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Chapter 0816 Datang never lacks talents

"In addition, the cities where our Tang army is stationed can only be managed by our Tang officials. If the people of our Tang Dynasty break any laws in Silla, you can only hand them over to our officials of the Tang Dynasty for punishment.

The most important thing is that all the food and grass consumed by our Tang army while stationed in Silla must be supplied by you, Silla."

Li Yuanji stated most of the conditions in one breath, but did not elaborate on the remaining conditions.

There is no need to mention other conditions such as preferential mining rights in Silla at this time. Just let the people from Honglu Temple discuss it in detail with Kinderman later.

As the leader of the Tang Dynasty, he only needed to tell Kinderman some rough and important conditions.

There is no need for him to talk too much about other things. Talking too much would make him, the leader of the Tang Dynasty, very shameless.

Kinderman seemed to have known these conditions for a long time, so after hearing these conditions, not only did he no longer tremble, his tone no longer resentful, but he also said firmly: "I, Silla, can agree to these conditions..."

Li Yuanji smiled calmly and said: "No, it's just that other conditions are not so important. For example, if my Tang army helps you fight in Silla, you have to charge a certain fee.

For details, people from Honglu Temple will talk to you."

Kinderman seemed to know this, so he firmly agreed.

Li Yuanji nodded without saying anything more, indicating that Kinderman could go down.

Kinderman did not move in a hurry, but after hesitating for a moment, he said in an awkward voice: "Don't you, Your Highness, want to see my appearance?"

Li Yuanji guessed that she might be speaking through clenched teeth, because the awkwardness in her speech was very similar to that of Yang Miaoyan when she clenched her teeth.

Li Yuanji said in a funny tone: "Why should I look at your appearance? Do you think you can use your beauty to seduce me?"

Kinderman lowered his head and said nothing.

Li Yuanji sighed: "Are you so confident in your appearance?"

Kinderman said solemnly: "I am not confident about my appearance, but I can ask Your Highness to take a look."

Li Yuanji laughed and said, "It sounds like I'm begging you to give me a look. Well, since you are so confident in your appearance, I'll just give it a try."

With that said, he signaled to Kinderman that he could take off his veil.

Kinderman was not polite and took off her veil from one side, revealing her appearance bit by bit.

This is obviously something I have learned before, because there is a bit of a tempting flavor in it.

After Kinderman took off his veil, a beautiful face was revealed to everyone in the hall.

All the eunuchs in the palace were stunned.

The officials from Honglu Temple who accompanied her in were also a little crazy.

She blinked her big eyes and looked at Li Yuanji provocatively.

Li Yuanji finally understood why Kinderman was trembling so much and why there was a bit of resentment in his tone when he just said that Kinderman was useless.

This is probably because Kinderman was born into a noble family and has a beautiful face. She has been used to being praised, pursued or coveted by others since she was a child, so she has developed the idea that everyone is coveting her beauty.

That's why she reacted so strongly when he told her it was useless.

Li Yuanji looked at Kinderman's face carefully. He had to admit that Kinderman was indeed beautiful. Although she was a bit young, she could definitely be ranked among the top three beauties he had ever seen.

Zheng Guanyin is no match for her in terms of appearance, but he is probably better than her in terms of temperament.

If Mrs. Xiao were more than twenty years younger, she would be able to compete with her.

As for other people, apart from being able to beat her in terms of temperament and talent, it is really difficult to beat her in terms of appearance.

"That's it?"

Li Yuanji stared at Kinderman with a suspicious look on his face and asked.

He admitted that for a moment he was interested in her, but when he thought that possessing her was of no value other than to indulge his desires, he instantly lost interest.

His long-term interest in running Datang made him lose interest in many unchallenging things.

He really doesn't have much interest in a woman like this that he can easily get.

Only those things that are not easy to get and can arouse his desire are worthy of his indulgence.

But deep down, he didn't want to indulge himself.

Because he knows far more about men and women than most people in the Tang Dynasty, and he also knows more tricks than most people in the Tang Dynasty. He also holds the power of the Tang Dynasty. Once he lets go of himself,

Desires and endless indulgence would be a disaster for many people in the Tang Dynasty, including himself.

Although many of the ideas he came into contact with in later generations advised people to indulge themselves, he knew better that the most important thing is self-control.

If a person cannot even control his own desires, and is easily swayed by desires, and is easily led by desires, then he will easily lose himself, and eventually become something that even he looks at is unfamiliar.

He doesn't want to be like that.

"That's it?!"

"That's it?!"

"That's it?!"

These two simple words kept echoing in Kinderman's ears, and also echoed in the ears of everyone in the hall.

Both Kinderman and everyone else in the hall looked at Li Yuanji as if they were looking at a devil.

You actually comment on such a beautiful woman, a woman so beautiful that she can bring disaster to the country and the people, and a woman so beautiful that all men who have seen her want to take her as their own?

It's like evaluating a palace lady who is not worthy of the spotlight at all?!

Kinderman couldn't accept this, and neither could anyone else in the palace.

If it weren't for their shallow knowledge and the limitations of the times, the eunuchs in the palace would definitely not mind giving a pair of reading glasses to the great King Yong, letting him take a closer look before making an evaluation.

Kinderman has never suffered this kind of 'humiliation' since he was born. His face turned red, his eyes widened, and he looked at Li Yuanji fiercely.

"I thought you could scare me, but this is what happened?"

Li Yuanji waved his hand in disgust, indicating that Kinderman could leave.

Kinderman became even more angry, his chest bulging, as if he wanted to argue with others.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Li Yuanji was not in the mood to argue with Kinderman about her beauty and ugliness, and reminded her loudly: "If you really want to scare me, you can

Take a knife and cut your face into pieces, then I might be frightened.

Okay, now you can go down."

"Does His Highness King Yong really think that his appearance is mediocre, or is he restraining himself?"

Kinderman finally couldn't bear it anymore and came out with his theory.

Li Yuanji glanced at Kinderman indifferently and said: "Kinderman, you are rude!"

Kinderman's heart beat wildly at the indifferent eyes. After hearing the reminder, he realized that he had indeed been rude. He quickly lowered his head and bowed, and then hurriedly left the Tai Chi Hall without the help of the maid.

"Your Highness, I feel that even if the Princess of Silla is not as beautiful as a fairy, she is still extremely beautiful and rare in the world. Why do you think her beauty is mediocre?"

When Kinderman left, he happened to be bumped into by Liu Jun. After Liu Jun asked the visitor at the door to understand the situation, he hurried into the hall to inquire, looking like a disgusting pimp.

Li Yuanji glanced at Liu Jun and said angrily: "If you like it, I can let you contact her on behalf of the people from Honglu Temple. As for giving her to you, that will have to wait until the Tang Dynasty conquers Silla.

talk about it later."

Liu Jun said with a smile: "How can I be so lucky?"

I have been doing this for many years, but even if I have the intention, I don’t have the strength.

Li Yuanji rolled his eyes at Liu Jun and said, "You still know that you are not that lucky?"

Liu Jun hurriedly said: "But you have it, Your Highness."

Li Yuanji said in a bad tone: "What the hell, do you know how much you have to pay for offending her?"

This is a woman who, after becoming a queen, was able to shamelessly write love letters to Li Shimin like crazy and send all kinds of flirtatious things. She was as wise and powerful as Li Shimin, and she was flirted with all the time.

If this got involved, Datang would become her back garden plus a warehouse. It would be strange if she didn't send people over all the time to get something or make requests.

If she ran away with the ball, not only would the number of garrison troops sent by the Tang Dynasty to Silla be doubled, but they would also have to serve her free of charge.

Thank you for that.

If she could bring Silla within and help the Tang Dynasty bring Silla into its territory, then this business would be viable.

However, according to history, neither she nor her cousin had any intention of attaching themselves to the Tang Dynasty.

During her reign, she kept flirting with Li Shimin, and during her cousin's reign, she kept flirting with Li Zhi.

Under the protection of Li Shimin and Li Zhi, they prospered on the peninsula and had no intention of being affiliated with the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, it is impossible to expect her to bring Silla with her, and this business is destined to fail.

Liu Jun didn't know the history, and he didn't think that the Tang Dynasty had offended Silla. What price had to be paid for the ruler of the Tang Dynasty to rape the princess of Silla? So when faced with doubts, he shook his head without hesitation, "Your Highness, as long as you like it

, just stay. As for the rest, His Highness doesn’t need to think too much about it. It’s Silla’s blessing that you can like the princess of Silla. If the King of Silla dares to make irresponsible remarks, the generals under your command will personally

Go reason with him."

Li Yuanji glanced at Liu Jun speechlessly and said: "You don't know anything..."

Liu Jun stared suddenly, what should I know?

Just as he was about to ask, Li Yuanji ordered: "Send someone to send a message to Ren Gui, asking him to summon Xizhou to join the army and Liu Rengui to see him."

Liu Rengui, a civil servant who was unknown in both Wude and Zhenguan dynasties, spent the first half of his life wandering in the circle of civil servants without making any great achievements.

In the second half of his life, Li Zhi, who was mentally ill, was removed from the circle of civil servants and thrown into the circle of military officials, and then he began to shine.

It can be said that this is an all-rounder who can be both literary and military.

At the time of his death, he was promoted to prime minister, and was posthumously granted the title of Grand Governor of Bingzhou. He established the three divisions of the same family and his son enjoyed a real estate of 300 households.

This real estate is not a food estate, it is a reward that can truly control the life and death of three hundred families.

After he died, his children and grandchildren were able to enjoy this kind of reward, which shows how respected his status was when he died.

It is such a person who is now serving as an insignificant soldier in Xizhou in obscurity.

He was able to join the army because of Ren Gui.

It was Ren Gui who discovered his talent when he was patrolling Henan Province and temporarily appointed him to join the army in Xizhou. After Ren Gui was transferred back to Chang'an City, his appointment was neither recognized nor revoked, and he remained a temporary worker.


Originally, Li Yuanji hoped that he would continue to work hard in Xizhou's position of joining the army and settle down.

But now Silla urgently needed someone to garrison and help Datang manage the city allocated by Silla to Datang, so Li Yuanji removed him.

Li Yuanji was not worried about whether he could manage the Tang Dynasty's army in Silla, as well as the Tang Dynasty's cities and docks in Silla.

History has proven his ability in civil affairs. Even though he is still very immature now, there is still no problem in managing a city where the Tang Dynasty has the final say and where the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

His martial arts abilities have been verified by history. He is also talented in martial arts. This talent is not only shown in his achievements in history. In fact, he has not been thrown into the circle of military officials.

By that time, he had already shown some talent in martial arts.

Otherwise, Ren Gui, who was the pacification ambassador of Henan Province at the time, would not have given him an appointment to join the army in Xizhou after discovering him.

Historically, he joined the army, became a county lieutenant, and then turned from a county lieutenant into a pure civil servant.

In the Tang Dynasty, the county lieutenant belonged to the order of military ministers, which means that when he became an official, he was actually a military minister. He became a civil servant halfway, and then changed from a civil minister to a military minister.

He has been joining the army in Xizhou for almost three years now, and he has a certain understanding of military affairs. It should not be a big problem to manage the soldiers and horses stationed there.

The Tang Dynasty could not send many soldiers and horses to Silla, only two or three thousand elite soldiers at most.

The Tang Dynasty did not need to help Silla fight while Jin Baijing was still alive. As long as the troops of the Tang Dynasty were in Silla, they could act as a deterrent to Goguryeo and Baekje.

Therefore, the Tang Dynasty did not need to send more soldiers and horses, let alone worry that he would bury these soldiers and horses in Silla.

His early work in Silla may have been to focus on Silla and help Datang build a good city, so that Tang merchants who went to Silla could take root in the city with peace of mind, and help Datang collect commercial taxes on the docks, and

I just wanted to have some exchanges with Jin Baijing on behalf of Datang.

Apart from this, there is no other work required.

This should be easy for him.

Moreover, he will not be allowed to serve as chief officer in the early stage, but only as deputy.

The chief officials had to be selected from the existing ministers of the Tang Dynasty who were neither important nor despised, so as to show that the Tang Dynasty valued Silla, and Silla would be happy to pay the money.

"Send someone to summon Li Daoli to see him again!"

Li Yuanji continued to give instructions.

Li Daoli was undoubtedly the most suitable person to serve as the chief officer in the early stage. Silla asked the Tang Dynasty for help and asked the Tang Dynasty to send troops to take charge. Although the Tang Dynasty sent fewer soldiers and horses, it sent a county prince with the same status as Jin Baijing.

Pingqi, is this enough attention?

It is precisely because Li Daoli and Jin Baijing have equal status that Li Daoli can refuse many rude requests made by Jin Baijing and urge Jin Baijing to fulfill all his promises to Datang.

Of course, the most important thing is to open a station in Silla, set up a dock, and open up the trade routes between Datang and Silla, which will quickly give birth to a prosperous city on the coast of Silla.

And you can imagine how profitable this city is.

Therefore, you must send one of your own people to keep an eye on it in the early stage. When the city is built, trade is stable, and tax revenue is stable, then it is handed over to others to take over.

In this way, even if the Tang Dynasty had no time to pay attention to Silla in a short period of time, it would still be able to grasp this source of wealth.

This chapter has been completed!
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