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【2298】Encountered aliens?

"Well, it's a pity, it's a pity. Mingfa gave you several super capsules back then, but you destroyed them all. One of them contained night vision."

"I'm going, is it so miserable? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I told you earlier? If I told you earlier, would you do it?"

"Then I don't care. Either you talk to me and I won't be afraid anymore, or you can think of a way to create a superpower for me."

"Why don't you go to heaven?" Yuan responded angrily, "You overloaded and used space teleportation that I shouldn't have used twice in a row, which has made me extremely weak. Now that you can have a little bit of gravitational superpower,

That’s lucky.”

Ma Xiaoquan sighed: "You are useless now and I can't use your abilities. So what's the use of my so-called aggregation?"

"Aggregation? Oh yes, oh yes, how could I have forgotten your own ability, Ma Xiaoquan, your polymerization superpower is not just an ordinary aggregation, you try to call the surrounding things."

"Calling? What do you mean?"

Yuan did not answer quickly, but was silent for about twenty seconds before responding: "Ming Yuexin's telepathy superpower actually evolved due to the complex changes that occurred after your body fluids entered her body, so according to the principle

Speaking of which, you may also have some weak telepathy. Well, in your case, it should not be called telepathy, but a collective ability to call on surrounding things to get a response."

"Fuck, why do you say it so complicatedly, I can't understand it at all?"

"If you don't understand, just do it~"

Ma Xiaoquan spread his hands helplessly: "Then what should I do?"

"I don't know!" Yuan said simply, "Okay, I'm very weak. Don't disturb me. Goodbye!"

Ma Xiaoquan was stunned. He called Yuan again, but Yuan no longer responded to him.

"What a mess~" Ma Xiaoquan, helpless, could only take a few deep breaths, slowly calmed down and closed his eyes.

It's pitch black all around and you can't see anything. If you close your eyes, you can better activate the functions of your other sensory organs.

Slowly, Ma Xiaoquan's ears began to hear some sounds that he could not hear just now, and the exposed skin on his arms seemed to be able to feel the surge of air around him.

This is actually just because of the instinctive amplification of the functions of other sensory organs after temporarily closing his eyes. It should have nothing to do with the aggregation mentioned by Yuan, but... As Ma Xiaoquan's heart became calmer and quieter, he actually felt that he could touch

He came across something he couldn't describe.

Dimly, Ma Xiaoquan raised his right hand, and he felt as if there was something on his right hand side.

I reached out and grabbed it, but couldn't catch anything, but the real feeling still existed, and it became clearer and clearer.

I opened my eyes suddenly, and the feeling just now disappeared in an instant.

"What is going on?" Ma Xiaoquan was surprised by what he had just felt. Although he was not sure what it was, it was as real as before his eyes.

He closed his eyes again to feel, but this time, his mood was not as calm as before. The strange feeling always appeared in his mind unconsciously, so no matter how hard he concentrated, he would always be at the last moment.

ended in failure.

"What exactly is polymerization superpower?" Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Since he can no longer understand, he can only move on. Although his eyes are dark, for Ma Xiaoquan, such a path-finding is not difficult for him at all.

Reaching out to drop a branch, Ma Xiaoquan moistened the pad of his right thumb with saliva and carefully rubbed the broken button of the value a few times.

"Well, the north is the direction of half past two on the left." Ma Xiaoquan dropped the branch, smiled slightly, and headed towards the direction of half past two on the right.

After walking for about ten minutes, Ma Xiaoquan saw a faint light not far away.

According to Master Wang, there is a pillar on the house where Huang Chi lives in Fengdeng Village in the north of the city, and there is candlelight all year round. Judging from this, that weak light should be Huang Chi's residence.

With a clear direction, Ma Xiaoquan moved forward quickly, and in about five minutes, he came to the light.

Sure enough, Master Wang didn't lie to him. He raised his head and looked around. Under the near-dark surroundings, the ray of light easily highlighted the cylinder. Even though the outline was not clear, he could still make a rough judgment.

"Bang bang bang~" Ma Xiaoquan raised his hand and knocked on the door. The sound from the door echoed in this secluded countryside, giving people a very strange feeling.

"Who?" Suddenly, a deep man's voice came from nowhere.

Ma Xiaoquan did not panic, but said calmly: "Help Master Wang deliver the things."

The other party did not respond, but the next moment, the door opened, and before Ma Xiaoquan could react, Huang Chi was already standing in front of him.

"Is that you?" Huang Chi used his flashlight and shone it unceremoniously on Ma Xiaoquan's face. After seeing his appearance clearly, he frowned and asked, "Why did Lao Wang let you come?"

Ma Xiaoquan smiled slightly, stepped forward and pushed Huang Chi's flashlight away: "Actually, you should be able to guess it's me, right?"

Huang Chi was not surprised, but just said, "Where are the things?"

Ma Xiaoquan took out the parts from his pocket and threw them to Huang Chi. The latter caught it, opened it and touched it for a long time, then shook his head, as if he didn't understand.

"What, do you think this part is fake?"

Huang Chi shook his head: "No, I just wonder why such a rough handmade part became one of the components of that equipment."

"Rough?" Ma Xiaoquan smiled bitterly and shook his head. In fact, with Master Wang's skills, it is amazing to be able to make such parts under such crude conditions. You, Huang Chi, actually said it was rough?

"By the way, since you are here, come in and sit for a while. We can chat about you and your companions," Huang Chi said.

"My companion?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Do you still think that your opponent and I are on the same team?"

Huang Chi shook his head: "I'm not sure, but someone can help me be sure!"

"Why, is there anyone else in your family?"

Huang Chi smiled mysteriously and waved to Ma Xiaoquan, gesturing to enter the house together.

Although Ma Xiaoquan felt that it was a bit dangerous, he had already come. If he refused, he would not have a chance to explore the things he wanted to explore.

He gritted his teeth and followed Huang Chi into the house.

In the room, a faint fragrance came to my face. A woman with yellow hair and skin that could almost be described as silver-white was sitting at the table. Her hands were not big, but their fingers were very long.

The length is harmonious, and her face looks like a European and American, but it doesn't seem to be exactly the same.

The woman also saw Ma Xiaoquan, she smiled slightly and nodded, then stood up slowly.

It was okay not to stand up. Once he stood up, Ma Xiaoquan realized that this woman was actually very tall, nearly two meters tall. If Huang Chi's house hadn't had a high roof, this woman would have easily been able to poke through the roof with her hand.

"Who is this?" Ma Xiaoquan looked at Huang Chi, meaning you have to make an introduction, right?

Huang Chi did not speak, but the woman spoke first: "Hello, my name is...well, you can call me Kasnar."

"Casnar?" Ma Xiaoquan narrowed his eyes, "Are you a foreigner?"

The woman smiled: "Foreigners? This definition seems to be the general term used by this country for people who look different from them."

Huang Chi chuckled: "That's right~ I used to call him that."

Logically speaking, ordinary people would not think too much about the conversation between a woman and Huang Chi. Although it is the early 1980s and foreign women with Gundam are not common in China, they are definitely not that rare.

It's just that...the woman's hands with long fingers are really hard for Ma Xiaoquan to forget.

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan added another sentence: "You are an alien, right?"

The woman who was smiling with Huang Chi was suddenly startled when she heard Ma Xiaoquan's words. However, her face did not seem to be able to express any surprise, but her next words were very straightforward: "Why did you do that?"

You think so?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "Instinctively, maybe~"

"Instinct?" The woman sat down and motioned Ma Xiaoquan to sit down as well. Her hands with very long fingers slowly held her chin. She looked at Ma Xiaoquan meaningfully, and then said to Huang Chi, "This person is very...


Huang Chi hummed.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Ma Xiaoquan looked at the woman.

The woman smiled: "Alien? Well, this word, on your... well, on this planet, yes, is it a collective name that people on your planet use for species that are different from yours?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "Not exactly, it depends on the species."

"Interesting~ I didn't expect that in this day and age, there would be such a person that made me even a little interested..."

Facing this woman repeatedly mentioning words like planet and people, Ma Xiaoquan's heart suddenly twitched.

A long time ago, when he was a national special forces soldier, he destroyed a scientific research institute during a mission. When he was cleaning up the scientific research institute, Ma Xiaoquan saw some shocking information, which was different from what people usually know.

The messages are completely different, because these messages are specifically used to study alien creatures or races.

Because of the mission, Ma Xiaoquan just collected the information and handed it in, without continuing to read it or leaving any backup. After he retired from the national special forces (and was fired for making mistakes), he joined by accident.

After becoming an Extreme Soldier in the underground world, he came into contact with similar information. Because the technology in the underground world is much more advanced, plus his special identity as an Extreme Soldier, he can obtain a lot of information about alien races or creatures.

Read some.

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