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Chapter 0819 The relationship between the enemy and ourselves is not constant

After leaving full authority over the garrison in Silla to Li Daoli and sending Li Daoli and his party away, there was a response from Sunisi.

Sunisu agreed to accept military assistance from the Tang Dynasty and was willing to pay a huge price for these military assistance, but he still wanted to return the land that the Tang Dynasty had recovered from the Liang Kingdom.

This brought the negotiation to a deadlock again, and Su Dingfang immediately reported the matter to the court to make an idea.

This matter has become known to everyone with Kinderman's request for garrison, so Li Yuanji did not discuss the matter on a small scale this time, but summoned important civil and military ministers to discuss the matter together.


Inside the Tai Chi Hall.

Li Yuanji is at the top.

The civil and military officials headed by Li Gang and Li Shentong were seated on both sides.

After a brief greeting and silence, Li Yuanji slowly said: "I believe that all of you, dear friends, already know about the negotiations between Datang and Sunisu.

I kept it secret from all my dear friends before, just to keep it a secret.

Now that this matter has been made known to everyone by the princess of Silla, Kinderman, there is no need to hide it from you anymore.

I called you here today because the negotiations between Datang and Sunisi have reached a deadlock."

As soon as these words came out, the civil and military officials began to whisper among themselves.

Those who knew the inside story began to speculate on the specific reasons why the negotiations between Datang and Sunis were at an impasse.

Not knowing the inside story, he began to ask his colleagues if they knew about the matter, and expressed his feelings about the matter to his colleagues.

After buzzing for about a quarter of an hour, Chen Shuda hesitantly raised his hands and said: "I don't know what kind of deadlock your Highness is talking about?"

Li Yuanji roughly explained the specific content of the negotiation, and then said without any concealment: "Currently, Sunisu has agreed to accept funding from Datang and is willing to pay for it. In addition, he is also willing to receive the

After my Datang's support, I will fight against Jie Li according to my Datang's will.

But he still insisted on his conditions and wanted to help Liangshi return to the territory we recovered from Liang Kingdom.

I have discussed this matter with the King of Huai'an, the King of Hejian and others, and our attitude is very clear, that is, even if the Tang Dynasty gives up funding for Sunisu and gives up the fight between Sunisu and Jieli, we will lose.

We will never give up half an inch of our territory while reaping the advantages of profit."

Chen Shuda was shocked when he heard this.

The other civil and military officers also subconsciously stopped talking and laughing, straightened their backs solemnly, and looked towards the palace.

After hesitating for a while, Li Gang said in a deep voice: "Can I think that your highness's words mean that no matter who I face in the future of the Tang Dynasty, I will not give up half an inch of my territory?"

Li Yuanji nodded without hesitation and said: "That's right! No matter who we face, we, the Tang Dynasty, will not give up an inch of our territory. On this point, there is no discussion. Whoever dares to covet the territory of our Datang Dynasty, we will do our best.

, and I will fight him till death."

This is the spine he wants, and it is also the spine he hopes Datang must have.

Now is the time to recast the spine, and he hopes to integrate this spine into the body of everyone in the Tang Dynasty.

Li Gang fell silent after hearing this, but his expression became more solemn.

The expressions of other civil and military officers were also more solemn, with a hint of solemnity.

Li Shentong stood up first and said: "My minister, Li Shentong, only obeys the king's order!"

"Your Majesty Li Xiaogong..."

"Your Majesty Li Gang..."

"Your Majesty Pei Ju..."


One after another, civil and military officials stood up and loudly declared that they would obey the king's orders.

It's like carving the words "no inch of ground" into your flesh and blood, into the seams of your bones, and into your soul.

Looking at the solemn and solemn appearance of the civil and military officials in the palace, Li Yuanji suddenly had the illusion that he had already formed a pillar for the Tang Dynasty. However, this illusion disappeared in his mind in an instant.

He knew very well that Li Shentong, Li Gang and others only remembered the ridge that he had created, and wanted to make this ridge take root in the hearts of Li Shentong, Li Gang and others, as well as in the hearts of everyone in the Tang Dynasty.

A long way to go.

Building a spine is not just about saying a few hot-blooded words and stirring up people's hearts.

It requires you to take certain actions, implement it, and make people feel its existence, so that it can really take root in the hearts of everyone in Datang.

So you not only have to say it, but you also have to do it. Only by being consistent with your words and deeds can you be convincing.

"Okay, everyone, sit down. Let's talk about how I, the Tang Dynasty, can make Suni listen to my orders even though he refuses Suni's conditions."

Li Yuanji waved his hand and motioned for Li Shentong, Li Gang and other civil and military officials to sit down.

Li Shentong, Li Gang and others cupped their hands, sat down slowly, and began to think about countermeasures.

The difficulty in this matter is how to reject Sunisu while still allowing Sunisu to go shopping with Jieli according to the wishes of the Tang Dynasty.

Sunisu's attitude was very resolute. He had to help Liang Shidu get back the land that Datang had regained from Liang State, otherwise he would not negotiate with Datang.

The Tang Dynasty wanted to use Sunisu, but did not want to cede the land recovered from the Liang Kingdom to Liang Shidu. As a result, both sides fell into a deadlock and entered a stalemate.

To break the deadlock, we must find a way to make Sunisi surrender and make Sunisi give up helping Liang Shidu to ask for the land that Datang had regained from Liang.

In this way, negotiations can continue.

As for the Tang Dynasty taking a step back, surrendering to Suni, and ceding the land to Liang Shidu, that is impossible, so there is no need to consider whether there is room for negotiation on the Tang Dynasty's side.

"Do you want to sponsor other people to put pressure on Sunisu? We in the Tang Dynasty do not have to support Sunisu. We can also support Jieli. Jieli now hates Sunisu so much that he wants to kill him.

Come on, even without our help, he will fight Suni to the bitter end.

If he gets our support, he will attack Sunis even more crazily.

In this way, we can still achieve the goal of weakening the Turks."

After the civil and military officials were silent for a long time, Qu Tutong gave his own suggestions.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Li Gang, Pei Ju, Xiao Yu, Wang Gui and others all felt that what Qu Tutong said was reasonable and nodded in agreement.

Since Sunisu doesn't know good from evil, he should support Jieli.

Although Jieli is very greedy and will not be controlled by Datang, Jieli and Sunisu are now at a life-and-death fight with little room for maneuver. Datang does not have to worry about Jieli taking advantage of Datang.

, will give up targeting Sunishi and instead target Datang.

As long as the Tang Dynasty can continue to support Jieli and Sunishi in their fight, it can still achieve the goal of weakening the Turks.

It is also possible to reap the benefits when Jieli and Suni lose their battle and both lose.

Therefore, whether you support Sunisi or support Jieli, it is the same for the Tang Dynasty, and you can achieve the strategic goals of the Tang Dynasty. You do not have to support Sunisi, let alone be 'blackmailed' by Sunisi.

When Li Gang and others nodded in agreement with Qu Tu's call, Li Jing suddenly said: "Qu Tu Gong's idea is very good, but after receiving the funding from my Datang, Jie Li may not follow my Datang's ideas.

Suni lost the fight and went down."

Qu Tutong was stunned and said nothing.

Wang Gui looked at Li Jing, frowned and asked Qu Tutong, Li Gang and others what was on his mind, "What do you mean?"

Before Li Jing could answer, Chen Shuda took the lead and said: "Jie Li is already stronger than Suni, and he has Tuyuhun as his ally, as well as Yang Zhengdao and other Han officials to advise him. Once he gets the support of the Tang Dynasty, he can only

It will be stronger than Sunis.

When the time comes, Suni is just trying to survive and may not continue to fight Jieli.

Once he gave in to Jie Li, Jie Li was unwilling to engage in internal friction and reached a settlement with him.

Then we, the Tang Dynasty, would have lost both our wives and our troops."

When Chen Shuda said these words, many people looked shocked.

If you think about it carefully, it is possible.

Sunisu betrayed Jieli, wasn't it just to survive?

Liang Shidu betrayed Jie Li, and the same was true.

At present, Jieli is only a little stronger than them, and has not yet reached the point of being invincible.

Once Jieli is much stronger than them, he becomes invincible.

They might give up the fight with Jie Li and rejoin Jie Li's command.

Although Jie Li is a bit selfish, he can definitely understand the big issues of right and wrong.

When Sunishu and Liang Shidu brought the Dahe family to surrender to him, there was a high chance that he would put aside the previous grudges and accept Sunishu and Liang Shidu again.

It is even very likely that Sunisu and Liang Shidu will be reused.

Because after these two people rebelled against the Turks, although they caused some harm to the Turks, they also gained a big help for the Turks, that is, the Dahe clan, which is equivalent to a large tribe in the Turks.

With the addition of the Dahe clan and Tuyuhun as an ally, Jieli's strength will suddenly return to the level it was when he went south to attack Xiaoguan and Yanzhou.

At that time, the Turks will have the capital to fight against the Tang Dynasty branch.

Datang had to return to confrontation with the Turks.

This is something Xie Li wants to see, but it is not something Datang wants to see.

After listening to Chen Shuda's words, Qu Tutong took the lead in nodding his head and said: "What Mr. Jiang Guo said makes sense, but I took it for granted."

Wang Gui's brows suddenly furrowed even more tightly, and he looked at his other colleagues and said, "In this case, wouldn't this matter be unsolvable?"

Li Shentong chuckled and said: "That's not true. There is actually nothing wrong with Qu Tugong's idea, but the person supporting it is the wrong person."

Wang Gui was stunned and looked at Li Shentong in confusion.

Others also looked at Li Shentong, as if they were willing to hear the details.

Li Shentong was not in a hurry to speak, but looked at Li Yuanji with a smile.

Li Yuanji nodded, indicating that Li Shentong could speak freely.

In fact, they had discussed this issue before and came up with some countermeasures, including giving up negotiating with Sunis and supporting others to put pressure on Sunis.

However, he was not in a hurry to express this idea, and wanted to see what other good ideas the ministers had.

Now that Li Shentong has taken the initiative to bring up this idea, and others seem very interested, there is no need to hide it anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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