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Chapter 776: Pluck a hair and benefit everyone

Li Yuanji said frankly: "I will keep part of it to conquer the Turks, and I plan to give the other part to Ren Gui to promote rice..."

As for promoting Xinglu, Li Yuanji didn't say anything.

Because things like promoting Xinglu are not that important in the eyes of Li Gang and others.

After all, Datang has established medical offices in various places, with corresponding medical officers in charge. There is a relatively complete official medical system based on Ether Hospital.

It can barely meet the medical needs of official personnel in various places.

Therefore, in the eyes of Li Gang and others, the extensive establishment of Xinglu and the further sinking of medical resources are not that important and can be done or not.

If Li Gang and others knew that he had allocated a sum of money and food specifically for this task, they would dig out the money and do other things no matter what.

When Li Gang and others heard this, they were all stunned.

They could understand that Li Yuanji left part of his money and food for the purpose of conquering the Turks.

After all, war is an activity that consumes a lot of money and food. Without enough money and food to support it, even if the troops are strong and the horses are strong, and there are many generals, the success is likely to fail.

The Turks were the great enemy of the Tang Dynasty and were among those that the Tang Dynasty must conquer.

Therefore, Li Yuanji made some preparations for the conquest of the Turks in advance. They understood and they were even willing to support him.

However, they couldn't understand that Li Yuanji used part of the remaining money and grain to promote rice.

Because they only found out today that Li Yuanji is also planning to promote rice.

Before that, let alone any understanding, they didn't even know about it.

If this is a military administration, then they don't know if they don't know. After all, they don't need to be reported to any of the military's actions, and they don't need to be informed of some of the military's secret actions.

But this is civil affairs, and it concerns tens of millions of people.

As the people in charge of civil affairs, it is unreasonable for them to have no knowledge at all.

Li Yuanji did this kind of thing secretly without telling them, which meant he didn't take them seriously.

The most important thing is that they were unaware of this decree from its inception to its implementation.

They don't know whether this decree is good governance or bad governance.

It is completely impossible for them to accept this decree.

If they agree with everything the people in power say or do, then they are still considered important ministers and ministers who help the country and the country.

Therefore, Li Gang immediately stood up and cupped his hands and said: "May I ask, Your Highness, is the promotion of rice you mentioned a temporary thing that you are still thinking about, or has it already been implemented?"

Now that the words have reached this point, Li Yuanji did not hide anything and said straight to the point: "I have ordered Ren Gui to go to various places south of the river to search for places suitable for planting and promoting rice.

Ren Gei recently told me that Yuezhou is a good place to grow rice and is suitable for promoting rice.

It's just that there are water bandits in the area, and Zhu Polong is in trouble and needs to be eradicated.

It is also necessary to build a city as a foundation so that local refugees can rely on it.

Only in this way can the local refugees be naturalized and cultivate paddy fields and plant rice in a down-to-earth manner.

I have already given an order to the Jingzhou Governor's Office. The warrior Xun, the Jingzhou Governor, will lead his troops to eliminate the water bandits and pig dragons in Yuezhou. At the same time, I have ordered the governor of Yuezhou, the Sima of Yuezhou, and the governor of Yuezhou to select a site in Yuezhou as soon as possible and build a city.

Ji, gather the refugees and naturalize them.”

Li Gang's face changed drastically when he heard this, and the faces of Pei Ju, Xiao Yu, Chen Shuda and others were also ugly.

They thought that Li Yuanji just had such an idea on a temporary basis.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuanji had already begun to take action and did so many things behind their backs. To them, this was no different than a slap in the face.

Li Gang immediately lowered his face and said: "Your Highness, Yuezhou is a swamp. The local people in Yuezhou have made a living by fishing since ancient times. They rashly built a city in Yuezhou and asked the local people to put down their fishing nets and get off the fishing boats.

, starting to plant rice in the mud may cause discomfort to the local people.

Moreover, Yuezhou has a wide area of ​​water and swamps, so it is not easy to clear them out for building a city and cultivating farmland.

Even if the court gives them enough money and food, they may not be able to achieve results within three to five years.

More importantly, if it is proven that this method is not feasible in three to five years, then the court will have wasted all the money and food."

Li Gang's words were quite polite.

If it were Wei Zheng who said it, his words would be very harsh.

Li Gang's words can be summed up in one meaning: 'If you don't understand and haven't examined it carefully, don't mess around with it'.

Li Yuanji sighed repeatedly in his heart, was he just fooling around?

He is really doing something important that benefits the country and the people, as well as the people of Yuezhou.

If others don't know Yuezhou's potential, how can he know it?

Is "Yueyang Tower" read in vain?

However, Yueyang Tower is still called Baling City Tower and has not been renamed Yueyang Tower, and "The Story of Yueyang Tower" has not been published yet, so there is no way to tell Li Gang this.

Li Yuanji sighed: "Li Gong, it all depends on people. Since Ren Gui thinks rice can be grown in Yuezhou, why don't we try it?"

Li Gang opened his mouth to refute. Li Yuanji continued: "Li Gong, our Tang Dynasty not only has half of the country north of the river, but also half of the country south of the river. We can't just focus on the north of the river, but there are also more

Look south of the river.

Nowadays, there is no war north of the river, the exiled people in various places have gradually returned to their hometowns, and the mulberry farming in various places is gradually recovering.

The output of mulberry trees in some places has been several times higher than that of the first year of Wude, which shows that the people north of the river have regained their vitality.

But it's different south of the river.

South of the river, there are still water bandits who use the banner of the former Sui Dynasty to cause trouble on the swamps, and there are also grass-headed kings who use the banner of the former Sui Dynasty to gather people in the mountains and forests to scream for justice.

In addition to enduring the harsh local climate, the local people also have to guard against the intrusions of these water bandits and grass-headed kings, making it impossible for them to recover.

Therefore, we must send a large army to wipe out the local water bandits and grass-head kings, and guide the local people to return to farming and mulberry farming.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Only by allowing the local people to establish a foothold in their respective villages like the people in the north can we, the Tang Dynasty, completely own the south of the river.

So I have to allocate enough money and food to them to help them get on their feet as soon as possible, and I have to find another livelihood for them so that they will no longer rely on fishing nets and look at the face of the pig to eat."

After hearing these words, Li Gang fell into silence and was unable to refute any more.

If Li Yuanji is just talking about promoting rice in Yuezhou, then he has countless reasons to refute.

But Li Yuanji suddenly raised the issue to the level of stabilizing half of the country, and he was unable to refute it.

Because compared to stabilizing half of the country, a small investment in money and food seems too insignificant.

Seeing that Li Gang was defeated, Pei Ju stood up slowly and said, "I wonder if there is any money left in the treasury and Yangzhou granary after taking care of these two things?"

Pei Ju couldn't say much about promoting rice, so he chose to take a different approach and directly asked if there was any money left.

Li Yuanji's answer was of course...shaking his head.

there is none left.

Even if there is still more than half of the surplus, it must be said that it is gone.

Because there are still things to do to promote Xinglu.

Moreover, asking Ren Gui to find a place suitable for growing rice and promoting rice in the south of the river is not limited to Yuezhou.

If Ren Gui discovers other places suitable for growing rice later, he will still have to invest.

The more you discover, the greater your investment will be.

Although Ren Gui has only discovered one place now, Li Yuanji knows that south of the river, there are too many places that have not yet been fully developed and can grow rice and promote rice.

If they are all discovered and developed together, it may take decades to fully develop them.

So this is a long-term project.

As long as Ren Gui can make achievements in Yuezhou, officials from both the government and the public will see the benefits of planting and promoting rice.

Then this project can be included in every five-year plan of the imperial court and continue to be invested in.

However, it is too early to say this now, everything will have to wait until Ren Gui makes achievements.

Pei Ju saw Li Yuanji shaking his head and said in embarrassment: "Is there really nothing left?"

I can't stand this old man pretending to be pitiful.

Moreover, since Li Gang and Pei Ju were talking about this, it would be unreasonable not to vomit some blood.

After Li Yuanji pondered briefly, he sighed: "The national treasury and the Yangzhou granary are gone, but the Dizhou granary still has some surplus, not much, which is about 300,000 shi.

If you want to transfer it, send an order to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs will issue a document, and the fleet on the waterway will transport it for you."

Nowadays, with the participation of various wealthy families, the number of ships in water transportation and sea transportation has more than doubled.

It is said that the abandoned shipyards in Luoyang and Yangzhou have been re-established and have begun building various ships day and night. I heard that the orders for the Luoyang shipyard have been scheduled for three years.

With the ships of these wealthy families helping the imperial court transport grain, some of the imperial ships could also withdraw from the commercial system and fulfill their true purpose.

For example, helping the imperial court transport grain and grass, maintaining the safety of water and sea transportation, etc., are the real uses of official ships.


When Pei Ju heard this, his expression suddenly relaxed and there was a hint of smile.

The faces of Li Gang and others also looked much better.

The treasury and granary had significant income. It was one thing for Li Yuanji not to plunk a penny, but it was another thing to plunk a penny and give it to them.

If Li Yuanji doesn't give them any money, he won't trust them and won't give them face.

What they do as an official is boring.

It's not worth worrying about Mr. Li any more.

Li Yuanji did it, and he did it after he had already made arrangements for the money and grain in the treasury and granary. This meant that he could trust them and gave them enough face.

After someone found out about this and asked them about it, they had something to say and would not hide their faces with their sleeves when asked.

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