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Chapter 0661 Sudden Battle (10)

"I'm afraid Jieli isn't that stupid, is he?"

Cai Yungong said with a smile, and the others also laughed.

The atmosphere in the city gate building suddenly became lively.

Although Jieli is not stupid, but if Jieli had not taken down Xiaoguan and other passes in Yanqing and other places, he would have marched straight down from Yinsui and been locked up to beat dogs, that would have been a disaster indeed.

Something worthy of a Coke.

Li Yuanji smiled brightly and said: "Jieli is not stupid, but if someone under his control is stupid and walks down Yinsui with Jieli wrapped in his arms, it will be a good thing for us."

Cai Yungong, Chen Shuda and others all smiled and nodded.

Li Yuanji looked at Xue Shou again and said, "Do you have any more questions?"

Xue Shou slowly shook his head, indicating that he had no more doubts.

Li Yuanji nodded and said: "Then it's decided that you will go to Suizhou to aid. If you think you still need to bring those things, go to the treasury in the city to get them yourself."

Xue Shou bowed and agreed.

Li Yuanji stopped talking to Xue Shou, and instead chatted with Liu Hongji, Cai Yungong and others about further military affairs.

Sending 3,000 people to assist Suizhou can only temporarily alleviate the problem in Suizhou, but it cannot fundamentally cure the problem in Suizhou. Therefore, we need to continue to discuss and work out a proper solution as soon as possible.

In terms of resisting the Turks, it is natural to not let the Turks in without letting the Turks in.

After all, the Turks make a living by grazing and do not engage in mulberry farming. After invading the Central Plains, they will carry out genocidal destruction of the mulberry farming in the Central Plains.

Places that have been ravaged by Turks often cannot regain their vitality within three or two years.

It was easy for the Tang Dynasty to move the people out and achieve the effect of strengthening the walls and clearing the country, but it was difficult to restore the local people's livelihood after the Turks retreated.

Not only does it cost a lot of manpower and material resources, it also takes a lot of time.

Therefore, if we can keep the Turks out of the Tang Dynasty, we must keep the Turks out of the Tang Dynasty. Only when there is no other way can we let the Turks in.

Li Yuanji chatted with Cai Yungong, Chen Shuda, Liu Hongji and others for most of the day. They chatted from noon to the afternoon, and from the afternoon to the rising of the moon. Although they did not come up with a specific solution to Suizhou's predicament, they talked about it.

Here are some small ways to alleviate Suizhou’s predicament.

For example, Li Yuanji combined with the anti-tank piles of later generations, proposed the idea of ​​burying dense boulders on the road that the Turks must pass, leaving a stone tip exposed.

This can effectively prevent the Turkic cavalry from charging in large scale.

The most important thing is that whether the Turks choose to take a detour or clear the boulders, it will take a long time.

The longer it took the Turks to enter the Tang Dynasty, the slimmer their hope of reaching Chang'an City, and the greater the Tang's hope of winning.

After all, the Turks were fighting away from home, and their troops could not be replenished in time, nor could their food and grass supplies.

The Tang Dynasty was fighting at home. The longer the time was allowed, the more troops could be mobilized and the more food and fodder could be mobilized. Under the circumstances of the ebb and flow, it was inevitable to repel the Turks.

Cai Yungong extended this method. He proposed to bury this kind of horse tripping pile (initiated by Li Yuanji) in the middle of all official roads near mountains and forests south of Suizhou to prevent Turkic cavalry from charging in large numbers.

When the Turks come in, they can combine this kind of horse-trapping piles, set up ambushes in the mountains and forests on both sides of the official road, and send a small number of soldiers and horses to flexibly intersperse in the mountains and forests to constantly harass the Turks... Although this method is

It was impossible to repel the Turks, but it was enough to frustrate the Turks.

As for why they didn't dig some more time-saving and labor-saving horse traps, it was also for the sake of the Tang people.

Although the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty was large in number, it was not as large as that of the Turks. In addition, the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty did not need to launch a large-scale charge on the official road of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, as long as three people were left on the official road,

A small road for horses and two galloping roads were enough for the cavalry and carriages of the Tang Dynasty to pass.

If the Turks wanted to pass, they could only arrange their cavalry in three lines, or send people to dig out the huge rocks buried underground.

This method worked wonders in seconds. The carriage wheels of the Tang Dynasty were very high, and there was a large blank space between the wheels and the road where the horses passed. Therefore, the sharp tips of the boulders were planted high, and it did not affect the passage of Tang people.

But the Turks had a headache when they encountered them.

Coupled with the disturbance from small groups of soldiers and horses in the mountains and forests on both sides, the Turks will have even more headaches.

Moreover, the Turks were divided into three groups. If the marching team was lengthened, it would be impossible to gather a large number of soldiers and horses in a short period of time to pursue the Tang soldiers and horses in the mountains and forests.

Xue Shou carefully wrote down this idea and prepared to use it when the Turks were allowed to come in.

Chen Shuda and Liu Hongji each also proposed a good idea.

Chen Shuda felt that on the grounds of being exempted from corvee and tax burdens, local young men could be recruited to join the army and assist the soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty in defending the city. In addition, when the Turks were allowed to come in, these young men could also be allowed to cooperate.

The local government relocated people and transported grain and grass.

In this way, the court would not have to send a large number of civilians there. When relocating the people, it would be easier if the nephews of each family came forward with the local government.

Xue Shou also wrote down this idea seriously.

Liu Hongji's idea is relatively simple and crude, and can even be said to be a bit radical.

Liu Hongji felt that since Chen Shuda wanted to recruit local young people, why not directly organize the local young people into an army, issue weapons and armor to the local young people, and use them as a real army.

If the local exemption and tax burden could be extended, local young men could even be allowed to bring their own food and fodder to the army to serve the Tang Dynasty.

The imperial court only needs to send a few people to lead the troops and a few people to do the post-war pension work, and there is no need to do anything more.

If we can recruit young men from three to five states, it is not impossible to completely keep the Turks out of Suizhou.

As soon as Liu Hongji expressed his idea, he encountered fierce opposition from Chen Shuda.

Chen Shuda felt that Liu Hongji was harming the country and the people.

Liu Hongji felt that during the war, we had to use all possible means.

The two of them quarreled from the afternoon until nightfall, but no winner could be decided. Finally, Xue Shou came forward and said that after he went to Suizhou, he would first try to conquer the young men of the state. If it did not cost much and was easy to control, he could still

If it can really help the army resist the Turks' attack, then he will conquer a few more states. If it costs too much and is difficult to control, then he will make them civilians, but he will not conquer more.

It was Liu Hongji who proposed this idea, and Chen Shuda who opposed it, but it was Xue Shou who actually implemented it.

Since Xue Shou said this, he could only do this... Fortunately, during this period, the Turks did not launch a new round of attack.

The next day.

As soon as the sky dawned, Xue Shou and Yu Zhining quietly left Xiaoguan with the three thousand elite soldiers they selected, plus a lot of ordnance.

Li Yuanji rode his horse all the way to the official road outside Xiaoguan, and then took the people back to Xiaoguan.

This time Xue Shou, Yu Zhining and others rushed to Suizhou for rescue. Not only did they shoulder a heavy responsibility, but they were also in danger of losing their lives at any time. The pressure and risks they had to endure were greater than those of Xiao Guan.

They would most likely leave and never come back, so Li Yuanji had to give them a ride no matter what.

Although Xue Shou and Yu Zhining were flattered and repeatedly declined, Li Yuanji still insisted on sending them to the official road.

People like Xue Shou and Yu Zhining are too loyal to Li Shimin. If you want to appease them, in addition to using some threats, you also have to exchange your sincerity for your sincerity.

If you keep using threats to drive them and appease them.

What you end up with is a group of dark-minded conspirators.

This is not what Li Yuanji wants.

Because Li Yuanji clearly knows that when a knowledgeable and capable person becomes evil, that is when he is truly evil.

They can eat people without spitting out their bones, and they can also count people's money after selling them.

People who are uneducated and incompetent can be just that bad. At most, they can only commit a bloody murder case, which is nothing compared to bad people who are knowledgeable and capable.

Therefore, Li Yuanji hopes to use some threats to force Xue Shou, Yu Zhining and others to surrender, while exchanging sincerity for sincerity.

As long as they know that he really values ​​them and wants to use them, they will silently obey him even if they still think of Li Shimin in their hearts.

When Li Shimin's influence on them completely dissipates, and when they see clearly who he is, they will naturally attach themselves to his command.

When we returned to Xiaoguan, the Turks just launched a new round of attacks.

Maybe Jieli felt that his plan had been seen through by the Tang Dynasty, or maybe Jieli lost his patience and didn't want to test Liu Hongji back and forth anymore, and wanted to take down Xiaoguan in one fell swoop, so this time Jieli sent his elite

, and Liang Division all attacked the city together.

The war entered its most brutal stage from the beginning.

Arrows and stone balls flew across the air.

From time to time, buildings within the pass would be hit with huge gaps, or they would collapse. The soldiers who could not escape would either be shot and fall to the ground on the spot, or they would be smashed into a pulp. I am confused in reading.

The scene of blood mixed with brains or intestines flowing all over the floor made people's scalp numb.

Liu Hongji was busy with his feet on the ground, dispatching his troops and horses, while personally holding a strong bow and shooting at the Turks.

The shouts of killing, the sound of golden drums, and the sound of bows and strings echoed throughout the pass.

The piercing screams filled the entire Jingshui River.

From time to time, people were carried out from the pass and sent to the camp where the military doctors were stationed by the Jingshui River. From time to time, people were carried out and silently sent to be buried in the forest on the side of the river.

Everyone has something to do and is in a hurry.

Li Yuanji also wanted to find something to do for himself, but as soon as he rode his horse to the gate of Guancheng, he was stopped by Cai Yungong.

"Step aside!"

Li Yuanji scolded with a straight face.

Cai Yungong held the horse's reins tightly and refused to let go.

The fighting was not fierce yesterday. Li Yuanji personally went to hang out in front of the two armies, and they could still pretend not to see it.

But today's fighting is very fierce, and a little carelessness will kill people. If Li Yuanji wants to hang out in front of the two armies, they can't pretend not to see anything.

Cai Yungong stopped him himself and sent someone to call Chen Shuda.


The Christmas scarecrow reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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