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【1446】The pain of losing a child (2)

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan obtained a new official position...

Feng'er turned his head, glanced at Ma Xiaoquan, then stood up, stretched out his little hand and rushed towards Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan knelt down, picked up his son, and kissed his little face hard.

"Dad" Feng'er was very attached to Ma Xiaoquan. He put his two little hands around Ma Xiaoquan's neck and kept shaking him.

"Feng'er, be good. Dad is going to the palace to meet the emperor, and Feng'er is going to play with his great-grandmother, Mrs. Ma, okay?"

"Well," the little guy rolled his eyes, looking like he was thinking. After a moment, the little guy pouted, stretched out his little hand, and said to Ma Xiaoquan, "Okay, but daddy has to go home quickly, go home quickly, uh uh, pull the hook."


"Haha, okay, pull the hook!" Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his little finger and pulled the hook with his son.

Putting his son down, Ma Xiaoquan patted his little head gently, and the child jumped happily to find his great-grandmother.

Master Huang said with envy: "It's really good."

Ma Xiaoquan laughed, patted Mr. Huang on the shoulder, and said: "Sir Huang, you are so complimentary. I heard that Mr. Huang's daughter-in-law has given birth to two boys. She is much better than me!"

"Haha, where is it?" Master Huang shook his head modestly.

"Okay, no more talking, Mr. Huang, then I will go to the palace." Ma Xiaoquan nodded.

"Okay, okay," Mr. Huang nodded, "I'll go out with you!"

The two went out and walked side by side for a while. When they reached a fork in the road, Master Huang said: "Brother Ma, I will go home from here."

"Eh? Isn't that right?" Ma Xiaoquan said in surprise, "Master Huang, isn't your home this way? How could you take that road?"

"Hey, don't mention it. My useless son recently owed a debt. I have to pay it back. Hey, it's true."

Ma Xiaoquan did not doubt Master Huang's words, because his son was indeed not very good at what he said. He spent a lot of time and alcohol, was uneducated and had no skills, which really troubled Master Huang's mind.

"That's OK, that's OK, go ahead. Well, do you have enough money?" Ma Xiaoquan said, taking out a 100-tael banknote from his pocket and handing it to Mr. Huang.

"Ouch, brother Ma, this is absolutely impossible. I only owe two taels. Besides, I have some here too."

"Eh? Mr. Huang, you are out of touch now. I am giving you this money not just for your son. I heard that your concubine gave birth to another son for you. Didn't I never go to see you?

Bring a small gift first, and make up for it with a big gift later, haha!" After that, Ma Xiaoquan forced the silver ticket in his hand to Mr. Huang.

"Brother Ma, you..." Before Mr. Huang could finish his words, Ma Xiaoquan had already turned away.

Mr. Huang held the banknote given by Ma Xiaoquan in his hand and was very confused.

"Brother Ma, I can't help you, but if I don't do this, my whole family will..."


After Ma Xiaoquan came out of the palace, he happily hummed a little tune and walked home. Halfway through, a servant of the Ma family suddenly jumped out and stopped Ma Xiaoquan.

"What's wrong?" Ma Xiaoquan asked, seeing the panic expression on the servant's face.

"Fourth Young Master, no...it's not good, the Fourth Young Master Feng'er is missing!"

"What?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned and grabbed the servant's shoulder, "Feng'er is missing? How is this possible?"

"Fourth Young Master, yes, the Fourth Young Master is really missing. We searched for him for several times but couldn't find him."

"Quick, go home and take a look!" After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan ran home.

As soon as she entered the house, she saw Mrs. Ma pacing anxiously.

"Grandma!" Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward to support Mrs. Ma and asked, "Grandma, Feng'er is missing?"

Mrs. Ma nodded sadly.

"I asked Feng'er to come and play with you, did he go?"

Mrs. Ma nodded and said: "Feng'er is here, but before he stayed for a while, he started to make noises and play. It happened that Master Huang came at this time. You were not here, so I greeted Huang.

Sir, who would have thought that when Yi regained consciousness, Feng'er was already gone."

Ma Xiaoquan dragged his chin and said, "Master Huang? Grandma, are you talking about Huang Da?"


"Why is he here again?" Ma Xiaoquan narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Quan'er, what should I do? Feng'er is gone. How can I explain this to Qinghan? Wuwu..." Mrs. Ma said, regretting and started to cry.

Ma Xiaoquan comforted Mrs. Ma: "Grandma, I can't blame you for this. Feng'er is clamoring to play, so he shouldn't be able to run far, but Huang Da is here again... There's something fishy about this."

While talking, Li Qinghan came back.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so sad?" Li Qinghan didn't know his son was missing, so he came over to ask with concern.

Mrs. Ma was about to speak when Ma Xiaoquan stopped her and said, "Qinghan, there is something I want to tell you. Come over here."

Ma Xiaoquan pulled Li Qinghan to the corner, and the two talked quietly.

"Pa" Li Qinghan suddenly raised his hand and slapped Ma Xiaoquan hard, and then her face turned livid.

Ma Xiaoquan did not refute, but just assured: "Qinghan, I will definitely find my son, I will!"

Li Qinghan pushed Ma Xiaoquan aside and led a group of believers out of the door.

Mrs. Ma walked up to Ma Xiaoquan and asked, "Quan'er, what's wrong with you?"

Ma Xiaoquan held Mrs. Ma's hand and said, "Grandma, don't worry, it's okay. Feng'er will definitely find her. Don't worry too much."

"But Quan'er..."

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and interrupted Mrs. Ma: "Grandma, don't worry, Feng'er is a little guy, he's jumping around, he can run anywhere, I'll have my men search the whole city of Beijing, and I'll definitely find him."

"Well, okay then, I'll look for it with you!"

"Grandma!" Ma Xiaoquan pressed Mrs. Ma's hand, "You are older and it is less convenient for us young people to move around. In this way, you will stay at home. If there is any news, I will send someone back to report to you.

All right?"

"Oh well"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and led all his men out of Ma's house.


Ma Xiaoquan arrived at the door of Huang Da's house and found that the door of his house was open.

I opened the door and saw that Li Qinghan was there.

"Qinghan..." Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward and wanted to hold Li Qinghan's hand, but the other party gave him a cold look and avoided him.

Ma Xiaoquan scratched his scalp and laughed twice awkwardly.

"Master Huang, my people saw you leading my son, where are they?" Li Qinghan asked Huang Da.

Master Huang shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't seen your son."

This chapter has been completed!
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