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Chapter 0844 The persistent Fu Yi, the difficulties of the Tang Dynasty

Li Yuanji was in favor of Tang Jian's proposal.

Because the Tang Dynasty really couldn't let the vassals take advantage, and there was no need to give the vassals more benefits to show the generosity of the Tang Dynasty.

But the Tang Dynasty really cannot let the envoys of various countries lose interest in the Tang Dynasty and cut off their contacts with the Tang Dynasty.

Datang is currently in the stage of looking around and knows very little about its distant neighbors.

Once the contacts with the distant neighbors were cut off, the Tang Dynasty would completely lose the opportunity to understand the distant neighbors.

By the time the Tang Dynasty completed its strategy of conquering its neighbors and stretched its neck to its distant neighbors, it would be too late to make friends with its distant neighbors.

And closing the country is not a good policy.

This was verified by the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Therefore, it is necessary to open the door, welcome the four parties, do business with the people from all over the world, communicate with the four parties, and understand the four parties.

Only in this way can we ensure that Datang is always at the world's leading level in all aspects, instead of being sneakily left behind by the world.

Therefore, it is not only necessary to make the envoys of all parties find Datang attractive, but also to make businessmen, scholars, etc. from all parties find Datang attractive.

Moreover, Datang needs to increase communication with all parties, allowing Tang people to go out and understand everything about each party from their perspective.

So Li Yuanji took up his pen and wrote a long, long paragraph on Tang Jian's memorial.

In addition to agreeing with Tang Jian's proposal, the above also gave certain instructions for Tang Jian's future work.

Let Tang Jian expand the scale of Honglu Temple, recruit officials who like adventure and like to go on envoys, follow envoys from various countries, go to various countries as envoys, and learn about the history and culture of each country.

When necessary, we can even establish embassies in various countries.

Although it is a bit more troublesome and the workload is a bit larger, it is not difficult for Tang Jian.

Li Yuanji believed that Tang Jian could do it. There was no shortage of people in the Tang Dynasty who liked to take risks, wander around, and fight for wealth through various dangers.

There were also many knight-errants in the Tang Dynasty who wandered around the Tang Dynasty all day long, causing trouble everywhere.

Incorporating these people and letting them help Datang explore all the unknowns can be regarded as waste utilization.

Li Shimin did similar things in history, but he didn't use these people to explore the unknown, but used them to manage the enemy.

And these people were also given a name that was widely spread in later generations.

Bad people.

Historically, bad people were composed of idle men wandering the streets, as well as local ruffians and knight-errants.

Li Shimin's purpose of recruiting them was, firstly, to better control them, to collect all these guys who were causing trouble everywhere, and then to control them with military law, which would not only restrain their behavior, but also eliminate harm to the people.

The second is to fight evil with evil. These people are the worst people in the Tang Dynasty. They know all the ways to bully others. If they deal with other bullies, they will definitely be able to catch them.

According to historical records, they did achieve the two things Li Shimin wanted after being incorporated.

It's just that Li Yuanji's ideas are different from Li Shimin's.

When it comes to governing local areas and maintaining local security, Li Yuanji has better candidates.

That is the soldiers who retired from the army.

They are originally from the disciplined forces. They know how to abide by discipline better than the delinquents, are better able to indoctrinate than the delinquents, and are more effective than the delinquents.

Some of them who have been fighting for more than ten years have become accustomed to fighting with others and cannot learn other means of making a living.

It is really a waste to let them go back to farm. Let them maintain local public order, which is the best use of people.

The maintenance of local security was taken over by soldiers with military backgrounds, so the bad guys could only help Datang explore the unknown.

Control what they eat, control what they drink, and let them dominate outside the Tang Dynasty. They will definitely scream with excitement.

After all, the person who can become a bad person is either a lazy person or a restless person.

If you ask them to stay calm, they will feel uncomfortable.

If you let them explore the unknown and do evil, they will howl with excitement.

There is no scope for them to do evil inside the Tang Dynasty, but there is no place for them to do evil inside the Tang Dynasty.

However, Li Yuanji did not write this in Tang Jian's memorial, but only mentioned it to Tang Jian in a vague way. He believed that Tang Jian could understand it.

After giving instructions to Tang Jian's memorials, Li Yuanji successively gave instructions to the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Works, the Ministry of War, and the memorials of other monasteries.

The memorials of other ministries and temples are all similar.

To sum it up, it can be summed up in one sentence: ‘Dad gives money’.

The amounts requested are not large, but the total amount exceeds more than double the taxes paid by Datang last year.

Datang suddenly reached a situation where it could not make ends meet.

Although this happened when Li Yuan was in power, it was definitely not this exaggerated.

Li Yuanji was sure that this was definitely the work of Li Gang and Chen Shuda.

The two people must have seen that there was income in the treasury, and there was still a lot of money, so they remembered the money and started asking for money in different ways.

If Li Gang and Chen Shuda had not called the six ministers together to discuss the matter before presenting the memorial, Li Yuanji would have dared to pick off his head and play it as a ball for them.

However, even after seeing through Li Gang and Chen Shuda's thoughts, Li Yuanji didn't say anything, let alone make any reaction.

Didn't he make so much money just so that Datang could use it for development?

If they are just piled in the treasury and not spent, then why do they need them?

Anyway, in his eyes, there is never enough money to spend.

As long as he still has power in his hands, and as long as the Tang army still listens to him, then all the money in the world belongs to him, and he can spend it as much as he wants, as he wants.

If it's not enough, just send someone to get it.

It's all his money anyway, he can take it and spend it how he wants without asking other people's opinions.


After reviewing the memorials from various ministries and monasteries, Li Yuanji saw a unique memorial. The reason why it was unique was because it had a different color from other memorials, and the text was different. The most important thing was

, the content is different.

When he opened it and took a look, Li Yuanji didn't know what to say.

A section of the memorial is clearly written in large characters.

"On the Harm of Buddhism".

The content is to enumerate all the harms caused by the appearance of Buddha.

The ancestor of Xiao Yu's family who sold himself to the temple was pulled out again and whipped to death.

Li Yuanji knew who wrote this memorial without reading the end.

Except for Taishi Ling Fu Yi, no one was so persistent in Buddhism.

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, he has written a memorial every year asking for the destruction of Buddhism, which is unstoppable.

You might say that Buddhism has any grudge against him, but that’s not the case.

He came from a high background and had never lived a hard life. As soon as he became an official, he became a close official of Yang Liang, the former king of Sui and Han Dynasty. If Yang Liang wanted to rebel, he would have to ask him whether he was good or bad.

After Yang Liang was defeated, not only was he not beheaded, he was also exonerated and transferred to Fufeng.

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, he was conscripted into the capital, became Taishi Cheng, and became the second-in-command of the Taishi Administration. He discussed seizing the marquis with Yu Zhi, the father of Yu Jian, the then leader of the Taishi Administration, and stabilized his position. Yu Jian decisively gave way.

The seat was given to him.

During his tenure as Taishi Ling, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng had to stand aside obediently.

He can be said to be the first person in the Tang Dynasty in terms of astronomy and calendar.

Looking at his resume, he has absolutely no connection with Buddhism, let alone persecuting him or having any grudge against him.

If there is any grudge between him and Buddhism, it would be a disagreement in faith.

What he believed in was Lao and Zhuang, while Buddhism believed in Sakyamuni.

Taoism was the state religion in the Tang Dynasty. As a leading figure in the state religion, it was reasonable to be hostile to other sects.

However, Li Yuanji also heard a saying, that is, starting from the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Buddhism flourished, monasteries spread all over the country, the number of monks and nuns increased day by day, and countless acres of land were occupied.

Fu Yi couldn't stand this situation, so after the Tang Dynasty established Taoism as the state religion, he repeatedly wrote letters requesting the destruction of Buddhism.

At the beginning, Fu Yi's remarks were not so intense, and he did not mention destroying Buddhism, but only talked about abolishing Buddhism.

After trying several times to no avail, Fu Yi's remarks became much more intense.

Li Yuanji can understand this.

If he talks to someone and the other party is indifferent even after two or three attempts, his words will become very intense.

Historically speaking, although Fu Yi did not succeed in destroying Buddhism in the end, he also curbed the development momentum of Buddhism.

However, after Xuanzang went to Tianzhu, Buddhism became popular again.

Li Yuanji felt that Fu Yisheng was wrong.

If you were born when Chai Rong was in power, you would definitely have a chance to get what you want.

It's a pity that he was born in the early Tang Dynasty.

I was born in this period of history when the Central Plains was the weakest. I was too weak to dare to fall out with Buddhism.

When he had the strength to fall out with Buddhism, Xuanzang was born again.

Although both the Tang Dynasty and Chaizhou were established in troubled times, the foundation of the Tang Dynasty was so thin that even Chaizhou, which occupied a small half of the country, could not compare.

Although the territory of the Tang Dynasty was larger than that of Chai Zhou, the number of Dingkou in the Tang Dynasty was not as large as that of Chai Zhou.

At the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, there were only more than 1.5 million households in Dingkou. Based on five people per household, the population was only over 7 million.

And this is the population of the whole world (not counting those who live in hiding and those who fled, there were also those who lived in hiding and those who escaped during the Chai and Zhou Dynasties).

When Chaizhou was founded, it had a population of tens of millions, and the population of the whole world was as high as more than 30 million.

Although the chaos of the late Sui Dynasty was far less long than the chaos of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the wealth that the Sui Dynasty left to the Tang Dynasty was far less rich than the wealth that the Tang Dynasty left to the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

So the Tang Dynasty had enough territory to work with, but not enough people to work with.

Although Chaizhou's territory was not large, it had enough people to work around.

If the population of the early Tang Dynasty was that of the early Chai Zhou Dynasty, then the Tang Dynasty would dare to challenge all forces.

In that case, Fu Yi's petition to abolish Buddhism would get Li Yuan's response.

Therefore, it was not that Li Yuan did not want to abolish Buddhism, nor was it that Li Yuan did not want the Taoism of the Li family's ancestors to flourish, but it was because the early Tang Dynasty did not have the capital to fall out with Buddhism.

Because in the early days of the Tang Dynasty, those who stood on the opposite side of the Tang Dynasty were not only foreign enemies, but also internal thieves and wealthy families.

If there were any more disputes with Buddhism, the Tang Dynasty would not be able to take care of it.

In the early Tang Dynasty, there was no shortage of traitors who dared to rebel.

For the stability of the Tang Dynasty and for the rule of the Li family, Li Yuan must maintain the stability of the Tang Dynasty as much as possible instead of making enemies everywhere, especially Buddhism, which will not touch you if you don't touch it.

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