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Chapter 0821 Should young people have big ambitions?

Since Li Gang and Pei Ju wanted to put young people in positions of power, and Chen Shuda took the initiative to ask for help, Li Yuanji had no reason to refuse.

Li Yuanji immediately agreed to Chen Shuda's request and then announced that the meeting was adjourned.

Everything that needs to be discussed has been discussed, and Chen Shuda has taken over the rest, so there is nothing left to say.

As Chen Shuda took over the matter, a new round of changes occurred.

Su Dingfang, who was far away in Daizhou, began to have an official chat with Sunishu, and officials from the Honglu Temple of the Tang Dynasty began to appear frequently in Yingzhou and other places.

After Sunisu learned about this, he immediately guessed Datang's intention.

Then certain concessions were made.

Sunisi gave up the supplies and a series of military assistance provided by the Tang Dynasty, as long as the Tang Dynasty handed over the homeland it had regained from Liang.

Sunisi's attitude was very firm on this point.

From this, Datang guessed that these should be the conditions negotiated by Sunishi and Master Liang when they reached cooperation.

After guessing this, Datang's attitude became even more determined.

After all, if there are cracks in the cooperation between Sunisu and Liang Shidu, it will be more beneficial to Datang.

Neither Suni Shi nor Liang Shidu could deal with Jie Li alone after leaving each other.

Once a crack appears between them, both of them will have to rely on Datang to continue fighting against Jieli.

Whether Suni lost or Liang Shidu was unable to lead a large number of troops to surrender to Jieli, Jieli would get rid of them even if he temporarily incorporated them.

Because they were unable to bring huge benefits to Jie Li, but there was a gap of betrayal with Jie Li, and Jie Li could not tolerate them fooling around under his nose.

Therefore, once there is a crack between them, they cannot turn to Jieli and can only cooperate with Datang.

Whether it is cooperating with them unilaterally or cooperating with them both, it will be beneficial for Datang.

Therefore, Datang insisted on its own conditions, which was to only provide material and military assistance, and nothing else could be discussed.

The negotiations once again reached a deadlock.

Datang immediately accelerated the negotiations with the Tudiji Department and the Taqiang Department, and the time flashed to September.

Things have changed again.

First, Tang Jian and his entourage were respectfully sent back to the Tang Dynasty by Jie Li, along with a large number of cattle, sheep and war horses.

This was Jie Li's compensation for the detention of the envoys of the Tang Dynasty.

Its value far exceeds the materials extorted from Datang by Jie Li.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a sign that Jieli has surrendered to Datang. He hopes that Datang will not interfere in the family affairs between him and Sunisu. To be precise, he hopes that Datang will not provide Sunisu with anything.


Regarding this point, the Turkic envoys hinted overtly or covertly after they arrived at Chang'an City and presented tributes.

Datang agreed to the Turks' request almost without hesitation.

After receiving the affirmative answer, the Turkic envoy immediately sent the news back to the Turkic people.

After the news came back to the Turks, Jie Li, who had been prepared for a long time, led his subordinates, as well as the miscellaneous troops gathered by Yang Zhengdao, and the reinforcements supported by Tuyuhun, totaling 300,000 people who controlled the strings, and brazenly defeated Suni.

launched an attack.

At the same time that Jieli launched an attack on Sunishu, the Tudiji Department and Tudiji Department, which had already agreed to the conditions of the Tang Dynasty and received assistance from the Tang Dynasty, also began to leave their original bases and attack Sunishu Department.

A nuisance unfolded in the east.

For a time, Sunis was caught in a situation where he was attacked from two sides.

Sunis had no choice but to dispatch a force of troops to deal with the Tudiji and Taqi troops while dealing with Jieli's attack.

Mid September.

The war situation north of Daizhou, Yizhou, and Yanzhou was reported back to Chang'an.

While Li Yuanji was training Chai Lingwu and Wang Xuance, he was reading the report sent back by Su Dingfang.

After quickly reading the memorial, he ordered Liu Jun to hand it to the person sitting next to him.

Chen Shuda, Tang Jian, Wang Gui, Li Xiaogong and others were eating and drinking.

I don’t know when it started, but there was a trend of de-aging people in the Tang Dynasty.

I don’t even know who started this trend.

Anyway, now the elderly people in the Tang Dynasty have begun to slowly retreat to the background, and are replaced by a group of middle-aged people.

Therefore, no one who participated in Xi Nei Wan's banquet today was over sixty years old.

Wang Gui, the oldest, has only just crossed the fifty-year-old threshold.

"I'm asking you to take a stand, but I'm not asking you to stand still!"

While Chen Shuda and others were quickly reading the information sent back by Su Dingfang, Li Yuanji glared and scolded Chai Lingwu and Wang Xuance.

These two boys are getting bolder and bolder.

They were asked to go on missions with Tang Jian and learn skills from Tang Jian. As a result, after they arrived in Turks, they not only did not want to learn skills, but instead wanted to use their meager abilities to overthrow Jie Li's rule.

A bunch of smart people in the Tang Dynasty have been trying to do this kind of thing for several years, but they haven't been able to do it. How could these two fledgling guys be able to do it?

That is to say, Tang Jian discovered it early, stopped their behavior in time, and asked a small Turkic tribe named Tutabu to take the blame for them.

Otherwise, they will definitely be trampled into a pulp by Jieli together with the Tuta tribe they bewitched.

"Uncle, we have been standing here for two quarters of an hour..."

Chai Lingwu held a water bowl on his head, two water bowls on his arms, and a small cauldron under his crotch. There was a stick of incense stuck in the cauldron. He was trembling all over and began to pretend to be pitiful.

Wang Xuance's treatment was similar to him, and his condition was similar to him. Although he didn't speak, his face was full of begging for mercy.

Zamabu is nothing to them. After all, they have learned some martial arts from Luo Shixin, and Chai Lingwu has also learned some family traditions, so their basic skills are pretty good.

So walking for a quarter of an hour or two is nothing, but if they are given a water bowl, they will be unable to bear it.

They are not naive people like Yu Wenbao and Kan Leng, who are not polite at all when they need to beg for mercy or surrender.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But how could Li Yuanji spoil them? He immediately stared and shouted: "What is your uncle? Who is your uncle? His name is King Yong!"

Chai Lingwu's expression turned bitter and he wailed, "Your Highness, King Yong, I really can't hold on any longer!"

Li Yuanji glared at Chai Lingwu and scolded angrily: "Now you know how to beg for mercy. When you deceived the Tuta tribe to raid the Jieli Golden Wolf tent, you were stopped by Tang Aiqing. Why didn't you know how to beg for mercy?"

Speaking of this, Li Yuanji glared at Chai Lingwu Dao fiercely: "How did you threaten Tang Aiqing at that time? Do you need me to repeat it to you?"

Chai Lingwu knew he was in the wrong and hung his head in embarrassment.

Tang Jian said cheerfully at this time: "I still have fresh memories of this. At that time, our emperor's nephew told me that he was making great contributions. If his vote is successful, even if Wei Huo is resurrected,

I have to write him a word of service.

I also want to ask the minister to work with him, saying that when the work is completed, the minister can be granted the title of Duke of Ten Thousand Households."

When Tang Jian said the last words, the smile on his face could hardly disappear.

Chai Lingwu was so shy and embarrassed that his head was almost buried in his chest, and his toes under his leather boots moved as if he was digging into the manor villa.

[An app that has been running stably for many years. It is comparable to the old book-chasing tool. It is used by all old bookworms.

Li Xiaogong now said that he was ashamed in public, and Chai Lingwu was already ashamed.

"Uncle...please spare your nephew..."

Chai Lingwu begged Li Xiaogong in a voice that was quieter than a mosquito.

Li Xiaogong laughed even louder, as if the person he bullied just now was not his nephew, but a little girl.

That guy is as proud as he wants to be, and as unbridled as he wants to be.

"People today are not necessarily inferior to their predecessors, and our future achievements are not necessarily worse than yours. Surpassing Wei Huo and being superior to Wei Huo, why can't it be our ambition?

If we don't even have this ambition, how can we strengthen the Tang Dynasty and create immortal achievements for the Tang Dynasty?"

Wang Xuance couldn't bear to see Li Xiaogong bullying his friends. Even though he knew that these words would be ridiculed and looked down upon by everyone, he still straightened his chest and said these words.

For a moment, everyone sitting around on the thick wool blanket fell silent.

Wang Gui, who was holding a jug and pouring wine into his stomach, stopped. The clear wine flowed down the spout of the jug. He didn't pay attention, and just stared at Wang Xuance blankly.

Wang Xuance felt a little numb when he saw everyone looking at him, but he was not willing to give in easily. If he had not spoken, he could still pretend to be a grandson. Now that he had spoken, he must straighten his back.

Stand down.

Immediately, he puffed out his chest and raised his voice: "What? Am I wrong? Are we not worthy of such an ambition?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Xiaogong and others came to their senses and had different reactions.

Li Xiaogong shook his head and sighed: "I, Li, have limited knowledge. I didn't expect young people today to have such great ambitions."

Wang Gui wiped the clear wine spilled on his body, shook his head and sighed: "It is a good thing to have big ambitions. Young people should have big ambitions. But if you have big ambitions but not great ability, then everything you say will be useless."

It will become empty talk."

Chen Shuda shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother Shujie is wrong. The future is destined to be dominated by young people like them. If they don't surpass us and surpass the ambitions of the ancients, wouldn't everything we do now be meaningless?"


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