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【202】You bastard

As the female voice fell, Ma Xiaoquan felt waves of cold air coming from all around him.

"Hey!" Ma Xiaoquan shook his head helplessly: "Actually, the last thing I want to do is use this. Well, you forced me."

After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan stamped his feet on the ground, concentrated all his energy, and shouted: "Green Spirit Aura!"

Along with the sound of stomping feet, green flames ignited all over Ma Xiaoquan. The flames tightly surrounded Ma Xiaoquan. Within two breaths, the color changed from light green to dark green.

"Explode!" Following Ma Xiaoquan's final command, the green spirit aura exploded with a "boom".

The green spirit aura cannot hurt people, but it can burn everything on a person's body.

Not long after his aura exploded, Ma Xiaoquan felt a pair of cold hands slap his chest.

Taking a closer look, he saw a beautiful woman standing naked in front of him, looking at him at a loss.

Ma Xiaoquan laughed loudly and took the woman into his arms. Regardless of whether she wanted it or not, he began to grope the woman's body with his hands unscrupulously.

The woman was frightened and wanted to break away, but Ma Xiaoquan was much stronger than him.

The woman was not stupid, she seemed to know the man's weakness, so she used all her strength to push her knee into Ma Xiaoquan's crotch.

Ma Xiaoquan's lower body is invincible. Although the woman tried her best, it was of no use.

Ma Xiaoquan kneaded the two peaks on the woman's chest, and then gently tapped the two pink spots with his fingertips.

The woman's body shook violently a few times, and then she let out a soft gasp.

"You bastard!" The woman suddenly rushed forward and bit Ma Xiaoquan hard on the shoulder.

Ma Xiaoquan felt pain in his shoulder and let go of the woman. The woman took the opportunity to jump back several steps, and then suddenly disappeared.

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan frowned, "How is it possible? How could such a situation happen?"

While I was thinking about it, I heard a female voice shouting from behind: "Go to hell, you scoundrel cunt!"

Ma Xiaoquan subconsciously turned his body to the left, and almost at the same moment, a sharp knife stabbed his right chest.

With a "Puff" sound, the sharp knife was inserted straight into the right chest.

"Uh" Ma Xiaoquan endured the pain and jumped back. He took a closer look and saw that the naked and beautiful woman just now appeared in front of him again at some point. However, this time, the woman was already covered with clothes.

A piece of white cloth.

Ma Xiaoquan held the handle of the knife on his right chest with one hand, and with the other hand, Ma Xiaoquan reached into his arms and touched the egg.

Since Ma Xiaoquan's immortal body is not perfect, Ma Xiaoquan always carries a couple of boiled eggs with him.

However, no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find it.

He looked down and saw that at the woman's feet was the boiled egg that fell out of his arms.

"No, it's not that bad, is it?" Ma Xiaoquan gritted his teeth helplessly and half-knelt on the ground with a sigh.

"Die Yin stick, your death is coming soon! Haha..."

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head, glanced at the woman in front of him, and said with a smile: "Okay, since I'm going to die, I have a request."

The woman took two steps back alertly, stared at Ma Xiaoquan and asked, "A dying person has any requests? Tell me."

Ma Xiaoquan pointed to the egg at the woman's feet: "I want to be so full because I haven't eaten yet."

The woman raised her eyebrows slightly, thought for a moment, and then gently kicked the egg to Ma Xiaoquan with her foot.

Just as Ma Xiaoquan reached out to take it, the woman suddenly appeared in front of him and pushed the egg away with her feet.

"Do you think I will be fooled by you? I want to watch you die in pain, hum!"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly: "I knew you wouldn't believe me so easily, so watch your steps."

The woman looked down and saw that she was standing in a circle.

"What are you doing?"

Ma Xiaoquan laughed and said: "You have been cursed by me. If you just walk out of this circle and take more than 100 steps, you will definitely die."

The woman looked at Ma Xiaoquan, as if she believed it, but also seemed not to believe it. She tried to put her foot out several times, but thought of what Ma Xiaoquan had just said, and pulled her foot back.

"Haha..." Ma Xiaoquan sat down on the ground and looked at the woman proudly, "Now, you and I are the same. It doesn't matter if I die, but it's a pity that you, so beautiful, are about to die, hey!


The woman glanced at Ma Xiaoquan contemptuously: "Do you think I'm afraid of death?"

"Why, aren't you afraid of death?"

The woman smiled, like a sad and lonely lotus.

"When Luo Shan pushed me out, my heart was already dead."

"Luo Shan?" Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and asked, "Are you Qing Yi?"

The woman asked back: "Do you know me?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "I know a little bit about it. All I know is the story I got from the old man in Mingsha Village."

The woman was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "You mean Lao Zhangtou, haha, he is a nice guy, so I won't kill him."

"Why, have you killed a lot of people in Mingsha Village?"

Qing Yi sighed and simply sat down cross-legged.

By the light of the torch, Ma Xiaoquan took a look at the crack in Qingyi's crotch.

Qing Yi seemed to realize something and quickly pulled down the white cloth on her body.

"You're about to die, but you're still unwilling to die?"

Ma Xiaoquan laughed dryly, leaned forward and picked up the egg.

Qing Yi didn't seem to care. She looked up at the night sky and sighed, "I haven't looked at the sky for a long time."

Ma Xiaoquan endured the pain and pulled out the knife from his chest.

"Zizz" was heard several times, and blood spurted out from the chest.

Ma Xiaoquan pressed the wound with his left hand and peeled the egg open with his right hand.

After swallowing the eggs in two mouthfuls, Ma Xiaoquan looked up and found Qing Yi looking at him in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Ma Xiaoquan asked, wiping his lips.

"You really want to be a full-fledged ghost..."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled, and after adjusting his breathing a few times, the wound on his chest had healed.

In order not to let Qing Yi notice, Ma Xiaoquan deliberately pretended to be short of breath, and after a while he said: "I have a question. Before I die, can you tell me what happened in Mingsha Village?"

Qing Yi looked at Ma Xiaoquan: "You are about to die, can you insist on listening to me?"

Ma Xiaoquan pretended to be uncomfortable and rolled twice, just in time to roll to Qing Yi's side.

"Just say it, maybe I will die as you say it. Of course, it is a good thing to die next to a beauty."

Qing Yi shook her head helplessly: "You are really unreasonable, well, in that case..." Qing Yi said, conjuring a long rope from somewhere and tying up Ma Xiaoquan.

Qing Yi's rope-tying skills were surprisingly good, and Ma Xiaoquan was tied up tightly like a rice dumpling. Fortunately, Qing Yi did not forcefully pull away Ma Xiaoquan's hand covering his chest, otherwise the secret would be exposed.

"What...what are you doing?"

Qing Yi said: "I don't want to see you die tragically, but I also don't want you to sneak up on me and attack me. Don't worry, I will untie the rope after you die."

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Aren't you afraid that my flame will burn this rope?"

Qing Yi proudly said: "I have soaked this rope with special potion, and the flame will burn continuously."

Ma Xiaoquan said oh, but said in his heart: Silly woman, brother, my green spirit fire is not an ordinary flame.

Lying next to Qing Yi, Ma Xiaoquan quietly concentrated on trying to burn off the potion rope tied to his body bit by bit with the green spirit fire.

In order not to let Qing Yi notice, Ma Xiaoquan rolled several times and pretended to feel uncomfortable.

Qing Yi thought Ma Xiaoquan was about to die, so she stopped talking. She stared at Ma Xiaoquan quietly, with a meaning that was difficult to figure out in her eyes.

Ma Xiaoquan rolled around and screamed over and over again.

Qing Yi said: "Seeing that you are in so much pain, why don't I give you another knife and end your life?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought that the opportunity had come, and quickly responded "painfully": "Okay... come on..."

Qing Yi picked up the dagger from the ground, turned around, and walked slowly towards Ma Xiaoquan. As he walked over, Qing Yi did not forget to count his steps gently: "yi...two...


Ma Xiaoquan stood up "with difficulty", squinting his eyes, waiting for Qing Yi to come to the door.

"Young man, if I let you run away, if I don't execute you on the spot today, I won't call you Ma Xiaoquan, hum..."

At this time, the potion rope on Ma Xiao's body has been burned into an empty shell by his green spirit fire. As long as Ma Xiaoquan pulls lightly, the rope will break.

Walking in front of Ma Xiaoquan, Qing Yi looked up at Ma Xiaoquan proudly. Just as he was about to raise his knife, Qing Yi suddenly asked: "Why is your hair purple?"

Ma Xiaoquan squinted his eyes and asked, pretending to be uncomfortable, "You want to know why?"

Qing Yi hummed.

"Then be my woman, haha..." As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Xiaoquan fiercely rushed towards Qing Yi.

At such a close distance, Qing Yi couldn't react at all. She subconsciously wanted to raise the dagger to defend herself, but unfortunately, her hand was restrained by Ma Xiaoquan.

"You..." Qing Yi was about to speak, but her mouth was blocked.

Ma Xiaoquan once again kneaded Qing Yi's body unscrupulously, and at the same time, he shamelessly blocked Qing Yi's mouth with his mouth.

After several attempts, Ma Xiaoquan successfully used his tongue to open Qing Yi's teeth.

The moment the two tongues met, Qing Yi's body shook violently, and the white cloth on his body fell to the ground with a "slipping" sound.

In response to the call for safety and harmony, I will omit 400 words here. This night... I had no sleep.

The next morning, when Qing Yi woke up, she realized that she had been taken away by this purple-haired man.

Looking at the bright red blood stain on the white cloth, Qing Yi's heart became complicated.

"You bastard!" Qingyi suddenly cried.

She picked up the dagger from beside her, held it in her hand, and closed her eyes gently.

Just as he was about to stab himself in the chest, one hand knocked the dagger away.

"Want to commit suicide? There is no way!"

This chapter has been completed!
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