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Chapter 0574: One Emperor and One Courtier

In other words, there was no such thing as sending plaques in the Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, when many women gave birth, there would definitely be officials beating gongs and drums to send plaques.

Some people may think this is an exaggeration, and may think that this is not possible when the imperial power does not go to the countryside.

But that's the truth.

Compared with those political achievements that cannot be seen or touched, or that require great perseverance and great wisdom to achieve, this kind of political achievements can be seen, not looked for, and can be obtained easily.

Yamen in various places have officials who are responsible for supervising marriages. The chief officials of the yamen only need to send out the petty officials and watch the married people under their rule have children.

There is no need for the chief officer of the yamen to personally supervise or keep an eye on it, so it is not troublesome for the chief officer of the yamen.

In addition, the imperial court has minimum assessment standards. Those who fail to meet the standards will be dismissed from office, and those who are more serious will be assigned.

Therefore, even if the chief official of the yamen wants to ensure that his family can survive in a prosperous place, he will do his best to supervise this matter.

In this way, many honorable women will be created.

The imperial court spent a lot of money on this.

The local government cannot pay for this kind of expense out of its own pocket, so it must be reimbursed by the court.

In fact, Chen Shuda's reward of 70,000 to 80,000 yuan is considered an underpayment, because if all the honorable women were truly counted together, the reward required would be far more than 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

The reason why there are only 70,000 to 80,000 yuan is because some local yamen, when they have been unable to receive rewards from the court, will use some unclaimed wasteland as rewards in order to encourage the people under their jurisdiction to have children.

Anyway, after the military disaster, there were too many unowned and abandoned fields in various parts of the Tang Dynasty. As long as the local government officials did not misappropriate these fields, the court would not say anything if they tried to make some political achievements on them.

In order to save money, some local government offices are even secretly encouraged to do it.

After all, the Tang Dynasty, with a population of only 1.5 million households, controlled a vast area, with countless ownerless wastelands. In some uninhabited places that had been devastated by military disasters, they were all ownerless wastelands.

If it is distributed to the people, it can also increase some tax revenue. If it is not distributed to the people, it can only be thrown aside.

It would be a huge waste to leave it unused.

This is a very helpless thing for many dynasties that have just established their country.

For many people who had just established themselves when the dynasty was first established, this was another very happy thing.

Because when the dynasty was first established, the population was sparse and land resources were abundant. The court had a lot of land to give out rewards, and wealthy families also had a lot of land that was uncultivated.

At this time, there will be no place for the poor due to land annexation.

At this time, the common people can take advantage of various favorable decrees issued by the court to seek more land and more family property for themselves.

Therefore, when it comes to land, the Tang Dynasty has a lot of it. Not only does it have a lot of idle wasteland, but also a large amount of uncultivated land. When it comes to money, the Tang Dynasty does not have it. The treasury is empty and can be spent in an instant.

's clean.

Li Yuanji finally figured it out. Chen Shuda said so many words, but he actually expressed the same meaning, that is, 'Every penny of money in the treasury is useful, and it is really difficult to use it to repair the pavilions and pavilions in the palace. You can

If you have to ask the treasury to pay for the renovation of the pavilions and pavilions in the palace, you can only wait indefinitely, but if you pay for it yourself, there will be no problem.'

Yes, Chen Shuda asked him to pay for the renovation of the pavilions and pavilions in the palace.

He is not short of money, but he can't do it with private money. If he does, he will be tied up and sucked out for various reasons.

He didn't want to end up as a poor prince without even a penny in his pocket, so he would never use money to repair the pavilions and pavilions in the palace.

After seeing Chen Shuda's sinister intentions, Li Yuanji glared at Chen Shuda fiercely, and then said angrily: "Then let my eldest brother and second brother's house pay the money. Anyway, most of the people in Tai Chi Palace

They damaged all the pavilions and pavilions."

Chen Shuda stared in astonishment, "How could this happen?!"

Now there are only a group of women and children left in the East Palace and Chengqing Hall, and some of them are still suffering from the heartbreaking pain of losing their children. They are not so shameless when they come to ask for money.

They also have to take care of their reputation and cannot do such things as bullying women and children.

Li Yuanji glanced at Chen Shuda and said, "What's wrong with this? Just go to my eldest brother and second brother and ask for it, and they will give it to you."

Anyway, it is useless for Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin to ask for money now. In order to let the women and children in the house forget this grief as soon as possible, and in order to prevent the women and children in the house from seeing the scene they caused after they met in war, they are absolutely willing to pay this money.


It's only 200,000 yuan, which is a drop in the bucket to them.

If they don't want to, just starve them for three days.

Anyway, as long as no one is killed, Li Yuan will not interfere.

As for giving preferential treatment to father and elder brother, that can only be done after the father and elder brother have been drained.

Otherwise, everyone has a huge amount of money, so how can you give them any preferential treatment?

Chen Shuda was obviously relieved when he heard Li Yuanji's words.

It's not just about letting him bully those women and children.

However, after just relaxing, Chen Shuda's eyes widened again, "Are you willing to let me go to see His Highness the Crown Prince and the King of Qin?"

Li Shimin has been demoted to a commoner by Li Yuan's explicit decree, so he no longer needs to be called Your Highness.

After the decision to depose and demote Li Shimin was announced to the world, even the King of Qin no longer needed to be called him.

You can call him Li Shimin directly.

Li Yuanji said disapprovingly: "What's so forbidden about this? Can you still join forces with my eldest brother and second brother to make some more noise in the palace?"

Chen Shuda hurriedly said: "That will definitely not happen..."

Are you kidding me, Tai Chi Palace has been completely controlled by Li Yuanji, Chang'an City is gradually controlled by Li Yuanji, and Datang is also gradually controlled by Li Yuanji.

How could he, alone, cause any commotion in the palace with Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin?

Even at Anlimen, Li Yuanji couldn't get up without nodding, and Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin couldn't get down either.

"Is there anything else to discuss?"

Li Yuanji stopped talking to Chen Shuda, but stared at Li Gang and other senior officials and asked questions.

Li Gang and other veterans once again reported on the work of the past two days.

Li Gang also briefly talked about everything that happened inside and outside Chang'an during the palace coup. After he had calmed people's hearts, there were still some things that needed to be done.

Pei Ju briefly talked about the impact of the several decrees that have been issued so far, and asked for some instructions.

Xiao Yu briefly talked about some of the recruitment work he did after the Prince Zhan Shifu, Qin Wang Tiance's Mansion, and Xiuwen Guan were deposed, as well as the results of his work.

Prince Zhan's Palace, King Qin's Tiance Palace and Xiuwen Hall are all huge buildings.

Once something happened, it would be a major change that would affect both inside and outside Chang'an City, and even the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, not only Li Yuanji was doing the recruiting, but Xiao Yu and others were also doing it.

Judging from the results of Xiao Yu's report, the results of Xiao Yu and others' work are still very gratifying.

Some minor officials and officials attached to Prince Zhanshi's Mansion, as well as King Qin's Tiance Mansion and Xiuwen Hall have all been appeased and new arrangements have been made.

Li Yuanji had to admit that what Xiao Yu and others did was quite ruthless, and it had the effect of draining the bottom of the cauldron.

This is equivalent to cutting off part of the middle and lower levels of the pyramid headed by Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin, causing the top group of people to lose contact with the lower levels and even lower levels, and also causing the top group of people to lose contact with the lower levels and even lower levels.

The control of the lower classes.

If Li Shimin's foundation in the Eight Unified Military Mansion and his contacts with some high-ranking officials in Shaanxi Province and Duji Province were cut off, even if Li Shimin escaped from Anlimen, he could only look around at a loss in a short time.

Li Jiancheng was completely destroyed. Not only the upper echelons of Zhan Shifu were appeased by Ling Jing, but even the middle and lower levels were eliminated by Xiao Yu and others.

Even if you regain your freedom, you have to start all over again.

However, considering that Li Jiancheng still shouldered the identity of the prince and had old relationships with many important officials in the court, he had to be detained for a while longer.

"Uncle Wang, go and tell Li Youliang and others that if they surrender, I can forget the blame and let them continue to be their kings and generals. If they persist in their stubbornness, don't blame me for being rude!"

After Li Yuanji heard Chen Shuda's report that Li Youliang and other soldiers who had previously occupied Qixia Gate, after learning that Li Jiancheng was imprisoned, they gathered tens of thousands of troops and occupied the left and right camps of Wuhou Wei. They are still unwilling to come out.

From then on, he gave Li Shentong cold orders.

Li Shentong knew what role Li Youliang played when the Li Yuanji brothers were fighting, and he also knew what kind of person Li Youliang was. He was not sure whether Li Youliang still occupied the left and right Wuhou Wei camp after everything was settled.

He was very disdainful of his behavior, so he agreed without hesitation.

"Is there anything else to discuss?"

After Li Yuanji finished explaining Li Youliang's affairs, he stared at Li Gang and other senior officials and asked.

Li Gang placed a thick stack of documents in front of Li Yuanji and said: "The rest are some local trivial matters. It is difficult for me to make a decision, so I can only ask His Highness to rule."

Li Yuanji roughly browsed through it and found that it was indeed some local trivial matter, so he sent all the documents to Zhaode Hall, then slowly stood up and said to all the civil and military officials in the hall: "I will deal with it in Zhaode Hall from now on."

If you have any important government affairs, you can submit them to me through the three provinces. After I give instructions, I will let the three provinces pass them back to you."

With that said, Li Yuanji was about to leave, but just as he moved, he remembered something again, so he stood still and said: "I am going to call Wang Gui back to the capital and serve as the censor, and call Ma Zhou back to the capital.

What do you think about the situation?"

Li Gang and Pei Ju have been promoted and transferred away from the Yushitai, so the Yushitai is now leaderless.

Wang Gui's qualifications are enough to be promoted to the post of imperial censor.

Li Yuanji is now in urgent need of his own people, so he plans to transfer Wang Gui and Ma Zhou back.

Most matters in Hebei Province have been arranged by Wang Gui and Ma Zhou. For the rest, officials from various states only need Xiao Guicao to follow.

Therefore, the transfer back will not affect the overall situation of Hebei Province.

When Li Gang, Pei Ju, Chen Shuda, Xiao Yu and others heard this, their hearts trembled.

I thought to myself...did you really come after all?

This chapter has been completed!
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