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0920 The first chapter resting fennel

Li Yuanji said in surprise: "So, my father had planned him more than ten years ago? The peace talks in the fourth year of Wude were the time to close the net?"

Li Shimin rolled his eyes and said: "Don't say it so harshly. What is planning and what is closing the net? My father was about to raise troops at that time. In order to prevent the Turks from suddenly rising and affecting his plan, in order to stabilize the Turks, he had to

Bow down to the Turks.

But you don’t know what your father’s temperament is?

Can he be subordinate to foreigners for the rest of his life?

It is reasonable for him to make some preparations to break away from the Turks in advance."

Li Yuanji looked at Li Shimin suspiciously and said: "But as far as I know, after my father started the army, the Turks still came, and they also entered Jinyang together with Gao Junya, Wang Wei and others.

If Li Gaoqian had not shown great power, defeated and captured Gao Junya and Wang Wei, and ruined their plan to besiege Jinyang, my father might have failed at that time."

This is completely inappropriate.

If Li Yuan had really appeased the Turks and negotiated with them, then there would be no way that the Turks would go back on their word.

After all, Li Yuan had already bowed down to the Turks. The Turks could use Li Yuan to get a glimpse of the Central Plains. There was no need to conspire with Gao Junya and Wang Wei to besiege Jinyang and eradicate Li Yuan.

This is completely against the interests of the Turks.

No matter how stupid Chuluo, the Turkic Khan at that time, was, he could not not support Li Yuan, one of his own, and go to support Gao Junya and Wang Wei to help Yang Guang fight against rebellion.

When Li Shimin heard this, he said angrily: "Have you forgotten that a major event happened in the Turks in the same year?"

Li Yuanji was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

In the same year that Li Yuan launched his army, the Turkic Chuluo Khan died and was succeeded by Jie Li.

The Turks suddenly changed hands, and it was natural for something to happen.

After all, every person in power has a governing philosophy.

What the previous person in power thinks is good may not be recognized by the next person in power.

The decree implemented by the previous person in power may not be continued by the person in power after that.

Chu Luo hopes to support Li Yuan to have a glimpse of the Central Plains, but Jie Li may not agree.

He may feel that the Turks are strong enough and can fully rely on their own strength to see the Central Plains without having to support anyone.

Therefore, it was reasonable for him to completely reject Chu Luo's plan after he took office.

However, even if he disagrees with Chu Luo's plan, there is no need to conspire with Gao Junya and Wang Wei to help Yang Guang rebel, right?

Was he kicked in the head by a donkey?!

Li Yuanji looked at Li Shimin strangely.

Li Shimin seemed to have guessed something, rolled his eyes and said: "Jieli had just ascended the throne, he was still very immature, and he had not yet fully controlled the authority given to him by Chu Luo.

In order to get Yicheng's support, he agreed to help Yicheng deal with us, but the condition is that Yicheng must support any decision he makes in his capacity as Koga Atsushi."

Li Yuanji understood immediately.

It turns out that Jie Li and Yi Cheng had a py transaction.

No wonder Xie Li made such a stupid decision.

In order to gain recognition and support from Yoshinori, the former, predecessor, and current Koga Atsushi, it was nothing to send tens of thousands of people out to fight.

This may seem ridiculous to the Central Plains people, but it may not be a big deal to the Turks.

After all, the Central Plains was in turmoil at that time, and the Turks would go south to clear grass valleys from time to time, with tens of thousands of troops dispatched each time.

Sending tens of thousands of people south to take care of Li Yuan is just like sending tens of thousands of people south to hunt grass and valleys. It is not an important matter.

It is estimated that the parties involved will not care whether the decision is correct or not and whether to implement it, but will be eager to try it.

It's a pity that they were unlucky. They met Li Gaoqian who was in the stage of liver disease at that time and were beaten violently.

Since then, Jie Li and Li Yuan have become enemies.

After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Jie Li repeatedly committed crimes, which may not have been due to his desire to regain his position.

"According to what you say, my father's humiliation in front of the Turks is in vain?"

Li Yuanji asked while suppressing a smile.

In fact, he didn't want to laugh, but he just couldn't help it.

Li Yuan had planned everything and arranged everything in place. Unexpectedly, Chu Luo suddenly disappeared and Jie Li took over.

This is God's will, God wants to plot against him.

He could only admit that he was unlucky.

Li Shimin rolled his eyes at Li Yuanji and said: "Who told you that my father was too young to be young? Didn't my father win a Turk Teller for you? In this situation, a Turk Teller took the initiative to join me.

You should know how great the benefits of the Tang Dynasty are."

When it came to Ashina Simo, Li Yuanji nodded sincerely.

With Ashina Simo as a golden horse bone, it would be much easier for the Tang Dynasty to recruit and surrender the Turks.

As long as a group of Turkic Tellers and Turkic chiefs saw that Ashina Simo had defected to the Tang Dynasty, and that the Tang Dynasty treated Ashina Simo well, the subsequent battle with the Tang Dynasty would not be so fierce.

, and will not risk everything to fight Datang to the end. When it is time to vote, he will vote without hesitation.

This is definitely a good thing for Datang.

This means that during the subsequent conquest of the Turks by the Tang Dynasty, they will not encounter too many fierce battles and will be able to conquer the Turks more easily.

However, this is somewhat contrary to his original intention of using Turks to train troops.

If the Turks no longer resist desperately, how can they train their troops?

It seems that the military training needs to be planned again.

"Come, Your Highness King Yong, try my craftsmanship."

While Li Yuanji and Li Shimin were talking, Ashina Simo had already roasted the mutton. The yellowed mutton had a rich aroma of meat and a hint of cumin, which whet your appetite.

"You actually have Parsley?"

Li Yuanji looked at Ashina Simo with some surprise.

No wonder Ashina Simo is so confident in his barbecue skills. It turns out he has this magical barbecue tool.

With this kind of barbecue artifact, I can't say Ashina Simo's barbecue skills dominate the grassland, but there is absolutely no problem in calling it the best on the grassland.

Cumin is actually a Uighur word, which people translated through transliteration.

Therefore, when cumin was first introduced to China, it was called Parthian celery or Parthian fennel.

Yes, you heard it right, the earliest people called cumin fennel.

The reason for this error is its name.

Because in the earliest times, people called fennel benzoin and cumin called benzoin.

Because there is a missing word, many people are confused about which is fennel and which is cumin.

Some people even regard the two species as one species.

It was not until the name cumin was introduced that people began to distinguish between these two species and two spices.

"His Royal Highness King Yong also knows about Anqin Qin?"

Ashina Simo seemed to have found a soulmate for a moment, and asked excitedly with his eyes wide open.

Li Yuanji took the leg of lamb that he had cut off from Ashina Simo, and nodded with a smile: "I know something... This thing is excellent for barbecue..."

Ashina Simo said happily: "It seems that His Highness King Yong really knows. When I was in Mobei, the tribesmen didn't like it, saying that it blocked the original flavor of mutton. Does His Highness King Yong think so too?"

Li Yuanji smiled and shook his head: "I think the mutton will be more delicious if it is added to it."

Ashina Simo was even happier and joyful. He couldn't help but get closer and said, "It seems that His Highness King Yong likes it as much as I do. I planted a lot of it in Mobei and will give you some back."

Li Yuanji was not polite, nodded and said with a smile: "Then I will be disrespectful."

Ashinasmo said happily: "From now on, I will give you some every year. If you want to grow it, I can also give you some slaves who can grow it."

Slave is a term that seems to be unique only in BC. It is quite natural for Ashina Simo to say it.

Although the Tang Dynasty had surpassed the Turks by several civilizations, there were still slaves.

It's just that the Tang Dynasty has gone beyond using its own people as slaves and started using prisoners of war as slaves.

Although the sale of human beings was not prohibited among the people of the Tang Dynasty, it was for those with lower household registrations than good ones.

For example, commoner citizenship.

In the Tang Dynasty, only those who made mistakes or whose ancestors made mistakes and were implicated would be demoted to common people.

Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary people to want fair treatment.

But no matter how poorly the common people of the Tang Dynasty lived, they were much better off than slaves.

Slaves have absolutely no human rights, while common people barely have some human rights.

If a slave is killed, he will be killed. If a commoner is killed, he will be fined.

As for a good citizen with a good family background, who dares to touch one of them?!

Do you believe that if you dare to betray good people, the local garrison will arrive at your door?

"That's better!"

Although Li Yuanji was not used to talking about slaves with others, he still smiled and responded to Ashina Simo's warm greeting.

When Ashina Simo heard this, he laughed even more heartily. He didn't know when he opened the wine bag that Zhao Chengyong had sent over. He started laughing and eating meat and drinking wine.


Li Yuanji handed Ashina Simo, who had fallen into carnival mode, to Li Shimin as his companion, and returned to Liang Luoren again.

"What, have you thought clearly?"

Li Yuanji sat next to Liang Luoren and handed him the leg of lamb in his hand.

Liang Luoren took the leg of lamb absentmindedly and took a tasteless bite before coming back to his senses, "What... does this taste like?"

Li Yuanji smiled and said: "Anxi Qin!"

Liang Luoren said subconsciously: "It covers the original flavor of the mutton and it doesn't taste good..."

Li Yuanji smiled faintly and didn't think there was anything strange about it.

Many new things are like this when they first spread among the people, and spices are the best among them.

Eating habits and tastes that have existed for hundreds or even thousands of years are not easy to change.

Even in later generations when everything is developed and people move very frequently, there are still many people who cannot adapt to local food, eating habits and tastes after going to other places.

In the Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago, this kind of thing was even more obvious.

There are different styles in three miles, and different customs in ten miles.

The customs and customs of each village may not be the same, and eating habits will naturally vary.

Hundreds of thousands of miles apart, the gap is even greater.

The mobility of personnel in Datang is very low, and the eating habits and tastes of most people may not change throughout their lives. They are not adaptable to new things and are slow to accept new things, which is understandable.

Turks and Tang people have been eating salt-roasted barbecue for many years. Cumin has not been introduced for a long time and has spread in a small area. It is reasonable for many people not to like it.

This chapter has been completed!
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