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Chapter 0871 Lingnan Feng Family

After careful consideration, Yang Miaoyan finally made a decision, "Then I'll go back to my parents' home. I'll take Jiaoyang with me, she can't live without me now. As for Chengde, I'll leave it to Sister Wang to take care of her."

Anyway, he likes Sister Wang more than me, so I don’t have to worry about him not being able to eat or sleep well after leaving me."

At the end of the sentence, Yang Miaoyan's tone was full of resentment.

Li Chengde didn't know whether he had a grudge against her or something else. He just didn't like to get close to her, but he just liked to stay in Wang Ruan's arms. Sometimes he stayed there for a whole day and didn't want to leave even after falling asleep.

So Yang Miaoyan was very resentful towards Li Chengde.

"Tell me, why does Chengde like Sister Wang so much?"

Yang Miaoyan thought of Li Chengde's giggling look in his arms, and her resentment became even greater.

"I want to know this too..."

Li Yuanji said dumbfounded.

It's a bit unreasonable to say that Li Chengde already understands beauty and ugliness, and hopes for a beautiful woman like Wang Ruan.

Because Li Chengde doesn't remember things yet and can't tell the difference between beauty and ugliness, and Yang Miaoyan now has grown up and completely beats Wang Ruan in appearance.

Even if Li Chengde has Su Hui and likes good-looking people, he should prefer Yang Miaoyan.

So no one can say for sure why Li Chengde likes Wang Ruan.

Yang Miaoyan slowly raised her chest and asked, "Is it because Sister Wang is older than me here?"


Li Yuanji's eyes flickered and he didn't know how to answer.

In terms of size, Wang Ruan's is indeed bigger, but Yang Miaoyan still has room for improvement. Yang Miaoyan is younger than Wang Ruan, and the growth period has not completely passed, so it can still grow longer.

As for why Wang Ruan is older than Yang Miaoyan but calls her sister Yang Miaoyan, that is a matter of status and has nothing to do with age.

No matter how old a concubine is, it is not easy to support her in front of the main wife, right?

However, if she admits in front of Yang Miaoyan that Wang Ruan is indeed older than her, then Yang Miaoyan will definitely not be happy. Yang Miaoyan has not yet escaped from the period of stupidity and will definitely find trouble.

So I still have to talk about it.


Li Yuanji immediately coughed dryly and said, "That's not necessarily true. Chengde may like the smell of Wang Ruan. After all, the incense you two use is different."

The incense used by Yang Miaoyan was specially made with various precious spices mixed in it. It was only supplied to her, her eldest grandson, Zheng Guanyin, and Li Zhiyun's biological mother Wan Guifei. Others were not eligible to use it.

So Wang Ruan used a kind of incense that was very common in the palace, and the smell was completely different from Yang Miaoyan.

Although Li Chengde doesn't remember much now, he should still be able to show what kind of smell he likes and what kind of dislike he doesn't like.

Yang Miaoyan nodded thoughtfully and said, "It's very possible. I'll try Sister Wang's incense later."

Li Yuanji smiled and agreed without saying anything more.

Yang Miaoyan was anxious to regain her son's favor from Wang Ruan, so she didn't stay in the palace for long, and went to the incense making place to get incense.

It seems that she is very concerned about her son's liking for Wang Ruan, so she is not willing to wait for a moment longer.

Since Yang Miaoyan agreed to go back to visit relatives, the matter was settled. However, in order to avoid being suspected by Yang Miaoyan again, Li Yuanji did not ask anyone to help her make preparations. He just told Wang Ruan that Wang Ruan should be with her.

When she was about to leave, she helped her prepare the things she needed to bring back to visit relatives. At the same time, she gave instructions to Zhao Chengyong to send a troop of soldiers and horses to follow them to Hongnong. He did nothing else.

Yang Miaoyan went to the place where incense was made in the palace, and after getting the incense that Wang Ruan used every day, instead of attracting his son back from Wang Ruan's arms, he actually made his son more dependent on Wang Ruan.

Now Yang Miaoyan was even more angry. She simply ignored this little heartless person and angrily started preparing the things she wanted to take back to her parents' house.

She is now a princess, and she still has a very unique status, so she cannot take things lightly when she goes back to visit relatives.

Her status also determined that she would not be able to go back often to visit relatives in the future, so she had to prepare a lot of things to bring with her, firstly as rewards, and secondly as gifts.

After all, if you have a bunch of sisters-in-law coming together, you can't give nothing, otherwise they will think you are petty and arrogant, and they will secretly say that you are not valued in your husband's family and are not living a good life, and so on.

A group of juniors came up to me, shouting, "If you don't give me anything, this elder won't be angry at all."

If the Yang family deliberately exploits the situation and takes the opportunity to promote some students who are attached to the Yang family, when they fully demonstrate their talents, you will not reward them with anything, and they will be criticized.

And this criticism will not only be directed at Yang Miaoyan, but also at the Li Tang clan.

Because after Yang Miaoyan left, she represented the Li family to a certain extent. The students showed their knowledge in front of her in order to sell themselves into the Li family.

So if she is too stingy, people will say that Li does not value talents and is not worthy of loyalty.

Although young students are relatively noble, their attitudes towards you will still be different whether you give them money or not.

There may be truly noble people in this world, but the vast majority of noble people are superficially noble, but secretly they are greedier than anyone else.

There are not even a hundred but eighty people in the court who claim to be noble, but those who are truly noble can be counted on both hands.

It is precisely because of this that when the imperial court pays out salaries, not a penny should be spared.

Otherwise, people will lose their support.

After Yang Miaoyan prepared everything he wanted to bring, he led more than two thousand people out of the palace and rushed all the way to Hongnong.

After Li Shimin got the news, he quickly launched an 'attack' against the Hongnong Yang family with Changsun Shunde and others.

And Li Yuanji no longer had time to pay attention to this matter, because Feng An, who had been postponed three times due to various trivial matters, finally arrived in Chang'an City.

In order to show his importance, Li Yuanji specially took Chen Shuda, Ren Gui, and the Ministry of Rites to greet him outside Chang'an City.

The reason why Xiao Yu was not taken with him was because when the Xiao family was ruling the dynasty in the south, he had some dissatisfaction with Feng An's father, so in order to prevent Feng An from feeling that the court had any objections to him, Xiao Yu was not taken with him.

The reason why he did not bring more officials was because Feng Ang was not of high enough rank and he did not return to the capital because he had made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty, so he could not summon all the officials to welcome him.

If a hundred officials were used to greet Feng An, then what kind of etiquette should be used to welcome the generals who had made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty?

Just go to the highest level of etiquette and let him ride with the person in power?

So if people like Li Jing, Li Shiji, and Su Dingfang destroyed the enemy's country and accomplished the task of destroying the country, how should they greet them?

Let those in power hold their horses for them?

Are they still alive?

Since ancient times, when a dynasty was strong or heading towards a strong period, almost none of the generals who let those in power lead their horses died.

"I, Feng An, the general manager of Gaozhou, and his son Feng Zhi may visit His Highness King Yong!"

After Feng An rushed to Wuliting and learned that Li Yuanji and two prime ministers were coming to greet him, he quickly got off the carriage and took his entourage to Wuliting to pay homage.

Although Feng An was in charge of Jiaozhou and controlled the general managers of other states in Jiaozhou, he was only the general manager of Gaozhou in name, and he was given the title of Duke Geng.

Li Yuan changed it a long time ago. After Feng An surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan changed the title of Feng Ang three times. First, he was named Duke of Wu, then changed to Duke of Yue, and finally changed to Duke of Geng.

So Feng An is now the Duke of Geng in the Tang Dynasty.

Feng Zhi or Feng Ang's third son had an eldest brother who died young before him, and his second brother Feng Zhidai, who had a younger brother behind him.

His younger brother is not famous, but his younger brother has a very famous grandson, that is, the great eunuch Gao Lishi who was famous in the Tang Dynasty, deeply trusted by Li Longji, and helped Li Bai take off his boots.

Yes, Gao Lishi's surname was not Gao. His original surname was Feng. Gao was changed to Gao later because he was still young when he first entered the court. He became a foster father to a great eunuch named Gao Yanfu and took his surname Gao Yanfu.

To be honest, this was obviously an insult to his great-grandfather and the family.

His great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Xian, and his great-grandfather, Feng Ang, were both famous figures. Not only did he become a eunuch, he also changed his surname, which was a disgrace to the family.

"Please get up quickly!"

The moment Feng An bent down, Li Yuanji quickly walked to Feng An's side and helped Feng An up.

"Ling Zu is a loyal member of our Han family, and Ling Grandma is also a woman who cannot be compared to men. Even though she was in exile, she was still loyal to our Han family and did not lose the prestige of our Han family.

As his descendant, you returned to the Han Dynasty after we, the Tang Dynasty, conquered the world.

Your Feng family's contribution to our Han Dynasty deserves everyone's admiration."

Li Yuanji helped Feng Ang stand up straight and spoke sincerely.

These words are from his heart and are not mixed with any water.

Feng was appointed as the prefect of Gaoliang during the generation of Feng Ang's grandfather Feng Bao, moved to Jiaozhou, and married Mrs. Xian, the leader of the local slang people, and established a firm foothold in Jiaozhou.

Under the management of generations, it became the overlord of Jiaozhou.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the Feng family's strength in Jiaozhou was almost catching up with Zhao Tuo during the Qin and Han Dynasties.

If Feng becomes independent, no one can stop him, and he may even have the chance to create a country even more powerful than the one founded by Zhao Tuo.

But Feng did not do this, but kept looking north at the Han Dynasty.

When the surrender letter written by Li Jing on behalf of Li Xiaogong arrived, it was handed over without much stumbling.

It can be seen from this that Feng is definitely an important minister of the Han Dynasty.

They may not be loyal to the person on the throne or to a certain surname, but they are absolutely loyal to their own nation.

With the shepherd dogs of later generations for comparison, this kind of person is simply a national treasure.

What is even more admirable is that Feng Ang’s grandmother, Mrs.

While he was alive, he sent his son to the Central Plains Dynasty several times to proclaim himself a minister, and even personally led the army to help Chen Guo, who ruled that area at that time, put down the rebellion in Guangzhou.

After the Chen Kingdom was destroyed, she was worshiped as a Holy Mother by the counties in Lingnan. As long as she nodded, she could become the real queen of Lingnan. But she didn't. After the Sui Dynasty destroyed the Chen Kingdom, she still sent her son

When he came to Sui Dynasty, he became a minister.

Although she has passed away now, her descendants still abide by the tone she set.

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