able to judge whether a person is sick from his appearance.

After seeing Samurai Yi's problem, he spoke out without hesitation.

He probably meant well, but the way he spoke was probably wrong, so he was misunderstood by Samurai Yi.

Now if it was just a misunderstanding, it would be fine if it was resolved.

But Samurai Yi not only resorted to violence when he disagreed, but also aroused public anger. If he just apologized, it would be difficult to calm the anger of everyone at Xinglu in Chang'an.

If from now on, the two of them will not see each other and will never interact with each other until death, it can be avoided.

But Samurai Yi had a hidden illness, and he still asked for treatment. How could he avoid it?

This matter has become difficult to solve!

Thinking of this, Li Yuanji sighed with a headache: "Warrior Yi will really cause trouble for me. It's not good to offend anyone, but offend a group of people who can save his life..."

Speaking of this, Li Yuanji told the guard: "Go and ask the princess to come with me to Xinglu, Chang'an."

In this situation, we can only ask Yang Miaoyan to come forward and make peace from both sides to see if there is any possibility of persuading peace.

If not, you will have to think of another way.

When the guard heard the order, he immediately bowed and hurried to invite Yang Miaoyan.

Li Yuanji tidied up his clothes, put on the robe he only wore when going out, and left the main room of the monastery.

When I walked to the entrance of the courtyard of the Jingshe, I saw Yang Miaoyan already waiting there.

Li Yuanji invited Yang Miaoyan to accompany him and told Yang Miaoyan the general situation.

After Yang Miaoyan heard this, she kept covering her mouth and smiling coquettishly. She bluntly said that Samurai Yi was used to being domineering, so he offended someone he shouldn't offend.

Yang Miaoyan also said that there was no need to rush to save Samurai Yi. It would be easier to let Samurai Yi suffer under the verbal and verbal criticism of the apricot forest masters at Chang'an Xinglu, and then wait until all the apricot forest masters had vented their anger before making peace.

Li Yuanji felt that what Yang Miaoyan said made sense, so he immediately took Yang Miaoyan around for an extra circle.

When they arrived at Xinglu in Chang'an, they saw Warrior Yi squatting on the ground like a turtle grandson surrounded by a group of apricot forest masters, medicine boys, and a few half-grown men.

Even so, a group of apricot forest masters, medicine boys, and young men still did not let him go.

One by one, they pointed at Samurai Yi and cursed loudly, and the words they said were as unpleasant as they wanted.

"Your Highness is here!"

I don't know who shouted, and a group of apricot forest experts, medicine boys, and young men noticed Li Yuanji and Yang Miaoyan.

When Samurai Yi saw Li Yuanji, it was like seeing a savior, his eyes filled with hope.

However, Li Yuanji ignored him and just glanced at the apricot forest masters, medicine boys, and young men.

Facing Li Yuanji's glance, the Xinglin masters kept their expressions as usual, while the medicine boys approached the Xinglin masters they were following in a restrained manner. The few half-year-olds were like mice that saw a cat, and they jumped out.


"Let me see which of you chases me away!"

Li Yuanji drank in a low voice.

The young men seemed to be under a immobilizing spell, and they no longer dared to move a step.

"His Royal Highness King Qi, it was obviously your people who hurt our husband in Xinglu. It's okay if you don't teach your people a lesson. Why did you teach the people in my Xinglu instead?"

Cao Jiucheng, the only apricot master in Chang'an Xinglu who could speak in front of Li Yuanji, suddenly became unhappy when he saw Li Yuanji frightening several young men, and began to protect him.

Although the few half-year-old boys were unworthy and had some bad qualities unique to the children of powerful people, they were still respectful to the masters of the Apricot Forest, and the masters of the Apricot Forest were willing to treat them as their disciples.

When they were 'bullied', a group of Xinglin masters were naturally willing to protect them.

In this era, the relationship between a teacher and his disciples is quite close. It is really possible to treat a disciple like a son and serve a teacher like a father.

Some teachers and disciples even stay together for a lifetime.

The relationship between some teachers and disciples is even closer than that between father and son.

It is precisely because of this that after the disciples have been bullied, even if they face the imperial power, the gentlemen may still protect them.

After Li Yuanji accepted everyone's greetings, he said to Cao Jiucheng, dumbfounded, "Mr. Cao misunderstood, and I have no intention of teaching them a lesson.

I just saw that they have been studying in Xinglu in Chang'an for some time, and I wanted to stop them and test their learning results."

As an elder brother, an uncle, and an uncle, Li Yuanji is qualified to check the academic performance of several young men.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth is his teacher, and his teacher is before his teacher, so Li Yuanji wants to check the studies of several young men, and the masters of the Apricot Forest cannot stop him, and they have no right to stop him.

When Cao Jiucheng heard this, even if he still had complaints, it was hard to say anything more on this matter.

I could only look at the half-grown men with pity.

The studies of these half-grown-ups can no longer be described as a mess.

If you encounter a evil star like Li Yuanji to check your studies, you can only ask for blessings.

"You guys stay aside for now, wait until I finish taking care of Samurai Yi, and then I will test your studies."

Li Yuanji said something nonchalantly to the young men, and looked at Samurai Yi with the expressions of these young men, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

Samurai Yi was a bit miserable. He seemed to have been punched in the nose and was bleeding from the nose. There were also several large and small footprints on his clothes.

Li Yuanji looked at Cao Jiucheng in astonishment.

Cao Jiucheng glanced at Samurai Yi with disgust, and then said to Li Yuanji calmly: "Don't look at me, and don't look at the other gentlemen, we don't fight people."

Li Yuanji nodded, his eyes falling on a few young men.

Several young men lowered their heads subconsciously.

Seeing this, Cao Jiucheng spoke again, "Don't look at them, they are just trying to help Mr. Gao."

Li Yuanji nodded again and did not care about this matter anymore, but gave Yang Miaoyan a look.

After Yang Miaoyan understood and met Cao Jiucheng and others, he knelt down in front of Warrior Yi and said angrily: "Warrior Yi, you are so majestic. My father has to treat someone who is a bit thin-faced when he sees you. You

Dare you fight?"


This chapter has been completed!
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