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Chapter 0432 Alien

The female steward bent her thick waist and spoke humbly.

The female steward was also an official. Although she was only a junior female official from the ninth rank, she was still qualified to call herself a minister in front of Li Yuanji.

It was precisely because she was qualified to be a minister that she had the courage to talk to Li Yuanji.

In fact, when Li Yuanji stopped her from torturing Maid Lan, she guessed that Li Yuanji was overflowing with sympathy. She couldn't bear to see Maid Lan being punished like this and wanted to excuse Maid Lan.

If she were an ordinary maid in the house, she would comply with Li Yuanji's wishes without hesitation and let Maid Lan go.

Li Yuanji didn't even need to speak. As long as Li Yuanji frowned slightly and showed a look of being unable to bear this kind of thing, she would immediately let Maid Lan go.

But she is not, she is a female official in the palace, a female official who is responsible to Yang Miaoyan.

Li Yuanji did not directly order her to let Maid Lan go as the master of the house, so he had to give her a reason to explain to Yang Miaoyan.

Otherwise, if Yang Miaoyan asked about this matter, she would not be able to give Yang Miaoyan a suitable reason. Yang Miaoyan would be slapped with a slap in the face, but no one would take the blame for her.

Ever since the former group of people in the house had a traitor and were eliminated by Yang Miaoyan, she and her colleagues have become completely cautious. They follow the rules of the house first in everything and give Yang Miaoyan a reasonable explanation for everything.

, never make decisions without authorization, nor do things based on the guessed master's thoughts.

In short, it is a sentence. Whatever the master tells you must be done well. If the master does not tell you something and you are not responsible for it, you will never make your own decisions.

"what is the relationship?"

Li Yuanji asked himself and answered: "It has a lot to do with it."

Speaking of this, Li Yuanji pointed to the royal book given by Li Yuan and said, "Take a good look at it. Is this royal book as bright as new? Is it exactly the same as the one that was hung up a month ago?"

The female steward followed what Li Yuanji pointed and saw that it was indeed as bright as new and exactly the same as the one that had been hung a month ago.

Could it be different?

Someone wipes it every day. If the gold paint peels off, there will be a special person to repair it. Of course, it will be exactly the same as new.

However, she also understood what Li Yuanji meant.

Li Yuanji wanted to put the credit of others on Maid Lan's head and use this to excuse Maid Lan.

Although it cannot withstand verification or detailed explanation, it is enough to explain to Yang Miaoyan.

All she needs to do is change Maid Lan's job to wiping Li Yuan's royal books, and then report the truth to Yang Miaoyan.

A prince, who is also the man of the house, can patiently find an excuse for a maid, which is enough to let the maid off the hook.

No matter how weak his excuse is, how weak it is that it cannot withstand elaboration, as long as it is reported to Yang Miaoyan, Yang Miaoyan will recognize it, and will believe it deeply, and other people in the house will also believe it.

This is called the husband singing and the wife following.

In this era, especially in wealthy families, any wife who goes against her husband is not considered a good wife.

Because as his significant other, if you go against him and make him unable to step down, it will not do any good except damaging his prestige and prestige.

When others look down on him because you repeatedly contradict him, they will also look down on you.

Because you are one.

How blind you are to how unbearable he is being teased by you repeatedly.

Many people in later generations always like to classify this issue as men's face and machismo.

actually not.

Because in the eyes of outsiders, husband and wife are one body. Whether you have face or not depends on whether your partner can help you earn face. It is not that if you belittle him, you can improve yourself.

In the eyes of outsiders, no matter how hard you belittle him, you will be miserable.

You think that when you belittle him, you are showing off how powerful you are and how much family status you have, but it is actually all an illusion.

In the eyes of outsiders, they won't think you are very powerful, they will just think you have watched a monkey show and maybe look forward to the next one.

Therefore, if you want to have face, you have to help your partner have more face.

This can achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

In this regard, the ancients did very well.

Especially the ancients who have read books and understand things.

"I understand, Your Highness means that Maid Lan's thoughts are all devoted to serving the saint's royal book, so she slacked off on the Nine-leaf Golden Orchid?"

The female steward no longer pretended to be confused with Li Yuanji, but told Li Yuanji what he wanted.

Li Yuanji smiled knowingly, nodded and said, "That's exactly it."

The female steward nodded and said, "Then how should I reward Maid Lan?"

Gong is merit, fault is fault, and since Li Yuanji did not mention that merit and demerit balance each other, merit and demerit must be clearly defined.

This is not to say that the female steward cannot be flexible, but that this is the rule set by Yang Miaoyan.

This is a very simple and effective way to control your subordinates.

It can make the people below not to be proud or slack when they have merit, and it can also make the people below not take chances when they have success, so that everyone below can be cautious when doing everything.

"There is no need for rewards. The merits and demerits should be balanced."

Li Yuanji smiled and waved his hands.

The female steward bowed and said, "I obey."

Li Yuanji glanced at Lan Maid, who was still trying hard to water the Nine-leaf Orchid with his own blood and rescue the Nine-leaf Orchid by mistake, sighed and said: "Go and see her, don't let her die."

The female steward agreed, walked to Maid Lan, knelt down, and said in a heavy tone, "You can rest assured, His Highness has forgiven you."

After hearing this, Maid Lan regained her consciousness. After a brief daze, she looked around for Li Yuanji with tears in her eyes.

After seeing Li Yuanji, he suppressed his tears and kowtowed to Li Yuanji.

Li Yuanji shook his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, and said, "Go back and take good care of yourself."

Just left.

Maid Lan seemed to have not heard this and was still kowtowing.

It wasn't until he was pulled by the female steward that he stopped kowtowing, and then kept thanking Li Yuanji for his great kindness.

Li Yuanji did not think that he was a great benefactor at all. In his opinion, his people beat the orchid maid to pieces because of a bouquet of orchids. It was a bit heavy on things and neglected people. This was wrong. He was just

It's just about bringing order out of chaos, so how can there be any kindness?

But Maid Lan likes to regard this as a favor, so let her go.

He had no intention of correcting it anyway.

Because most people in this era will think so after encountering such a thing, and he alone cannot correct it.

If you have to correct yourself, you will easily be regarded as an outlier.

This is a very sad thing.

You obviously have a correct view of right and wrong in your heart, but you can't instill it in others, and you can't find anyone who has the same view of right and wrong as you do.

You are like a tourist wandering blindly in a foreign country. Everywhere you look, there are people who are different from you.

You think they are aliens, but when you calm down, you will realize that you are the alien.

Moreover, he is still an alien who has nowhere to go and cannot find anyone of the same kind.

"Your Highness, there is a strange person in the Li family of Zhaozhou."

Li Yuanji had just settled down in the mountainside manor that was forcibly named Jiudao Palace by Li Yuan. Before he had time to appreciate the red apricots that had just come through the wall, and before he had time to fold the peach blossoms that had just bloomed inside the wall, Xue Wanshu arrived.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said one sentence that made Li Yuanjilei's body burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

"The Li family in Zhaozhou has a strange creature?"

Li Yuanji asked Xue Wanshu to sit on a thick blanket under the peach tree, and asked Xue Wanshu to pour him a glass of peach blossom wine brewed last year, and then asked with a puzzled look on his face: "What kind of alien is worth reporting to me?"

After Xue Wanshu poured the wine, he took a sip happily and said with a smile: "A direct descendant of the Li family in Zhaozhou, who wants to seek refuge with His Highness no matter what, does His Highness think he is an anomaly?"

Li Yuanji nodded, pushed the wine cup in front of him to Xue Wanshu, and motioned for Xue Wanshu to drink it too.

He originally thought that the peach blossom wine written in the book was a good drink, but he didn't expect that it was sour, and it was so sour that people who can be sour would be embarrassed.

He instantly lost the desire to continue drinking peach blossom wine. Seeing that Xue Wanshu liked drinking it, he let Xue Wanshu drink it too.

After Xue Wanshu thanked him and raised his wine cup to start savoring the wine intoxicatedly, Li Yuanji slowly said: "A direct descendant of a great family would actually surrender to the enemy when the clan's survival is at stake. It is indeed an anomaly."

In this era when the concept of clan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the interests of the clan are higher than the interests of the royal family, the direct descendants of the aristocratic family look at the royal family the same as looking at another aristocratic family.

The only way to expect them to look up to the royal family is to place a knife on all of their necks.

So the direct descendants of a wealthy family are proud of themselves.

Some people with strong clan backgrounds privately disdain the royal family.

This is evidenced by the fact that despite Li Yuan's many efforts, his predecessor failed to marry a woman with the fifth surname.

It is precisely because of this that a person who did not live and die with the clan when the clan was at risk, did not fight with the clan against the enemy, but instead surrendered to an enemy that they despised or regarded as an equal, is indeed an anomaly.

Both Li Yuanji and the Li royal family hope to have as many of this kind of alien as possible.

"With the help of such a strange person, His Highness will definitely be able to bite a piece of meat from the Zhaozhou Li family."

Xue Wanshu finished tasting the peach blossom wine, poured another one for himself, and then said excitedly.

He didn't say anything about destroying the Li family in Zhaozhou.

Because in his opinion, a behemoth like the Li family in Zhaozhou could not be destroyed even if Li Yuanji took action. Even if Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng, and Li Shimin were added, it would be too much.

It was precisely because of this that he only said to bite off a piece of meat.

Li Yuanji's idea was naturally to take advantage of the time when Li Jiancheng was fighting with Li Shimin and no one was paying attention to him, so that he could destroy the Li family in Zhaozhou in one go.

He is not the kind of person who likes to keep his enemies around for the New Year.

He's not the kind of person who likes to give his enemies a chance to breathe.

Now that you have taken action, you must go all out to crush the enemy to death completely.

Therefore, he disagreed with Xue Wanshu's statement, but he was not in a hurry to refute it. Instead, he muttered: "Don't rush to be happy, don't rush to use him, test him first to see if he is cheating.

We can't do anything like luring wolves into the house.

Especially wolves that come from a wealthy family like the Li family in Zhaozhou cannot be introduced indoors.

Otherwise, he is very likely to make all our plans against the Li family in Zhaozhou fail, and he will also cause all of us to have trouble sleeping and eating."

Thanks to ‘Xuanyuan Huowu’ for the reward of 2,000 book coins! Thanks to ‘Cao Mianzi’ for the reward of 1,500 book coins!

This chapter has been completed!
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