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【177】Who is the first-generation head of the Ma family?

At night, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't wait to enter Xiu'er's boudoir.

During the day, Ling'er volunteered to take care of Xiu'er and Ma Xiaoquan's daughter, which happened to make room for Ma Xiaoquan and Xiu'er to be affectionate at night.

After a long drought, Xiu'er has never had the chance to have a good relationship with her husband since she gave birth to a child. This night, Xiu'er was like a future female warrior with super endurance, time and time again.


Ma Xiaoquan was able to handle it the first three times, but the fourth time, Ma Xiaoquan was obviously a little unable to do what he wanted.

Ma Xiaoquan once read in a book about "Seven Times in One Night". Now that he thinks about it, he has done it 4 times so far. Except for his waist, he clearly feels exhausted. Even every time when the heat spurts out,

No materials.

"Holy shit" for the fifth time, after Ma Xiaoquan took care of Xiu'er, he couldn't help but secretly cursed, "If this goes on, I will fucking die!"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and looked at Xiu'er beside him.

After the passion, the flush on Xiu'er's face had not completely faded away. Under the dim light, Ma Xiaoquan seemed to smell something wrong again.

Sure enough, before Ma Xiaoquan could recover, Xiu'er pounced on Ma Xiao's body again, shyly saying: "My husband, you are so good, my husband, I want more!"

When Ma Xiaoquan heard this, he was so frightened that he almost fell off the bed.

There was once a joke like this, saying that a corrupt official found a mistress. Every time after the passion, the corrupt official would ask the mistress if she was satisfied. Once, after the pleasure was over, the corrupt official continued to ask, but the mistress did not say anything, and just talked to the corrupt official again.

He came once. After the second time, the corrupt official asked again, but the mistress still didn't say anything. He came with him again. After the third time, the corrupt official did not dare to ask. At this time, the mistress suddenly said: I want more...


From then on, this corrupt official no longer dared to find this mistress...

Although Ma Xiaoquan is not a corrupt official, he has been corrupted five times. If it happens again, Ma Xiaoquan is sure that he will definitely die of exhaustion.

Therefore, Ma Xiaoquan calmly touched Xiu'er's neck, and suddenly he felt strong, Xiu'er's eyes rolled back and she fell asleep.

"Well..." After finishing Xiu'er, Ma Xiaoquan fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, although Ma Xiaoquan was very tired, he got up early because first he was afraid that Xiu'er would ask for it again, and secondly, he remembered that he had not named Xiu'er and his daughter yet.

In the past, Ma Xiaoquan had a hard time naming the girls under his command, so this time, Ma Xiaoquan waited for Xiu'er to wake up and delegated the naming rights to Xiu'er.

"Really? Sir, do you really want me to get up?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded.

Xiu'er danced happily, looking completely like a girl and not at all like a mother.

Xiu'er puffed out her little mouth and looked at the sky for a long time before saying, "Mr. sir, how about calling our daughter Qiao'er?"

Ma Xiaoquan asked: "nickname?"

Xiu'er nodded: "Xiu'er thought about it and gave her daughter a nickname. As for the correct name, her husband must come up with it."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled. It seemed that he was trying to avoid naming him, so let's do it.

Ma Xiaoquan thought hard and thought for a long time, but he still felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, Ma Xiaoquan remembered something:

When I went to my uncle's house with my father, I saw my uncle flipping through a very old parchment. The uncle said it was the genealogy of the Ma family. Ma Xiaoquan was particularly curious and asked the uncle: When did the genealogy of my Ma family begin?

The uncle said with certainty at that time: Starting from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty...

The more Ma Xiaoquan thought about it, the more mysterious it became. He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "It's not so evil, is it? Could it be that I am the first generation head of the Ma family?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought again: No, that's not right. I've looked through that sheepskin genealogy. It seems that there is a blank for the first-generation family head. Well, it shouldn't be. Maybe I've thought too much... It's just not right.

Ah, there is clearly a woman's name on the first page of the genealogy, what Ma Lan, what Ma Yan, what Ma...

"Wait?" Ma Xiaoquan shook his head and said to himself, "Damn it, if you work hard enough, let Malan do it."

Xiu'er has a good ear. As soon as Ma Xiaoquan opened his mouth, Xiu'er heard it.

"Ma Lan?" Xiu'er blinked her big eyes and looked at Ma Xiaoquan, "Ms. sir, Xiu'er thinks the name Malan is very good."

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment and asked: "Do you really feel good about it?"

Xiu'er nodded: "Is it really good, Lan? Well, Lan...Okay, let's call it Malan. Yo yo yo, little Malan yo, daddy has named you, yo yo yo, it's been so long.

Well, Xiao Malan finally has a name..." Xiu'er said, taking Xiao Malan from Ling'er's arms, kissing her left and right affectionately, making Ling'er next to her very envious.

Ling'er curled her lips and shook Ma Xiaoquan's arm: "Mr. Ling'er, I don't care, Ling'er still wants to be a mother."

When Ma Xiaoquan heard this, his expression became solemn.

You might say that it's okay that the arrangements are in place, but I fought Xiu'er five times last night. Even if I have the physical strength today, it's impossible.

Why? It will take a few days for this man to produce something in his body, right? He fought five times last night, not to mention whether there is any left, even the inventory, he has ejaculated completely.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and hugged Ling'er, comforting her and saying: "Ling'er, you don't understand now. Where is your sister Xiu'er, but there is a lot for you to learn. In this way, you first follow your Xiu'er

My sister is learning how to be a mother. As for me, I will also arrange for Xiu'er to teach you more. When you have learned enough, let's have a baby, okay?"

After hearing this, Ling'er felt reluctant, but still nodded and agreed.

Seeing that Linger agreed, Ma Xiaoquan took a long breath.

That night, Ma Xiaoquan held an emergency internal meeting. In addition to himself, Ma Xiaoquan and his six wives attended the meeting.

The main agenda of the internal meeting was about having children. Ma Xiaoquan reiterated his views and opinions. At the same time, following the emperor's habit, he made a brand with the names of the six beauties.

Playing with the sign in his hand, Ma Xiaoquan thought proudly: Although I only have six girls, they are all beautiful. Even if they are not as good as the emperor's three thousand beauties in the harem, I like them all. How can I be like the emperor who has three thousand pampering girls?

Body... I have delayed so many cardamom girls in vain.

A few days later, Ma Xiaoquan, who had regained his composure, began to try his own "brand-turning business."

Having said that, this turning of cards was indeed very interesting. In order to increase the fun, Ma Xiaoquan changed the turning of signs into drawing lots. At the same time, for the sake of fairness, Ma Xiaoquan invited six wives to supervise.

"Bah, bah!" Ma Xiaoquan vomited twice in his hand, turned around and said to his six wives, "Hey, you are all watching. My husband, I will not cheat. No one else is allowed to have an opinion about who I catch."


Diao Chan curled her lips: "Who knows whether my husband did anything in the lot, huh?"

Hua Lin said: "Sister Diaochan, my husband did not do any tricks. All the lots were made by Zhao Er, and we can't even see it."

Diao Chan felt relieved after hearing this.

Ma Xiaoquan, who was standing next to him, thought to himself with pride: Hehe, dear Diao Chan, you don’t know, right? I secretly benefited from Zhao Er’s drawings, and today, I will ask for you by name, hehe...


Ma Xiaoquan drooled as he thought about it.

"Suck" Ma Xiaoquan sucked back the saliva and reached out to grab it.

The lots that Zhao Er makes are very particular. Although they are the same length, size and thickness, they are still slightly different in feel.

As for the specific differences, only Ma Xiaoquan and Zhao Er know.

"That's it." Ma Xiaoquan made up his mind, grabbed a lot, and shook it proudly: "Well, let's see, who is this?"

As soon as the words came out, the six wives sat up straight.

Ma Xiaoquan raised his eyebrows, took a closer look, and said happily: "Ah, the person accompanying me tonight is our dear Diao Chan."

When Diao Chan heard this, she turned away in shame.

Ma Xiaoquan laughed loudly and rushed towards Diao Chan, picked her up, and then rushed to the bedroom like a wolf.

Regarding Diao Chan, Ma Xiaoquan actually didn't have much confidence in his heart. After all, in history, the existence of Diao Chan was a mystery. Some people said that Diao Chan was actually a horse; others said that Diao Chan was someone's wife;

Some people even say that Diao Chan is someone...

In any case, before seeing Diao Chan, Ma Xiaoquan didn't believe there could be such a person.

But when he saw Diao Chan with his own eyes, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly felt that sometimes history cannot be fully trusted.

And, no matter what, Diao Chan is now his wife again, which is simply the most wonderful thing in the world.

Ma Xiaoquan wanted to go back and show off beautifully to Ruan Longfei and the others, saying that he had adopted Diao Chan, one of the four beauties in ancient China, as his wife, but then he thought, what if Ming Yuexin knew?

"Yue'er..." Holding the sleeping Diao Chan closely, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly thought of Ming Yue Xin.

After a while, the image of Ming Yuexin and Hua Yuexin overlapped in my mind again...

A few days later, Diao Chan, Hua Lin and Miao Yu came to report at the same time, saying that the day when Luo Hong was supposed to come came did not come.

Hearing the news, Ma Xiaoquan was very happy. The implication was that these young ladies were already pregnant with his children.

On the side, Hua Yuexin and Ling'er protested very dissatisfied, because in these days of drawing lots, Hua Yuexin and Ling'er were not caught even once.

Ling'er said: "My husband is a scoundrel, a nuisance, a nuisance."

Hua Yuexin pouted: "Ms. sir, do you love me or not?"

Ma Xiaoquan laughed loudly and drew his bows from left to right, holding one arm around the other and comforting them: "You two are the best in martial arts. My husband is reluctant to let you become mothers so soon."

Xiao Jue said: Ma Xiaoquan, you scoundrel, you are so disgusting, you are probably out of energy, right? Ma Xiaoquan retorted: Damn, Jue Fengxuan, do you dare to write me as a stallion? If you dare, I will marry 10 more wives!

Xiao Jue said: This is a historical time travel story, not a stallion story. Being able to give you six wives is necessary for the plot, so save it. Ma Xiaoquan said: Damn, you are cruel! This reason is actually very far-fetched. I didn’t expect Hua Yuexin and Hua Yuexin to be together.

Ling'er actually nodded seriously.

Seeing that the prevarication was over, Ma Xiaoquan said no more. After all, after meeting with Yuan Shu, he learned that the solar recorder had fallen into Yuan Shao's hands. What Ma Xiaoquan was thinking about most now was how to get the solar recorder from Yuan Shao.

Something about coming back.

"Well..." Ma Xiaoquan thought for a while and then said to Hua Yuexin and Ling'er, "This time you two go with me."

The two girls said in unison: "Where are you going, Mr. Hu?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and said, "Go to Cao Cao!"

This chapter has been completed!
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