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Chapter 0618: Fairness can be used in governing people, but not in governing a country.

Li Xiuning was not polite. After sitting on the couch generously, he washed himself in the copper basin held by Ma Sanbao and said, "Yes, you are so majestic. You can not only scare people, but also animals."

Li Yuanji heard that Li Xiuning's tone was off, he thought for a moment and then smiled and said, "Chai Shao came to you to complain?"

Li Xiuning wiped her face with a sweat towel, put the sweat towel on the edge of the copper basin, slumped down on the couch comfortably, and said angrily: "I kindly asked him to help me share the pressure and share your worries.

, it’s okay if you don’t thank others, but you still yell at them and make sarcastic remarks about them.

How do you want me to face others in the future?"

Li Yuanji said funny: "So, he really came to complain to you?"

Li Xiuning glared at Li Yuanji and said, "He is not that boneless. Zhewei secretly told me when I returned home."

Li Yuanji smiled and said: "That's good. I thought he was so worthless. After I said a few words, he came to complain to you."

Li Xiuning stared and said angrily: "No matter what, he is still your brother-in-law, why can't you be polite to him?"

Li Yuanji smiled and sighed: "I want to be polite to him, but what he did before really makes me unable to be polite."

Li Xiuning sat up straight and asked, "What did he do to you? If I remember correctly, he has never offended you."

Li Yuanji smiled and said: "When he offends you, he offends me. Whenever he helps you out when your father is in trouble, I can look up to him."

But he didn't.

Whether it was when your father surrendered your military power and sent you to Weize Pass, or when you conquered Fugongyou and returned with a great victory, but was left out by your father in the house, he never helped you once.

I didn't even stand up and say a word to help you.

Based on this alone, it’s hard for me to think highly of him.”

Li Xiuning's face softened a bit, and she said strangely: "Just because of this, you are sarcastic at him? Are you always displeased with him? Isn't it past that my father left me out in the cold?"

You beat him until he can't move, isn't that enough?"

Li Yuanji was stunned and suddenly speechless.

It wasn't that he had nothing to say, but that he found that his thinking had fallen into a misunderstanding.

Especially regarding Li Xiuning and Chai Shao.

He seemed to subconsciously hold Chai Shao in line with the standards that future generations of husbands would use to treat their wives. This also resulted in everything Chai Shao did to Li Xiuning, which he could not stand.

This is not right.

He should not ask Chai Shao to use the standards of husbands in later generations to treat their wives, because Chai Shao has never lived in later generations and does not know how husbands and wives get along with each other in later generations.

Using the standards of later generations to demand Chai Shao is tantamount to using the laws of later generations to punish the criminals of the Tang Dynasty.

This is unfair and unjust, and may even harm good people.

After all, in later generations, some crimes that required execution, or crimes that required huge consequences, might not be punished in the Tang Dynasty, or they might only be fined a small amount of money.

For example, in the case of burglary, in the Tang Dynasty, if you beat the thief to death on the spot, you do not need to bear any consequences, and you may even get some praise.

But in later generations, it will depend on the situation. If the thief did not endanger the life of the house owner, then the house owner will have to face huge compensation if he beats the thief to death.

Another example is respecting the elderly. In the Tang Dynasty, being unfilial was a serious crime, and beheading was a minor offense. If the circumstances were serious, it would harm the wife and children.

But in later generations, it also depends on the situation. If you treat the elderly badly, often insult the elderly, or treat the elderly harshly, then you can only mediate, warn, or mediate. If you do not want to support the elderly, then you can also mediate and let your children take care of them.

Money. Only if you abuse the elderly will you be held accountable.

But the vast majority of the elderly have selfless love for their children. Even if they are abused, when they know that their children will be severely punished, they will intercede for their children, and even simply say that everything that happened to them is his fault.

What he caused has nothing to do with his children, so that his children can escape the punishment of the law.

This makes many unfilial children become more and more rampant and unscrupulous.

This was impossible to happen in the Tang Dynasty.

Don't say you don't support the elderly. If you dare to scold the elderly, the elderly will come and accuse you of being disobedient, and you will lose your head.

As for abusing the elderly, I dare not even think about it.

Whenever this kind of situation occurs and it gets serious, the accountability can go from the lowest level village officials to the county magistrate in one go.

And all those who are held accountable will be dealt with strictly.

If the old man's life span exceeds seventy, the court may even send an angel to personally supervise the matter.

From the above examples, it can be seen that it is indeed unfair and unjust to hold people of this era to the standards of future generations.

No wonder Li Xiuning felt weird.

Maybe Li Xiuning still felt that she couldn't understand it.

"If I were a pure ancient person, I would probably feel that my behavior is a bit weird..."

Li Yuanji sighed in his heart, and said to Li Xiuning with a smile: "Perhaps I, as a younger brother, care too much about you, my elder sister. So whoever wronged you, I want to repay you twice as much."

Li Xiuning was stunned for a moment, and then said in a touched and funny tone: "That can't be aggravated. No matter what, you have to think about your two nephews.

Do you want them to follow Chai Shao and live in your shadow all their lives?"

It was Li Yuanji's turn to be stunned.

Does this all cast a shadow?

Am I that terrible?

"Be kind to Chai Shao from now on, and be kind to your two nephews. They are your nephews. If you don't care about Chai Shao's face, you have to care about mine."

Li Xiuning said angrily when Li Yuanji was stunned.

When Li Yuanji came to his senses and was about to agree, Li Xiuning said again: "Tell me, why are you coming to me? There won't be any trouble that I need to solve, right?"

Li Yuanji smiled and nodded: "It's really..."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Li Xiuning sat up straight, became serious, and said: "Is it the Turks who invaded?"

Although Li Xiuning had been staying in Xinglu, Chang'an since the coup in the palace, most matters in the Tang Dynasty, especially military affairs, could not be hidden from her.

As long as she wants to understand, she can easily understand everything she wants to know.

She is very clear about the situation Datang is facing now.

It's just that Li Yuanji never came to her, so she couldn't take the initiative to come forward and ask for help.

After all, the previous few times she stepped forward to help didn't end well. With the lessons learned from the previous times, she became a lot more cautious.

Li Yuanji nodded, then shook his head and said: "It's the Turks who came to invade, but the matter I want to ask you to help has nothing to do with the Turks."

Li Xiuning raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you already have a strategy to deal with the Turks' invasion?"

Li Yuanji nodded and said: "Yes, we have made a lot of arrangements. We are just waiting for the Turks to arrive."

Li Xiuning nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Then come to me..."

Li Yuanji didn't wait for Li Xiuning to finish his words and said: "I want to ask you to come forward and ask Chai Shao to rush to Hebei Road."

Li Xiuning subconsciously stared and sat on the couch in a daze.

She couldn't believe her ears.

Li Yuanji came here to ask her to help invite Chai Shao to come out, not to ask her to come out?

After Li Xiuning was stunned for a short time, his eyes fell on Li Yuanji.

Good brother, say what you just said again.

I'm not as good as Chai Shao, so you actually invited him instead of me?

"you are not willing?"

Li Yuanji didn't know what Li Xiuning was thinking. Seeing Li Xiuning staring at him intently, he couldn't help but ask.

"Just wait!"

Li Xiuning slowly raised his hand, and while stroking his thoughts, he said: "I am not as good as him, why did you ask me to invite him, but not me?

And if you invite him, why don’t you just go to him and come to me instead?”

Li Yuanji did not expect that Li Xiuning thought this way, and said in a confused voice: "I would like to let you go for a while, but you have gone to Hebei Province, and Xie Shufang is the only one left in charge of Chang'an City.

I'm afraid that Uncle Xie will be a lonely tree.

As for why I didn't go directly to Chai Shao, but ran over to you, that's why I caused trouble by ridiculing Chai Shao before.

He is avoiding me now and refuses to see me. If I go to him directly, he will probably find various excuses to avoid me.

But now that the situation in Hebei Province is critical, I no longer have that much time to go back and forth with him."

After listening to what Li Yuanji said, Li Xiuning's mind couldn't turn around for a while. She was silent for a long time, thinking through what Li Yuanji said, and then said with a gradually serious look: "You let Xie Shufang and I sit in Chang'an City, is that right?

Are you on guard against the Turks?"

Li Yuanji nodded without hesitation.

Li Xiuning glared and said: "You mean that the Turks will probably split into two groups, going all the way from Youzhou to Shizhou, and all the way down from Xiaoguan?"

Li Yuanji nodded again: "Not bad!"

Li Xiuning said solemnly: "Then you should shrink your troops as soon as possible and defend Chang'an City instead of sending out the troops and horses in Chang'an City. If the Turks really break through Xiao Pass, they will definitely invade in a large scale, and the number of troops and horses will not be small.


If you don't prepare enough troops to deal with it, Chang'an City will be in danger.

So not only can you not send out the troops and horses inside Chang'an City, you also have to find ways to bring back some of the troops and horses outside Chang'an City."

In the eyes of Li Xiuning and even everyone in the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City was the face of the Tang Dynasty and must be preserved. For this purpose, some border cities could be sacrificed.

But in Li Yuanji's eyes, although the city of Chang'an was important, it was not as important as the people of the Tang Dynasty.

It's okay for the Turks to come down from Xiaoguan. The only line that can cause harm is the line from Xiaoguan to Chang'an City.

But if the Turks were allowed to come down from Shizhou to Youzhou, the Turks would harm a quarter of the Tang Dynasty and a quarter of the people of the Tang Dynasty, or even more.

Therefore, for the safety of a quarter of the people of the Tang Dynasty, it is worthwhile for Chang'an City and all the people in Chang'an City to take some risks.

Although this decision is unfair to Chang'an City and even some people in Guanzhong, it is the lesser of two evils.

In this kind of matter, there is no fairness or unfairness, we can only discuss the pros and cons.

If we talk about fairness, then there is no way to fight this war and no way to govern this country.

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