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【2329】The Last War (3)

Yang Jie's words left Princess Ting and Leng Jianguo speechless.

In fact, it's not that the Black and Green Army is not powerful, nor is it that Princess Yang Jieting and Leng Jianguo's leadership is incompetent. The main reason is that the Wanshiguo coalition is too tough and has better equipment than the Black and Green Army.

Everyone says that the strength of the Heiqing Kingdom is comparable to that of the Wanshi Kingdom. After more than ten years of war, the military strength of the two countries is still stronger than that of the Wanshi Kingdom. Of course, it is only stronger. Although the Wanshi Kingdom has annexed

They acquired more than two-thirds of Hongzhou's land, but they paid the highest price. Moreover, due to the bloody suppression of Wanshi Kingdom, even if they owned more than two-thirds of the land, the people on those lands

I still have to resist and fight from time to time.

Therefore, the Wanshi Kingdom adjusted its strategic policy. They began to choose cultural cleansing five years ago and actively appointed Dalanina and other Mi people who originally belonged to Hongzhou as agents. On the one hand, they actively promoted the beauty of the Wanshi Kingdom and submitted to the Wanshi Kingdom.

On the other hand, they also began to brutally implement the anti-gang culture movement.

The anti-Heiqing culture movement is nothing more than the complete eradication of the language and writing of the Heiqing country. Hongzhou is the territory of the Heiqing country. Although each tribe also has its own writing and language, people usually communicate in Heiqing country.

Mandarin is the main language, and the characters used for communication are mostly black and green Chinese characters.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but at least when Ma Xiaoquan first came to this world, he was surprised to find that the characters and language of Heiqing Country were what he calls Chinese and Chinese characters in modern society. Of course, the expressions of certain sentences and the writing of fonts are still the same.

It's different, but overall, it's very close.

After a long time, Leng Jianguo said: "Fortunately, although the Wanshi Kingdom has seized more than two-thirds of Hongzhou's land, because their rule was still short, even if they implemented a cultural cleansing campaign, they still had little effect.

Of course, we cannot take it lightly, and the people we send out to carry out sabotage and assassination cannot stop."

Yang Jie nodded.

Princess Ting said: "It's just a small fight like this. Apart from causing trouble for Wanshi Kingdom, it can't achieve any results. If you ask me, we have to fight them a few times, or a final war will decide the outcome."


Yang Jie and Leng Jianguo nodded in agreement.

"I think Wanshiguo also has this idea. After all, the United Nations is now in alliance with Wanshiguo. We do underestimate Zhao Wenyi a little." Yang Jie said, looking at Princess Ting.

Princess Ting smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Zhao Wenyi is my brother, and what he said was my father's decision. I can only say that what I try my best to do is to find ways to persuade them not to be enemies with us."

"Difficult~" Yang Jie shook his head, "I don't know what Zhao Wenyi wants, but I probably know what Zhao Yuntai wants."

"What?" Leng Jianguo and Princess Ting asked in unison.

Yang Jie grinned and said a person's name: "Ma Xiaoquan!"

"Huh?" Leng Jianguo was stunned for a moment after hearing the name, and then shook his head in confusion. Princess Ting narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and she couldn't understand Yang Jie's conclusion.

Yang Jie saw the two frowning and explained: "Jianguo and I are members of the Ten People. Although your father is not a member of the Ten, he is our first teacher. Jianguo, do you remember what the teacher said at the beginning?

What does he want to do most in his life?"

Leng Jianguo dragged his chin and thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head, snapped his fingers and said, "Restore his abilities."

"Yes, to restore his ability, you and I both know how terrifying the teacher was when his ability was at its peak. It is not an exaggeration to say that if the teacher in his prime was standing in front of us now, let alone the Mi tribe, he would be the Wanshi Kingdom.

He has a solution for the hundreds of thousands of coalition troops."

Leng Jianguo nodded and said to Princess Ting: "In the past, when you went to teach me to fight in Hongzhou, he could only use less than 50% of his abilities. You must know this better than us, right?"

Princess Ting nodded: "Yes, my father also said at the beginning that if he were at his peak, Hongzhou would have been captured by him long ago."

"Then here's the question~" Yang Jie chuckled, "Princess Ting, has Ma Xiaoquan told you that besides having the same origin as the teacher, what else does he have?"

Princess Ting thought for a while and said: "The Extreme Soldiers, yes, they are the Extreme Soldiers. They all belong to the Extreme Soldiers of their time. My father is Ma Xiaoquan's predecessor, and... he seems to be from the Heart of Time."

Former owner."

"Heart of time?" Yang Jie and Leng Jianguo were stunned. They tried hard to recall the past. For a long time, they both patted their heads and said, "Yes, that's the heart of time, that's the heart of time. Ting

Princess, do you know what the Heart of Time is?"

Princess Ting shook her head: "I don't know, but I once heard Ma Xiaoquan say that the Heart of Time is in his body, so he is very powerful, but he also said that not everyone can integrate the Heart of Time.

It can be said that those who can integrate the heart of time are considered the chosen ones."

"No wonder~~" Yang Jie and Leng Jianguo looked at each other and sighed together.

"If Ma Xiaoquan comes back, maybe our final battle will be more certain."

At this point, the three of them sighed in unison.

At this moment, the door of the room banged open from the outside, and a black and green soldier panted and shouted: "Your Majesty, Princess Ting, Chief Leng, it's not good, it's not good, forever."

The Union Army suddenly launched an attack on our front line."

"What?" Yang Jie and the others stood up, "When did it happen?"

"An hour ago, that Qingluan, that Qingluan took the lead..."

"Qingluan..." Yang Jie kicked over the table next to him, "Qingluan, is it still Qingluan, what can we do to deal with him?"

Princess Ting and Leng Jianguo did not speak, because Qingluan could control fire, and the kind of flame he controlled was the red lotus fire that Ma Xiaoquan had used.

"This can't continue like this. Our chassis continues to decrease because of that Qingluan. If we don't get rid of that Qingluan, we will continue to lose." Leng Jianguo gritted his teeth, "Yang Jie, in this battle, they

This sudden sneak attack may be our last war, I can no longer stay behind, I want to fight."

"I also want to fight!" Princess Ting stepped forward.

Yang Jie looked at the two of them and nodded: "It's the final battle, I'll fight too!"

The three people stretched out their right hands and folded them together, and shouted in unison: "We will definitely defend Hongzhou and unify Hongzhou!"


Frontline battlefield.

Qingluan waved his fists left and right, charging back and forth from the Black and Green Army's camp. Over the past ten years, he has become extremely proficient in the use of Red Lotus's domineering fire. In addition to the "Fire Release: Divine Fireball Technique" he originally studied, he also

He has successively developed two major killing moves, "Red Flame Protector" and "Hongyan Bahuang". Among them, the Red Flame Protector uses himself as a dot, forming a circle of flame within a range of about two meters around it. Anyone who comes into contact with the flame circle

Everyone will be burned to death. What's even more frightening is that this red flame protection can gather around his body and form a flame armor for him, which is not only invulnerable, but can also cause damage on contact.

As for the Eight Desolations of Red Flame, it is the ultimate killing move that Qingluan has developed in the past two years. This move consumes a lot of physical energy. Once used, not a single blade of grass or armor will be left within a radius of five miles.

Qingluan had only used this move once during the war two years ago. It was precisely because of this move that he changed the decline of the Wansiguo coalition.

"Drink~~" Qingluan shouted angrily and waved his fist. The red flame fist bombarded a group of black and green soldiers, making a burning sound. The group of black and green soldiers screamed and fell to the ground.

It kept rolling, but wherever the red lotus fire passed, it didn't stop until it was burned and vaporized.

"Haha..." Qingluan was like a condescending king, harvesting the heads of the Black and Green Army to his heart's content. This sudden attack was initiated by him because he was very confident and wanted to attack as soon as possible.

Completely kill all the Black and Green Army, because...Qingluan fell in love with the princess of Wanshi Kingdom. If he wants to be the consort, he must submit the most perfect answer sheet to Wanshi Kingdom, and the best

The answer, of course, is to completely destroy the Black and Green Army.

Zhao Bier hid behind the shield formed by the Allied Forces of the Wansi Kingdom and shouted at Qingluan: "Qingluan, be careful~~"

Qingluan glanced at Zhao Bier coldly, and his heart was filled with disdain. He knew that Zhao Bier liked him and was willing to sacrifice his life for him, but Qingluan just didn't feel anything for Zhao Bier. Maybe it was because he was used to Zhao Bier's existence, no matter if it was his own

Zhao Bi'er followed him in daily life and on the front line, so Qingluan took it for granted that Zhao Bi'er was good to him, and that was what she should be like. Who made her like him?

Half an hour later, Qingluan, who had exhausted most of his physical strength, finally stopped. Seeing the black and green troops on the front line suffering more than a thousand casualties, Qingluan laughed proudly.

The next thing Qingluan will do is to be handed over to the Allied Forces of the Wansi Kingdom. His role is to break the morale of the Black and Green Army. He has almost done it now. He has to take a short rest and continue the killing spree later.

Without Qingluan's help, the main force of the Black and Green Army could finally withstand the attack of the main force of the Allied Forces of the Wanshi Kingdom. However, due to the severe blow to their morale, the Black and Green Army's intention to fight and retreat was obvious.

The war lasted for three days. During these three days, the Black and Green Army continued to shrink its defense, while the Allied Forces of the Wanshi Kingdom continued to attack and advance.

On the fourth day, the battlefield has spread to the outskirts of Thorn City. Under the command of Yang Jie, Princess Ting and Leng Jianguo, the Black and Green Army withstood two waves of attacks by the Allied Forces of the Wansi Kingdom with terrain advantages. Qingluan was complacent due to negligence.

, was shot in the calf by Yang Jie with an arrow. Due to the pain of his flesh, Qingluan chose to cultivate himself. Anyway, the current war was beneficial to the Wanshi Kingdom, and Qingluan did not mind letting the Black and Qing Army live a few more days.

This chapter has been completed!
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