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【1294】Mining ditch in distress (6)

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan thought that the giant dragon "wanted" two snake teeth to use in a life-and-death struggle with a group of giant centipedes on the opposite side...

Hua Yue hugged the tentacles on the giant dragon's head tightly, gritted her teeth, and did not dare to relax her strength at all. She knew that she had caused a big disaster.

The giant dragon didn't seem to complain about Hua Yue. It kept swinging its huge body and struggled with the giant centipedes around it.

There was darkness ahead, and Hua Yue couldn't see Ma Xiao's whereabouts at all, but from the loud shouts coming from the front from time to time, Hua Yue knew that Ma Xiao was alive.

With a "Pfft" sound, a big centipede bit the giant dragon's body fiercely. If it weren't for the scales on its body, I'm afraid a piece of flesh would have been torn off from the giant dragon's body.

The giant dragon rolled over, and its huge body pressed the centipede hard under him. Only a few "click, click, click" sounds were heard. The giant dragon used its own weight advantage to successfully crush the big centipede into a

Got "centipede cake".

The rustling around me gradually subsided, and after about ten breaths, the rustling had completely disappeared.

The giant dragon also stopped twisting, but its pair of big red eyes like lamps did not relax, and kept shaking to look for leaks.

Hua Yue also opened her eyes. The skin on her palms had been scratched by the tentacles of the giant dragon. When the giant dragon rolled just now, her clothes were also in tatters.

This time, Hua Yue no longer screamed or complained. She gritted her teeth tightly and listened quietly to the sounds in front of her.


Ma Xiaoquan stood on a huge rock, using his left fist and right leg to fight off the incoming centipedes. If he hadn't used his gravity superpower, he might not have been able to hit a centipede even if it rushed towards him.

Retreat, because even a centipede weighs more than 100 kilograms, not to mention the dense rustling sound under Ma Xiaoquan's feet, which is enough to prove that there are too many centipedes.

"Damn it!" Ma Xiaoquan cursed and shook his arm that was numb from the beating. The two giant dragon teeth in his hand were covered with sticky liquid.

The teeth of the giant dragon were really sharp and could actually pierce the shells of these centipedes. m..com The centipedes seemed to feel the threat of the teeth of the giant dragon in Ma Xiaoquan's hand. After several waves of unsuccessful attacks, the centipedes temporarily stopped.

Come down.

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan noticed something strange. He pricked up his ears and listened quietly. The rustling under his feet now turned into "time and time".

"It's broken." Ma Xiaoquan was secretly shocked. Such sounds were clearly those centipedes discussing a new attack plan.

He raised his head and looked ahead. Although it was dark, Ma Xiaoquan could feel that there was something he needed in front of him.

"No, I can't move forward with just gravity superpower. I'm standing on the rock now because I'm afraid that these centipedes will come out of the ground and sneak up on my lower body... Hmm"

Ma Xiaoquan regretted it very much. He should have eaten all those super capsules if he had known it. But now, Manchu only has one gravity super power and is still half-assed. Even if he is not killed by a centipede, he will probably be exhausted in the end.

Exhausted to death.

"Well" Ma Xiaoquan took a deep breath to calm down. Instead of complaining, he might as well think about any other good solutions while the centipedes were communicating.

At this moment, Yuan's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Ma Xiaoquan, do you want your life?"

Ma Xiaoquan was slightly stunned, and then responded happily: "Yuan, you're awake, great, hurry up, restore your fire control ability to me."

"Ma Xiaoquan, please calm down first. I just feel that your life is under extreme threat, but I can't help you recover your fire control ability..."

"Why? Aren't you awake?"

"Yes, I just felt that your life was threatened, so I woke up. I haven't recovered yet. Ma Xiaoquan, if you die, I will die with you. Even if I can wake up again, it will take too much time."

Too long..."

"Then what should I do? There are so many centipedes now, and I only have Ruan Longfei's gravity superpower. I'm still half-assed. I can defend but I can't attack at all. How can I fight them?"

"Ma Xiaoquan, I can't help you recover completely, but I can help you recover temporarily..."


"Yes, for the time being, Ma Xiaoquan, well you only have time for one stick of incense. If you can't finish it within one stick of incense, then we both have to explain here today."

"Okay, I get it"

"By the way, Ma Xiaoquan, I want to remind you that Ruan Longfei's gravity superpower can change his weight to the lightest level. You are worried about those centipedes coming out of the ground to attack you, so you stand on a hard rock. What do you do?

Very good, what I want is that you can fly with the help of the gravity field and your fire control ability..."

"Fly?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment and asked, "This ability to fly...I seem to have seen Yaoyao fly, um, and...Yuan, can I fly too?"

"Yao Yao is Ma Xiaoquan's teammate in Extreme Forces and Ruan Longfei's girlfriend. Her superpower is gravity and Ruan Longfei's complete restraint.

"Humph, of course, because you are the strongest, but of course, the premise is that you must get my complete body, that is, get back the space soul part..."

Ma Xiaoquan gave a bitter smile: "Soul of space? If I had a soul of space, do you think I would still stand on this rock waiting to die? I could have teleported a few times earlier."

"Okay, no more nonsense, Ma Xiaoquan, listen up, you can fly because you use the gravity field to the limit. To put it simply, you reduce your weight to the lightest, and then you can fly through

Blow and it's time to fly..."

"What, you're blowing yourself up and flying? Damn it, I thought I was like Yaoyao. I've been making trouble for a long time and it's so simple. Okay, ok, ok, I'm convinced, I'm convinced, okay, there's no other way, I have to

Now, what if that centipede jumps up and attacks me?"

"Don't worry, I'm not done yet. In addition to your own weight being at its lightest, you also need to maximize the gravity field within three meters of your body. This way, even if those centipedes can jump up, they will definitely get closer.

Of course, you can’t forget your flame field.”

"Oh, I understand, it's just that..."

"I understand, Ma Xiaoquan, this requires you to use your abilities to the extreme. I can't help you with this. No more nonsense. I will temporarily help you recover your fire control ability."

As soon as Yuan's transmission ended, Ma Xiaoquan felt his whole body begin to heat up.

"Uh-huh." Ma Xiaoquan was still a little uncomfortable with the sudden return of his long-lost ability. His upper body clothes were instantly burned to ashes by the scorching heat.

"That...that's..." Hua Yue, who was standing on the giant dragon's head, suddenly saw the light of the fire. He took a closer look and saw that in the light of the fire was Ma Xiaoquan with his upper body covered.

"Ma Xiaoquan, he...he's on fire..." Hua Yue covered her mouth in surprise, her heart was filled with despair. In her opinion, Ma Xiaoquan had fallen prey to those centipedes.

The giant dragon whined twice, and its giant red eyes stared at Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan stood on the rock, feeling the pleasure brought by the flames flowing through his body, and couldn't help laughing.

"It's refreshing, it's so refreshing... Centipedes, let's die, haha" Ma Xiaoquan shouted and jumped off the rock and went straight to the centipedes.

Centipedes don't like light, and naturally they are afraid of heat. Before Ma Xiaoquan got close, the burning sensation had already forced the centipedes to retreat, and some centipedes simply burrowed into the ground.

Ma Xiaoquan took a deep breath, shouted loudly, and heard a "bang" sound, and some centipedes that had just burrowed into the ground were shaken out by him.

Hua Yue's eyes almost stared straight. She absolutely couldn't believe the scene she saw in front of her. She thought that Ma Xiaoquan's inexplicable burning was caused by those centipedes, but now she saw a "burning man" with his upper body bare.

Hua Yue didn't know how to describe her feelings as she jumped among the centipedes to kill them.

"Gulu gulu..." The giant dragon under Hua Yue's feet suddenly made a sound. Hua Yue's head responded to the giant dragon. It seemed that the giant dragon was also surprised by Ma Xiaoquan's "mutation", but the sound coming from it

Judging from the grunting sound, the giant dragon seems to be very happy.


Ma Xiaoquan, who had the ability to control fire, was like a god of death. He rushed into the centipede group several times and burned all the centipedes he could see.

Just when Ma Xiaoquan was proud, a sharp and strange cry suddenly sounded from behind the centipede group. The centipedes, who were still in a mess, suddenly turned green and rushed towards Ma Xiaoquan desperately.

"What's going on?" Ma Xiaoquan was startled and quickly changed his weight, jumping lightly and jumping four to five meters high.

The mutated centipedes jumped into the air and raised their heads one after another and began to jump.

The centipede's body bones are very soft, and if it bounces with half-hunched body, it can jump several times higher than itself.

How could Ma Xiaoquan dare to neglect him? He kept blowing downwards, and his body kept rising and rising. However, despite this, there were still a few centipedes that almost reached him.

Ma Xiaoquan threw out several flames, and the flames rushed to the ditch wall, forming stars of fire, and the mine ditch suddenly became bright.

With the help of this temporary light, Ma Xiaoquan finally saw the rear of the centipede swarm clearly.

"Good guy, so big?" Ma Xiaoquan was shocked when he saw the rear. It turned out that at the end of this group of giant centipedes, there was an even bigger centipede. This centipede was almost three times the size of the centipede in front.

, the tentacles on the head and the constantly biting jaws are also scarlet, and the body color of the largest centipede is also bright red.

This chapter has been completed!
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