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Chapter 0883 I think, if I dare, I can win!

Li Yuanji is a good man. Hearing Chen Shuda's words, his expression immediately changed. He greeted Chen Shuda with an annoyed look: "Chen Aiqing is joking. You came at the right time. Please help me persuade Li Aiqing. He will go no matter what."

If you don't agree to conquer the Turks, you will die. I can't stop you, so I can only rely on you."

As soon as these words came out, not only Chen Shuda was stunned, but Li Jing was also stunned.

Chen Shuda stared at Li Yuanji suspiciously, his eyes filled with questions like 'Is this so?'

Li Jing felt a lump in his heart and wanted to vomit blood. His eyes widened slightly and he looked straight at Li Yuanji.

Your Highness! Isn’t that what you just said?!

You tell lies with your eyes wide open without any cover-up or avoid talking about the person involved?!


Chen Shuda walked to the center of the hall with a face full of questions.

Li Yuanji nodded without hesitation and winked at Li Jing.

Not to mention how depressed Li Jing was, but he had to cooperate with Li Yuanji. Who let Li Yuanji hold the hand of his destiny?

"Yes, now is a good time to conquer the Turks. If we miss this time, we may have to pay a heavy price if we want to conquer the Turks again in the future!"

Li Jing took a deep breath, tried to make his expression serious, and then spoke solemnly.

Li Yuanji nodded seriously again, as if "that's what Li Jing told me."

Chen Shuda did not doubt that he was there, put aside his doubts, walked to Li Jing and frowned: "Li Bingbu, how did you judge that now is a good time to conquer the Turks?"

Li Jing raised his head and said sternly: "Right now, Jieli and Sunis are fighting. Both sides are hurting. While they are both licking each other's wounds, the troops of the Western Turks have retreated to the west of the East Turks. They may give up their support to Jieli at any time. Tuyuhun Shi

Li Shiji set up an ambush to kill 10,000 reinforcements at Aries Road and captured more than 48,000 people. There was no energy left to rush to aid Jie Li.

Now the Turks are in the winter season. The roads are blocked by heavy snow, making it difficult for carriages and horses to move. The severe cold is raging, so the two sides have to stop fighting again.

But when spring begins next year, when the grass and trees turn green, the rivers thaw, and the cattle and sheep come to life, the two sides will start a new round of war.

By then, without the support of Western Turks and Tuyuhun, Jieli will probably fall into decline against Sunis."

Chen Shuda roughly guessed what Li Jing was going to say, and couldn't help but said: "We, the Tang Dynasty, can also give up providing various armaments and supplies to Sunisi, and at the same time, we can withdraw King Xiangyi and Duke Cao."

Li Jing shook his head slightly and said: "It's too late. After Suni lost two major defeats to Jieli, the situation has become a success, and the morale of the soldiers and horses under his command is strong. Even if we give up providing them with various armaments and baggage, we will withdraw to the King of Xiangyi

And Cao Gong, when next spring comes, Sunisu will still defeat Jieli again with great momentum.

On the other hand, Jieli's side, after gaining support from the Western Turks and Tuyuhun, not only failed to capture Sunishu, but suffered consecutive defeats at the hands of Sunishu, resulting in the loss of his own troops and the loss of both Western Turks and Tuyuhun.

Once the Western Turks and Tuyuhun tribes retreat, the morale of Jieli's troops may fall to the bottom.

When the time comes for Suni Chu to attack with great momentum, Jieli will most likely be completely defeated by Suni Chu.

Once Sunisu defeats Jieli and annexes all the soldiers and horses under Jieli's command, Sunisu will inevitably gain power in the East Turks and become the new khan of the East Turks.

At that time, what we need to face is a complete Turk, instead of the Turk divided into two like now."

Chen Shuda's brows suddenly furrowed even more tightly and he said: "I remember that Sunisu has never been Jieli's opponent. He only gained a firm foothold under Jieli after getting the support of the Tang Dynasty.

Once he loses the support of the Tang Dynasty, how can he be Jie Li's opponent?"

Li Jing shook his head and said: "Mr. Chen is not familiar with military affairs, so he doesn't know that the soldiers are fighting with a strong force. The strong ones attack the weak ones. Not only can they win in battle, but they can also defeat the strong with the weak. That's it."

Like the Battle of Kunyang in the New Han Dynasty.

If the weak attack the powerful, even if there are many soldiers and generals, there is a great possibility of being defeated, just like the battle of Hulao Pass in the fourth year of Wude.

At the moment, Suni is losing ground and Jieli is losing ground.

Therefore, Suni has a high probability of winning if he misses the target."

Li Jing said this very rudely, saying that Chen Shuda had no knowledge of military affairs and was a layman in military matters.

This statement is actually biased.

Chen Shuda was not incompetent in military affairs. On the contrary, he had an extremely good understanding of military strategies. When Chen died, he led troops to fight against the Sui army in Danyang. Although he did not win, he stopped the Sui from destroying Chen a few days ago.

When Li Yuan rebelled against the Sui Dynasty and led his army to attack Jiangjun, he also defended himself with troops. Although he surrendered in the end, his arrangement in Jiangjun was praised by Li Yuan.

He had never fought any big battles and had no reputation. In addition, he focused more on civil affairs, so his military talents were not outstanding. The successive kings did not want him to lead troops in wars, and kept him as a civil servant.

Therefore, it is accurate to say that he is not proficient in military strategy, but it is inaccurate to say that he is not proficient in military affairs.

However, Chen Shuda was not angry because of this, or even felt any dissatisfaction.

Because the person who said this is Li Jing.

A person who has already proven his military ability through various military exploits, a person with the talent of a commander, a military strategist who is not only qualified to say that the civil servants of the Tang Dynasty are not good at military affairs, but also that most of the military officials of the Tang Dynasty are not good at military affairs.


So when people say this, they are not humiliating people, but rather making a very fair comment.

Chen Shuda nodded and said seriously: "I am not familiar with military affairs, but I know that our Tang Dynasty is now in ruins and waiting for rebirth. It is a time to recuperate and recuperate. I rashly raised troops against the Turks and started a war. Tens of thousands of people and dozens of people were killed."

Thousands, or even millions, of people are involved in this, which is extremely detrimental to our country, the Tang Dynasty."

Li Jing stood up and argued: "How can it be disadvantageous?! The Turks are our great enemy of the Tang Dynasty. They have invaded our Datang Dynasty several times and have a blood feud with us.

Only by pacifying the Turks can we avenge this blood feud.

The Turks are also the biggest threat to the Tang Dynasty. If the Turks are not eliminated, the Tang Dynasty will be in trouble. The border residents of the Tang Dynasty must always be on guard against the Turks invading southward.

The poor people had to be constantly on guard against Turkic raids.

Therefore, the Turks must conquer."

Before Chen Shuda could speak, Li Jing said excitedly: "I don't know if Mr. Chen has been to the Turks, or whether he has seen what it was like for the people of the Tang Dynasty after they were plundered and moved to the Turks.

Anyway, I have been there and seen it.

It’s hard to describe it with just four words: horrific.

There are still 300,000 people of the Tang Dynasty in the Turks who need to be rescued.

If we were to leave a moment later, it is very likely that thousands or tens of thousands of them would have died tragically under the Turks' butcher's knives."

When Chen Shuda heard this, his brows almost wrinkled, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "There are really as many as 300,000 people?"

Chen Shuda knew very well how the people of the Tang Dynasty, or to be precise, the Han people lived after they were plundered and brought to the Turks.

He was the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty. Even though he had never been to the Turks, he knew the current situation inside the Turks through the documents sent back by Tang Jian and others during their missions.

I know that those Han people who were plundered by the Turks lived worse than cattle and horses.

The former Tang Dynasty was powerless and could not save them, so it could only look back and sigh.

He originally thought that after so many years, those people would have been slaughtered by the Turks, but he didn't expect that there were still 300,000 people alive.

It's not that he is cold-blooded and doesn't care about the lives of those people.

But he understood the way the Turks treated the Han people and knew that the Han people would not survive long in the hands of the Turks, so he had no expectations about how much the Han people would survive.

Now when he heard Li Jing say there were three hundred thousand, his heart began to beat.

Jumping wildly!

Li Jing took a deep breath, closed his eyes and lamented: "Since Emperor Yang failed in his three expeditions to Goguryeo, the Turks began to plunder southward. Now more than ten years have passed, and the Turks have almost robbed the people of more than a dozen states in the north.


Zhu Jie, Liu Heitao and others are also driving the people to deliver them to the Turks. Do you think the Turks have 300,000 people in their hands?"

Chen Shuda didn't know when he had clenched his fists and said with a heavy breath: "I heard that the Turks treat those people like cattle and horses. It has been so many years, and there are still 300,000 people alive?"

These words sounded harsh, but Li Jing knew that Chen Shuda was not cursing the death of those Han people, but that he did not have any expectations for the Turks and did not believe that the Turks would be merciful to those Han people.

Li Jing sighed and said: "In the past, Princess Yicheng and Empress Xiao protected each other, and later Yang Zhengdao persuaded them, and managed to save some people. However, after I raided the Turkic royal court, Jieli ordered people to drive them to a new place.

Gone to the north..."

Li Jing didn't say the rest.

The place where the Turks are located is already considered the north to the Tang Dynasty, and it is already a relatively bitter and cold place. The further north it will be, the more bitter and cold it will be, and the living environment will only be worse.

It was impossible for the Turks to be kind enough to provide those Han people with clothing to keep out the cold, so they could only rely on their bodies to resist the severe cold and various harsh living environments.

After two years, no one knows how much will be left.

That is to say, when Li Jing went to raid the Turkic Royal Court, he had a heavy responsibility. After the raid on the Turkic Royal Court, he had important things to send back. Otherwise, Li Jing would linger in the Turkic territory for a while, even if he could not save everyone.

People can also save some.

"Can this expedition against the Turks rescue them?"

Chen Shuda looked at Li Jing and said in a deep tone.

Li Jing said without hesitation: "One hundred thousand soldiers, all supplies of food and grass, come down with one drum!"

Looking at the annals of history, only Wang Jian, Han Xin, Huo Qubing and other people dared to make such bold statements before the war started.

Others have said so, but that's bragging.

People say it can really be done.

Wang Jian likes to use a large army to suppress the situation and use more troops to kill the enemy, so he dares to say such words.

Because he had the advantage in military strength from the moment he set off for the expedition.

Han Xin could fight and would fight. When he said such words, it meant that he was already sure of victory, so he dared to say such words.

Because when he spoke, he had already concocted the enemy in his mind.

Huo Qubing was different.

Huo Qubing simply thought, if I dare, I can win.

This chapter has been completed!
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