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Chapter 0956 Ask Li Yuan to worship his ancestors

Historically, it seems that this is what he did, and the Western Turks only began to split after his death.

Therefore, if the Tang Dynasty conquered Tuyuhun in the West under the command of Dayan Mangjiebo, there was no need to worry about him sending troops, and there was no need to worry about Tibet sending troops. As for the Turks.

He is about to become a part of the Tang Dynasty. Can the Tang Dynasty send troops to stop him?

Li Shimin said with a deep look: "Having said that, we have to be careful. Neither Nangri Songtsan nor Tong Yehu will do things according to our wishes."

Li Yuanji did not argue with Li Shimin, nor did he tell everything he knew. Instead, he said very submissively: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Li Shimin thought about it and said: "Take Chai Shao to be the chief marching officer of Longyou Road, and then in the name of returning home to worship our ancestors, let Qu Tutong, Liu Hongji, Shi Wanbao, Huang Junhan and others go to worship our ancestors on our behalf."

Li Yuanji pondered and said: "Once there are changes in Tuyuhun, Chai Shao will be the commander and Qu Tutong will be the commander-in-chief of the march?"

Li Shimin nodded slowly.

Li Yuanji said thoughtfully: "It's a good suggestion. Let Chai Shao go. It's just a matter of returning to your hometown to worship your ancestors. It's not something you and I can decide."

Li Yuan is still alive now. It is up to Li Yuan to decide whether to return to his hometown and whether to pay homage to his ancestors.

After all, Li Yuan is now the clan leader of the Li clan, and only he can make the decision to worship ancestors on behalf of the entire Li clan.

Moreover, although Qu Tutong and others have high status, they are still not qualified to go to Longyou to worship the ancestors of the Li family as the chief priest. The Li family has to send an important person as the chief priest to follow.

And this important person must be a direct bloodline.

The two of them are now in Lingzhou, presiding over the overall situation of the Tang Dynasty's conquest of the Turks, and it is impossible for them to go to Longyou.

It is impossible for Li Jiancheng to be released, so the only ones who can worship their ancestors as direct bloodlines are Li Chengqian, Li Tai, and Li Chengde.

The problem is that Li Tai and Li Chengde are too young to travel long distances.

Only Li Chengqian could barely go.

But look at the entourage Li Shimin assigned to Li Chengqian.

They were all people who had connections with the Prince of Qin's Palace in the past, but Fang Xuanling and Yu Zhining, who were both from the Prince of Qin's Palace, were still in Longyou.

If you want to do something, wouldn't it be easy?

When Li Shimin heard this, he rolled his eyes and said, "Can you stop thinking people are so evil? Can't you be the leader of ancestor worship? As long as you say you want to send people to worship ancestors, I don't believe my father will stop you.

Even if you take the opportunity to ask your father for my position as the leader of the Li clan, my father will happily hand it over to you.

You're just worried that Cheng Qian will do something bad to you after he goes to Longyou, so that's why you said that."

Li Yuanji also rolled his eyes at Li Shimin and said indifferently: "Since you know this, you still recommend Qu Tutong and others to accompany you?"

Li Shimin said angrily: "Then who among the people in Chang'an City right now do you think is suitable?"

Li Yuanji pretended to think for a moment and said: "Yu Wenbao?"

Li Shimin was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and said angrily: "You want to inherit Qian's life!"

Who is Yu Wenbao?

Li Yuanji gave an order, even Li Yuan could kill someone, would he care about a mere Li Chengqian?

On the way to worship his ancestors, he told Li Chengqian to kill him.

Even if they were later investigated and all three of Yu Wenbao's clans were wiped out, it would not help.

Li Yuanji chuckled and said: "I'm teasing you, let's let father go. It's time for father to make some moves."

Li Yuan was also an emperor on horseback. During the Tang Dynasty's conquest of Tuyuhun, if anything happened, Li Yuan could easily handle it.

Even though he is a pervert now, indulging in wine and sex all day long, when Datang really needs his help, he will not lose his temper at all.

Being able to be civilized and martial is the most basic thing.

It can be said that no one in the current Li Tang clan, from the emperor to the child, is a waste, and they can withstand critical moments.

Those dandies who received re-education in the Tanshan Literary Museum were sent to the battlefield one by one. They were also good players who could ride a big horse and use a big bow.

The reason why there were a lot of wastes after two generations was not that the Li Tang clan could not educate people and could not raise outstanding people, but that the second generation emperor Li Shimin did not like having outstanding people in the clan, so the clan members deliberately raised the clan's children to become wastes.

That's all.

Therefore, no matter which dynasty or period in history, whether it is the clan or the noble family, there will be a lot of waste, not because there is a problem with the education in the clan or the noble family, but because the people in power need them to be waste, they

It's just trying hard to become what the people in power want.

After all, in the era of the feudal dynasty, whether it was the clan or the nobles, they all had top-level resources. If they really wanted to train their descendants well, they would have all the familiar figures and talented people in history.

If they can be invited to teach their children at home, how can their children become waste?

Therefore, they are abolished because those in power need them, but they are not really abolished.

"Let father go?"

Li Shimin stared in disbelief.

Li Yuan has been in Chang'an City, to be precise, he has stayed in Tai Chi Palace for several years and has not moved. He only leaves Tai Chi Palace and Chang'an City to escape the summer heat every year. Apart from that, most of them

All time is in the Tai Chi Palace.

Li Yuan is already familiar with the home life in Tai Chi Palace, and he may not be happy if he is asked to move.

Besides, Li Yuanji is a son and the master of me. Li Yuan knows that it is already very good if he doesn't jump, so how can he let him get his wish?

Li Yuanji nodded and said lightly: "Anyway, my father has nothing to do when he is free. Indulging in alcohol and sex all day long is not good for his health. It is also good for him to let him go out for a walk."

Li Shimin's eyes widened even more. Are you sure you don't want to usurp the throne and want your father to help you make room?

"What, you don't want your father's health to get better?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Seeing Li Shimin staring and not speaking, Li Yuanji asked with a half-smile.

Li Shimin quickly shook his head.

How could he admit such words? Once he did, it would be unfilial.

He has nothing now. If he is not filial, then he is really not far away from being imprisoned.

He would not die if he died, because Li Yuan could not eat his son. Even though he wanted to kill him ferociously, the knife did not fall on him in the end.

Although Li Yuanji liked to taunt him, bicker with him, and compete with him, he had no intention of killing him.

But for him, a man with political ambitions, being completely imprisoned is no different than being killed.

"Do you think father will agree?"

Li Shimin hesitated and said: "With my father's current status, once he leaves Chang'an for a long journey, the only thing he can do is to become Zen."

After all, with Li Yuan's current status, it is not easy to travel to Chang'an City.

If it weren't for Feng Chan, no matter what he did, it would be a waste of time and money.

No matter how afraid of Li Yuan the censors at the Yushitai were, they would frantically impeach the matter and make Li Yuan take back his life.

The vast majority of officials in both the government and the opposition will also stop it.

There was no other reason. If the emperor was allowed to leave the palace, he would not be able to clearly see how they governed the Tang Dynasty. If problems were discovered, they would have to kill everyone.

Therefore, in addition to safety issues, the reason why most emperors in history lived in the palace all their lives was due to this reason.

None of the officials wanted the emperor to see with his own eyes what the various places were like, because in that case, everything they did would not be hidden.

"Why didn't you agree? I gave my father an excuse to go out for a walk, but it was too late for him to be happy."

Li Yuanji said nonchalantly.

Li Shimin couldn't help but said: "But the people at Yushitai will stop it, and the officials may also stop it."

Li Yuanji gave Li Shimin a strange look and said, "When did we, father and son, need to listen to the words of the officials and act based on their faces?"

Who is a powerful person in power who doesn’t push hundreds of officials to the ground and rub them, but can still be manipulated by hundreds of officials?

Only those who are cowardly in power and those with dirty butts will be manipulated by the officials.

In history, why was Wei Zheng able to force Li Shimin to cover his beloved bird to death? Was it really because Li Shimin was afraid of Wei Zheng?

What a joke.

It's because Li Shimin's butt is dirty.

If he loses his ambition by playing with things, Wei Zheng can reveal all the scandalous things he has done and make him lose face.

He muffled his beloved bird to death because of his own dignity, not because he was afraid of Wei Zheng.

Therefore, for those in power today, the opinions of officials are equal to no opinions.

Li Yuan captured the country on horseback, and he was never merciless when killing people. No one dared to say that he was in an unfair position or to expose his scandal.

As long as Li Yuanji does not sit in that position for a day, he will not be stained for a day. As for the reselling of officials and titles in Luoyang in the past, everyone was involved. He is not a person with no flaws like Li Gang, and he is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks on this matter.

Moreover, even if a flawless person like Li Gang stood up and spoke out, it would not have any impact.

A prince is reselling the position of his subordinate officials, which is equivalent to appointing his own subordinate officials. And Li Yuanji has always had this qualification since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, so there is nothing to criticize, let alone


At most, it's just that they don't follow the rules and charge money, which is detrimental to personal ethics.

The question is, as long as you are not the emperor, what does it matter if you damage your personal ethics?

You can't ask everyone in the clan to become moral saints, right?

In that case, do you believe that the entire clan will unite to send you to the underworld?

Li Shimin was stunned and said dryly: "Yes, you and your father don't have to listen to the officials' words and act based on their faces. But if the officials insist on stopping you, it's hard for your father to forcefully rush to Longyou."

Li Yuanji vowed: "I will warn all officials, I believe they will not stop it."

Li Shimin was silent for a moment.

He felt that Li Yuanji was showing off to him, showing off how solid his foundation was, showing off how high his prestige among officials was. a>vas>div>Scan the QR code to download Red Sleeves and Xiaoxiang to give out benefits for newcomers for free for a limited time.

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