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Chapter 0686 Sudden Battle (35)

Therefore, as long as Li Shimin is around, Yu Chigong's old department will not be considered leaderless, nor will they become headless flies.

When Li Jiancheng heard this, he immediately understood the meaning and his face suddenly turned the color of pig liver.

Li Yuanji smiled faintly, said nothing more, and rode after him.

Half an hour later, they pursued them to a plain just north of Maling City.

There are traces of field ridges everywhere on the plain, but the crops in the fields have long been wiped out. Either they were harvested here and there like dogs plowing them, or they were burned to scorched earth by fire and covered with snow.

A thick quilt.

If it weren't for the close distance, and if the army took out all the mud and crops from the fields when they were rampaging, it would be impossible to tell that all the crops here were in trouble.

Yuchi Gong's old troops fought head-on with the Turks more than ten times at one end of the plain. After losing more than 600 people, they successfully forced the Turks to the battlefield designed by Li Shimin.

After the remaining soldiers of the Tang Dynasty surrounded the plain in the form of pocket formations, the Turks knew that their doom had come and it was impossible to escape.

So Ye Huzada, who was in charge of the army, made a rather humiliating decision.

Fight to surrender.

Although it would be easier to surrender directly and reduce a lot of battle losses, Datang has already adopted a hunting posture. As prey, if they cannot let Datang enjoy themselves, they will be abused or even killed if they surrender.



Zada abandoned all tactics and formations and launched the charge in a very primitive and direct way.

After Li Yuanji rode his horse to catch up with Li Shimin, he saw the Turks charging without formation and without any rules. He couldn't help but said: "Are you inviting us to hunt?"

Li Shimin nodded slowly.

Li Yuanji couldn't help but said: "They can surrender directly..."

Li Shimin said with a strange expression: "They thought we were going to hunt them, so they took the initiative to attack. We can't send people up to explain to them, right?"

Li Yuanji laughed and said: "That's true..."

They have already launched a charge, and there is no time to listen to your explanation. We can only talk about it after the fight is over.

"Beat the drums! Change the formation! Order the two wings to surround and strangle. The sword and shield soldiers are in front, the spear soldiers are in the back, the horse-cutting soldiers and the long sword soldiers are ready, and the archers and crossbowmen withdraw from the battlefield!"

Li Shimin issued many orders in one go.

The flag officer didn't care to speak anymore. He bowed his hands and started waving the flag crazily.

As the flags continued to flip, Datang's military formation began to change rapidly.

In a battlefield surrounded by two wings and inviting the Turks into the urn, the crossbowmen could not exert much advantage and were easily injured by the Turks who quickly rushed into the encirclement. Therefore, Li Shimin decisively asked them to withdraw from the battlefield and began shooting at the edge of the battlefield.

Kill the Turks.

After the Turks broke into the encirclement, they faced the sword and shield soldiers, spear soldiers, horse-cutting soldiers, and long sword soldiers, and started a fierce fight.

After their horses were choked by sword and shield soldiers, horse-cutting soldiers, and long-sword soldiers, they abandoned their horses and continued to charge forward on foot.

Li Shimin once again ordered, "Keep the enemy's leader alive!"

After Li Shimin issued the order, Li Yuanji did not ask why he issued such an order, but Li Shimin took the initiative to explain: "After the Tang Dynasty quelled the civil strife and recuperated, it was necessary to conquer the Turks. We must recover some Turks for our use.

Only in this way can we accurately understand everything about the Turks and make various arrangements accurately.

Since the Taqiang tribe is a royal branch of the Western Turks, they should have a very clear understanding of the Turks.

If we can recover his leader and treat him kindly, he will definitely be a great help to our Datang.

When necessary, we can also support him and let him fight with Tong Yehu and Jie Li, and we will reap the benefits."

Li Yuanji nodded slowly.

I have to admit that Li Shimin was indeed a qualified emperor. He started planning the Turks when the Tang Dynasty had just unified the world. He thought deeply about it and used it very frequently.

Historically, he seemed to have done the same, and successfully conquered the Turks and most of the places that the Tang Dynasty's soldiers and horses could reach.

The only difference is that in history, he married many princesses in exchange for short-term stability on the border of the Tang Dynasty.

He didn't mention it now, but Li Yuanji was sure that when the war was over, if Li Shimin regained a certain right to speak, he would definitely make this suggestion.

So for the sake of the happiness of those sisters, he must continue to be locked up after he returns.

Li Shimin made this kind of suggestion and did this kind of thing without any psychological burden, because in his opinion, as a descendant of the royal family, it is right to devote one's life to the royal family.

After all, the clan has provided you with a noble and noble status, and also provided you, your parents, and your children with a superior life that could not be superior. You must pay for the clan.

Not only the royal family is like this, but most of the wealthy families are like this.

So when all the clans are doing this kind of thing, as a person from a wealthy family and a pure Tang Dynasty person, Li Shimin makes this kind of suggestion and does this kind of thing without any burden.

But Li Yuanji does.

Li Yuanji always felt that exchanging women for peace would be a slap in the face of all men.

If the married princess laughed at the lack of men in the Tang Dynasty like Mrs. Huarui, then the men of the Tang Dynasty would be completely unable to live, and they would have no shame in living.

After all, the warlike Tang Dynasty was not the peace-loving Shu.

If a woman could not bear the humiliation and wrote a poem "Poem about the country's demise", then the men of the Tang Dynasty would be so ashamed that they would commit suicide.

"General Tang! Are we brave enough?!"

When Li Yuanji decided to imprison Li Shimin again for the happiness of his sisters, Zada ​​had already led the remaining Turkic soldiers and horses of only 5,000 people to a position a hundred feet in front of the commander's flag.

Zada was holding a scimitar soaked in blood, covered in blood, and began to cry out in grief and indignation.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Li Shimin very wisely rode his horse and took a step back.

Li Yuanji slowly rode forward and said calmly: "Yong!"

Yu Wenbao and other soldiers guarding the side shouted in unison.


Zheda shouted again: "Can you serve as a pioneer for the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Yuanji took a deep breath and said: "Yun!"

Yu Wenbao and other guards shouted at the top of their lungs: "King Qi's edict! Yes!"

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were standing in front of Zheda and others, who were ready to attack at any time, suddenly took a step back. They changed from being ready to attack at any time to a state of mind.

Zada didn't know what was going on, so he burst into tears. He cried very loudly, feeling aggrieved and unwilling. Some people who heard this were confused.

Perhaps they felt that when they were in the Western Regions, they would be bullied by Tong Yehu. After arriving in the East Turks, they would be bullied by the East Turks and beaten to death by the Tang Dynasty. They felt that God was unfair to them and would not give them any peace.

It's a happy way to live, so I feel aggrieved and unwilling.

"Collect their weapons and let their leaders come up and speak!"

After Li Yuanji accepted Zada's surrender, he calmly gave Yu Wenbao instructions.

He didn't feel anything in his heart that Zada ​​was crying so miserably and heartbroken.

This is what happens between countries and between nations.

In order to compete for territory and various resources, the law of the jungle is the only law.

Zheda felt that he had been wronged and was unwilling to do so. But which of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty he killed on his way south were they unwilling to be wronged?

Therefore, any grievances and unwillingness of Zada ​​are not worthy of sympathy. Even if he cries so much that his heart is broken, or even if it snows in June, he still does not deserve sympathy.


Yu Wenbao rode his awesome horse to the place where the two armies were facing each other and shouted loudly.

All the Turks looked at Zada ​​without any reaction.

Until Yu Wenbao frowned and shouted: "If you don't put down your weapon within three breaths, you will be killed without mercy!"

It wasn't until Zada ​​dropped the bloody scimitar in his hand in grief that all the Turks put down their weapons in unison, and then looked at the Tang soldiers who collected their weapons with a vigilant, timid, and confused look.

Most of the weapons of the Turks were scimitars, horned bows, bone arrows, and a very small number of iron arrows.

There is no armor that I have seen before, most of them are leather armor, and there are only one or two people with status who have one or two pieces of iron armor.

When Yu Wenbao collected the weapons, he also collected the armor.

The iron armor on Zheda's body had been soaked with blood and stuck to his body. Yu Wenbao asked his subordinates to peel it off for him.

Yu Wenbao also asked him to take a bath and said that he would take him to meet the most noble person in the world.

This could cost Zada ​​his life. It was freezing cold and he was on a battlefield. It was impossible to boil a bucket of hot water to wash him, so he could only use snow to dry rub him.

When Zeda refused to comply, Yu Wenbao successfully frightened him by saying, "I've scared the nobles, you will die even if you surrender."

Finally, Zada ​​shivered and took a snow bath in the biting cold wind. When he was brought to the handsome flag, he started to turn blue.

Li Shimin was kind-hearted and asked someone to bring him a fur and let him wear it.

Li Shimin seemed to like people who could help Datang fight and were a little single-minded.

Whether he is a Han general or a Tibetan general, he will treat them favorably.

Li Yuanji used to think that the reason why Li Shimin was close to the Tibetan generals was because of the Hu blood in his body, which made him naturally close to the Hu people.

However, after truly understanding the situation of the Tang Dynasty, I realized that Li Shimin had no choice but to let the Tibetan generals and treat them favorably.

There were 15.6 million households in the Tang Dynasty. After years of wars, the number of young men able to go to the battlefield was decreasing sharply, and the new generation had not grown up. Therefore, if the Tibetan generals were not recovered or appointed, many wars would be lost.

It has to be filled with the lives of Datang's own people.

The Tang Dynasty, with a population of 15.6 million households, could not fill all the battlefields.

The enemy will not let you develop peacefully, nor will he wait for you.

Therefore, it is helpless to appoint and treat Tibetan generals favorably.

Everyone knows that those who are not of my race must have different hearts, but you don’t have enough people of your own, and you are reluctant to let your own people fill the bottomless pit in the Western Region where you kill me today, I will kill you tomorrow, and there will be no peace.

, what can we use if we don’t use the generals and the people?

Is it better to let the Tibetan generals and people consume each other endlessly with the local forces in the Western Regions than to shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty to fill that bottomless pit?

This is a decision that will inevitably be made when you are helpless.

Moreover, Li Shimin seemed to like this strategy of using whomever to rule. Historically, during his reign, he not only appointed Tibetan generals to rule the vassal, but also appointed bad people to rule evil.

In fact, the bad guys are not as high-end as they were portrayed in later movies and TV dramas. They are just a group of gangsters who cause trouble on the streets. After being recruited, they become the ones who punish the gangsters who cause trouble on the streets.

They are the ones who know the methods of gangsters best, and they also know how to punish these gangsters.

The gangsters of the Tang Dynasty were greatly curbed under their punishment.

However, this method can easily turn evil into serious evil. When the gangsters are restrained and no longer cause trouble and oppress the good people, the bad people will become the ones who cause trouble and oppress the good people. They have the endorsement of the imperial court.

He will be made worse by the gangsters.

The same is true for the Tibetan generals. After becoming the master of a place with the support of the Tang Dynasty, they will gradually betray the Tang Dynasty and become the great enemy of the Tang Dynasty and even the Central Plains.

For example, Anlu Mountain, which is famous for its divine claws in ancient and modern times...

This chapter has been completed!
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