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Chapter 0868 A Tang prince who wants to serve as a subordinate to the Turkic chieftain

Now the dragon boat has set sail again, rippling on the blue waves of the sea pool.

The cold wind blowing on the lake swayed the willows on the shore, making them look a bit enchanting.

It's a pity that this enchantment disappeared in an instant with the intrusion of Qianniu Palace Guards.

Without Li Yuanji's instructions, after making certain arrangements for the defense on the shore and letting the Qianniu Palace guards return to their posts, Zhao Chengyong went to the trestle on the shore and rang the gong hanging beside the bridge.


After hearing the sound of the gong, the people on the dragon boat quickly drove the dragon boat back.

Li Yuanji got on the dragon boat alone. Liu Jun and Zhao Chengyong originally wanted to follow, but they were stopped by him.

In the Tai Chi Palace, if someone wanted to hurt him, they would have to use airplanes or tanks. Pure cold weapons would not be able to hurt him at all.

After all, the Qianniu Guards Ma who had been reorganized by Li Xiuning and Chai Shao were not vegetarians.

His personal bravery was not a vegetarian either.

Of course, poisoning is another matter.

However, since Li Shimin was almost killed by Li Jiancheng, the palace banned it.

The arsenic used by the eunuchs and maids to kill the worms in their stomachs was not allowed to be used.

Others are not allowed to bring poison into the palace, otherwise they will be punished for treason, without any discussion.

Don't say your father is Li Gang, even if your father is Li Yugang.

This was said by Li Yuan.

No one dares to violate it.

Therefore, Li Yuanji is not worried about being poisoned. After all, there is no such thing in the palace anymore. If anyone has it, they can eat.

The kind that the whole village eats from the first grade of junior high school to the age of thirty.


Li Chengqian stood at the door of the cabin with a complicated expression and saluted Li Yuanji.

Li Yuanji vaguely remembered that he hadn't taken a good look at him for more than half a year. Now he suddenly looked at him and saw that he had grown a lot. He was already a little bit like a teenager, but he was still a few years away from being a teenager.

"Why are you wearing a Hu uniform?"

Li Chengqian did not wear ordinary clothes for daily wear, but wore an autumn-white Hufu, which he would usually only wear when practicing rifle shooting.

Li Chengqian said with a straight face: "I like it!"

"No! You can't like it!"

Li Yuanji rejected Li Chengqian's preference without hesitation.

Among all the princes and grandsons of the Tang Dynasty, everyone could like things from foreigners, except Li Chengqian.

Because historically, among the entire first, second and third generations of the Li family, Li Chengqian was the only one who wanted to be a subordinate of the Turkic chieftain.

Yes, you read that right, they are the subordinates of the Turkic chieftain.

This is recorded in historical materials.

These were the bold words Li Chengqian made when he was the crown prince. Although there were some elements of joking, they were indeed what he said.

The original words are: One day when I rule the empire, I must lead tens of thousands of cavalry to hunt west of Jincheng, then untie my hair, dress up as a Turk, and go to Ashina Simo. If he is willing to give me a general, I will definitely do so.

What you do is no worse than others.

Listen, this is what a prince of the Tang Dynasty should say?!

The most important thing is that the year after he said this, Li Jing wiped out the Turks, and Ashina Simo, whom he wanted to be loyal to, was also captured by Li Jing.

If he admired the Turks because he was forced by the Turks to sign the Weishui Alliance when Li Shimin came to the throne, then he should have changed after Li Jing destroyed the Turks.

However, he did not change anything, and even got worse. He learned the Turkic language, wore Turkic clothes, selected people who looked like Turks as his attendants, and even played a game of suspended animation with his attendants. He was a Turkic Khan.

He died and asked his attendants to give him a funeral in accordance with Turkic customs.

Not only that, he also secretly sneaked into the palace with a group of Turks who surrendered to the Tang Dynasty.

These Turks are also the leading figures among the Turks, with good fighting ability.

This is totally because his father lives a long life.

His father had conquered the country through a palace coup. Isn't he afraid that the Turks would suddenly rise up and give him a palace coup?

Anyway, when reading history books, Li Yuanji really didn't understand what Li Chengqian thought in history.

Call him a fool, he is quite smart and has a good reputation.

To put it simply, he is not only handsome, but also smart since he was a child.

But what he did had nothing to do with being smart.

Now, the Tang Dynasty did not make a Wei River alliance with the Turks, and Jieli did not lead hundreds of thousands of troops to Chang'an. Instead, he was defeated by the Tang Dynasty in Qingzhou. He could not admire the Turks as he did in history.


Logically speaking, he should no longer worship Turks or pretend to be Turks.

However, seeing that he seems to like Hufu very much now, in order to prevent the slightest change, it would be better to break it off.

After all, in this matter, he not only lost his own people, but also the people of the Tang Dynasty. As a member of the Tang Dynasty, for the sake of his future reputation, he still had to work hard to straighten him out.


Straightening all aspects.

After all, historically he not only had problems in this area, but also in other areas.


Li Chengqian obviously didn't expect that Li Yuanji would reject his preference so firmly. He was a little confused for a moment. It wasn't until the cold wind on the lake got into his collar that he came to his senses and asked blankly.

Li Yuanji looked directly at Li Chengqian and said loudly: "Because we are Han people, we can only wear Hanfu. Even if we learn archery, we must wear Hanfu."

Li Chengqian blinked and was a little confused. He felt that Li Yuanji's words were overbearing and unreasonable, but he didn't know how to refute.

Li Shimin, who poked his head half out of the cabin, knew how to refute, but there were some words he couldn't say.

The Li family has Hu blood, especially the fact that the second generation of the Li family has Hu blood. This is a well-known fact and cannot be quibbled with.

But it's one thing to have it, and it's another thing to admit it.

At present, the main lineage of the Li family is Zhengshuo of the Han family, and he worships the Taoist sage Lao Tzu as his ancestor. In this case, as the direct bloodline of the Li family, there is no way to say that the Li family has Hu blood, because this is to fight against oneself.

own face.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, given Li Shimin's current situation, it actually doesn't hurt to talk about it. After all, he has been demoted to a commoner, and there is no room for decline, and Li Yuan is impossible

Li Yuanji didn't want to be charged with brother-killing if he really wanted to kill him, so even if he said that the Li family was not his fault and dismantled the Li family, nothing would happen.

But in the end, he said nothing and his consciousness was very high.

He can fight with Li Jiancheng, seek Li Yuan's position, or kill brothers and nephews, but when it comes to safeguarding the reputation of the Li family and the stability of the Li family, he will resolutely stand with everyone in the Li family.

This is the benefit of a clan-centered society.

All members of the clan will involuntarily and subconsciously safeguard the interests of the clan.

Whoever dares to betray the clan and the interests of the clan is the mortal enemy of everyone in the clan.

"Come on! Put it on!"

Li Yuanji saw Li Chengqian's humiliation-bearing expression and roughly tore off his Hu robe, took off his own royal robe and put it on for him.

The unique royal uniform not only symbolizes the prince's title, but also the power to supervise the country. Even his father has not worn it, so he is not happy with it.

"What, there are thorns in my clothes?"

While Li Chengqian was fiddling with the royal uniform, Li Yuanji asked with a bluster.

Li Chengqian didn't say anything, he just wanted to take off his royal clothes and put back on his own Hu clothes.

Li Yuanji dragged Li Chengqian toward the cabin, preventing him from picking up the torn Hu clothes.

Li Shimin looked at his son's pitiful appearance when he was bullied, and finally couldn't help it anymore, "Yuanji, you are an elder after all, is it fun to bully a child?"

Li Yuanji carried Li Chengqian to the cabin and sat down, and said to Li Shimin unceremoniously: "Am I bullying him? I am teaching him!"

Li Shimin sneered with a look like "Do you think I look like a fool?" "What are you teaching him? Teach him to realize that he is a Han, and teach him not to wear Hufu?

Hufu is a must-have for learning step shooting. Now that he has just reached the age of learning step shooting, what should he wear if he doesn't wear Hufu?

That is to say, he needs to wear armor when mounting a horse, otherwise he will have to wear Hufu and learn horse shooting!"

In ancient times, it didn't mean that you could shoot an arrow if you had a bow, could draw it, or could shoot an arrow.

The ancients divided archery into two parts, one part is foot shooting and the other part is horse shooting.

As the name suggests, infantry shooting means infantry standing on the ground and shooting arrows, while horse shooting means cavalry shooting arrows while sitting on horseback.

One is to position in place and shoot moving targets, and the other is to shoot moving targets while moving, so the requirements for archery are different.

Often those who are good at shooting from foot may not be good at horse shooting, and those who are good at horse shooting may not be good at foot shooting, so both archery skills must be learned.

In the past, when iron smelting technology and various survival skills were backward, leather armor and iron armor were all very precious, so most people wore Hufu when they learned to ride and shoot.

After iron smelting technology and various survival skills improved, people began to wear armor when learning horse shooting.

The advantage of doing this is to adapt in advance to how to shoot an arrow while wearing the armor, and to practice muscle memory in advance.

Of course, you can practice wearing Hu clothes, but after you get used to Hu clothes, you will feel unruly when you wear armor, especially iron armor, and then shoot arrows.

Therefore, anyone who has the conditions at home will wear a suit of armor and stomach when learning horse shooting.

There is no doubt that Li has this condition.

That's why Li Shimin said this.

Otherwise, Li Shimin would not have talked about foot shooting and horse shooting separately, but would have talked about them together as ‘what should I wear if I don’t wear Hufu to learn archery’.

Facing Li Shimin's cynicism, Li Yuanji still said unceremoniously: "I'm not saying not to let him wear Hu clothes, I just don't want him to regard Hu clothes as regular clothes."

Li Shimin sneered and said: "So what if you treat Hufu as regular clothes?"

Li Yuanji did not answer Li Shimin's question, but asked: "Second brother really thinks so?"

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, and the sneer on his face disappeared in an instant. After his eyes turned around Li Chengqian, he frowned and said: "Don't wear Hufu when you are not learning archery in the future..."

The Li family has still not gotten rid of the criticism of their bloodline. The descendants of the Li family imitate the Hu people in everything. If they act like the Hu people, they will be laughed to death by those wealthy families who think they are descendants of the Han family.

The Li family is now a royal family no matter how you say it, and is the best in the world, so you have to protect your face to some extent.

Historically, after Li Shimin killed his brother and his brother, he lost all face and could not care about some things.

But nowadays, the Li family has not killed brothers or brothers, so the face that should be maintained must be maintained.

This is like a person who sticks to his own bottom line before doing something wrong. Once he does something wrong, he starts to let himself go, and the bottom line begins to continue to decline.

Of course, Li Shimin followed Li Yuanji's words, and in the end he expressed his own opinion, "Are you making a mountain out of a molehill?"

I am also doing it for your son’s own good!

If you don’t want to see your son clamoring about going to Turks to serve as a general under a Turkic chief. If you don’t want to see your son having an affair with a child, then just shut up.

Li Yuanji cursed in his heart.

These things haven't happened yet, so he can't tell Li Shimin directly.

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