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Chapter 0962 Either bad or ignorant

What else could the Sima of the Lingzhou Army and the doctor of the Ministry of Civil Affairs say? They could only lower their heads and say 'yes'.

After all, when the leader says that you are wrong, then you are wrong. If you think you are right and you have to argue with the leader, then the leader will not only make you realize that you are really wrong, but also make you start from now on.

If you lose room for upside in the future, your room for downside may be infinitely reduced.

Although the Sima of the Lingzhou Army and the doctor of the Ministry of Civil Affairs also knew some martial arts and were even proficient in the art of war, they were mainly penmen and quick-minded. If they could not even understand this, their lives would have been in vain.

"Since the errand has not been done properly, let's go down and do it properly."

Li Yuanji waved his hands carelessly, as if he had let go of the Sima of the Lingzhou Army and the doctor of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

The Sima of the Lingzhou Army and the doctor of the Ministry of Civil Affairs bowed together to express their thanks.

Li Shimin's mouth kept twitching, and he couldn't help but say: "You are really looking more and more like a superior..."

Li Yuanji heard that Li Shimin was mocking him for becoming more and more shameless, and immediately asked: "Are you saying that the higher you are, the less shameless you are?"

Li Shimin shook his head almost without hesitation.

He wanted to admit this, but he couldn't.

Because the most powerful person in the Tang Dynasty was his father.

If he admits this, doesn't that mean he calls his father shameless?

With Li Yuan's temperament, a severe beating is inevitable.

Although Li Yuan has no taboos about drinking and sex, and regards face as nothing, in other aspects, Li Yuan cares about face.

The man named Wu Qiwang insulted him once, and he still feels resentful about it.

When it comes to attacking and weakening the five surnames and seven hopes, he pounces faster than anyone else.

Therefore, Li Shimin would never accept the saying that "the higher you are, the less shameful you are."

He had originally lost all his impression points in front of Li Yuan, but now he finally regained a few points. Li Yuan no longer yelled at him to kill him. If he lost it again, then he would not be able to move around freely, could he?

Living your old age peacefully in the depths of the Forbidden Palace is a problem.

"I'm talking about you, don't talk nonsense!"

Li Shimin said angrily.

Li Yuanji smiled and said: "Then let's not talk about this matter. Let's talk about how to deal with those cattle, sheep and horses, and how to deal with the Turks who have surrendered."

There is not much to say when it comes to dealing with cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock.

As long as there is a way to solve the problem, just do it.

But when it comes to dealing with the issue of surrendered Turks, we have to discuss it carefully.

There are currently three types of Turks captured by the Tang Dynasty. One type is prisoners of war captured on the battlefield. This type of Turks are now captives and will be incorporated into slaves in the future and sold to various places in the Tang Dynasty.

Serve as labor force.

One type was those who surrendered to the Tang Dynasty during the war with the Tang Dynasty. This type of Turks are also captives today. However, their willingness to surrender is different from those who were captured on the battlefield, so they must be treated differently.

There is also a type of Turks who surrendered to the Tang Dynasty before the Tang Dynasty conquered them. This type of Turks cannot be counted among the prisoners and need to be treated differently.

What needs to be discussed now is how to deal with the latter two types of Turks.

Li Yuanji's idea was to move the last Turkic nobles to the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty, allow them to retain all their property, retain their noble status, and allow them to settle down in the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty.

The purpose of this was to eliminate the brains among the Turks and make the Turks completely lose their minds, so as to facilitate the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

The remaining Turks were organized into ten or even dozens of legions, led by Turkic nobles who were close to the Tang Dynasty and the lieutenants of the Tang Dynasty, and together they opened up territory for the Tang Dynasty.

As for the second type of Turks, you have to find a way to get rid of the nobles among them. Whether it is frame-up, assassination or poisoning, kill them all as soon as possible, and organize the remaining people into a legion and let them serve as servants.

They can also be used as cannon fodder when necessary.

Anyway, this is how the Turks treated their own people. They could accept it when the Tang Dynasty used them as cannon fodder and servants.

People who grow up in bitter cold places have stronger toughness and patience than people from other places.

This does not mean that they carry these things in their genes, but it is an ability given to them by their region.

So it can't be said to be an innate advantage, but it's not much different from an innate advantage.

Of course, this type of people are far more wild than people in other places.

Therefore, it is more difficult to control, and they will rebel from time to time, so be prepared to suppress them.

The formal regiment composed of Turks was the first sword to suppress them.

The elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were responsible for guarding them were the second handle, the border troops of the Tang Dynasty were the third handle, and the Tang Dynasty itself was the fourth handle.

With these four knives, those Turks who disobey discipline and often rebel can start trouble anytime and anywhere, but they will never become a problem.

As long as the Tibetan generals in the official regiments do a good job in ideological work, and let them do a good job in the ideological work of the soldiers under their command, they will rarely be affected by the various remarks of the rebels.

And when they wielded their swords against the rebels, they would be more ruthless than the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

Just like the traitors of later generations, when they treat the masters they take refuge in, they will beg for mercy. Even if their masters shit and urinate on their heads, they will say it is delicious, but they will treat their own people more seriously.

They punched and sometimes used more cruel methods than their masters.

Therefore, most of the time it is your own people who hurt you the most.

Outsiders will destroy your body more, but your own people will destroy your body and soul together.

Therefore, using Turks as the first yoke to restrain the Turks is definitely the best choice.

However, these are Li Yuanji's thoughts alone, and the specifics need to be discussed with Li Shimin.

This is determining a country's governance strategy for newly conquered territories, it is also determining the direction of a nation, and it is also determining the future of a nation.

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Of course, as the leader of the Tang Dynasty, when considering the consequences, he would only consider the various consequences that the Tang Dynasty would bear. As for the rest, we will wait until everyone in other places becomes Tang people.

People in other places have not become Tang people, and a person in power of the Tang people has to worry about this person and that person. Isn’t that just because he is full?

If your own country is not well taken care of or managed well, you will point fingers at other countries.

Isn't that a brain disease?

Although the common people like to discuss this kind of topic the most, they like to see the suffering of people in other countries while they live and work in peace and contentment.

But those are the common people.

How can you, a person in power, think about issues from the perspective of the common people?

What you come into contact with and what you can decide are all things that can really affect the overall situation of the country and the situation of other countries.

It is not accessible to the common people.

Naturally, we cannot say what we think or do like ordinary people.

However, this kind of preference of the people cannot be obliterated, let alone suppressed. It must be encouraged and promoted.

Because it is these people who obviously have no contact with national affairs, but always talk about national affairs, who will come forward in times of crisis.

They care, they discuss, it shows that they care.

Only when they care will they fight for the country.

When that day comes, they no longer care or discuss it, then no one will fight for the country.

So those who say they care about national affairs and discuss national affairs are all low-level people who have accomplished nothing.

This is bullshit.

When the country is really in crisis, these people will really do it, and 99% of those who ridicule them will not do it.

More importantly, those who care about and discuss national affairs not only have a bottom, but also a top.

Could it be that those who stand at the top of the country, or even the world, are also people who have accomplished nothing?

So those who are sarcastic are either bad or ignorant.

Li Shimin did not have such far-reaching ideas, because in this era, no one thought about it, and no one listened to what the people at the bottom thought, so Li Shimin simply asked about the issue of dealing with the Turks: "What do you think?


Li Yuanji roughly stated his thoughts.

Li Shimin frowned and said, "Aren't you going to establish a Protectorate?"

Li Yuanji slowly shook his head.

Li Shimin's son Li Zhi and several emperors of the Tang Dynasty after Li Zhi helped verify the establishment of the Protectorate.

It has a certain effect, but it treats the symptoms but not the root cause. New tribes and new forces will still emerge on the grassland, and they will take advantage of the civil strife in the Central Plains to grow rapidly, and finally become a threat to the Central Plains, and even invade the Central Plains and occupy the Central Plains.


Therefore, we must think of a permanent solution.

Li Yuanji could only think of two ways. One was to integrate through culture and slowly turn the Turks, Tuyuhun people, Tubo people, etc. into Han people.

One is to find a way to get rid of all the men from the Turks, Tuyuhun, and Tubo, move the Tang people over, let the Tang people take root, and turn the grasslands and the Central Plains into one bloodline.

The former was so slow to take effect that it took thousands of years in history.

Li Yuanji did not think that if he adopted this strategy, he would be able to see the Turks, Tuyuhun people, Tubo people, etc. become Tang people in his lifetime.

The latter will have faster results, but it will take a lot of hard work for the men of the Tang Dynasty.

Some people who settled on the grasslands, or those who traveled between the grasslands and the Central Plains, were destined to marry several wives.

I'm afraid a pair of kidneys will become useless after thirty or forty years of use.

But twenty or thirty years later, when their seeds bloomed everywhere, and when the population of Tang Dynasty increased several times or even ten times.

The Tang Dynasty could completely occupy and digest the grassland.

After all, once the Tang people, with the Tang Dynasty as their backing, learned how to be nomadic and occupied all the nomadic places, the grassland people would never have a chance to rise again.

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