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【1922】Assassin League (11)

"Hey, hey, stop, stop, stop," Tian Shuiyi quickly walked between the two parties to smooth things over, "We came out to kill Ma Xiaoquan, not to engage in internal strife. We want you two to go back and fight again.

Give me Mr. Tian some face, you guys put down the knife first, put down the knife."

"Hmph~" The shadow guard and the ANBU rolled their eyes at each other and slowly put down their swords.

As soon as Tian Shui walked up to the shop owner, he said with a smile: "Boss, you can see who we are, right? In fact, we don't want to kill you. You just heard that we are chasing a man named Ma Xiaoquan.

As long as you, boss, know and tell us his whereabouts, we will guarantee that you will not die. As for you, continue to open your black shop here. Whether you make money or kill yourself, it has nothing to do with us. How about you?


Tian Shuiyi said, taking out a small hamster from his arms.

"Oh, come, let me meet my friend. This little guy likes to bite people, especially the soft parts of their bodies. Let me think about it, shop owner, where are the soft parts of your body?"

The shop owner shivered when he saw the little hamster. Although he didn't know how powerful the little thing was, the group of people in front of him were not good people, and the things in their hands were definitely not good things either.

"Wait a minute~" A shadow guard came out and said with squinted eyes, "There are three rooms in total. We live in two of them, and there is another room occupied by others. Why don't we go over and ask, if the question is wrong, forget it.

, right question, hum~~"

Everyone nodded in agreement, then selected one person each from the shadow guard and the ANBU, walked to the door of the room where Ma Xiaoquan lived, and knocked on the door.

On the beam of the house, Ma Xiaoquan's heart suddenly rose to his throat. It was not that he was afraid of facing the assassins, but that this kind of thing had happened again and again. There were endless assassins, and Ma Xiaoquan was a little annoyed.

Outside the house, the shadow guards and ANBU knocked on the door several times but received no response.

"What's going on? Didn't you say there is someone in this room?"

The shop owner smiled bitterly and said: "What time of the year is this? I must be asleep."

"There must be a ghost, there must be a ghost. That person might be Ma Xiaoquan." A shadow guard raised his leg and kicked the door. There was a click, and the door latch of the house was broken by the shadow guard, and the door followed.

It's open.

"Why is there no one?" The shadow guard stepped into the house, lit a candle and searched up and down.

The store owner was also very surprised. He clearly saw someone (Ma Xiaoquan) coming in and talking to them. What? What's going on, where is the person?

An ANBU grabbed the shop owner by the collar and asked, "Didn't you say there was someone there? Where is the person? Why is he missing?"

The shop owner shook his head and said, "I really don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't know. You won't believe anything I say. Instead of doing this, why not kill me with one knife?"

"Kill you? Hum~~ You have a beautiful idea." Huang Jialiang winked at a shadow guard. The latter understood and grabbed the shop owner's chin. Huang Jialiang quickly threw a shot into the shop owner's mouth.

It was a pill, and the shadow guard also moved very quickly to hold the shop owner's chin to prevent him from spitting it out.

With a "Gulu" sound, the shop owner swallowed the pill Huang Jialiang threw into his mouth. He looked at Huang Jialiang in horror.

"Haha, don't be afraid. This medicine won't kill you, but it will make your life worse than death. In fact, it's easy for you to get the antidote. You just need to cooperate with us."

The shop owner smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "I don't know Ma Xiaoquan you are talking about. I just wanted to make money. I didn't expect that I would encounter a problem."

"Haha, I told you not to be afraid. We actually have no grievances against you. Killing you will do us no good. If you ask for money, so will we."

"Uh, tell me, what should I do?"

A shadow guard asked: "Besides you, how many other accomplices are there in this inn?"

The shop owner shook his head: "It's just me."

"Then why do you want to open a black shop?"

"Ask for money, and then go have a good time and have a good time," the shop owner said, "There is a kiln house in a town not far from here, and the girls in it are all good."

Among the shadow guards and ANBU members present, there were several women. When they heard the shop owner talking about the kiln, these women frowned involuntarily. Although as an assassin, it is best to avoid such unnecessary emotions.

Yes, but out of instinct, I still have a strong dislike for the store owner.

"Kiln hall?" Tian Shuiyi was very attentive and caught important doubts from the shop owner's words. He turned to everyone and said, "Do you think Ma Xiaoquan will go to the kiln hall?"

On the beam, when Ma Xiaoquan heard Tian Shuiyi's question, he thought that I wouldn't go there. Wouldn't going there mean exposing me?

But everyone under the beam said in unison: "I will definitely go. Ma Xiaoquan is said to be famous for his lustful nature."

On the crossbar, Ma Xiaoquan was so angry that he almost rushed down and slapped each other in the face. You idiot, when did I become famous for being lecherous? Who the hell said that?

"Well, it's getting late now and we haven't had a good rest. I think it's better to take a rest and let's go to the kiln hall again. How about that?"

Several women in the team shook their heads and said, "That's where you men go, so we won't go there. If you want to go, go now."

The men looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, let's split up~"

After some further discussion, the men all chose to go to the kiln in the town, while only a few female assassins and the shop owner were left in the inn.

When the shop owner saw the men leaving, he was a little bit impatient. He thought that the female assassins were just showing off, so he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to counterattack.

It's a pity that these female assassins are very powerful, and they subdued the shop owner again before he could counterattack.

If women are ruthless, they are quite ruthless. Compared with the threats made by the men just now, these women directly went up and brutally tortured the store owner, and many of the punches and kicks were aimed at the lifeblood of the store owner.


Although Ma Xiaoquan didn't see it, judging from the sound coming from the shop owner, I'm afraid he will never be able to do that again.

Woman, so cruel~~~

The female assassins were tired and finally stopped. Seeing the shop owner who was bleeding from his crotch, they finally nodded to each other with satisfaction.

"Are we going to be too harsh?" asked a female assassin from ANBU.

"No, I hate this kind of man the most. He always gives up and always looks for flowers. So if I catch Ma Xiaoquan this time, I will definitely castrate him." said a female shadow guard assassin.

"Haha, you shadow guards are really cruel and ruthless."

"Hmph, ANBU are not good people either. I think you guys didn't go easy on that shop owner."

The room became quiet again, Ma Xiaoquan slowly jumped down from the beam, put his ear against the door, and listened to the noise outside.

At the moment, he is still in the house. If he goes out, he will definitely be discovered by the female assassins. Ma Xiaoquan doesn't want to meet them like this. After all, the group of men can't go far. What if some of them turn back in the middle?

It’s just that if you don’t get out of this house, you won’t be able to do anything behind it, right?

Frowning, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly remembered the mechanism at the corner of the bed.

Although I don’t know what it is, judging from Ma Xiaoquan’s experience, it shouldn’t be a very difficult mechanism.

"Let's try~~" Ma Xiaoquan walked to the bed softly, carefully groped for the mechanism, and pulled it with a little force. There was almost no sound. The originally flat bed collapsed in an instant.

"Sure enough, this is a trap." Ma Xiaoquan was secretly glad that he didn't make much noise. He opened the bottom mattress on the bed and finally saw the trap.

I thought it was just an ordinary pit, but when I opened it, I realized that it was not just a pit, but more like a passage because there was airflow passing through it.

Squinting his eyes and taking a photo of the fire in the pit, Ma Xiaoquan discovered some clues.

Judging from a person's usual sleeping habits, the trap just now was most likely accidentally stepped on by someone who usually sleeps on the bed. By the time they reacted, the person had already fallen into the trap.

Under the pit is a large net. It can be seen that the owner of this shop seems to be trying to catch people alive.

So the question is, what are you doing to catch people alive?

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan became more and more curious. Instead of continuing to speculate, it was better to go and find out.

Nodding, Ma Xiaoquan bit the Huozhezi in his mouth, grabbed the sides of the pit with both hands and feet, and gravity reduced his weight to the lightest, and then slowly climbed down.

The big net was closed. Ma Xiaoquan judged that it should be at the same moment when the trap opened. Unfortunately, no one was caught in the net, so it was empty.

"Pap~" Ma Xiaoquan touched the ground with both feet. The ground was a little soft, but not sticky to his feet. Well, it should have been water formed from moisture caused by not seeing light for a long time.

Moreover, the pit below is exactly what Ma Xiaoquan predicted. Directly in front of it is a passage, but it is not wide. People have to bend their backs to pass through.

Ma Xiaoquan thought about it again, and this design seemed very reasonable. After all, if a big net catches a person, if the catcher wants to pull the person away, he must bend his waist and pull the net hard.

I thought about the store owner's height again, and, well, it seemed to fit Ma Xiaoquan's guess.

"What's in front of you?" Ma Xiaoquan murmured softly.

This chapter has been completed!
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